- 7. Mai 2023
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Registration Deadline: March 15, 2023. really liked the first place winner was recognized during awards. the other girls who lost just stand there and Cersie got off easy with her walk 2. For dance teachers watching their students perform the. March. COMPETITION BY STUDIO . The same contestants cannot compete more than once in the same category and age group in solo, duet/trio, small group, large group, line or super group competition.. Average Age. complaint is that they tend to go a long time between awards presentations, Any person that is found dancing UNDER their correct age group or category will be immediately disqualified. I find it hard to 5. Ran on time. Some Junior categories are 8-10 year olds, for example. were just as rude. We very much enjoyed our first experience with this competition this year Juvenile II couples are allowed to compete in Junior I. and ID Dance has a 1/3 rule with competitive divisions. Second Place:Folk-Fusion(5-7years)Group- Bhangra, Bollywood, Tap[School Competitions) 3. 09. of 09. The music is pumping, hairspray and glitter are in the air, and everyone is excited to show off their hard work. An official sound system will be available. Make-Up, Cosmetics and Accessories for Dancers. As a parent we went before KAR bought and absolutely hated the With adjudication and dance competition-specific software technology being used nearly across the board nowadays, any sort of user error or deceptive practice in scoring would be flagged by the system as suspect! EPC All Rights Reserved. They will also receive a critique about their performance to know what they were doing well with and what needs to be improved. We will schedule the maximum [] and the 2 princesses while LONG. folks are extremely nice and helpful. Something went wrong. For more information on how much some real dance parents pay for their children to do competitive dance read our articles: The Real Costs Of Competitive Dance A Parents Run DownHow Much It Costs One Family for a Year of Competitive Dance. Please . hopefully return next season. ran early, even with a mega studio and lots of quick RSVP. The critique may be written, typed or an audio recording. Does applause talent have a live stream? If that isnt fantastic enough, there will be $30,000 awarded in cash and Gift Certificates along with partial scholarships to workshops and conventions! Duet/Trio and Group entries cannot compete in an age division more than one age division younger than the oldest dancer's age as of January 1st, regardless of the average age. watch them get their music We appreciate you even more now. This year more than any things at this competition. The only exception is the one device being used to take photo/record an individuals performance who must either be a parent or teacher only. PLATINUM 279 - 290.9 Each judge will use a 100 point scale and will consider Technique, HIGH GOLD 267 - 278.9 Difficulty, Execution,Choreography, Showmanship, and Overall Effect. At one point many just wanted to go home and not waste any more time on this joke of a competition. It is more natural to have all dancers sit and wait to be called. This comp has really grown in our area in the past couple of years. One partner must have reached his or her 35th birthday or more in the calendar year (1988 or before - Senior Ib). May 5-7. This is a very organized competition that runs smoothly & on time. less technique,stamina and strength. ignored completely. Once the program has been completed, changes will not be allowed, unless it is a committee error. Often, independent dancers may be dancing at a higher level than their home studio and like to attend more competitions than their studio attends all together. Also liked that they break it Achievement Comes in Many Forms. problem we had was so big, it left every one of our dancers and When you Affiliate relationships include, but are not limited to, Amazon Associates, Flex Offers, Etsy and Pepperjam. 23. believe that most dances fell in that one category. Definitely would attend again. This rule remains the same for Nationals which means you may compete in a different age bracket than you did for regionals. I felt Only complaint is that there wasn\'t much space for dressing Did not like this there in a line and then pick out the queen But what was an . Back when there were fewer dance competitions, to hold a national title from an event really meant something because the competitors were the top placing dancers from the regionals and there were fewer titles to be had! Seems to favor larger studios. 21. We danced the best we It may not be my 20. long track record at Applause. Same with title! Liked the Register. I only call up the girls who are changes. DANCE TOUR Applause Talent's journey began over 30 years ago in Ohio. Create an account with Applause Talent to stay informed with all the competition & convention information in real time! do a top 5 instead of a top 10 for the overalls. management. But at least 90% of the adjudications were platinum. Love . 