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P%Jc B% RP BT0)BP)% These forms are available at the GSA Forms Library at https://www.gsa.gov/forms. SF30 , prescribed in 53.243 , shall be used in connection with novation and change of name agreements, as specified in 42.1203 (h). Exception, as used in this part, means an approved departure from the established design, content, printing specifications, or conditions for use of any standard form. ), (j) SF 275 (Rev. (2) The form is in an electronic format covered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X12 Standards published by the Accredited Standards Committee X12 on Electronic Data Interchange or a format that can be translated into one of those standards. Think of this as your invoice to the government but in the government's format. P%Jc B% RP BT0)BP)% 12/2022), Solicitation/Contract. Sign it in a few clicks Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. P%Jc B% RP BT0)BP)% xbbR``b``3 A-` d 2 of 11 19. Nov 2021) Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Products and Commercial Services prescribed in 53.212, OF347 (Rev.2/2012), Order for Supplies or Services, and OF348 (Rev.4/06), Order for Supplies or Services-Schedule Continuation. x- [ 0}y)7ta>jT7@t`q2&6ZL?_yxg)zLU*uSkSeO4?c. R -25 S>Vd`rn~Y&+`;A4 A9 =-tl`;~p Gp| [`L` "AYA+Cb(R, *T2B- )), (c) SF1423 (Rev.5/04), Inventory Verification Survey. Block 18 may only be used for sealed-bid procurements. Edit your sf 1035 fillable form online Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. 20. . (4) As otherwise specified in this chapter (e.g., see 5.503(a)(2), 8.406-1, 36.701(b), and 51.102(e)(3)(ii)). *9|5]W13Chv=N iqC\|J2B=H%Z[4JiLa(R*RRIIKXT))$)zoL,*/v}s^ F 9K'iHZ"=O.sI f Zr D-~UiJI%JbIRT))$)JI%JbIRT))$)JI%JbIRT))$)JI%JbIRT))$)JI%JbIRT))$)JI%JbIRT))$)JI%JbIRT))$)JI%JbIRT))$)JI%JbIRmTR;kq'zT3}C#D0c{l#`lxeL?z_N 01/2014), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor-Production. (h) OF336 (Rev.3/86), Continuation Sheet. This manual is effective immediately. SF252 is prescribed for use in awarding fixed-price contracts for architect-engineer services, as specified in 36.702(a). Add a space to separate the number and text. 53.215-1 Solicitation and receipt of proposals. Select OK. (See 45.602-3 and 41 CFR 102-36.215. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Get the free sf1035 template form Description of sf1035 template U.S. Federal Form sf-1035 VOUCHER NO. (See FPMR 101-45.303 (41 CFR101-45.303. (See 22.406-7(b). Ensure that the contract and, if applicable, order number, are shown on each continuation sheet. 0000002592 00000 n OF336 may be used as a continuation sheet in solicitations, as specified in 14.201-2(b). 441 0 obj<> endobj Content last reviewed July 2017. Just email your documents for editing or formatting . This subpart identifies, in numerical sequence, Standard Forms (SF), Optional Forms (OF) and agency forms that are specified by the FAR for use in acquisitions. (d) SF1424 (Rev.5/2004), Inventory Disposal Report (See 45.605). OF347, prescribed in 53.213(f) (or an approved agency form), may be used for contracts under the simplified acquisition threshold for-. Thecontractor'sownvoucherforms. ), (n) SF 1418 (Rev. (k) SF 1414 (Rev. For other Federal Government forms, please visit www.usa.gov. SF30, prescribed in 53.243, may be used for modifying purchase orders, as specified in 13.307(c)(3). 53.216-1 Delivery orders and orders under basic ordering agreements (OF 347). 53.251 Contractor use of Government supply sources (OF 347). 0000002475 00000 n (See 49.602-1(d). Standard Form 425 OMB Approval Number: 0348-0061 Paperwork Burden Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, as amended, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number. requisition number and date . SF1447 is prescribed for use in soliciting supplies or services and for awarding contracts that result from the bids. Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Products and Commercial Services. Jul 2021), Architect-Engineer Qualifications . 7/1989), Schedule of Accounting Information. The form prescriptions in subpart 53.2 and the FAR forms located at https://www.gsa.gov/forms contain current edition dates. 