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Every Year Book set in type / Indexed by a guy named Seipp.. Libraries: Boston College University Archives: Genealogy Research For archival material: Review collection information and add the boxes you want to see in the Box field. Resources - Research Guides at University of Massachusetts Boston City College of New York - Lehman College, City College of New York - School of Business, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University School of Engineering, 1925, 1952-1958, 1960, 1971, 1982, 1988-1989, Class lists back to 1916, some prior; based upon questionnaire responses, 1976, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1991-1993, 1996-1998, 2003, 2002 Alumni List, Jan 1926, Jun 1926, Jan 1927, Jun 1927, Jan 1928, Jun 1928, Jan 1929, Jun 1929, Jun 1931, Jun 1933, Jun 1935, Jan 1936, Jan 1937, Jun 1937, Jan 1938, Jun 1938, Jan 1939, Jun 1939, Jun 1945, Jun 1946, Jan 1948, Jun 1952, Jan 1959, Jan 1960, Jun 1960, 1985, Forest Hills High School - Alumni Directory, 1931, 1933-1936, 1939, 1943, 1945, 1950, 1954, 1955, 1957-1959, 1961, 1988, Half Hollow Hills Schools - Alumni Directory, Summer 1960, Winter 1961, Summer 1961, Winter 1962, Summer 1962, Harvard College - 50th Anniversary Class of 1921, 1938, 1939, 1943, 1947, 1953-1956, 1960, 1972, 1980, 1981, Class lists back to 1918, some prior; based upon questionnaire responses, Joseph Pulitzer Junior High School (JHS 145), 1934, 1936, 1942, 1956, 1962-1964, 1969, 1976, Los Angeles Bench and Bar (Photos and bios of area judges and attorneys), 1950 (centernnial), 1978 (Centernnial Pictorial Directory), Feb 1916, June and Summer 1918, Summer 1933 Commencement, New York University - Heights Colleges Alumni, New York University - Washington Square College, North High School - 45th Reunion Directory, 1925-1979, 1985-1987, 1989-1991, 1993-1995, 1997, 1999-2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn - Alumni Directory, Robert Louis Stevenson Junior High School, Rodef Shalom Congregation Religious School, 1924-1925, 1927, 1932, 1935-1937, 1939-1942. Browse digital libraries (p. 383), William Craddock Bolland, in his 1921 lectures on the Year Books, quoted; To read straight through the Year Books in their present condition, Sir Frederick Pollock wrote many years ago, is a task that no man living can be expected to undertake. (p. 45). If you find something of interest, you are welcome to schedule a visit to the reading room. e-yearbook.com - College and Univeristy Yearbooks Online The Year Books are our principal source materials for the development of legal doctrines, concepts, and methods from 1290 to 1535, a period during which the common law developed into recognizable form. If you prefer to see a hard copy or need a year that is not online, a complete set of Sub Turri is available in Burns Library. Yearbooks | Simmons University Call Number: LB1029.C6 B35 1985. Sub turri = Under the tower : the yearbook of Boston College by Boston College. Boston University - HUB Yearbook (Boston, MA) The Archives also contain complete runs of all college publications including yearbooks, the college catalog, The Crusader, its predecessor The Tomahawk, The Purple, newsletters, pamphlets, and similar material. You can also browse the catalogs by year at the Archives and Special Collection's Northeastern History exhibit site here. Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections. These digital collections - including historical records and maps, works of art and culture, and research and scientific data - expand access and offer learning opportunities to everyone. Boston University - HUB Yearbook (Boston, MA), Class of 1942, Page 70 of 312 | E-Yearbook.com has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. Search for classmates, friends, family, and memories in one of the largest collections of Online Univeristy, Co llege, Military, and High School Yearbook images and photos! Circulating copies of these books are available in the Librarys general collection; copies are also available to read in the University Archives. Second to None: Seventy-five Years of Leadership in the Cooperative Education Movement . and Community Need: A Century's Evolution, 1851-1951. Yearbook. Boston University Archives: including papers of administrators, faculty, and staff, as well as yearbooks and catalogs. Advanced Search Citation Manager Boston, MA: YMCA of Greater Boston, 2001. 