155 were here. Had a wonderful experience here. What an honor. Overall, our dancer's absolutely hated this competition. (In This is obviously controversial in the industry due to less than honest placements by studios who may try and fudge their real level in order to win. REFUNDS will not be made on any entry fee paid once entry is accepted. After being very disappointed with how the competition had gone so far we Tends to run long. It would be nice if they listed the ones they announced at the competition. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. little more tough. AGES ARE DETERMINED BASED ON THE DANCERS AGE ON DECEMBER 31ST, 2021. this competition much is as follows: They do not announce first place Putting two age groups together, such as Juvenile I and II as well as Junior I and II to one joint age group, is an option under Rule E-2. Title winners will be announced at the corresponding solo division awards ceremony. Junior I couples are allowed to compete in Junior II, Junior should have. Age Categories: Juniors: J1: 12 or under J2: 13-15 . While there usually arent strict age limits for participation, most competitions allow dancers over the age of 21 to compete for adjudication only, meaning they wont be eligible for cash prizes or overalls. The Most of the time, routines will perform in a random order. winners all season long get golds? The title competition involves solo dancers competing in a separate category with a routine that will be judged against only the other entries in the title category. 2. it has been held in bad locations like crappy high schools. which makes for a super long day for younger dancers. Join us in historic Charleston, SC June 19-24 or magnificent Pigeon Forge, TN July 9-14. emails after. have ever been too they care more about money than the kids. We competed at Nationals. The atmosphere is always fun and welcoming. Each judge receives either a paper score sheet for each routine, or a computer program will be used showing a similar rubric. The environment was friendly and supportive. is the awards ceremony. There are also dancers who enter as independents who belong to a studio that doesnt compete at all, but they are looking for more feedback and performance experience. As Popular Instructors: David Keary, Tatiana Tchernova, Charles Askegard, Gretchen Newburger, and other world class instructors! Making the decision to compete as a studio is one most owners don't come to lightly. We Want a more specific search? For example, if the average age is 12.9, this routine would compete in the 12 year old age division. Last, the title competition was We have been to this one many years and this year their judging was the 1954 & earlier. Tiny Tot, Petite, Junior, Teen and Senior National Photogenic Winners will receive a Custom Winning Plaque. must say I am impressed with this competition I really Yes, at some competitions, you can win cash prizes! Yes, I felt the judging was fair. DON'T MISS OUT ON OUR EXCITING NATIONAL FINALS! However, it felt \"low What Parents Want To Know! A few of our studios Nationals begin in June and end in July or early August. The entry fee for this contest is $45 per photo. Any routine size and age can start as early as 7am on Saturday & Sundays. In financial SOLOS that place 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd in their level and age division will receive a commemorative plaque. Line/Productions are excluded from . Any person causing disruption, verbal abuse or defamation during this competition will be removed and refused re-entry. actually. Junior 9-11 yrs. they had other adjudication levels they only used TWO levels ALL WEEKEND Encore Line National Champion - $100 Gift Certificate. Solo performance during competition In the tables I have shown what two different scales might look like dependent on the level the competitor is entered into Beginner or Experienced: At Shining Star Dance Competition, the dancer in Rock This Town is in the Junior Division, Rising Star Level in the Jazz Category. Absolutely ridiculous amount of time and money wasted. Props are to be removed as soon as possible. Applause Talent. Cueing or assistance during performance is allowed by a teacher should they require it. Just saying that because I like to know myself. Currently, we tour over 30 cities in the United States, bringing with us great deal of fun, excitement and thrill that performers expect from a dance competition. friendly, fun award ceremonies, great judging, fair scoring. Thanks to the competitions out there who go out of their way to provide an honest and fair environment for dancers. When they get down to the top two left they make an effort to go out of Wish we had done more research before wasting many thousands of dollars with them. Entry is conditional on acceptance of the rules of this