- 7. Mai 2023
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- Category: Allgemein
my dog has a noticeable red bump right by his nose and it looks like it is getting bigger. When she drinks she acts like something is in her throat and preventing all of the water from going down and she usually spits up about 1/2 of it. Did she have a seizure? Dog is 9, started drinking more than average H2O and urinating more along with a lot of panting, he is 69lbs, healthy and current at vet? It is important that you immediately see a vet if you notice that your dog's poop is black. Dog vomit can appear clear, yellow, brown, or white and foamy. Older dog problems: with appetite, steadily losing weight and pooping frequently, Can Prednisone side effects bring on pain for DM, my dog just got bumps that are showing up. Was my dog poisoned? i have a 10 yr old king charles spaniel, he has what i can only describe as cysts/warts on various parts of his body he is currently taking banacep for an enlarged heart and frusemide for water on the lungs the cysts vary in size from time to time is this anything to worry about ? She is getting older, but has not had this degree of lameness at anytime. He just had a spinal tap today so we are waiting on the results from that. Her gums are a light pink and she is stumbling and falling as she tries to walk her feet come out from under her as if she cant control it. The Vet had no clue what it was. How to eradicate a foul odor with my dog? Mucous from the stomach and esophagus will look thick, white and sometimes foamy when it is vomited up. My Malamute puppy is 5 months old and is panting a lot. 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Coughing Up White Foam. Your veterinarian may also recommend putting bananas, oatmeal, and pumpkin into your dog's food to help the upset stomach. I have an 8 year old boxer who started losing his hair. My male boxer who is a year and six months old, has heartworms. It's not a lot, doesn't have an odor, she doesn't have a fever. 2days ago he started drinking a lot of water and wouldn't eat at all. I have a (chic) small dog she is listless and has an extended stomach or hard to the touch. When he was about 6 months old he was running around with some other dogs and suddenly his rear legs started to get very weak. I also noticed a bump in the same area of her back right on her spine. The dogs medical history, physical examination and the diagnostic tests will help the veterinarian determine the best treatment for the condition. When he does move he's pretty much using only three legs. I have an 8 year old extremely healthy pitbull. I take her for 2 to 3 short walks and she seems to do real enjoy the walks. Now I have another one acting the same way. my maltese has a red, swollen anus with small abrasions around it. She was in heat about two weeks ago and now shes bleeding real thick from her vagina? I believe that she's eating and drinking because I refill both in the morning. The vomit was clear and in the middle was white. Thank you kindly. e is limping on his left front paw. Your dog could be spitting up white foam as a result of: Kennel cough Bloat Upset stomach Fungal infection Rabies Pneumonia Tracheal collapse Heart Disease Lungworm Some of these conditions are more serious than others; some will require more intense treatment than others. Are these symptoms of a fever? She is current on her shots but is coming up on her first birthday. The good news is that throwing up white foam is very common in dogs - white foam often happens when your dog is vomiting without food in their stomach. 8 week old schnoodle only coughs after drinking from her water dish. Causes of GI distress that could lead to vomiting white foam include: Eating grass or another similar stomach irritant. I noticed that my male Shitzu (2 years old) has been licking his penis more often than usual. my cat is about 5 yrs old and has a growth on her butt and she keeps biting it open. Immediately after she had trouble walking but now can run. I give her a buffered aspirin but that does little effect. The only thing I found to stop the accidental urination was changing her diet (on my own ) to Cooked grd. Nothing has changed, she ate the same food, shes an inside dog so she hasnt got into anything that we've seen, we do have a kitten but we had him for 2 weeks and nothings changed on her till now, my yorkie has a hard swollen abdomen and a dry cough. He bobs his head and we are feeding him by stablizing him s As far as I know, he hasn't eaten anything different, but I live on a farm where he has free range, so he could have gotten into something that I don't know about. Thank you, Susan, i have noticed recently that my male husky, that is 4yrs has a bald patch on his foot that he keeps licking and it seems to be wet looking, and not getting any better. We have had blood work come back normal, full x-rays and barium trace that showed no irregularities. Bloat, another very serious and life-threatening condition, causes a dog's stomach to expand. In my opinion it looks