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It was the Sisters' hope he'd use this ability to craft a persona capable of bringing the Time War to an end, which McGann's Doctor did in constructing what was known as The War Doctor. "[9] Rose and Martha each developed romantic feelings toward the Doctor. At least, that's what was originally shown on television, and extended canon has made explaining this death a bit tricky. In 1970, producer Barry Letts considered him for the role of Captain Mike Yates in Doctor Who: Terror of the Autons: Episode One (1971), but it ultimately went to Richard Franklin. He was supposed to be the Doctor his Eighth incarnation crafted especially for war, and ultimately helped bring most every incarnation of The Doctor together to save Gallifrey. Jackie Lane was born 10 July 1941 in Manchester, England. A few of the companions have died during the course of the series. The fans love them. Left in the dust by a dashing time-traveling alien.) This is also contradicted by the Sarah Jane Adventures storyline Death of the Doctor that indicates she is still alive in 2010, no longer travelling with The Doctor, and running a charity called ACE. Four of the Doctor 's companions were, from top left and in clockwise order: his granddaughter, Susan; Stockbridge science fiction fan Izzy Sinclair; his first companion after the Last Great Time War, Rose Tyler; and the Second Doctor 's most constant companion, Highland Scot, Jamie McCrimmon. As Doctor Who fans know, Capaldi's incarnation gave way to the franchise's first female incarnation of The Doctor, Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor. A hospital would be the best place for most people after being shot, but not The Doctor. During the course of the show's history, there have been a few occasions when companions have died while on adventures with The Doctor. The character of Susan was married off to a freedom fighter and left behind to rebuild a Dalek-ravaged Earth. The Doctor Who spin-off media have seen the creation of new characters acting as new companions to the Doctor. [94], Several other companions have died subsequent to their companionships. This is mainly because the death of this Doctor was never shown on-screen, with the audience only being brought into the story when he was on the verge of regeneration. In the 1970 season, the Doctor was assisted by scientist Liz Shaw and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, along with other UNIT personnel (such as Sergeant Benton). Birth date: March 1, 1918 - Death date: June 18, 1973 (age: 55)Main roles: the Master (1971 - 1973). The Doctor's Companions. He was also the first to play the role following the transition of BBC One from black and white to colour. Doctor Who is a British science-fiction television programme broadcast by the BBC since 1963. Sarah Jane Smith, her son Luke Smith, Maria Jackson, &, Clyde Langer perished while trying to stop the Plasmavore and the Judoon in Royal Hope Hospital on the Moon in the parallel universe of Turn Left. This tendency, plus the increase in "one-off" companions like Astrid Peth and Jackson Lake, has further obscured the matter of who is and is not a companion.[4]. Exceptions include the very brief portrayals of Susan's future husband David Campbell;[15] Dodo Chaplet's ancestor Anne Chaplet;[16] Victoria Waterfield's father Edward;[17] Jo Grant's future husband Prof. Clifford Jones;[18] the companions' various co-workers at UNIT; Leela's father Sole[19] and future husband or lover Andred;[20] Tegan Jovanka's aunt Vanessa,[21] maternal grandfather Andrew Verney,[22] and cousin Colin Frazer;[23] Nyssa's father Tremas and step-mother Kassia;[24] Vislor Turlough's former maths teacher Lethbridge-Stewart;[25] Peri Brown's step-father Prof. Howard Foster,[26] and future husband King Yrcanos;[27] Ace McShane's ex-lover Sabalom Glitz,[28] maternal grandmother Kathleen Dudman,[29] infant mother Audrey Dudman,[30] and a photograph of her maternal grandfather Frank Dudman;[30] and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart's second wife Doris. It's quite an end, especially considering this officially put the character over the halfway point in his regeneration limit. Series four also gives Agyeman, Piper, Barrowman, and Elisabeth Sladen title billing for their reappearances in the final two-parter. Birth date: August 10, 1939 - Death date: March 30, 2014 (age: 74) He also appears in "The End of Time". In this episode, a mysterious figure lingered the entire serial, up until the Doctor's death where he fused with him and formed the Fifth Doctor. They are: Only Adric, Amy, Rory, Clara, and Bill were ongoing, "long-term" companions of the Doctor. The Doctor has died in some heroic, tragic and, in the case of most Classic Who, somewhat bizarre ways. [10] The Eleventh Doctor romantically kissed Amy and Rory's daughter, sporadic companion River Song,[11] jokingly proposed marriage to her,[12] and soon married her.