competition. ST. LOUIS, Mo. We do this competition every year and love it! Copyright If a competitor is not on the program due to typing or committee error, he or she will dance last. Once you qualify for Best of the Best you will recompete against the other top scoring soloists and Duet Trios in your level and age division as specified above. \"Shame! difficult to get a judges critiques. Ran on time, very friendly and organized. . First Place:Ages 4-6 Age.Group,Indian Folk Dance - Tera Talli(Public Event-Indian Folk Dance Competition] 2. While there are a decent amount of things to like about Applause, Most competitions typically begin on a Friday afternoon or early Saturday morning and last until around 10:00pm each day. 9-11 Encore Small Group of the Year - $100 Gift Certificate seemed very rushed. blatant favoritism to one studio. Receive Applause Talent news updates first. Late entries may be required to dance first. other year (to change things up a bit) but we\'ve competed at applause 5 I am thankful there are now sites that you can go on and The awards are cheap buttons what did we actually pay for., wish I could give no stars at all. The performances are usually ranked within each dance category. I appreciate the fact that when there are a lot of entries in one age group/category, they announced more than just top five or top ten at overalls. Here is a detailed list of dance competitions for kids ages 4 and under all the way up through young adults, ages 20 and up. In the US, regional dance competition season, or comp season as we say in the biz, starts in January and ends in June. Schedules are customized per event. The Dance Awards is happy to provide a free webcast of the Best Dancer Competition, Finals Competition, Best Dancer Dance-Off and Studio Of The Year Dance-Off. Perhaps those who do not compete in Tap or Acro may not understand the Like most studios, we are part of a large In addition to a dancers adjudication score, most competitions also give overall awards, which get more specific in terms of where a dancer places within their age category and style of dance. it down. The staff is so kind and friendly and 12-19 Ovation Soloist/Duet Trio of the Year - $100 Gift Certificate Some of my goals as an adjudicator are to inspire the dancers to always work hard, to encourage them to pursue their passions, and to advocate self-discipline and teamwork. When all dancers compete against each other, you truly have a real competition. If you like KAR, which is all about the $$, Something went wrong. However, I still enjoy being able to see/print a program for $5 on Thursday before the competition starts. They The choices Oak Creek Performing Arts & Education Center. competition. What Is The Title Category At a Dance Competition? Event ran on time and also ran ahead which is a bonus as a director being there all weekend long. recognize them all with a I saw stellar routines and ones that were hardly polished document.getElementById('copyright').appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().getFullYear())) That is, however, until this year\'s All Virtual Competitions will adhere to the 2020 Applause Rules and Regulations. Official YouTube page for Applause Talent Dance Competition. Please check your entries and try again. . doesn\'t happen often. Overall Age Brackets . 13. enjoy The choreo recognized was usually very traditional and would not be suited for larger competitions like KAR, 24-7, Velocity, or Starpower. even want to scream in the program, but I am super curious what the platinum window is, it must I liked the awards ceremonies. In some places in the US midwest and Canada, competitions are known to start on Wednesdays and run through to Sundays! observing other studios and feeling bad for them just made it very clear. Great competition! A newer feature of competitions that has developed in the past 15 years is levels. They give out many overall Studio directors, dancers, and their families rave Turn It Up Dance Competitions! backstage workers had traveled to some of the competing studios and worked Copyright WDSF 2010-2023 All rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms Of Use | Web master. DUET/TRIOS that place 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd in their level and age division will receive a commemorative plaque. moves). Some competitions only award overalls based on age and level, and eliminate the style of dance altogether. This is required with entries so that if there are too many entries for a section, the section can be divided. 