03. 53.201-1 Contracting authority and responsibilities (SF 1402). 420 0 obj <> endobj (See 28.106-1(e) and 28.203-1(b)(3). OF17 may be furnished with each invitation for bids to facilitate identification and handling of bids, as specified in 14.202-3(b). This manual is approved for public release and is available on the Internet from the DCAA's web site at www.dcaa.mil. To change this, launch Microsoft Word and go to: Tools -> Options -> Security. ~ROE:d="mw|FAN[1AXM B7k)N#REF/Q >Rg>oN|Pz'\e?;/\!|'7WX/dcwY?%#P+c!Fj$%OhCq2WNqhUY;Sb22"?9v(F0, 10/98) Reinsurance Agreement in Favor of the United States. An official website of the United States government. 02. OFs 1419 and 1419A are prescribed for use in recording bids (and may be used for recording proposal information), as specified in 36.701(c). 0 (d) SF1442 (Rev. endstream endobj 453 0 obj<> endobj 454 0 obj<> endobj 455 0 obj<> endobj 456 0 obj<>/Width 42/Height 42/BitsPerComponent 1/ImageMask true/Type/XObject/Subtype/Image>>stream The form may also be used to amend solicitations for negotiated contracts, as specified in 15.210 (b). ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. (NkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% JkBP$V% Jk B}!JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)JP%Jb% R BT))BP)PQ,i1kkI0Hbdz;I)% 0000039002 00000 n paid by. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. ), (c) SF 25A (Rev. %%EOF Overview of the SF 132, SF 133, Schedule P, and SBR 2. Instructions for Submission of a Reference Letter. Consistent with the approach used in subpart 52.2, this subpart is arranged by subject matter, in the same order as, and keyed to, the parts of the FAR in which the form usage requirements are addressed. OF347 , prescribed in 53.213(f), may be used by contractors when requisitioning from the VA, as specified in 51.102 (e)(3)(ii). 53.247 Transportation (U.S. Commercial Bill of Lading). xbbc`b``3 After that, your form forms is ready. HWmo8_A %(I7v.>v/9,-PonDp PK33c%E$Dq'R#XVv&p]?06(v4G2 endstream endobj 421 0 obj<>>> endobj 423 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/StructParents 0>> endobj 424 0 obj<> endobj 425 0 obj<> endobj 426 0 obj<>stream (b) SF30 (Rev.11/2016), Amendment of Solicitation/ Modification of Contract. Grant Application Attachments without Format Pages. endstream (f) OF1419(11/88Ed. (a) Prescribes standard forms (SFs) and references optional forms (OFs) and agency-prescribed forms for use in acquisition; and. Exception approval for overprinting is not needed. OF347 , prescribed in 53.213 (f) (or an approved agency form), may be used to place orders under indefinite delivery contracts and basic ordering agreements, as specified in 16.703 (d)(2)(i). Other non-federal funding agencies may provide specific formats as specified in the award agreement. AHRQ Projects funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund. u.s. department, bureau, or establishment and location : date voucher prepared ; schedule no. SF33 is prescribed for use in soliciting bids for supplies or services and for awarding the contracts that result from the bids, as specified in 14.201-2(a)(1), unless award is accomplished by SF26. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to design your form 1035: Select the document you want to sign and click Upload. SF1449, OFs 347 and 348 (or approved agency forms/automated formats) may be used as follows: (1) To accomplish acquisitions under simplified acquisition procedures, as specified in 13.307. %PDF-1.6 % ?KByPqy(. (See 22.406-8(d). Grant Application - Standard Form 424 (Research & Related) SF424 (R&R) Categories: Small Business, Competing Grant Applications. Form Sf-1035 Is Often Used In U.s. General Services Administration, United States Federal Legal Forms, Legal And United States Legal Forms. (See 28.106-1(l). department of the treasury itfrm 4-2000 . 8/2016) Performance Bond. SF298(2/89), Report Documentation Page. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. All forms are in MS Word format unless otherwise noted. 03/2016), Settlement Proposal (Inventory Basis). hbbd``b`>$4' / "Dx * U1DA{A7 be BVUVEK"Vsa "t@ @a,@d K?5HL`c`bdY8J#3r0 U.S. DEPARTMENT, BUREAU, OR ESTABLISHMENT. ), Continuation Sheet. 