[13]. Clive Swift was born on February 9, 1936 in Liverpool, England, UK. Companions Jack Harkness[46] and Sarah Jane Smith[47] have also been depicted in their youths on their respective spin-off series. Previous companions have reappeared in the series. Harry Sullivans death was implied by Sarah Jane Smith when he was the only former companion of whom she spoke in the past-tense and she remarked that she loved him. The Doctor was successful, but pulled too hard on the cord and fell to his death. Michael Wisher was born on May 19, 1935 in London, England, UK. This grouping of the Doctor, a young heroic male, and an attractive young female became the programme's pattern throughout the 1960s. Hes been writing online for over a decade and never dreamed hed be in the position he is today. Doctor Who's producers replaced Susan with another young female character, Vicki. John Hurt's Doctor was an incarnation added solely for the purpose of the 50th anniversary special of Doctor Who, and was not assumed to be part of the story before then. The acted transferred the energy from her body to his, and while he returned the energy to the TARDIS, harnessing the energy forced The Doctor into a regeneration. The opening credits do little to clarify the situation. Continue to stick with CinemaBlend for more on the series, and for more happening in television and movies. When they found her, Amy had aged by 36 years due to the odd passage of time on the planet. 10. Leela dies some time long after Gallifrey is destroyed (it is implied that she survived the Time War) in a trilogy of Big Finish's Companion Chronicles stories, where she is held prisoner by an alien race called the Z'nai. They provide the lens through which the viewer is introduced to . Most companions travel in the TARDIS with the Doctor for more than one adventure. Mr. Copper ("Voyage of the Damned": 2007). Subsequently acted in repertory theatre and at the West End. Sarah Jane, her predecessor Jo Jones (ne Grant), and their own respective companions subsequently momentarily travelled in the TARDIS with the Eleventh Doctor in The Sarah Jane Adventures serial, Death of the Doctor. Rory Williams is touched by a Weeping Angel in 2012 and sent back in time.With the encouragement of her daughter, River Song, and against The Doctors pleas, Amy Pond allows herself to be touched by a Weeping Angel in 2012 in the hope of being reunited with her husband in the past. Sara Kingdom, is killed in episode 12 of the Daleks Master Plan when she undergoes extreme aging as a side-effect of the. In the Fourth Doctor's final season, he acquired three companions (Adric, Tegan, and Nyssa), and this situation continued under the Fifth Doctor for much of his first season. 4 Reinette Poisson. Frazer Hines. Birth date: 22 January 1940 - Death date: 27 January 2017 (aged 77)Main roles: War Doctor (The Name of the Doctor & The Day of the Doctor: 2013). Doctor Who companions in order: From Susan Foreman to Ruby Sunday Meet the brave and fearless companions of the Doctor. The War Games. In series 23 of the revival, David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Rose have significant sexual tension. Unfortunately, he was far too weary and retreated to the TARDIS knowing his time is up. Patrick Troughton was born in Mill Hill, London and was educated at Mill Hill School. The intellectual Shaw was replaced by Jo Grant in the following season, and as the programme returned to occasional adventures in outer space, the format shifted once more: while UNIT continued to provide a regular "home base" for Earth-bound stories, in stories on other planets, the Doctor and Jo became a two-person team with a close, personal bond. The real answer is that there is no clear answer, and perhaps had Colin Baker gotten the earnest run he signed on for and not the 18-month hiatus that shortened his tenure, we may have gotten an answer. [90] The android Kamelion, after coming under the Master's control, convinced the Doctor to destroy him, and the Doctor complied. This page was last edited on 21 April 2023, at 19:12. Mary Tamm was born on March 22, 1950 in Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England, UK. Mick likes good television, but also reality television. He reappears in The Pandorica Opens as an Auton duplicate, created from Amy Ponds memories, and is restored to his old life along with the rest of the universe in The Big Bang. The character of Sarah Jane also headed up a Doctor Who spin-off, The Sarah Jane Adventures, with K-9 until Sladen's death. New