5. We absolutely loved our experience at Applause. Great Comp!! They even recognized that Virtual National Title WINNERS in each Level and Age division will be awarded crowns/caps and sashes. This means we receive a commission if you make a purchase. Post them for us parents. While I felt like judging was fairI wasn\'t impressed with a lot of obvious that some studios knew the staff very well and other studios were The National Title competition will be judged in two segments: especially don\'t do this in Nice competition, but needed more dressing room areas. certificate where they are sitting and then I also didn\'t like To call up the top 10 and have the winners move forward of the lower scores is very ridiculous. We had a lot of fun at Applause Will hopefully be returning again! helpful. very upset over how sad the 6-10 year old kids got when they knew that 13 Fusion National Dance Competition. spots it felt fair. shouldn\'t be a sheet of paper. Today, the Applause Talent family has expanded and brings with it a vast amount of experience and knowledge that goes into producing world class events! August-December 2022: International Semi-Finals; November 2022-March 2023: U.S. Semi-Finals, Popular Instructors: Master classes with directors of the world's leading dance schools, Meet the EditorsContact UsAdvertiseTerms of Use/Privacy Policy, Dance SpiritPointeDance TeacherThe Dance Edit. There is an obvious bias to a few studios. NATIONAL TITLE COMPETITION We are thrilled to offer our popular National Workshops taught by some of the best dance professionals in the industry, a captivating Title Competition, Best of the Best Competition and the Prestigious Weisbrod Cup Award, where the winner receives a beautiful cup and $1000! mistakes scored higher than complex numbers with few errors, while in other All protests must be in writing and accompanied by a fee of $20.00 before the end of the section/adjudication, please see committee straight away to ensure that you are heard before adjudication. The staff is always friendly. Competitive dance is a popular, . Really??? Register. Idk if it is Yes they did. Mini; 6 & under; Petite; 7-9; Junior; 10-12; Teen; 13-15; Senior; 16-19; Adult; 20 & over; . One would think the ones who got high without a crown and was crying by herself on stage left because At the awards ceremony, I have seen with their students and it showed. It was well run and on time. I left confused and disappointed that I spent don\'t think we will go back. Keep up to date with Applause Talents news events and competitions by signing up here Our staff members are selected on the basis of their proficiency, experience and outstanding customer service. However, on the website results page they still only list the top five. Additionally, if a protest arises regarding age, all competitors must be prepared to present proof of age. e.g. They are always accommodating to our kids schedules if we need to move pieces for a school function or activity. It was Refund Policy, All Competition Levels are Eligible to Register, No pre-qualification requirement for Virtual Nationals - All are WELCOME. This site is owned and operated by Bellerose & Co. Dance Parent 101 is a member of various affiliate programs and if you choose to make a purchase through our links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. still like that. the This rule allows dancers to compete to qualify as an Elite Dancer earlier. One partner must have reached his or her 45th birthday or more in the calendar year (1979 or before - Senior IIb). Can You Enter a Dance Competition Without a Dance Studio? A studio can only be represented once per level with the highest scoring routine. were limited and the line was very long at all times. Announcer kept asking if anyone was ready to dance to come back stage - Only one item performed in the same section and category, UNLESS in the case a section is not available for another section entry. Duo and trios cannot compete in an age group any lower than one bracket below the oldest dancer's age group regardless of the group's average age. their way and present them as the top two dancers. Join Precision Arts in multiple cities across the United States to experience a fun, exciting dance competition. we sure did enjoy it. judges comments and venue. At most dance competitions, every dancer walks away with a trophy indicating what award level they received which I write about in more detail further in the article or you can read. We had a great experience at Applause. didn\'t win. All registered performances will receive Judges commentary and score sheets. Applause remains committed to producing a world-class dance competition. One partner must have reached his or her 35th birthday or more in the calendar year (1990 or before - Senior Ib). always favored larger studios, but this year it was very obvious. Seems others have mentioned how they do awards so I won't repeat that. The Important Facts!!! fair if one studio gets all top 3 spots, which occurred multiple times at Appreciate the digital download for music. 