- 7. Mai 2023
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- Category: Allgemein
I am not one so have no particular axe to grind, but at the end of the day these people are Barbadians and have every right to buy homes in Barbados. What a load from bajan people who seem to expect the world owes them everything. I think Barbados land law is to blame also. : I assume you are being sarcastic.If not, good for you.Hope you will be alive in 10 to 15 years to enjoy it all. Showing Editorial results for sir charles williams. The roof is probably thick enough to support a house but a wise thing before building in the area would be to get someone with ground penetrating radar to advise on what is under ground. Trump flying from Florida to face criminal charges in New York, Shaw goal in vain as City slip to 2-1 defeat, Graham Potter sacked by Chelsea after less than seven months in charge, Saudis to cut oil production by 500,000 barrels per day, At least 26 dead as storms ravage parts of US, Guyana Harpy Eagles win West Indies Championship Title, NCF opens registration for Crop Over 2023. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Personally, I would never get a foreigner to decorate my house here the whole idea of a Barbadian home is that it is truly Barbadian, inside and out. Now, because people like CO Williams decided to make Barbados a place for the rich and famous without giving much thought to the repercussions for poor Blacks, I see the next generation of Black Bajans being tossed right back into the situation Blacks from my grandparents generation were in. We are grateful to be in a position . Anyway, it is being reported that Osama Bin Laden is dead, so I am going to log out and go and watch the news. Any black Bajan who sold land to COW on the buying spree he boasting about should be drawn and quartered the govertnment should consider where necessary to compulsorily acquire any land this selfish greedy cow bought .Without doubt in that land buying spree racism involved. Sir Charles was passionate about Barbados, C.O. Lady Sandra Williams: . In as much as Sir Charles was a millionaire, he worked like a man who was now starting out in business and displayed an ethos that is worthy of emulation. November 23, 2021 When the history of Barbados is written, there will surely be a prominent place for the name Sir Charles Othneil Williams. He spent three years there before returning to Barbados. After Tomas passed, I took a walk and wound up talking with some older persons in Wildey area. A man who loved the land, he was reputed to be the largest private landowner in Barbados. It is at times like these that Bajans claim that God is one of us. He blasted the judicial system for the light sentences such offenders received. PS Cows white pet pig it appears is of of more value to him than any broken down Bajan heritage building. Click here to read The Barbados Advocate #BTEditorial Salvation Army has Barbadians vote of confidence, #BTEditorial St Thomas promised relief but many simply want action, #BTEditorial Making room for dissent, even in the choir, #BTEditorial We need to move faster than speed against our newest drug scourge, #BTEditorial A positive move by Cave Shepherd, Police investigate accident at Lodge Hill. We at Barbados TODAY had the honour of conducting one of the last interviews Sir Charles did with any local media. May God give you peace in your hearts. Politically Tired Copyright Ember Distribution | Solved by: Please note that the funeral for Marcellus Louis is on Thursday, July 15th, 2021 at 2:00 PM, Topic: Grieving Differently with COVID 19, In this Social Work Season 2021 of Love and Loss Sunday March 21 takes us to a place of 'Loss'. With free education some bajans waste it and then blame others for their non-achievements. Barbados: Cricket legend Sir Garfield Sobers in 'shock' over decision Either that or, like many White Bajans, he just doesnt want to be in the company of Black folks beyond a certain level. He appeared to be Indian or mixed race. Deepest condolences to the family of Sir Charles his brother Ralph Bizzy and the Williams family circle as we say thank you for Moving The Earth to Please among the many other magnificent contributions you have done while sharing the space on earth. Honestly, it is starting to get kind of annoying watching members of the BNB show up after- the- fact to complain about demolished properties. Currently I live 7 months in Canada and 5 months here. hey .. dont be surprised if the residents get flooded out occasionally although St. Lucy is a dry parish. Can Barbados successfully tap the exploding Chinese tourismmarket? We are not going to do major research before making each comment to make sure everything we say is plausible. Thank you all for your patience. Part of the fabric of our lives we will miss you . Those who object to our opinions can do research and collect data and publish it here for everyone to see. I was typing my last comment at the same time you were typing yours, so if it looks like I have dismissed what you said, I have not. But he was also determined to do so, not by taking short-cuts but by being known for quality workmanship and ethical practices. Sir Charles Williams | GIS Mr. Williams could make lots of money and oodles of goodwill in this island if he would build affordable, attractive housing for local people. I had all and all three cost me a fortune.. Sir Charles was in the business of making money yes, but when he spoke of his project, his dreams, his plans, it was always in terms of how many jobs it would create and how much foreign exchange it would earn and how the society would benefit, she stated.Tributes were paid in song by Rose Gemmell and John Yarde.The body of Sir Charles was interred at the St. James Cemetery. Sign up and stay up to date with Barbados' FREE latest news. Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 729 5677 5447Passcode: 3setrz, Come and stay for the Social Worker love of a loved one. Rest well . The mainstream media has opted not to tell the public details of the case. During my parents generation and my generation, Blacks started to make social and financial gains. From the comments made, one could similarly extract other examples of generalizations. And what does he want Bajans to do ?? stepchild. They will have to choose between migrating to foreign countries, which are becoming increasingly hostile to immigrants, or stay in Barbados and live in one of the tiny, cramped, unsightly housing projects that the government is building for Black Bajans. @John Would be nice if the Barbados radar were working so we could see a bit further but for now. Heard that COW wasnt all that he says he is. In one fell swoop, the family lost their income and home. The family invites you to view the live streaming of the viewing on Sunday, November 28, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., to view, please click here. Thirty years of teaching history at university taught me that the one topic that was guaranteed to draw responses from everyone in a class, even the most introverted wallflower, was race. Sir Charles Williams | Lyndhurst Funeral Home Barbados @measurement. Firstly in colonial times and now consolidated in the post independence era in alliance with the brown and black Bajan middle class, Syrian and Indian capital. They have been helped uncritically by a succession of black political clowns of both parties brown nosing, sycophantic shufflealongs, tugging at their forelocks with one hand and the other outstretched for the inevitable kickback and bribe. Now you can read the Jamaica Observer ePaper anytime, anywhere. Grandfather of Oliver, Camilla, Dane, Lilly, Charlie and Sam. When the history of Barbados is written, there will surely be a prominent place for the name Sir Charles Othneil Williams. Barbadian business magnate Sir Charles Cow Williams has died. Williams is the founder of C O Williams Construction Ltd, which has undertaken projects across the Caribbean including airports, hydro-electric power plants and golf courses. Charles, who owned a single pair of shoes, sometimes went barefoot to school. They want to keep selling land to keep money flowing into their offsprings hands. If he is so terrified of losing his land ownership, he could lease the land that the houses are built on. I have never seen a case in which a poor White Barbadian challenged a rich Black Barbadian in any situation. If youre overseas and you let more than (what is it these days 3 houses?) I also want to look into the Mark Goodridge case, because I am not familiar with that case. Sir Charles (Cow) Williams would have been 89 yesterday but sadly died on Friday 19 November in Bayview Hospital in Barbados, to where he had been taken earlier last week. I expect the reporters on the news to have verified facts, because the TV station is not a blog. I am not a fan of CO Williams. Father of Stephen, Teddy and Charmaine. Airline Partnership opportunities gained, lost andpossible, Guns, guns and more guns Welcome to the newBarbados, James Lynch LIAT probably gone in less than twoyears, Dr. Karl Watson of Barbados National Trust SHOCKED by Sandals environmentaldamage. Your email address will not be published. Sir Charles, known by the moniker COW was unapologetic about his brash Bajan accent, his no-nonsense style and aggressive business practices. view all You say it was recently built and I dont think that is the case. Please, Cow developed polo in Barbados and in 2009 his team won the Queens Cup. If he has any allegiance its to the super rich, white, black or polka-dot. also bring foreign currency into the country. That will be the real test of the man and his portrayal of himself. ), {JustSayingBajan In my lifetime, I saw poor Black Bajans from my grandparents generation living in poverty. The Republic Bank 2023 Sir Charles Williams International Fishing Tournament has officially started. Many Bajans, like the ones ranting about Bajans being envious of CO Williams, have forgotten the past. Bajans do not understand their own land today like their ancestors at one time did. Thats what happened to COW. How is your bank account? Firstly :NO man is self made ! Other countries, with land prices at a more reasonable level also have returning Nationals. There is much academic work still to be done on the social pathology of race in Barbados and to explain why it is that the generalized view is that race assumes greater