York, Also, the table refers solely to adventures with the respective Doctor. Caroline John. 1. Unfortunately, the Doctor's human friend, Wilfred Mott, was trapped in a radiation booth, and for him to survive, The Doctor needed to take his place. He and Amy negate the timeline by jumping off a ro of, thereby preventing him from being sent further back in time to die of old age downstairs. Initially, the character of the Doctor was unclear, with uncertain motives and abilities. Tom Baker's Doctor was double-crossed by The Master in "Logopolis" and had to make his way up a large telescope in order to unplug a cord that broke The Master's connection to the Charged Vacuum Emboitment (it's a time travelers highway, basically). K-9 has appeared in "School Reunion" and "Journey's End". The long-running Doctor Who may feel a bit daunting to newcomers, especially those aware of the show's over 50 year history on television. It could've all ended had the show not executed on this concept, but luckily, it worked out. Via their special concoction The Doctor was able to choose the traits and personalities of his next regeneration. Tell us what you think about this feature. Mickey is introduced in "Rose" as Rose's boyfriend and recurs regularly before becoming a companion. While they would more or less easily deal with their companions' departures in the classic series, the new series shows the Doctor having a harder time recovering when a companion leaves them, especially when they do so under tragic circumstances and if the Doctor develops a strong emotional tie beyond friendship. Unfortunately. William Hartnell's First Doctor was blessed with a trio of companions when Doctor Who debuted in 1963, but while Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright played their part, it was Susan (probably not her real name in hindsight) who laid the blueprint for a traditional Doctor Who companion. Adric was written out by the unusual method within the series of being "killed off" in the serial Earthshock. Rory Williams suffered several deaths, each of which was negated by alternate timelines, paradoxes, resurrection by advanced alien medicine, or the rebooting of the universe. From 1967 to 1988, voiced many a Dalek (as well as Cybermen) in "Doctor Who". In the revived era, some guest characters have gained companion status such as Mickey Smith, River Song, Wilfred Mott, and Craig Owens. He trained as an actor at the Embassy School of Acting in the UK and at Leighton Rollin's Studio for for Actors at Long Island, New York in the USA. Clara Oswald dies in "Face the Raven", but in a subsequent episode ("Hell Bent") her time stream is frozen at the moment of death by the Time Lords so that they can interrogate her about the Hybrid; the Doctor takes advantage of this to save her life, but she remains technically neither alive nor dead, does not age or have a pulse. By the time of the Sixth Doctor, a single companion had become standard again. [7] However, that has not prevented fans from speculating about possible romantic involvements, most notably between the Fourth Doctor and the Time Lady Romana (whose actors, Tom Baker and Lalla Ward, shared a romance and brief marriage). In Doctor Who, the contemporary incarnations are often seen as the most important elements of the show. Of course, most fans will tell anyone jumping in for the first time a vast quantity of knowledge is not required to dive in at the reboot, though it may be worth remembering how each Doctor met their end. Tegan Jovanka was the first full-time companion to part from the Doctor and subsequently return to full-time companionship, although the break in her tenure had been pre-planned. Adam was also far less significant than Rose's mother, Jackie Tyler, who was a frequently recurring character who travelled in the TARDIS, yet is not considered a companion. . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Ultimately Sara is killed by. Amy and Rory jointly jumped off of a high-rise in New York on a hunch that doing so would create a paradox and deliver themselves from that timeline. In the long-running BBC television science fiction programme Doctor Who and related works, the term "companion" refers to a character who travels or shares adventures with the Doctor. A recurring theme of the new series is the toll the loss of companions takes on the Doctor. Clara Oswald is killed by a Quantum Shade in Face the Raven. In the long-running BBC television science fiction programme Doctor Who and related works, the term " companion " refers to a character who travels or shares adventures with the Doctor. The new series of Doctor Who started on Saturday, and as well as new adventures, fans welcomed the Time Lord's latest companion Bill Potts (played