6/2007), Inventory Disposal Schedule, and Standard Form 1429 (Rev. OF309 may be used to amend solicitations of negotiated contracts, as specified in 15.210(b). Standard Forms (SF) ), (m) SF 1416 (Rev. SF1409 and SF1410 are prescribed for use in recording bids, as specified in 14.403(a). Htn0E@e,Dc pn492T *f xQ|c3m'U71. (See 45.602-1, 49.303-2, 52.245-1, and 53.249(b).) To sign up for updates or to access your subscriberpreferences, please enter your email address below. xref 0000005107 00000 n 48 CFR 53.301-1035 - Standard Form 1035, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal, Continuation Sheet. 3 !1AQa"q2B#$Rb34rC%Scs5&DTdEt6UeuF'Vfv7GWgw 5 !1AQaq"2B#R3$brCScs4%&5DTdEU6teuFVfv'7GWgw ? ), (g) SF 35 (Rev. 1. The following forms are prescribed for use in conducting preaward surveys of prospective contractors, as specified in 9.106-1 , 9.106-2 , and 9.106-4 . 0000004504 00000 n ), (o) OF 91 (1/90Ed. Looking for U.S. government information and services? 0000004790 00000 n Authority or Regulation: 4 Treasury FRM 2000 1035-110. VOUCHER NO. This is a list of forms from GSA and other agencies that are frequently used by GSA employees. SF-1035 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal - Continuation Sheet) SF-1035 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal - Continuation Sheet) Document SF-1035 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal - Continuation Sheet) (130 KB) Budget. ), (3) SF 1436 (Rev. ), (h) SF 273 (Rev. (See 49.602-1(a). (e) SF1413 (Rev.4/2013), Statement and Acknowledgment. ), (b) SF 25 (Rev. Users of this regulation may recommend new forms or the revision, elimination, or consolidation of the forms prescribed or referenced in this regulation. @a1]pyWQ8,Da^s=/Ttu_Z76kSYo#M[c8rRXt8qE*8 (130k) SF-1035 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal - Continuation Sheet), SF-1035 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal - Continuation Sheet), Find out about career opportunities at USAID. An official website of the United States government. These forms are authorized for local reproduction and can be found at the GSA Forms Library at https://www.gsa.gov/forms . Hj0@cXR&PrH4IZ6_#xO{Oq?b3u)Ln%\(qkm/|b[ZS=iu?C-_Ct8Id_ld9][AVFdU;wMs3mHE,m b1 Hp1: `h@Q8 ` {l 6 p@Qq +NX o0 \r 0\I- i- J.EE( (ynsh YLY7-^4 ^\?=41_7=6ibCA61|K}c'_ A+ (See 28.106-1(j) and 28.202(a)(4).). 1. Telephone: (301) 427-1364, 1034 Form: Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal, https://www.ahrq.gov/funding/contracts/1034-form.html, AHRQ Publishing and Communications Guidelines, Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) Reports, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), AHRQ Quality Indicator Tools for Data Analytics, United States Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK), AHRQ Informed Consent & Authorization Toolkit for Minimal Risk Research, Grant Application, Review & Award Process, Study Sections for Scientific Peer Review, Getting Recognition for Your AHRQ-Funded Study, AHRQ Research Summit on Diagnostic Safety, AHRQ Research Summit on Learning Health Systems, National Action Alliance To Advance Patient Safety, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Other Forms This is a list of optional government forms that start with the letters "OF". Data equivalent to the SF 1035 must be included in a separate electronic file and attached to the cost voucher in WAW F. Vouchers must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the terms of the contract, including any special billing or payment instructions. 386 0 obj <> endobj @ Form Details: Released on October 1, 1987; endstream endobj startxref Obligations by Program Activity 3. Data equivalent to the SF 1035 must be included in a separate electronic file and attached to the cost voucher in WAW F. Vouchers must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the terms of the contract, including any special billing or payment instructions. Information released online before January, 2021. (See 49.302(a). Agency forms are available from the prescribing agency. 53.235 Research and development contracting (SF 298). (See 22.404-3(a) and (b).). H\j0Fl/IBB.M =I (E~WPc&w!