prominence and generates greater interest in this island. Prince Charles arrives in Barbados ahead of state visit Barbadian-born all-rounder Sir Garfield Sobers, 85, voiced his disappointment after the Caribbean nation decided to become a republic. But his determination and self-belief have propelled him to many accomplishments, dismissing the failures as part of lifes journey., At that event, C.O. Sir Charles' family, friends pay respects - nationnews.com Educated at The Lodge School, Cow Williams built the Williams group of companies with his younger brother, Bizzy, pioneered construction, mining, dairy farming, horticulture, agriculture, housing, electrical contracting and more. . He was knighted in 2000 by Queen Elizabeth II for his contributions to Barbados development. We wanted to have something happen for ONE PERSON and thats what we did. The feature you speak of in the eighties was done by one Al Gilkes there was a feature around 2002 or so in the Nation produced by that jackass Mike Williams nowadays he calls himself Mike Will hes COw pr the late Ikel Tafari commented then that every single one of CO Williams numerous companies was headed by white people in a 95% black country where the lion share of CO. Williams riches is derived from black taxpayers. Jolly Roger Back in Time Cruise Saturdaynight! Making them rethink how to get things done and setting new goals. Required fields are marked *. Because BFP is a blog site open for varied opinions does not give one licence not to think before posting pig ignorant unsubstantiated bilge, gossip and tosh. Bajan people are too lazy both mentally to think of ways to elevate themselves and physically to go out and work. Surrounded by friends, family, employees, investment partners and large and imposing construction equipment, Sir Charles was in his element. And Sir Charles was right there letting them know in no uncertain terms that . @HM & Apes Hill Villa OwnerI would prefer a Barbadian buying Barbados/property in Barbados any day over a foreignernot that I have anything personal against foreigners as my wife is onebut we need to support our own..and what is wrong with a Barbadian reinvesting his money in Barbados.would you prefer he took it elsewhere???.really! He said that people shouldnt get upset if Trinidadians build manufacturing plants on land and sell the properties to Bajans for less than what Bajans could purchase them for in Barbados and create employment for Trinidadians. Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley paid tribute to Sir Charles. Get my drift and when my business starts to thrive in about 10 to 15 years I will then spend on luxury when I can afford it CASH no CREDIT!! JB, Pingback: Sir Charles Williams Welcome to our home and Barbados | Business is a Lifestyle. Land sold to foreigners is unlikely to ever return to Barbadian hands again, let alone be rented back to Barbadians. To the family of Sir Charles Williams family, we offer our condolences, may he RIP. I think a lot of the flooding that is occurring in Barbados is the result of too much concrete on the island. He was also a black belly sheep farmer, and his company is a major player in the local cut flower industry. I wonder what JustSayingBajan has to say. The writer made an important statement about this now fallen local icon in that retirement article. TikTok trend dispels vasectomy myths, Disrespectful stepson ruining my marriage. He will be buried today after a thanksgiving service. Shame on you, you bunch of critical, lazy good for nothing fools. sorry about the length of my previous comment.}. People Projects . Below is the PM's Statement Starcom Network News understands Sir Charles died at the Bayview Hospital this evening. In ten years tell me if you are any better off. The mothers of two missing 14-year-old girls are pleading with them to return home. Minister of the Environment and National Beautification, Adrian Forde, showing his dolphin catch on Day 1 of the Republic Bank 2023 Sir Charles Williams Int . Similarly, six or twelve foot diameter wells cannot deal with heavy rains if the catchment area directing the water towards them is great. Rodney Williams (governor-general) - Wikipedia If anyone knows otherwise, please correct me. The family invites you to view the live streaming of the service; to view, please click here. We think we know but the sad truth is that most of the time we surmise, guess, repeat gossip or invent half truthsalmost always under the cloak of anonymity. At a function last December, to celebrate his official retirement as head of the C.O. Please, The subscription details associated with this account need to be updated. I know the name of another fishing boat that perhaps still operates out of the Bridgetown fishing complex. COW was a poor white bajan ofetn refered to as a red neck by the ignorant bajan who live along side them. Husband of Mary-Ann Lady Williams. I see no reason why the Bajan versions wont suffer the same fate. In order to maintain a reasonable level of discourse (We are not shooting for the level you are accustomed to in academia), it is important that a diverse group of people comment on the issues. "Sir Charles Williams was probably best known as one of our leading