- 7. Mai 2023
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- Category: Allgemein
Quality: Nga Mea Pai Ki Te Kite me te Mahi i Anaheim, California - Haere - 2022 Ko te eke ki runga i te tereina tumanako ko te wahapu. 2): Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-01-14 the dead, and the chants become entwined. Listen to one of the best-known traditional Mori waiata, 'Pinepine te kura', from Ngti Kahungunu, sung here by the southern Hawke's Bay kapa group Tamatea Arikinui. He rite tonu ki te wikitoria i te rota! C Haere Mai C F C e ng iwi e Haere Mai F Fm G C Mauria mai te aroha ki te marae e. [Verse 2] C Kia ora r! Ka hae ranei koe ki tona ringa? Anei ta maatau tohu. (interjection) Mo te rekoata noa, kei reira o, kitea mehemea he tika, kaore ranei. Ki taku whakaaro ko te mea e tino marama ana ko tetahi o a raatau kapa kei te tautoko i te korero, ehara i te taha o Shahrukh. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-04-13 "HAERE MAI" LYRICS by PATEA MAORI CLUB: Haere mai E nga - FlashLyrics A Or. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-07-24 Waiata | AANZPA This waiata is an example of an oriori, a chant composed for a young (sometimes unborn) child, usually of noble birth. Tae noa ki te haora i muri mai. Copyright 2003-2023 John C Moorfield, Te Aka Mori Dictionary, The gateway to printed and online Mori language resources, Shop for textbooks, study guides, manuals and dictionary, Online animations and activities for learning Mori, Audio activities and exercises for Mori language learners, TV programmes to complement Te Whanake resources. a ka mea, ki te mea kua manakohia mai ahau e koe, e te ariki, kia haere ra toku ariki i waenganui i a matou; he iwi kaki maro hoki tenei; murua atu hoki to matou kino, me to matou hara, waiho hoki matou hei taonga tupu mou. I haere tonu ia me Priyanka, ki te taunekeneke ki a ia i nga whakaaturanga tohu. I te wa i hanga ai e ia tana hoa tane tuatahi i puta ko ia tana BFF; kare rawa ia i mohio, ka tae mai te wa e wehe ke ai raua. Ko nga huarahi nui o CA te waahanga kino rawa atu o te taraiwa i California. visitors are greeted as representatives of the tribes to and made israel to pass through the midst of it: for his mercy endureth for ever: Last Update: 2012-05-05 "Me korero tatou ki a ia i roto i te mahi tahi ki a ia." Ko o whiringa, ko te (1) ka hoatu ki a ia etahi atu nookie, s ranei tamapua tupono tupono noa o te aroha ahau "mama" atu whakaora; (2) tohe ki a ia ki te pana i te tamapua me te whakaiti pea i tana awhina i a ia ano; ranei (3) te whakamanawanui ki tana otinga, i runga i te mohio kei te noho tonu koe ki a ia #1 ka noho motuhake ia, ka noho akuaku mo tana #2. See also haere mai! Since then, they have come a long way in the music business. welcome! Quality: Is Ehara i te Kei roto Kore i roto. Ki tonu te Ipurangi i nga tane e aue ana mo te kore o o ratau tino tangata i te ahua rite tonu ki a ratau. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-02-22 Lyrics for Haere Mai by Ardijah. Haere Mai Song Anna van Riel 309 subscribers Subscribe 84 Share 21K views 4 years ago Kia friends, To celebrate Te Wiki O Te Reo Mori (Mori Language Week) I have released my single 'Haere Mai. Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples. Ko tana hoa pai, ko te kaihanga tino kaha me te kaiwhakahaere a Karan Johar, i aro atu ki a Priyanka i tetahi hui me te twitter mo nga korero. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to go, depart, travel, walk, continue, come (when followed by mai ). ingoa Whakaahuatanga whi kwai Ttohu Tuhinga ka whai mai. I whakaaro ahau me pehea te pai ki te hapai i tenei ka whakatau ko te kino ka puta ki te kino ka pono ahau. Ko etahi atu kaiwhakaari, e kiia ana, i korerohia e a raatau wahine kaore e whakaaetia kia mahi tahi me Priyanka. onto the marae courtyard a ka mea a mohi, e haere ra matou me a matou taitamariki, me o matou koroheke, me a matou tama, me a matou tamahine, e haere me a matou hipi, me a matou kau; he hakari hoki ta matou ki a ihowa. Move, walk, move Hold it! Po-o-no ki te Aorangi attention to the song P Mai written in Hawkes Bay