like a water blister, as if it needs popped. To prevent your dog's vomiting, you can start with diet. Thanks for your help. Dog is licking vagina and has ball like object hanging from vagina, Dog licking her vagina frequently and yelping, Dog urine is bright yellow and platelet count is 170, why are my dogs nails turning red like blood, My 2yr old dog has sores around vagina and urinating uncontrollably, Dog is pooping yellowish and bloody stools. My Yorkie/Maltese mix dog just developed a sore on her back. he is only 18 months and has done nothing to cause trauma he is a rescue Stafford shire bull terrier cross english bull and he went out to toilet this morning and now has a severe limp he cant put any pressure on the leg he doesn't mind it being touched gently and isn't in agony but it does look bad. I am waiting for a consultation with his vet but I am really worried. She does lay on it today but it is still tender. Determining whether a dog vomiting clear liquid is a problem depends . 6 week old Dashun had bloody diarrhea,will not eat and when giving something to drink it comes out the back end. She is unbelievable! The urine is very dilute. Dog has a lump on her neck near her esophogus. Bloating causes a dog's stomach to fill up with food or gases, making its stomach . I have taken her to two different vets. He sleeps indoors and is let out early morning (without fail). Dog behavior change: ears pointed back, stays in bed, walks slowly, no appetite and yellow vomit, Painful dog penis with 2 hard swellings on the side, Dog vomiting and depressed with loss of appetite. I am reluctant to put him through surgery if it can be avoided, any advice? my dog has bumps all over his body, is coughing, and his balls are red and swollen what id wrong with him? My dog seems to be having seborrhea like symptoms: greasy hair, hair loss and scabbing. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in dogs is a chronic gastrointestinal disease. We live in Mauritius and don't have all the new technologies to heal our dog. Thank you. Pancreatitis is another disease where one of the symptoms is your dog vomiting white foam or slime. I have 3 days before I can take her back, any advice what I can do in the mean time. It has a skin-color frame around the circumference. Do u have n idea of what mayb wrong My dog doesn't have EPI; what else might it be? No other muscular symptoms, gate is normal. I have a male 13 year old mix with restless leg syndrome? Your thoughts please? I'm going to the vet today but I am worried. Shes never been mated. One morning it was like he was drunk and would turn his toes of his left paw under and try to walk. Have a 4 year old lasa/poodle and her front leg twitches while standing. My dog gets into my cat's litter box sometimes and eats her poop. He woke up the other morning whining (which he never does) and when we went to him to see what was wrong he acted fine. What could be causing this? Pet parents who notice any combination of the symptoms of these serious and possibly fatal conditions should seek emergency veterinary care right away. Please help. i have a yellow lab he is 13, he has had cancer and has bumps on his body. A lot of people see their pet throw up a clear slime and immediately think that their dog is throwing up water. My puppy (7 months old), has been throwing up, breathing hard, not really wanting to eat and lethargic. Hi, I have a 6 year old pitbull who has been throwing up for about the last hour. Should we be worried about this? already check blood. Her appetite is fine, but she has also started pooping in the house. Possible reasons for dog swollen in the face? He appears to have been drooling (dry sticky saliva around the mouth). whooping cough (pertussis), in children . Her eyes went dead, her legs were shaking. It is about an inch in diameter and he has had it for about two weeks. My 12-year-old spayed English Staffordshire has Cushings Syndrome. Fast Your Dog This will give his gastrointestinal tract some rest and time to recover. Dogs should not be fed table scraps, which are fatty. She has what looks like an insect bite on her ribsany ideas? She will be ok for awhile and then out of nowhere she will throw up. Many dogs with inflammatory bowel disease have a history of recurring vomiting or diarrhea. He is 16 years old and fussy with his food. She will let me touch and rub anywhere on the leg with no signs of pain at all. The veterinarian will need to know any additional signs you may have observed besides the bringing up of mucus; if there are signs of lethargy or depression for example, do not leave this important information out of the discussion. My dog started yelping every time she gets up from laying down. He has not been neutered yet. is it bad to humans? Thank you. She is being very lathargic, her nose is very dry, and her tongue is very hot. Dogs neck has swollen glands, and problem popping. and hardly drinks water and does not want to eat if he does he throws up. Please help-any suggestions? The leading causes for a dog vomiting white foam