construction . Barbados is a small country but judging by what is going on anyone would think it has land galore like the USA. Maybe in his opinion she wasnt PRETTY enough. We would like to send our condolences to the family of Sir Charles Williams. We mostly voice our opinions here. We can now announce - Barbados Game Fishing Association - Facebook The 88-year-old, larger than life businessman, passed away on November 19 at the Bayview Hospital and the announcement of his death took many by surprise. Apes Hill Plantation, St. James, is currently owned by Sir Charles Williams, who is a major landowner in Barbados. Required fields are marked *. Oops! Of the total number of employees of the extended Williams conglomerate, we need the following precise data for an informed discussion: what percentage are white and what percentage areblackand from there, the corollary, what are the corresponding percentages for management. The employment of the many Bajans is predicated on this. Who would consider developing around the Belle Gully for housing? Oh and I am a black bajan and my dad still lives in a chattle house. This is from Trevor McDonalds Secret Caribbean, made for British TV around a year or two ago. There are a lot of foreigners in the same income bracket buying holiday homes all over Barbados. Major gully systems discharge there. Sir Charles Williams passes away - Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation For example, Karl Watson mentioned the Mark Goodridge case. When he was asked by this newspaper about his retirement he made it clear: You all got this thing wrong. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. never get enough water . Sir Richard Cheltenham, former President of the Senate, described Sir Charles as a man short in stature, but with a great love for his family, friends and his country. Barbadians that have lived abroad also contribute a lot to the economy. my 2 sense. Sir Charles died Friday evening at the Bayview Hospital surrounded by family and friends, according to relatives. May he Rest In Peace . He has a wife, Doreen, to whom he has been married since 1975, and a son, Ashley Tabor. Go back to your partying and fast spending. Thats why I started at age 18 and used free education to qualify myself, so I go my own profession,,, I am 27 now,,, used the money from that to buy 5 acres of land and farming it .. By the way I dont have a mortgage.. Got my own home, wife who works with me and two children.. no mortgage on the house, car or land:).. My $200.00 phone still works as well as my $15,000.00 car and farm vehicles. Those who object to our opinions can do research and collect data and publish it here for everyone to see. Your preference for a preferred outcome derived from emotional biases has reduced you to an ordinary bozoand when you state we, please be advised you would never speak for me and those people I know. A home is not an investment unless you have plans of rent some of the rooms in it, or selling it when the market is good. There are coastal towns in some parts of Britain where such a high proportion of houses have been sold as holiday homes that young local people are priced out of the market and have to move away. . He made it clear he wanted to be wealthy and to do much better than his relatively humble beginnings. Private. (And yes, they are Bajan like the rest of us, so whether you think that is a problem is up to you. Barbadian men only get rich if they have workers! I believe Sir Cow adopts the phrase as his own and changes its meaning because that is what the economic activity in which he is involved requires. His wife Mary-Anne Lady Williams and his brother Ralph "Bizzy" Williams were at his bedside. Work stopped on plantations when rain fell not only because Bajans did not want to get wet but also because it was dangerous and added to the wear and tear on equipment and livestock. but I am sure thay are rolling on the ground laughing at us when they see the misery we endure in parts of the island they would avoid when the rain falls. Over the years, I observed that he would consistently make business decisions based on his own judgement of the man on the other side of the deal. I have had the privilege and pleasure of knowing him at close range, both professionally and personally, for almost 40 years. On a somewhat unrelated note, the Doppler Radar picture if believed by any one would probably not have indicated the flods we had this morning. My condolences to the Williams family at this moment of sorrow stay strong God blessings to all of you. They couldnt care less if future generations of Black Bajans are landless. He used to fish out of Bathsheba with my dad who owned his own boat until he retired Cow saved his money and took his parents advise to invest his money in land. Lot of green eyed monsters about, dont forget he employs a lot of people. Here I am very much with you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In some instances they end up in jobs they dont like. Williams Construction Group, he offered some brief comments. When Johan Bjerkhamn, the son of a prominent White man who had 40 guns in his home, killed his son, we noticed the mainstream media that puts poor Black peoples