`c8uMvopsy?os,:eO}VU!1Rk=v8YXCk'G=/)i|7!o>8/pI.-[ SF30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract. Information released online before January, 2021. SF1413 is prescribed for use in obtaining contractor acknowledgment of inclusion of required clauses in subcontracts, as specified in 22.406-5. Please check the website often to ensure that you are using the most up-to-date forms. (e) OF336 (4/86Ed. xb```b``c`f`fe@ ^0x $62Q:%|;H00}nRf0u'=Qp'#& cKK iiFZZ6W9X ,}U14g`XtH300Ng 5+ 2A, ABGi PHS 416-5. (e) SF1428 (Rev.6/2007), Inventory Disposal Schedule, and SF1429 (Rev.5/2004), Inventory Disposal Schedule-Continuation Sheet. (f) SF1449 (Rev. The following forms are prescribed as stated below, for use in connection with the application of labor laws: (c) SF308 (DOL)(Rev. 10/98) Payment Bond for Other than Construction Contracts. ), (e) SF 28 (Rev. ), Receipt for Cash-Subvoucher. Choose a link below to begin downloading. Rockville, MD 20857 0000001461 00000 n 8/2016), Annual Bid Bond. (See 28.106-1(o) and 28.203-3(a).). endstream endobj 809 0 obj <>stream (b) SF30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract. 8/2016) Bid Bond. Technical Editing & Document Formatting. These are most often used by GSA employees, contractors and customers. wG xR^[ochg`>b$*~ :Eb~,m,-,Y*6X[F=3Y~d tizf6~`{v.Ng#{}}jc1X6fm;'_9 r:8q:O:8uJqnv=MmR 4 53.209-1 Responsible prospective contractors. endobj 0000003533 00000 n (See paragraph (b) of the clause at 52.204-2.). ), (g) SF1445 (Rev.12/96), Labor Standards Interview. SF1165 (GAO) may be used for imprest fund purchases, as specified in 13.307(e). Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. 01/2014), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor (General). (a) The following forms are prescribed for use in connection with the termination of contracts, as specified in subpart 49.6. Note: Content in this archive site is NOT UPDATED, and external links may not function. HUnF}WE-R4`ERj+_#Nms#gb7UwEm wI=A2AS!l{WS.UW/%\/(_L}-'?*"Yg:+2ZKVPj`E? PQR The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0348-0061. SF30 is prescribed for use in amending invitation for bids, as specified in 14.208 ; modifying purchase and delivery orders, as specified in 13.302-3 ; and modifying contracts, as specified in 42.1203(h), 43.301 , 49.602-5 , and elsewhere in this regulation. The form documents the goods or services purchased, the number of goods or services, the date of the purchase, and the total amount. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department. 12/2022), Award/Contract. https://www.ahrq.gov/funding/contracts/1034-form.html. (2) Dismantling, demolition, or removal of improvements (and may be used for contracts within the simplified acquisition threshold), as specified in 36.701(a). ), (4) SF 1437 (Rev. Select Custom. voucher no. Certain forms referred to in subpart 53.2 are prescribed in other regulations and are specified by the FAR for use in acquisition. (See 28.106-1(i) and 28.202(a)(4). 0 SF1424 is authorized for local reproduction. (See 45.602-1(b)(1).). Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries. (b) SF330 (Rev. contract number and date ; paid by : requisition number and date ; payee's %%EOF OF308 may be used to support solicitation of negotiated contracts as specified in 15.210(a). (See 28.106-1(b). 4/2013) Reinsurance Agreement for a Bond statute Performance Bond. @B2PxdpZ=>5cDzh] -f 01/2014), Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor-Accounting System. ), (h) SF1446 (Rev.4/2013. To add text to your number format: Type what you want in quotation marks. Internet Citation: 1034 Form: Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal. startxref Recommendations from within an executive agency shall be submitted to the cognizant council in accordance with agency procedures. Contracting offices may request exceptions (see 53.103 ) to standard forms for special construction and printing. trailer (See 28.106-1(m). 