include internal injury, infection and inconsistent eating habits. Other things I have noticed that I'm not too sure are anything to worry about: he has urinated twice inside the house (he is house trained) and sometimes urinates a lot, sometimes plays with his food (throws it around) & I noticed a small yellowish discharge from penis occasionally. Then, after a week, he could not get up. Kennel cough and other upper respiratory problems may cause dogs to cough up foamy white liquid. Activity level is normal, no lameness/favoring of limbs, no change in appetite, nothing out of the ordinary except the spasms. Also he now has a dark beard around his mouth with staining and he smells strong like sour milk. Many thanks for such a valuable service! Hi. Skin darkening in dog belly and anal area, Skin discoloration on dog's stomach and groin area, Telling the difference between dog congestive heart failure and pneumonia, Requirements for Therapy Pet Certification, Common Questions About Foster Care Kittens, Common Questions About Queening and Breeding Cats. Everything has come back normal but the spots have come back. Can you please tell me what this could be? my female dog is 5 years old. My 3 year old toy poodle is vomiting clear-brown at random and it smells very acidic and nasty. Hi, Lately my 8 month Yorkie mix puppy has been making what I believe to be a gagging sound and then about ten minutes later throws up. It has been happening for a couple of weeks now. I don't know what to do. I am a dog groomer and deal with expressing anal sacs on a frequent basis..Today I was expressing my cocker's anals when I notice something that I felt was abnormal. 9 month old with burst cyst He seems to run fine and can even stand on his rear legs when interacting with our much larger greyhound. or something like a nerve firing continuously only recently. My dog Jack Russell, he s full brown with white spots. Also she has started to walk in circles. i think she's in pain. Do boxers have a problem with kidney failure as young dogs? What can I do for my dog with bloody diarrhea? She does not seem to have any problems when she eats however. 1st was cancerous and removed, 2nd a fatty lump and 3rd removed as wasnt cancerous yet but would have turned that way if left. My Jack Russell keeps lifting his back leg when he's walking or running. I have a Siberian Husky female, 6 1/2 year old. My mom's dog has developed some symptoms of Cushing's Disease, but we haven't confirmed anything yet. Hi!.. Her paws blister, peel, and then scab over. What could cause this? went to feed my golden retriever tonight and noticed bumps on his head. At first it was almost a poop like substance, now mostly bile. It has now grown longer and I have notice two other spots on the same side. Thank you. What should I do? Are these symptoms of canine Cushing's disease? Some of the most common causes of dog coughing up white foam are GI distress, which is usually due to excess gas or bile in the stomach. I guess it's more of a spotting, not like a heat cycle. I got up this morning and found three different piles of vomit. Remember that veterinarians often disagree about the best treatments for pets. The vomiting of mucus, which is often white and phlegm-like, can be caused by a variety of medical conditions. Our dog constantly bites/chews her feet and legs. We have stopped the aspirin, is there anything else we can do? Any suggestions? why is my dog lethargic cold and shivering out of nowhere.. i don't know if he ate anything i'm just so worried He was panting heavily and just lying on the ground. Producing mucus is one of your body's methods of protecting your respiratory system. it doesn't seem to hurt her much but it looks like she's squirreled away a couple peppermint candies in her jaw. Right now she can hardly stand we have to carry her out side to potty but she has had times she cant help her self. He has scabs on his hind end and over his eye and now a raw sore under his neck. It is an internal growth and does not appear to be infected or to cause him pain. My dog threw up thick white mucus - a big pile of it - and now has thrown up twice more in the last couple of hours. My dog is 10 yrs old and he is shaking and panting a lot. The heat cycle lasted 3-4 weeks, ending in feb. Another heat cycle started 4/2 (5 weeks since last heat cycle). My dog has a liquid filled sack on the top back part of his paw In some cases, a person may . Kidney Disease. This morning my dog started vomiting which is not normal at all for him to do. My dog has a grey tongue, is breathing heavy, and has droopy eyes. His behavior seems energetic, nothing unusual. He and one of my border collies got into a fight. Will contact my vet but would like your opinion. One is fairly large and one is in the front and has made one of his front teeth push out. She also breathes really hard while sleeping. After about 15-20 mins, he was fine. he was just laying down each time. The weather is changing where it is warm in the afternoon and pretty cool in the morning. Long story short