business out for everyone to see every day did not want to cover the story. However, he never tired of pointing out that he was not born with a gold spoon in his mouth. wife. It sparked the industriousness displayed by the Williams children generally and by Sir Charles in particular. I saw in the video that CO Williams has preserved the home he lives in, but there are many other buildings that could be saved. A real good man. Someone with more scientific knowledge can refute what I said if they want to. Barbadian business magnate Sir Charles Williams was described as "a giant of a man" in tributes paid by family, friends and Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley during his funeral service on Monday. Keep reading and contributing to this blog, Mr. Watson. At the end of the day renting land in Barbados is a hassle filled exercise that most people would rather not put up with from the jump start He was not one to flaunt the trappings of his achievement in the faces of others. This is a place where ordinary citizens come to voice our OPINIONS about topics the people who run the blog should have researched. Great grandfather of Dax. With all the squatters rights nonsense it is easier to let the land sit idle and let someone put their sheep or old cow to eat grass and keep it from growing tall. I am appalled that a man would have the nerve to say that he was asked by the PM to stop buying land because he was interfering with the social fabric of a country and laugh it off!!! Barbadians could do that work for themselves.. There are very distinct Real Estate markets in Barbados. hey JustSayingBajan Barbados Today firmly discourages any commentary or statements that are libelous, disruptive in nature or incites others to violate our Terms of Use. Sir Charles passed away on. Sir Charles Williams - 60 Years Of Moving The Earth To Please - Issuu Just saying Bajan seems to have a fixation on race and Other peoples money. Now Mr. Watson, you know that if a Black Bajan had killed his or her child, he or she would have been hauled off to jail immediately and not allowed to have his or her attorneys dictate what the police would and would not do. We know the Attorney General would not grant a request from a poor Black Bajan to have his or her name placed on a cleared list at the Grantley Adams airport. Then when he had got enough ,he dropped her like a hot potato. 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Your email address will not be published. Where were you when COW worked 18 hour days. The first was when, shortly after Charles's birth, his. Sir Charles was Knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2000 for his outstanding contribution to agriculture, construction, tourism and sports. They earn more money overseas than can ever be earned locally and are quite happy to buy land in middle class developments and leave it undeveloped for years and years, waiting on their retirement I said in my comment that we will not do MAJOR research. Oops! (GC). Please understand that comments are moderated and it is not always possible to publish all that have been submitted. My sincere condolences to all of Cow's family. The mothers of two missing 14-year-old girls are pleading with them to return home. There are some advantages to foreigners owning property here. Barbadian business mogul Sir Charles Williams has died You can bet as humble as they might have been, they were built well out of harms way. It was his first wife that he got most of his money from. A housing development wont miraculously stop it. This year has been a challenging year forcing us to adapt to life in the midst of a global pandemic. Turn off the sound and watch it so you are not distracted when those two views appear. Never apologize for the length of your argument or the passion. This is done all the time in Canada and some of the housing developments are very beautiful. Land is being turned into time-shares, closed off estates etc. Who made the better choice. What I find distasteful, is the frequency with which venom, hate and downright nasty comments are introduced into the discourse. such a bore!! I like you am not a fan of CO Williams though you should know the man got black ass lickers at every turn. After all of these years, he still doesnt seem to think that Black people are competent enough to serve as supervisors or managers. All I could come up with are a couple of Barbados Free Press articles, one titled, Barbados Lawyer Wanted for Beating of Teen Thoughts of Racial Tension, White Privilege, and Black Attitudes, dated October 16, 2006, and another titled, The Strange Disappearing Court Cases of Barbados And How the News Media Keeps Silent, dated January 30, 2008. I have no clue what the outcome of that case was or if it is still going on. Never Enough, the name on the fising boat denotes to me the owner cant get enough of the sea, fishing and relaxing. As we know, we are all in strange times and things can take a little longer than usual. He called for harsher penalties for crop and animal thieves. Our deepest condolences to the entire family. Sir Charles was elected as a Life Member of the HPA in 2016 and was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2017.