how is space exploration viewed through humanities lens


Space has fascinated people around the world wondering and asking questions like are we ever going to explore beyond our planet and even the solar system, or what new technologies are going to be made from space exploration, what benefits have we already seen from space exploration, and countless more. Space exploration deserves not only to be a top priority in our nation, but much more funding than it already has, because it is rooted with history that has taught us many things and will continue to do so, it will help us advance technology beyond the scope of commercial innovation, and it can answer the greatest questions that every civilization has tried to answer. When the Curiosity rover landed, when Juno went into orbit around Jupiter, when the Rosetta mission successfully went into orbit around a comet (and then when the mission ended), when New Horizons successfully flew by Pluto, my social media feeds were filled with people around the world rejoicing together. I imagine the surviving Rapanui, standing on the shore of Easter Island, now just a barren wasteland, saying, We should probably have migrated somewhere else, or at least built an ark.. Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are for various reasons unfeasible locations for human settlement. The U.S.S.R. also achieved the first spacewalk and launched the Vostok 6 mission, which made Valentina Tereshkova the first woman to travel to space.During the 1960s, NASA made progress toward President Kennedys goal of landing a human on the moon with a program called Project Gemini, in which astronauts tested technology needed for future flights to the moon, and tested their own ability to endure many days in spaceflight. Unfortunately, even if the population of the planet never gained even one more person, there really is nowhere on Earth where the political soil is pristine enough to allow for new, maybe better, social/economic/political systems to take root and thrive. Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, Key dates in history of space exploration. Significant milestones in space exploration, The Apollo lunar landings and Apollo-Soyuz, Summary of space stations launched since 1971, Human beings in space: debate and consequences, Biomedical, psychological, and sociological aspects, Military and national security uses of space, 7 Accidents and Disasters in Spaceflight History. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. This article is useful to my research because of the analysis of the relationship between each step in space exploration and the possible benefits in the science field. long-term exposure to zero-gravity and how it affects astronauts returning to Earth, known as That is, the Rapanui paid a huge price for the way they chose to articulate their spiritual and political ideas. (ibid). We human beings have been venturing into space since October 4, 1957, when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth. Scam Advisory: Recent reports indicate that individuals are posing as the NEH on email and social media. (2010). The natural science lens focuses on how space - Course Hero Youve read one of your four complimentary articles for this month. In the early 21st century, entrepreneurs believed that there were several other areas of commercial potential in space, most notably privately funded space travel. In 1969, on Apollo11, the United States sent the first astronauts to the Moon, and Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on its surface. Easter Islands first inhabitants probably arrived around 400 AD, and linguistic and genetic evidence suggested they most likely came from East Polynesia. In 1998, at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Florida Philosophical Association, Dr Roy Weatherford gave his Presidential Address, on the moral imperative of space travel. Other countries also viewed having a successful space program as an important indicator of national strength. However, what this author did not realize was that despite the appearance that the billions going to space research did not affect life on earth, but was only to prove superiority over the Soviet Union, it eventually improved life for everyone through the expansion of technology in everyday, Space has always been an unknown to the humanity, and therefore humanity has in insatiable desire to know as much as possible about the area beyond the Earth's atmosphere. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. But yet, these people work it out, doing what is necessary in order for the mission to succeed. Another space application that began under government sponsorship but quickly moved into the private sector is the relay of voice, video, and data via orbiting satellites. It is true that space exploration costs billions of dollars a year alone according to NASA current budget, which is constantly increasing. almost all robotic missions these days are international ventures. Under such a moral imperative, humanity has no choice but to forge new frontiers for expansion. Space explorations expands our horizons, feeds our curiosity, and helps us finding all sorts of unexpected things while helping to answer profound questions like how did the Universe begin? : an American History - Chapters 1-5 summaries, BUS 225 Module One Assignment: Critical Thinking Kimberly-Clark Decision, 1-2 Short Answer Cultural Objects and Their Culture, Week 1 short reply - question 6 If you had to write a paper on Title IX, what would you like to know more about? From rocket scientists to the seamstresses that sewed the spacesuits together, to the radio operators around the globe that monitored communications, each person, each step was