she's always coughing, hacking, and making sounds like she's clearing her throat.Along with this she brings up a good bit of phelgm.This to me is the big issue.I say this because she's constantly vomiting it up along with food and water.Plus when she's sleeping she starts to sound congested and eventually when it sounds so loud and bubbly she sits up and starts hacking.Any help is appreciated. He stands still while it is happening-about 10 contractions accompanied by the sounds-does not open his mouth-and continues on his way when it ends, seemingly unaffected. My dog was at the vet and diagnosed with larangeal paralysis, My dog has a cyst inside her mouth should I get it removed, Our 11yr old dog has been loosing weight and muscle mass rapidly. My dog vomited 3 times and she is shaking. He may slowly walk back and forth in the main hallway; this is very unusual as he always runs. Whether they are vomiting clear liquid as a precursor for actual vomit, or if they are simply regurgitating food . and what should i do? Beef, brown rice & green beans. My 10 year old dog is having trouble walking as I have seen before due to ticks, but she has no ticks or worms . Any suggestions? My cat has a large tumor on her back and was recently diagnosed to be cancerous. She lost her balance My 12 year old dog has small yellow "things" around his anus and tail. The dog is suddenly stopping from a walk and freak out on rubbing on the pavement or looking her genital. She didn't used to do this until a few months ago. If she gets to a place that she cant go around she stands there until helped. Could you please tell me what's going on with him. She slept at my mom's one night and I thought she caught them, but the groomer said she didn't. The disease is caused by the decrease of hormone production from the adrenal gland. my 2 yr old springer became ill suddenly on friday; nauseous, listless and shaking. I have a large (103 lbs.) He got it overnight, I saw him lick it and he just started to limp. What could be the possible causes and does he need emergency care? i have a 3 yr old female german shepherd The cause could be a virus, bacteria, or another pathogen. The cost of treating intestinal parasites may be $50-300. Some of the more common causes of white foamy vomit in dogs include: White, foamy vomit is often saliva that mixed with gas in the dog's stomach. my dogs displays symptoms of cyst and warts on the body. but it came back negative. Please help. What can be causing this and should I take her immediately to the emergency vet or wait until tomorrow and see her regular vet? I just noticed her really the sneezing going on the past couple days. He is not hot (cool, wet nose). She has been acting weird, she is always tired and not interested in food or doing anything she has also got diarrhoea and has red eyes.she has been like this for the past two days, do you know what could be wrong with her? Also we do not have fleas & her food has not changed for years. Why is my dog having a bowel movement that appears white? It's sort of brown and when handled, turns a shade of scarlet. Yet we went to the vet, he told us that she had colitis and prescribe one drop of ranitidine every 12 hours, 1 drop of buscapina compositum once a day and 0.3 ml of pramigel every 8 hours, everything for 5 days. My dog has a red, swollen anus with small abrasions around it. She acts perfectly normal otherwise. She does have arthritis and displaysia. Could this be something else? shaking head When my dog sleeps he leaks clear and odorless liquid. She has been leaking urine and has been put on antibiotics several times but this leaking comes back. Dogs vigorously coughing can sometimes be mistaken for . we do have a house key missing and he swims in rivers and has also drunk from stagnant water fountain. She takes Anipryl; after some improvement the situation worsened. Depending on your dog's lifestyle and risk, vaccinations for illnesses like kennel cough and canine influenza can protect them from these infections. Female dog nipples Please help. What else might it be? Recently started giving her Blue Buffalo Mini Bars treats with yogurt and banana as main ingredients. I assumed it was from the trauma of having 8 puppies, being it was her first litter, but for 5 weeks after? She also have an unusual small poops a little mushy. Bad dry dog food? The vet said 1.7 is the normal point of treatment. Other causes include heart disease and tracheal collapse. my dog tried to jump on the couch and yelped in pain. She was reverse sneezing/coughing and the vet thought it might be allergies so a wk ago he put her on Temaril p. She didn't respond to the meds and to me she sounds worse. Additional signs of an infection might include a bad odor, a nosebleed, and coughing or choking resulting from post-nasal drip. It is spreading all over. We treated it before we sent the puppy to his new home by the age of 12 weeks. He is healthy now but he has what appear to be pimples but they are puss filled directl
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