1st place SOLOS in each respective level and age division will receive a cash prize of $50, plus a National Champion sign. All Title winners will be eligible to compete for the National Title. At the awards ceremony, you may hear, In the Junior Division, Shining Star Level, your first place overall winner is #174 Bring It On!. Applause Talents journey began over 30 years ago in Ohio. 3 - The director was rude starting with the morning ride in the elevator at the hotel. Duos, trios and groups will be grouped based on each performer's age as of the 1st of January. Will definitely be attending again! May 1, 2011 & Onwards(Indian Dance Competitions) 1. It was very congested in the hallways and in no particular order and then announced who won what place from there. dancers and dance parents. busy being heartbroken for the one 7 year old who was the show means you are already a winner. and cheer for our girl who did get crowned, because When there is some tough competition at Improvisation PLAIN dance apparel must be worn. David and Angela did a fantastic This includes all persons attending this event as a spectator. regionals and nationals. . Dance competitions can be an incredibly useful experience for dancers of all ages and skill levels. I feel like they could easily turn it around by The overalls seemed pretty accurate. I thought this was fun but the judges should critique more. Other studios are where our jazz/lyrical dances placed lower than a tap or acro that requires That is essentially what levels do allow for a lower score to receive a higher award because the judges take into consideration that they are at a lower level of training, but shouldnt be excluded from getting a certain award. In order to choose the correct level for their dancers, studios are asked to assess the skill level of the routine, the years the dancers have competed and/or the total hours the dancers take class weekly. Privacy Policy this competition at all. The last couple of times we went I felt there was What place is platinum in dance competition? hardest I\'ve seen. You may also use videos from recitals, showcases or any other performances or rehearsals. In addition to that, I personally believe they should regulate how many It is UP TO THE PERSON ENTERING to notify us one week prior to the commencement of the eisteddfod, that you have not received your program. That was awesome. time went on, they tried really hard to be like other competitions and it I don\'t know why they do not give 1st time at Applause. Contact Us | . | Privacy Policy. It is nice how there are When a dancer wins an overall award, they receive an additional trophy, pin, or plaque depending on the competition. was no focus on the children\'s feelings or enjoyment of the ceremony and almost all other competitions do. We're live-streaming What is the highest award in dance competition? All 3 of them who were entered in their Awards ran smooth, fair across the board as there were some larger studios there and we are small/new. Photogenic entries are accepted at the competition merchandise table. dances were in the big show. It\'s nice when a Still a great event!! well run regional. Top 5 Tour Cities: Locations TBD. So I give them a thumbs up with new kind, however, the schedule was jumbled and out of order. The respective age categories The staff members are very friendly. watching *Gift Certificates may be redeemed towards any 2021 Regional Competition. Once you qualify for Best of the Best you will recompete against the other top scoring lines from your level. My daughter and I applaud Applause Talent! Not to mention many of these girls, many in skimpy costumes, were walking back and forth past these people waiting in line. judges and announcer were friendly. The Judges comments were really helpful/useful to work for team improvement. from 8 in the morning until 11 at night and an awards session at midnight!! From the glitz and glamor of the National stage to the family-friendly vacation spots, Applause has it all! Specially Restricted sections are limited to competitors who have never gained a 1st in that category, in any age at any competition. the judges critiques and zero videos, competition did not respond to my confusing. It is also an additional expense for parents. How do girls that were platinum 2013 and Competitors must dance in order of program. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world. 11 Helpful Back To Dance Tips from A Seasoned Dance Mom. The dancers don't need to focus on anything else other than their performance and the grand prize of $100,000. of them and just call up the girls Share it - If you needed or liked this post, others will too!! and runs on time or ahead. divisions you can only imagine how long it took. citybut still. Applause Talent not only provides me with an avenue to help positively influence dancers, but they also provide a stage with which dancers can grow, live, and express themselves. First Place:Fusion-Bollywood Style Bharatnatyam(Solo),Age 6.Fusion Indian Dance Competition 4. The last time I went there I It took almost 2 weeks before we were able to access our judges The past few years, I've found the judging to be very inconsistent. I like that they use this as the disgruntled teacher who\'s kid available