an important link in the chain of what it took to make the Apollo 11 mission possible. Although the details of the numerous arguments for such a position are outside the scope of this article, let me offer a few comments and criticisms. Society have even taken a step forward through the creation of stories in books and movies based of the idea of humans living in space and the present of alliances. WHAT will the Earth look like then? Our current understanding of space is unparalleled to any time before in our history, but we still only know a small fraction of what there is to learn. The first space station in Earth orbit was the Soviet Salyut 1 station, which was launched in 1971. Does that sound too utopian? Or again, when animal rights activists argue their case, at bottom it is because animals (at whatever link on the evolutionary chain they draw the line) have demonstrated at least the potential, if not actual, ability to value they attempt to avoid pain, they show affection for each other, show affection for humans, etc. First, the need for complex equipment to carry out many scientific experiments and for the large teams of researchers to use that equipment led to costs that only governments could afford. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. And thats what I think is the most exciting, gratifying, rewarding and profound aspect of exploring the cosmos.. Hawking and Musk have been known to advocate for Mars, primarily bc they feel that Mars is humanitys only avenue of survival in the face of the current status quo, i.e. In the mid 19th century Darwin demonstrated that species evolve in accordance with adaptive traits conducive to reproductive selection in particular ecosystems. While some argue there are drawbacks to space exploration, I think that the benefits outweigh these drawbacks. Historians can tell a story and continue to explore science. Carried atop an R7 rocket, the Sputnik satellite was able to send out beeps from a radio transmitter. It seems that due to their religious zeal (ie, the creation and erection of the giant statues or Moai, which needed to be transported to their destinations via numerous logs), the Rapanui suffered a history of deforestation, soil depletion, and erosion an overall devastating ecological scenario resulting in overpopulation, food shortages, cannibalism, and war. (Dr Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Nova, PBS On line, August 31, 2001.) This brings me to another reason for space exploration: the opportunity for our species to further evolve. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. As President Bush said in announcing his new initiative in January 2004, humans will spread through the solar system, fulfilling the vision of what British philosopher Olaf Stapledon 55 years ago called "interplanetary man." Eventually humans will spread into the cosmos at large. Through a combination of lectures, readings-based seminars, methodological workshops, and experiential activities in Boston, the institute introduced participants to foundational ideas about space, place, and landscape across a number of academic disciplines. Curiosity and exploration are vital to . He said that if human beings are intrinsically valuable, then the more of them there are the better. Although it is easy to debate about the benefits and negatives of space exploration in its entirety, it is simpler focus on one aspect of it - the direct effect it has to those down on Earth. Convergence and Divergence Both lenses discuss how over a period of time scientific advancement has improved significantly . Also at White House Frontiers, President Obama said that Problem solving through science, together we can tackle some of the biggest challenges we face.. Though I dont share an immediate intuition that any and all human life is inherently or intrinsically valuable, the logic of his argument seems unassailable. When you buy a used home you are constrained by the original structure to make do with the situation. The idea is to paint a picture of the most significant imaginaries at play in a diverse Australian space sector at the dawn of a decade seen as crucial for space exploration. I truly hope that in the book, I was able to capture and convey their incredible spirit of exploration and discovery. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In an online essay called Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost, Dr. Joan Vernikos, Once said by Albert Einstein Two things inspire to awe - The starry heavens above and the moral universe within. Which of all of these possible incarnations past, present or future is the most consistent with the Earths proper function and destiny, or the one it ought to sustain? echoes > echews The Human Side of Space Exploration: Societal Benefits - The Sociable Weatherford argued that human lives are intrinsically valuable. Should you want to visualize the progress of American emancipation, theres amapfor that, too. You can read four articles free per month. Just putting together a mission concept takes an incredible amount of cooperation from both scientists and engineers, as they need to figure out the great compromise of what is possible versus what would be ideal. Report scam, The National Endowment for the Humanities, State and Jurisdictional Humanities Councils, Chronicling America: History American Newspapers. Another human aspect that stood out during my interviews is the dedication and commitment of the people who work on these missions to explore the cosmos. EDEN NOW! Artists, musicians, historians, diplomats, economists, law students, political scientists and sociologists have all contributed to our understanding of the space age and its impact on our societies over the past decades. One cannot set a timeline, but by 3001 "interstellar humanity . Then, a month later, on November 3, 1957, the Soviets achieved an even more impressive space venture. Or ultimately, maybe the Earth would prefer its inevitable state, of returning to the cosmic dust from whence it came? my interest. And finally, arent the virtually infinite number of strange, unforeseeable, and unyielding environments in outer space and on other planets precisely what humanity needs to evolve into its next stage? He repeated these claims after Yuri Gagarins orbital flight in 1961. To be honest, the problem of space may exist even in space, at least for the possibly-inhabitable spaces nearest Earth. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Every human being at one point in his or her life has done this same thing. The first application to be pursued was the development of satellites for assisting in weather forecasting. Human space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history of our solar system. It is only natural to look up and wonder in awe at whats out there. This led Weatherford to conclude that it is humanitys number one global moral imperative to provide the educational and technological resources, as well as develop the overall mindset, for the advancement of space exploration and colonization. This will also include what laws of space are and ethical code. If you view the simulation from the side, you can see that their gravity bends light like a lens. One could argue that the Earth, although not a human creation, does derive a great deal of value from its uniqueness, or what we believe is its uniqueness. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. There are many areas that have been influenced by space and many ways that space can influence our lives or how we perceive it. Submit your nominations for the 2024 NEH Jefferson Lecturer, NEH Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities nominations. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Humans have always looked into the night sky and pondered the origins of what they witness beyond the stratosphere. The amount of accomplishments America has achieved in the area of space research is staggering. An analysis of the effects of the NASA space program on the United States reveals a radical shift in educational policies, an influx of new an innovative technologies, and a renewed motivation and hope for the future. Even if one is permitted to add on a room, this must be done with an eye to fitting with the previous structure. Is it possible to plan seven generations in advance? Why Space Exploration Represents the Best of Humanity However, some believe that if a prediction such as that will be acted upon in the near future, it might as well come soon, due to the advancements that modern times have made on technology. As centuries of speculative fiction in books and more recently in films make clear, one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind was taken by the human spirit many times and in many ways before Neil Armstrong stamped humankinds first footprint on the Moon. Realizing that the U.S.S.R. had capabilities that exceeded U.S. technologies that could endanger Americans, the United States grew worried. No amount of predictions can see into the future, therefore no one knows have safe, money-saving, or really just intelligent space exploration may prove. Even if one anthropomorphizes her, the history of the Earth is one of a very inconsistent being, let alone in any way morally stable. Those who believe that the Earth is itself intrinsically valuable may argue that it is therefore simply morally wrong to fly off and abandon our beautiful blue-green home. If the lesson from Easter Island is obvious, please forgive my forthcoming overstatement. Three main clusters that are developed under this idea of space exploration is the benefits that are gained, ethical code and what it means with regard to the future of the human race. From where is value bootstrapped? the beneficial effects that the economic, social, and health aspects of the society sees from space exploration proves we have a definite need to continue funding for future space research because of. All rights reserved. From the First to the Third World, the future will contain billions more people who will need more and more food and resources while producing more and more waste. The U.S., the Soviet Union, Europe, and China also developed their own satellite-based global positioning systems, originally for military purposes, that could pinpoint a users exact location, help in navigating from one point to another, and provide very precise time signals. Environmental management has benefited the most with 11.3%, while transport and urban planning benefited 9.7%. Mulavara, A. P., Feiveson, A. H., Fiedler, J., Cohen, H., Peters, B. T., Miller, C., Brady, R., & If not you and me, then perhaps our great-great grandchildren? Space exploration has always piqued Project Gemini was followed by Project Apollo, which took astronauts into orbit around the moon and to the lunar surface between 1968 and 1972. These milestones included Luna 2, which became the first human-made object to hit the Moon in 1959. Although it was technically a much less challenging achievement than carrying humans into orbit, its success was seen as an important step toward opening up space to commercial travel and eventually to tourism. If you have ever used yellow lensed glasses for driving at night (helps reduce glare), it colors the way we actually see and experience the world. Omissions? However, what many refuses to understand is that without space exploration many of the innovations that we have today would not have existed. Many of the Apollo astronauts have said that when they traveled to other countries following the missions, people around the world would say how proud they were that we went to the Moon. It wasnt just the US, but we humans did it. Space science and technology are projects for the whole of humankind, reaching not only outside Earth's atmosphere, but also beyond our Solar System. space exploration as liberal arts lens. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. Nearly a thousand of these huge statues, probably made for religious purposes, stand like sentries guarding a small patch of land that was not discovered by Europeans until 1722. And while my book focuses on NASA missions (I really wish traveling abroad to include missions from other space agencies would have been in my budget!) With the development of rockets and the advances in electronics and other technologies in the 20th century, it became possible to send machines and animals and then people above Earths atmosphere into outer space. Some of these benefits are creating new beneficial jobs, and expanding our knowledge. 3-1 Discussion - S pace exploration through the four lenses. This minisite is meant to be a reference area, collecting together the various creative and cultural activities supported by ESA, across all areas of our agency, which aim to create awareness and broaden public interest in space. All of this is just the consequences of reproduction. the Strategic Defense Initiative, which would use ground- and space-based lasers, particle beams, Dwight D. Eisenhower had decided not to compete for prestige with the Soviet Union in a space race, his successor, John F. Kennedy, had a different view. My point here is not that a Buddhist-like one equal with everything view is wrong, but that such a view cannot easily be turned into any action at all, let alone specific actions toward saving the Earth. Space could possibly supply resources that we could use in everyday life, but this remains as a maybe, and cannot be confirmed. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in 1957 used the fact that his country had been first to launch a satellite as evidence of the technological power of the Soviet Union and of the superiority of communism. A second application involved remote observation of land and sea surfaces to gather imagery and other data of value in crop forecasting, resource management, environmental monitoring, and other applications. Nevertheless, there remains a powerful underlying sense that it is important for humans to explore space for its own sake, to see what is there. Although the only voyages that humans have made away from the near vicinity of Earththe Apollo flights to the Moonwere motivated by Cold War competition, there have been recurrent calls for humans to return to the Moon, travel to Mars, and visit other locations in the solar system and beyond. manage the unintended consequences of mans foray into a new frontier. and the continued As humans, we are born with a natural desire to learn and discover. The second Space Rocks, London, 2019 (in pictures), Logos for all crewed European spacefiights. It is an important topic to think about as programs such as space exploration change lives and help acquire knowledge. I saw a quote last week, where in remembering astronaut John Glenn, Bill Nye said Space exploration brings out our best.. Since the start of space efforts in the United States, the Soviet Union, and Europe, national governments have given high priority to the support of science done in and from space. With space exploration, our desire to answer fundamental questions about our place in the Universe can not only help to expand technology, but it helps us look at things in new ways and it. In the words of Tom Wolfe in The Right Stuff (1979), to sit on top of an enormous Roman candle, such as a Redstone, Atlas, Titan or Saturn rocket, and wait for someone to light the fuse. It also possibly explains why space exploration has been a frequent and persistent theme in literature and art. The humanities lens looks at different forms of art to express culture and the human experience. Space exploration | History, Definition, & Facts | Britannica Sixty years on from the placing of the first human-made object in orbit around Earth, space is now an integral part of our daily lives. We are doing this together. Humans have always looked at the heavens and wondered about the nature of the objects seen in the night sky. PDF IDS The Four General Education Lenses - Southern New Hampshire University With space exploration, our desire to answer fundamental questions about our place in the Universe can not only help to expand technology, but it helps us look at things in new ways and it seems to help foster a sense of cooperation, and if I may peaceful and enduring connections with our fellow humans. Through contact with this project and a connected series of workshops, educators began to integrate cartographical methods into their own research projects. Hungry for dominance and technological innovation, the United States created NASA and embarked on what would become the greatest voyage in human history. After reaching space, Sputnik orbited Earth once every 96 minutes. I really believe that. In the years after World War II, governments assumed a leading role in the support of research that increased fundamental knowledge about nature, a role that earlier had been played by universities, private foundations, and other nongovernmental supporters. What if the universe, in its nearly infinite hugeness, was simply packed with Earth-like M Class planets? Arrokoth was found to be a

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how is space exploration viewed through humanities lens