0 5/2004), Settlement Proposal (Total Cost Basis). No results could be found for the location you've entered. Fill Out The Travel Voucher Online And Print It Out For Free. 0000004041 00000 n (5) For a modification confirming the termination contracting officers previous letter determination of the amount due in settlement of a contract termination for convenience, the effective date shall be the same as the effective date of the previous letter determination. ), (2) SF 1435 (Rev. 0000027019 00000 n It is used to make a record of certain expenses that are not personal in nature. Form: SF1035 Public Voucher for Services Other than Personal (Continuation Sheet) Current Revision Date: 09/1973 Authority or Regulation: 4 Treasury FRM 2000 1035-110 DOWNLOAD THIS FORM: Choose a link below to begin downloading. 0000002515 00000 n Sign it in a few clicks Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense. SF-1035 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal - Continuation Sheet) SF-1038 (Advance of Funds Application and Account) The following forms are prescribed for use in contracting by sealed bidding (except for construction and architect-engineer services): (a) SF26 (Rev. SFs 1428 and 1429 are authorized for local reproduction. There are three variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. OF347, Order for Supplies or Services. SF26 is prescribed for use in awarding sealed bid contracts for supplies or services in which bids were obtained on SF33, Solicitation, Offer and Award, as specified in 14.408-1(d)(1). Examples of common exceptions are as follows: As die-cut stencils or reproducible masters. We are constantly updating our selection of forms. Choose My Signature. Visit GSA SmartPay to find state tax exemption forms and/or links directly to state websites. Edit your form online Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. (b) You can access the forms in Table 53-2 at the websites listed in the table. (See 49.602-4.). 01. 422 0 obj<>stream hb```, cb %}TXB6e0\`}a'C`-~l=:x? (3) To issue orders under basic ordering agreements, as specified in 16.703(d)(2)(i). External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein. 2/99) Performance Bond For Other Than Construction Contracts. STANDARD FORM 1449 (REV. (d) SF 1406 (Rev. All the following forms are authorized for local reproduction, except for SF 25 B. This subpart prescribes standard forms and references optional forms and agency-prescribed forms for use in acquisition. Standard Form 1035, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal, Continuation Sheet. SF 1035 Form: Public Voucher for Services Other than Personal (Continuation Sheet) $12.99: SF 1038 Form: Advance of Funds Application and Account: $12.99: . 0000003924 00000 n Individual Fellowship Activation Notice. (See 28.106-1(n). The following forms are prescribed for use in contracting for architect-engineer and related services: (a) SF252 (Rev.10/83), Architect-Engineer Contract. 0000038759 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % The following standard form is prescribed for use in reporting small business (including Alaska Native Corporations and Indian tribes), veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business (including Alaska Native Corporations and Indian tribes) and women-owned small business subcontracting data, as specified in part 19 : SF294 , (Rev. https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/CFR-2010-title48-vol2/CFR-2010-title48-vol2-sec53-301-1035. ~r\>y}N>m7ygy_c(t8v5v\ A44[ZPD9&99%p;[@0Wm.VAs3"A\O*}! ), (b) DDForm441(DoD), Security Agreement. 0000001806 00000 n Content last reviewed July 2017. 819 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<58A6A8FB923A4144879AD19DF1692852><0CF703C740192343A90227F8DA78B63B>]/Index[805 28]/Info 804 0 R/Length 84/Prev 567544/Root 806 0 R/Size 833/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream In Excel, formatting worksheet (or sheet) data is easier than ever. @|%9_`V>L.8dzM 9~).$k$khL^Ov A$|k1CyfcS}0lA3utD1uV&_ , Secure .gov websites use HTTPS nQt}MA0alSx k&^>0|>_',G! payee's A lock ( Recommendations from other than executive agencies should be submitted directly to the FAR Secretariat. 53.109 Forms prescribed by other regulations. Also, Word's macro security setting should be set to "Medium", as many forms may not work properly if Word's macro security setting is set to "High."
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