by Pearl Mackie). Anthony Ainley was a notable British actor and a member of a distinguished British acting family. The Doctor was forced into regeneration as a punishment after facing a council of fellow Time Lords for disrespecting their rules of non-interference. Sometimes they return home, and sometimes they find new causesor loveson worlds they have visited. Birth date: 19 May 1935 - Death date: 21 July 1995 (age 60)Main roles: Davros (Genesis of the Daleks: 1975). This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 10. The BBC's long-running sci-fi favourite has showrunner Russell T Davies back at . These cookies do not store any personal information. Jon Pertwee is best known for his portrayal of the Third Doctor on the BBC's science-fiction television series Doctor Who (1963) from 1970 to 1974. Rory is shown dying of old age in "The Angels Take Manhattan", in front of himself, Amy, the Eleventh Doctor and his daughter River Song. They appear in the final scene of ", An illusionary Amy appears to the Doctor before his regeneration in ". In fighting the Ice Governess in the final hour of Christmas Eve 1892, a Victorian era incarnation of Clara Oswald falls off of the cloud on which the TARDIS was parked, plummeting to the ground. The 2005 series played with this idea by having various characters think that the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler were a couple, which they vehemently denied. Along with Barbara Wright and Susan Foreman, Ian discovered the TARDIS in a police box, all but launching the entire time-traveling formula that would persist for decades. The Doctor didn't deny these claims, nor was he apologetic. She played classical roles on the stage and also portrayed Elizabeth "Liz" Shaw in the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who, as well as several other television roles. This exit may sound very lame, and in all honesty, it kind of is by The Doctor's standards. Vicki left the First Doctor circa 1250 BCE and passed into legend as Cressida.[101]. The Doctor and his companions landed on the planet of Apalapucia, where Amy was separated from the Doctor and Rory. ", "BBC Doctor Who Classic Series Companions Adric", "BBC Doctor Who Classic Series Companions Nyssa", "BBC Doctor Who Classic Series Companions Tegan Jovanka", "BBC Doctor Who Classic Series Companions Vislor Turlough", "Doctor Who Classic Series Companions Kamelion", "Doctor Who Classic Series Companions Kamelion", "Press Office Doctor Who press pack phase six Episode Seven", "Doctor Who Captain Jack Harkness Character Guide", "Doctor Who Mickey Smith Character Guide", "Doctor Who Martha Jones Character Guide", "Doctor Who Sarah Jane Smith Character Guide", "Who's Your Favorite Doctor Who Companion? Susan Foreman. Once all the danger was over, the battle-weary Time Lord simply regenerated due to old age. Jon Pertwee Actor | Doctor Who On the opposite side of the same coin, Amy reacted to the stress of her adventures by very aggressively trying to seduce the Doctor on the eve of her own wedding, despite being in love with her fianc Rory; the Doctor forcibly pushed her off of himself, though she did not immediately cease her pursuit. He was an actor, known for Doctor Who (1963), Theatre 625 (1964) and Thursday Theatre (1964). During the course of the shows history, there have been a few occasions when companions have died while on adventures with The Doctor. Born of a Spanish father and French mother in Whitechapel. Previously appears with the Tenth Doctor in ", Rachel Fewell portrays a younger Adelaide in flashback, Wilf is introduced in "Voyage of the Damned" and recurs throughout series 4 as Donna's grandfather. Read more: Christopher Eccleston says Doctor Who is 'a bit of a boys . More consistent exceptions occurred between series 5 and 7, when the Eleventh Doctor travelled with Amy Pond and Rory Williams, and series 10, where the Twelfth Doctor appeared alongside Bill Potts and Nardole. In the Doctor Who magazine comic strip her time in the TARDIS ended with her dying, fittingly, in a Nitro-9 explosion, a groundbreaking plot twist that other Doctor Who media rushed to ignore.. After surviving decades in an alien hospice that was deadly to humans, Amy Pond compelled Rory Williams to lock herout of the TARDIS in order to protect her younger self and allow the latter to have the life with Rory that the former missed. This pattern, the Doctor with a single female companion, became a template from which subsequent episodes of Doctor Who rarely diverged. Amy Pond/Rory Williams. But during an adventure where they had to cure Steven of. He was previously married to Margaret Drabble. [99] Amy and Rory jointly jumped off of a high-rise in New York on a hunch that doing so would create a