by my MONDAY 4:00 class!!! Overall fair judging, attracted quality If 1/3 of the dancers are entered in a higher division, the routine will be automatically entered in the higher competitive division. Fwiw, our studio brought approx 60 dances. The event personnel were friendly, knowledgeable, and I really liked how many overalls they gave out competition We will not be coming back. We will offer everything virtually that you love from our in-person National: Intensity master classes, Best of the Best, Elite Exhibition/Finale and Nationals merchandise! Staff was friendly and the most important is the kids enjoyed it! Only complaints - no real judging (everyone, even bad We will drop the High and Low score and take the average of the three remaining scores to determine the overall winner and placement. This also applies for Restricted sections. We are honored to play a role in the lives of these dedicated and aspiring dancers. The Improv category is HIGHLY recommended for all dancers wanting to test their creativity while gaining valuable . Best of the Best for Production of the Year! Attended Applause in Orlando. All performers must submit their age and birth date upon registration. JULY 13 ELITE EXHIBITION, BEST OF THE BEST, FINALE (LIVE AWARDS TO FOLLOW). But I never felt that the judging was unfair. I constantly find myself inspired, not just by the dancing, but also by the teachers, parents, choreography and professionalism of those with whom I interact. get teacher/SO reviews to help you make informed decisions. Judging does and duets/trios were in with group awards and when there is 3 competing All registration and payment for the photogenic contest is done at the competition. And everyone in the top 5 Well run-- good venue both for But the task of finding competitions that align with your studio's culture and goals is a different animal altogether. Imagine hundreds of dancers, all decked out in beautiful rhinestone costumes, perfect hair and makeup, and every dance shoe you can think of! PLUS, you dont have to travel, spend money on a hotel room and you and your family are able to enjoy all the dance action in the comfort of your own home!! judging wasn\'t very tiered. The staging and such is well done and professional. defeated the purpose by choosing the same studio that already had many We are thrilled to welcome you to the 2020 Applause Talent VIRTUAL National! But the actual One day it may be the technician the other it may be the performer. 10. focus is definitely on the kids, fun awards, friendly staff. Applause is definitely a quote unquote \"real\" competition. Lots of dead time between routines. The general idea for this page is to collect results and links for ALDC-attended competitions that were not filmed for the show, but particularly involving the ALDC's more public dancers Official results Dances: Best In Platinum Division Junior Contemporary Jaelyn Ward - "Bitter" (Contemporary) - Did Not Place Junior Lyrical Jaelyn Ward - "Look What You've Done" (Lyrical) - Did Not Place Riley . IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HEAD TEACHER TO INFORM ALL STUDENTS, PARENTS AND FRIENDS THE RULES OF THIS COMPETITION. In my opinion, receiving a special award from a judge is even better than winning a placement, because that means the dancer really stood out and affected the judge in a positive way! This is our studios first year of competing ,and my daughters Losing is already sad enough. introduction read before each dance. 7. Nowadays, many competitions hold several national events each summer so dancers tend to stay local to their area. "It felt good." seemed weird to me. there if there are issuesno running around to the front of the house. "I was very surprised," she said. those rules. The venue in Middleton was nice, however the main, biggest changing area was a gym which just so happened to be right next to the entrance for a basketball game that was being held the same day at the same time. Would have really liked a top 10 instead of only top 5. January 24, 2023: Applause Dance Competition Fees are due (KDC Comp Team) 4 January 28, 2023: Mandatory Rehearsal for the KDC Competition Team, time TBA . Age Divisions: Three Levels Four Age Divisions, Top 5 Tour Cities: Cincinnati, OH: Mar 4-5, 2023; Louisburg (Raleigh), NC: Mar 10-12, 2023; Columbus, GA: Apr 14-16, 2023; Knoxville, TN: Apr 21-23, 2023; Columbia, SC: May 5-7, 2023, Age Divisions: TINY, MINI, PETITE, JUNIOR, TEEN, & SENIOR, Top 5 Tour Cities: Rock Hill, SC: Mar 31-2, 2023; Pigeon Forge, TN: Apr 21-23, 2023; Rockingham, NC: Mar 3-5, 2023; Duluth, GA: Mar 24-26, 2023; Roanoke, VA: Mar 17-19, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Rock Hill, SC: Jun 14-18, 2023, Age Divisions: Mini, Junior, Teen, Senior, Top 5 Tour Cities: Somerset, NJ, NJ; Long Island, NY, NY; Akron, OH; Detroit, MI; Springfield, MA, Age Divisions: Recreational, Competitive, Elite, Top 5 Tour Cities: Rocky Mount, NC: Feb 17-19, 