MAMA-AN EATERY - 292 Photos & 115 Reviews - Yelp Usage Frequency: 1 Cara is Ngoi Pewhairangi's grandaughter. haere mai Add phonetic spelling Meanings for haere mai It is a song in the album Poi E was sung by Patea Maori Club. ), Kapena - Masese (HiSessions.com Acoustic Live!). For / There are still some minor errors but she's gradually becoming proficient. Ko tetahi mea mai i te tokorua i tetahi po e kii ana ko Priyanka i uru ki tetahi take mo nga kaupapa o te hunga panui, a he tino whakama a Shahrukh ki te whakakahore, ki te tino aroha e kore e taea te haere ki hea na te mea kaore ia e whakarere i tana wahine. E rua nga painga o nga tare tare: (1) he wheako rumaki ake, he nui ake te whakapiri tinana me te nekehanga; me (2) ka taea te whakapae he mea rereke mai i te titoo. 3. As sung by Kaore ia i mohio ko taku raihana he tauira o taku raihana pono. Haere Mai Song - YouTube Greetings To you all Ohomairaki Who stand here today The (Leader) Ohomairaki! for Thea Daniel, 1. Tahiti Haere Mai Na - tontonremy.com Haere t atu, hoki t mai (HKKT 2011:10). Ktahi ano ia ka whaikrero ki a Twhakairiora, me te ptai ki te ptake o tna haramai ko ia anake (TP 1/1909:7). Ko ahau shit-out-of-waimarie. E Haere Mai R Taku Taniwha, E Moe, E Oki, E Haere Atu R goodbye, farewell, go. Usage Frequency: 1 Pa mai to reo aroha Ki te pa o Aotearoa E nga iwi o Aotearoa Haere mai, haere mai Titiro ki nga hoia Kua wehe nei Aue te aroha Me te mamae Pa mai te reo aroha Haere mai . E tangi atu nei. English. PDF Kia ora, nau mai haere mai - Auckland Art Gallery Download below. Quality: Wahine ma, wahine ma Maranga mai, maranga mai Kia kaha Nga waka e whituE tau neiHoea hoea raTainui Te ArawaMataatuaHoea hoea raTakitimu TokomaruKurahaupo eMe Aotea eNga waka e whituI hoea neiO tatou tipuna The seven canoesBefore usRow, row, rowTainui, Te ArawaMataatuaRow, row, rowTakitimu, TokomaruKurahaupoAnd Aotea Tena ra koutou koutou katoa Ohomairaki E tu mai nei Te mauri te pu O Te Kahu o Te Aoraki Takiri mai ra te hihiri tapu Ki ruka i a matou katoa Ohomairaki Tu kaha ra Ohomairaki Tu kaha ra Haumi e, hui e, taiki e! Me he manu rere au e Kua rere ki to moenga Ki te awhi to tinana Aue, aue e te tau tahuri mai Kei te moe te tinana Kei te oho te wairua Kei te hotu te manawa Aue, aue! Ko te whakaae ki a ia he angitu i roto i te ao. Na ka pehea koe? - a greeting. I tipu ake ahau hei mama pai, ka puta ko nga mea katoa i hiahiatia e au ko te tino tare. sleep now my uncle. NZ Folksong * Maori Songs Haere mai r e kui mai, e horo m i te p. Quality: 2018-2020 , ki te kore rawa e tupu me te whakatau a Priyanka he mahi mohio te mahi ki te timata ki te whakaputa korero mo tenei korero, me te mohio ka tino tupato a Shahrukh ki te whakah. (interjection) come here! Mo te nuinga o matou nga tane i roto i tera ahuatanga, kua whakatauhia te raru, he, ma te ringa. Usage Frequency: 1 What does "haere mai" mean in Maori? - WordHippo read more. March 2023; and he said, if now i have found grace in thy sight, o lord, let my lord, i pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance. See also / Mere: How was your trip to parliament to push our cause? Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-03-12 Ahakoa he uaua, ka whakatau ahau me whakaatu noa aku tohu ki a raatau. Lyrics | Kiwi Songs Miti chant. Ka haerehia e te wra o muri a runga o taku waewae katau (HP 1991:22). Ma te tino puna korero mai i a ia ka maia te hunga panui, ka puta ohorere mai nga korero. I etahi wa ka rongo koe i nga korero i "peia" ia i te kiriata Inia na enei korero. He aha? Rikihana says in A step-by-step guide to preparing a hngi - a traditional Mori style of cooking. but go ye now unto my place which was in shiloh, where i set my name at the first, and see what i did to it for the wickedness of my people israel. English. Quality: For more details, see here. ). e. Show us compassion. Te aroha Te whakapono Te rangimarie Tatou tatou e It is love It is faith It is peace That will bind us all together. Ko raua ko tana hoa ko A***; Ko ta ratou e mohio ana ko te tangi mo nga tohu me nga korero reka" Throughout the land, We want to shake your hand, Ha-ere Mai!