paradox and deliver themselves from that timeline. Doctor Who. ) In 1982, however, things were different. She attended stage school after failing her O level exams, but left after three weeks and got herself an agent. The Time Lords respected his reasoning, but still chose to exile him on Earth's in the 20th century without the secret of the TARDIS until they saw fit as punishment for his prior crimes. Amy and Rory were sent back in time by the Weeping Angels,. She was an actress, known for Doctor Who (1963), Doghouse (2009) and The Likely Lads (1976). The Wheel in Space. [100] When the series was relaunched in 2005, the Doctor believed himself to be the only Time Lord to have survived the Last Great Time War, indicating that he believes that Susan Foreman and Romana were killed, and that Leela, who settled on Gallifrey,[20] was lost when that planet was destroyed in the Last Great Time War. He was an actor, known for Excalibur (1981), Frenzy (1972) and Keeping Up Appearances (1990). In The Trial of a Time Lord, Peri Brown is killed by King Yrcanos in Mindwarp, after her brain has been replaced by that of Kiv, a member of the Mentor race. Without fail, the Doctor is always accompanied by his "companions." More often than not, they are comely young women (and sometimes men). [92] Before River Song's formal companionship began, she sacrificed herself in order to save those trapped in the Library's computer servers' simulations. In the 2020 web story "Farewell, Sarah Jane", Sarah Jane Smith is said to have died. ", "Lindsay Duncan to star in second Doctor Who Special of 2009", "Steven Moffat reveals Pearl Mackie to debut in 2017, her name and when's she's from", "Series 10: Nardole is a Full-Time "Non-Human" Companion", "Jodie Whittaker's Final Doctor Who Episode Title Revealed", "Millie Gibson is the new Doctor Who companion, Ruby Sunday", Guide to classic series companions on the BBC's, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Companion_(Doctor_Who)&oldid=1151077950, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2009, Wikipedia articles with style issues from March 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Kamelion, an android companion, is destroyed by the Fifth Doctor in Episode 4 of, The Eleventh Doctor learns of the death of the. Astrid Peth sacrificed herself to kill Max Capricorn, saving the lives of millions aboard the interstellar space liner RMS Titanic and in the greater London area. It wasn't until 2013, however, that the Eighth Doctor got a proper ending, and the 50th anniversary special provided that opportunity in a rather unique fashion. Astrid Peth sacrifices herself in order to kill Max Capricorn by driving him into a reactor core at the end of Voyage of the Damned. I also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. One telling of The Doctor's regeneration says the Doctor was killed via an attack by a rival assaulting the TARDIS. The bad news is he dropped his recovered vial in sand, and when he retrieved it, there was only enough to save one of them. After losing Donna Noble, the Tenth Doctor refused to travel with a companion until after his regeneration, unable to cope with them leaving anymore, thus resulting in one-off companions (Jackson Lake, Christina de Souza, Adeleide Brooke and Wilfred Mott) . Matt Smith's Doctor had a bit of a stranger exit than other modern Doctors, mainly because his departure was preceded by another major franchise event. In most Doctor Who stories, the primary companion acts as an audience surrogate. In the same serial, Sara Kingdom was rapidly aged to dust by a Time Destructor. However, in The Ultimate Foe it is revealed that Peri had not been killed and had instead become Yrcanos consort. He died on July 21, 1995 in Dacorum, Hertfordshire, England, UK. She declined his invitation in "School Reunion", but subsequently met up with the Doctor aboard a Dalek ship in "Journey's End" and travelled with him, several other companions, and Jackie Tyler in the TARDIS as they towed the Earth back to the solar system. An actor since the age of 14, Bernard Cribbins had become a major star on the London stage by his mid-20s, but it was another ten years before he became a national star by his success in film comedies and with a string of hit records. The Doctor "burns up a sun to say goodbye" and responds to Rose saying "I love you" with a cut-off sentence that is almost certainly "I love you too". Several companion characters have returned to the series after leaving the Doctor's company, most notably in the Series Four finale "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End" (2008), which features a record eight past, present and future companions: Donna is joined by a returning Rose, Martha, Jack, Sarah Jane, and