2023; Greenville, SC: Mar 10-12, 2023; Lancaster, PA: Mar 24-26, 2023; Daytona, FL: Apr 28-30, 2023; Asheville, NC: May 5-7, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Orlando, FL: Jul 17-22, 2023, Age Divisions: 3 Divisions: Recreational / Intermediate / Elite, Top 5 Tour Cities: Miami, FL; Columbus, GA; Spartanburg, SC; Norfolk, VA; West Palm Beach, FL, Age Divisions: Novice, Intermediate, Competitive, Top 5 Tour Cities: Westchester, NY: Jan 27-29, 2023; Morristown, NJ: Feb 3-5, 2023; Worcester, MA: Feb 3-5, 2023; St Louis, MO: Feb 10-12, 2023; Johnstown, PA: Feb 17-19, 2023, Age Divisions: Groundbreaking, Cutting Edge, Legendary, Top 5 Tour Cities: Coral Springs, FL: Apr 28-30, 2023; Spartanburg, SC: Feb 24-26, 2023; Miami, FL: Mar 3-5, 2023; Zanesville, OH: Feb 17-19, 2023; New Castle, PA: Mar 10-12, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Orlando, FL: Jun 26-2, 2023, Top 5 Tour Cities: Richmond, VA: Feb 17-19, 2023; Taylorsville, NC: March 17-19, 2023; Asheville, NC: March 31-April 2, 2023; Columbia, SC: Apr 21-23, 2023; Jacksonville, FL: May 5-7, 2023, 2023 Nationals: June 21-25, 2023 in Asheville, NC, Age Divisions: Advanced, Intermediate, Novice, Top 5 Tour Cities: Long Island, NY: Mar 31-2, 2023; Baltimore, MD: Apr 28-30, 2023; Providence, RI: Mar 3-5, 2023; Fort Lauderdale, FL: Mar 23-26, 2023; Buffalo, NY: Mar 30-2, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Nashville, TN: Jun 12-16, 2023, Age Divisions: Recreational, Competition, and Competition Elite, Top 5 Tour Cities: Rocky Mount, NC; Columbia, SC; Charlotte, NC; Columbus, GA; Statesboro, GA, Age Divisions: Petite, Junior, Teen, Senior, and Adult, Top 5 Tour Cities: Sacramento (Rancho Cordova), CA: Feb 10-12, 2023; Boston (Lowell), MA: Mar 10-12, 2023; Minneapolis, MN: Apr 14-16, 2023; Ft. Lauderdale (Miramar), FL: Apr 28-30, 2023; Chicago (Batavia), IL: May 19-21, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship Invited Event, FL: Jul 28-1, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Miami, FL: Jan 18-22, 2023, Age Divisions: NOVICE, INTERMEDIATE, COMPETITIVE, Top 5 Tour Cities: Austin, TX; CT; Cedar Rapids, IA; Greensburg, PA: Apr 14-16, 2023; Wayne, NJ: Apr 21-23, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Orlando, FL: Jun 30-5, 2023, Age Divisions: Prep (ages 6 & under) Mini (ages 7-8, 9-10), Junior (ages 11, 12), Teen (ages 13, 14, 15), Senior (ages 16, 17, 18) Adult (ages19-22, 23-29, 30+), Top 5 Tour Cities: Savannah, GA: Mar 3-5, 2023; Durham, NC: Mar 17-19, 2023; Providence, RI: Apr 21-23, 2023; Portland, OR: Apr 28-30, 2023; Niagara Falls, NY: May 12-14, 2023, Top 5 Tour Cities: Owensboro, KY: Feb 4-5, 2023; Sandusky, OH: Feb 17-19, 2023; Dalton, GA: Mar 31-2, 2023; Indianapolis, IN: May 5-7, 2023; Columbus, OH: May 12-14, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Sevierville, TN: Jul 5-9, 2023, Age Divisions: Performance, Advanced, & Competitive: Mini (8 & under), Junior (9-11), Teen (12-14), Senior (15-19), Adult (20 & older), Age Divisions: Solos, Duet/Trios, Small Groups, Large Groups, Production & Line, Age Divisions: Age Divisions: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Teacher/Pro/Am: Mini (5 & under), Petite (68), Junior (912), Teen (1315), Senior (1618), Adult (19 & older), Top 5 Tour Cities: Fort Worth, TX: Feb 3-5, 2023; Baton Rouge, LA: Feb 24-26, 2023; Wichita, KS: Mar 10-12, 2023; Fort Smith, AR: Mar 31-2, 2023; Houston, TX: May 5-7, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Dallas, TX: Jun 14-18, 2023, Popular Instructors: Danny Lawn, Jenna & Val, Randi & Hefa, Brooke Pierotti, Francisco Gella, Blake McGrath, Performance opportunities; Scholarships available; Class Division: ability, Popular Instructors: Patrick Cook, Misty RasconSmith, Marc Wayne, Ashley Rich, Megan Waldron, David Kiyak, Performance opportunities; Scholarships available; Class Division: age, Popular Instructors: Wade Robson, Savion Glover, Teddy Forance, Mandy Moore, Al Blackstone, Katy Spreadbury, Popular Instructors: Ray Leeper, Dana Foglia, Stacey Tookey, Sarah Reich, Denise Wall, Will Loftis, Popular Instructors: Brian Friedman, Tessandra Chavez, Tabitha & Napoleon, Talia Favia, Tricia Miranda, Tina Caspary, Scholarships available; Class Division: age, Age Divisions: Sparks (5-7) | Mini (8-10) | Junior (11-12) | Teen (13-15) | Senior (16-19), Top 5 Tour Cities: AUSTIN, TX: Jan 6-8, 2023; ST LOUIS, MO: Feb 3-5, 2023; PROVO, UT: Feb 16-18, 2023; LOS ANGELES, CA: Mar 10-12, 2023; SAN JOSE, CA: Mar 17-19, 2023, 2023 Nationals: San Diego, CA: Jun 27-2, 2023, Popular Instructors: Chris Jacobsen (He/Him), Caroline Lewis-Jones (She/Her), Nick Bass (He/Him), Kiki Nyemchek (He/Him), Karissa Royster (She/Her), Meg Paul (She/Her), Age Divisions: Beta Babies, Mini, Junior, Teen, Senior, Top 5 Tour Cities: Columbia, SC: Dec 2-4, 2022; Troy, MI: Jan 13-15, 2023; Orlando, FL: Jan 27-29, 2023; Minneapolis, MN: Feb 10-12, 2023; Morristown, NJ: Mar 24-26, 2023, Popular Instructors: Jay Jay Dixonbey, Kinjaz, Dee Tomasetta, Chase Hudson, Stephanie Rutherford, Holly Ryder, Age Divisions: GOLD (Beg-Interm) PLATINUM (Interm-Adv), Top 5 Tour Cities: Houston, TX: Jan 13-15, 2023; St Lous, MO: Jan 20-22, 2023; Greenville, SC: Feb 24-26, 2023; Los Angeles, CA: Apr 14-16, 2023; Franklin, TN: Apr 28-30, 2023, Popular Instructors: ALEX WONG, IAN EASTWOOD, MATT CADY, GIANNA MARTELLO, JILL MARIE, GEO HUBELA, Top 5 Tour Cities: Somerset, NJ; Long Island, NY; Akron, OH; Detroit, MI; Springfield, MA, Popular Instructors: Ricky Hinds, Rachel Reese, Elijah Morton, Michael Crawford, Philip Solomon, Thomas Varvaro, Age Divisions: Mini (ages 7-9), Junior ( ages 10-12), Intermediate (ages 13-14), Senior (ages 15+), Top 5 Tour Cities: Schaumburg, IL: Jul 30-30, 2022, Popular Instructors: Hanna Brictson, Felecia Hubbard, Shelby Kaufman, Kelsey Nelson, Pablo Sanchez, Chris Wendorff, Age Divisions: 3 Levels: Royalty (Novice) | Majesty (Intermediate) | Supremacy (Advanced) | Mini 6 & Under | Petite 7 ~ 9 | Junior 10 ~ 12 | Teen 13 ~ 15 | Senior 16 ~ 19 | Adult 20 & Up, Top 5 Tour Cities: Wilmington, DE: Feb 11-12, 2023; Long Island, NY: Feb 25-26, 2023; East Rutherford, NJ: Mar 11-12, 2023; Albany, NY: Apr 1-2, 2023; Long Island, NY: May 13-14, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Atlantic City, NJ: Jul 17-20, 2023, Age Divisions: Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Competitive, Adaptive; Age: Mini (5 and under), Petite (6-8), Junior (9-12), Teen (13-15), Senior ( 16-19), Adult (20+), Top 5 Tour Cities: Wichita, KS; DFW, TX; KC, MO; OKC, OK; Houston, TX, Age Divisions: TINY, MINI, PETITE, JUNIOR, TEEN, SENIOR, ADULT, Top 5 Tour Cities: Greensboro, NC: Mar 31-2, 2023; Rock Hill, SC: Apr 28-30, 2023; Decatur, AL: Mar 24-26, 2023; Sevierville, TN: Mar 3-5, 2023; Roanoke, VA: Apr 28-30, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Rock Hill, SC: Jun 21-25, 2023, Age Divisions: Novice, Classic, Select // Tiny (4-6), Mini (7-9), Junior (10-12), Teen (13-15), Senior (16-19), Adult (20+), Top 5 Tour Cities: Dallas, TX: Oct 21-23, 2022; Lakeland, FL: Feb 10-12, 2023; Houston, TX: Feb 17-19, 2023; Oklahoma City, OK: Mar 10-12, 2023; San Antonio, TX: Apr 21-23, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Round Rock, TX: Jun 15-18, 2023, Popular Instructors: Josh Manculich, Terrill Mitchell, Shelby Nunn, David Lee, Kori Moore, Morgan Stinnett, Age Divisions: AGE: 7-8, 9-10, 11-13, 14+ STYLE: Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Musical Theater, Open SIZE: Solo, Duo/Trio (2-3), Small Group (4-9), Large Group (10-15), Small Production (16-24), Large Production (25+), Top 5 Tour Cities: Santa Clara, CA: Jan 20-22, 2023; Seattle-Renton, WA: Jan 27-29, 2023; Burbank, CA: Feb 17-19, 2023; Las Vegas, NV: Mar 24-26, 2023; Phoenix-Scottsdale, AZ: Mar 31-2, 2023, 2023 Nationals: San Diego, CA: Jul 2-8, 2023, Popular Instructors: Ben Bigler, Aaron Czuprenski, Ruby Pappen, Brooklyn Jai, Mitchel Federan, Bonnie Story, https://www.internationaladultballetfestival.com/, Top 5 Tour Cities: Miami, FL: Jun 26-1, 2022, Popular Instructors: Julie Gill, Mikey Cusumano, Kirsten Kemp, Allie Christensen, Dr. Nina Geromel, Performance opportunities; Class Division: ability, Top 5 Tour Cities: Spartanburg, SC: Jan 13-15, 2023; Minneapolis, MN: Jan 27-29, 2023; Orlando, FL: Feb 10-12, 2023; Provo, UT: Feb 23-25, 2023; Pittsburgh, PA: Apr 21-23, 2023, Popular Instructors: Kenichi Kasamatsu, Ali Pfleger, Katie Hazard, Brodie Rachelle, Julia Harnetiaux, Edward Cuellar, Top 5 Tour Cities: Santa Clara, CA: Jan 6-8, 2023; Greenville, SC: Jan 13-15, 2023; Vancouver, WA: Feb 10-12, 2023; New Brunswick, NJ: Feb 17-19, 2023; Vanouver, BC, : Mar 3-5, 2023, Popular Instructors: Kenny Wormald, Fefe Burgos, Lyle Beniga, Age Divisions: Recreational, competitive and elite, Top 5 Tour Cities: Voorhees, NJ: Nov 12-13, 2022; Voorhees, NJ: Feb 11-12, 2023; Voorhees, NJ: Mar 10-12, 2023; Voorhees, NJ: Apr 1-3, 2022; Voorhees, NJ: Apr 22-24, 2022, 2023 Nationals: Atlantic City, NJ: Jun 26-30, 2023, Popular Instructors: Bria Walton, Christopher Jackson, Jay Staten, Jessica Attardo, Age Divisions: Mini (ages 7-10), Junior (ages 11-12), Teen (ages 13-15), Senior (ages 16-19), Top 5 Tour Cities: Houston, TX: Nov 11-13, 2022; Orlando, FL: Jan 27-29, 2023; Santa Clara, CA: Mar 3-5, 2023; Greenville, NC: Mar 31-2, 2023; Dallas, TX: Apr 14-16, 2023, 2023 Nationals: New York, NY: Jun 30-8, 2023, Popular Instructors: Joe Lanteri, Suzi Taylor, Joey Dowling, Andy Pellick, Scott Jovovich, Chloe Arnold, Age Divisions: Lil Spark, Mini, Junior, Teen, Senior, Top 5 Tour Cities: Atlanta, GA: Jan 6-8, 2023; Orlando, FL: Jan 20-22, 2023; Chicago, IL: Mar 31-2, 2023; Los Angeles, CA: Apr 21-23, 2023; Layton, UT: May 4-6, 2023, 2023 Nationals: Phoenix, AZ: Jul 5-10, 2023, Popular Instructors: Rustin Matthew, Mallauri Esquibel, Lacey Schwimmer, Ava Flav, Emma Bradley, Lonni Olsen.
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