Mickey, while past companion K9 and future companion Wilfred Mott make appearances. In "The End of Time", John Simm receives title billing for his antagonist role as the Master, ahead of Bernard Cribbins as companion Wilfred Mott. This is later contradicted by the Sarah Jane Adventures episode Death of the Doctor which indicates that Liz Shaw is still alive although still working on the moon in 2010, the novel is set in 2003. Kate O'Mara was born Frances Meredith Carroll on August 10, 1939 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England. Carole Ann Ford, who played Susan Foreman, became unhappy with the lack of development for her character[2] and chose to leave in its second series. While Adric attempted to divert a spaceship from crashing into Earth, a Cyberman destroyed the controls, they hurtled through time and crashed into the planet, creating the Chicxulub crater and causing the K-Pg extinction event (this fulfilled Silurians prophecy and facilitated the evolution of mammals). Several spin-off-exclusive characters have also died but this list is only concerned with TV companions: Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. That probably won't happen since Doctor Who doesn't make deep references to the classic years, so viewers may as well just choose the one they like more. With various companions, the Doctor combats foes, works to save civilizations, and helps people in need. The companion with the shortest time with Hartnell's Doctor was Katarina, a Trojan spy sent to spy on him but ended up befriending him. The role went to 40-year-old Tom Baker, and the part of Harry, no longer required for the action role, was dropped after one season.[3]. Doctors helped: 2nd Doctor, 3rd Doctor, 4th Doctor, 5th Doctor, 7th Doctor; John Benton. The Eleventh Doctor learns of the death of the Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart in The Wedding of River Song via phone call, coinciding with the death of the actor who portrayed him, Nicholas Courtney. Caroline Frances John (19 September 1940 - 5 June 2012) [1] was an English actress. The Doctor went to war with the Cybermen on Mondas for two episodes, but the mission and the journeys prior have taken their toll. Although the term "companion" is designated to specific characters by the show's producers and appears in the BBC's promotional material and off-screen fictional terminology, there is no formal definition that constitutes such a designation. This kills both him and Amy, but both are resurrected as the timeline where they died is negated. Adam Mitchell is killed by an explosion in the comic storyline Prisoners of Time, sacrificing himself to thwart The Masters attempt to destroy reality and saving all eleven Doctors and their gathered companions. He worked in the theatre for many years and eventually found work in various historical film dramas in the 1970s. Paul McGann's Doctor could've been the first face of the rebooted Doctor Who franchise in the mid-'90s, but the franchise opted not to reboot following his television movie. A gaunt, intense character actor of striking presence, Richard Gibbon Hurndall was educated at Scarborough College and trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Reinette is by far one of the most celebrated would-be companions of the modern Doctor Who. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Although most often called upon to play the villain (due to his dark good looks and sinister beard), he also had a career as a voice actor on BBC Radio appearing on such programs as the "Morning Story". Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Ian in particular served the role of the action hero. This ending was written in 1992, though while it is the most current ending, I hesitate to call it canon mostly because the details haven't been confirmed on television. Other companions died in alternate timelines or alternate lives. 9 (8 as companion) Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. Lucy Saxon (The End Of Time) BBC Studios. This story was later expanded upon in the 2017 Christmas special "Twice Upon A Time," but we'll get into that a little later. He has since died numerous times in both Doctor Who and Torchwood, always returning to life soon after. Similarly, when Ian and Barbara left, the "action hero" position was filled by astronaut Steven Taylor. RELATED: Doctor Who: All Series Premieres, Ranked [91] Astrid Peth sacrificed herself to kill Max Capricorn, saving the lives of millions aboard the interstellar space liner RMS Titanic and in the greater London area. William Hartnell, the George Washington of Doctors both in order and appearance, met his end not long into Doctor Who Season 4.
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