700 Boylston St. Boston, MA 02116. The Mugar Library BUL2go shelves are in the vestibule before the entry gate, and no ID is needed to pick up materials. At present, such Indexes as there are in the printed Books are so dispersed in the different volumes, are of such unequal merit, and, in general, so scanty and imperfect, that they are of very little use; and the Lawyer generally finds it best to neglect them, and to resort to the different Abridgments of the Law, in order to discover what cases and passages in the Year Books may be applicable to the point he has occasion to examine. The collection also includes correspondence, etc. Class of 1961. For BU Alumni BU Libraries | Boston University School closed after the 2010 commencement. All Collections in the Gotlieb Center Boston University Archives: including papers of administrators, faculty, and staff, as well as yearbooks and catalogs. Class of 1967. The collection also includes information on and yearbooks of the Boston City Hospital Training School for Nurses. The Cauldron 1949-1950 The Cauldron: 1949-1950, 30th Northeastern yearbook The Cauldron: 1952-1953 The Cauldron: 1952-1953 The Cauldron: 1953-1954 The Cauldron: 1953-1954 The Cauldron: 1954-1955 The Cauldron: 1954-1955 The Cauldron: 1955-1956 There are gaps in the production or record-keeping of yearbooks from 1933-1934. Collections at the Gotlieb Center BU Libraries - Boston University Click to expose navigation links on mobile, Password Protected Journals and Databases. For published material:Review item information and add details on the specific volume or copy you wish to see(if needed). The reading room staff will have the materials ready for your visit. Finding information about the University of Massachusetts Boston can be as complex and challenging as the structure and history of the university itself or as simple as checking UMass Boston Fast Facts or the History of UMass Boston. The Year Books are the law reports of medieval England. https://archives.cityofboston.gov/repositories/2/archival_objects/56423 Accessed May 01, 2023. Please contact the Simmons University Archives with any questions. Northeastern University Undergraduate and graduate course catalogs from 1910 to 1990 to view or download through the Internet Archive. In addition to its contemporary collections, the Center is home to substantial holdings of earlier historical documents and rare books. The FAQ page answers the questions we consistently receive from researchers. Yearbooks, Series VI. The City Archives merged this collection with Board of Trustees records that had been previously transferred to the City Archives from the Public Health Commission. Often published by the student body itself, and a compilation of history, biography and world outlook. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, MedLinePlusprovidesinformation about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues including links to medical research on a topic. Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections. This collection documents the history of the Boston City Hospital from 1864-1996. Legal History: The Year Books | School of Law - Boston University To pronounce the compilers surname as he does, please rhyme the following couplet: Heskel, Julia. All January and June books up to June 1955 except for Jan 33, Jun 33, and Jun 41. Tradition and Innovation: Reflections on Northeastern Universitys First Century. relating to the Cocoanut Grove Fire in 1942. Feldscher, Karen. . Archives and Special Collections (Boston): Find Northeastern history Of these reports, all 6,901 from 1399 through 1535 have been fully indexed and paraphrased in this database. Research: Quick Guide to Information Sources Online: Digital Collections (Selected) A sampling of medical records are included, however these records are restricted. Also, remember that Boston College was founded in 1863 by the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) to educate Boston's male Catholic community. More. ISBN-10: 1-58477-781-8 (details at www.lawbookexchange.com). RefWorks Some yearbooks for part-time and evening students are also available at the Archives, as are the Alumni Directory and Freshman Register. Download a list of contemporary collections (PDF). Boston Public Library. (University of Massachusetts, 1988) The Index (1987) University of Massachusetts at Amherst. MedlinePlus(Medicine) Also, available in Snell Library and the University Archives are histories on cooperativeeducationand the Boston Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), the precursor of Northeastern University. www.bu.edu. Find Your School/Group . HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. Mass. High School Yearbooks Now Available Online - CBS Boston - CBS News Whiteside, William B. His work is supported by the Ames Foundation of Harvard Law School. Yearbooks from across Massachusetts are being uploaded to an online database. Access to the full text of thousands of journals covering the humanities, social sciences, and sciences and also provides access to indexes in these subject areas, including dissertations and theses. Call Number: BV 1050.B7D64. Boston College building and campus images, 1880-2012. Please learn more on our Student Group page. Boston, MA 02115 (617) 521-2000 Simmons University Youtube; Please click on the title below to view and/or download copies of these books from the Internet Archive. Refer to the finding aid in order to identify the boxes you would like to see in the reading room (foundat the end of the catalog record under Links). Boston, MA: The Young Men's Christian Association, 1901. A reprint of the 16781680 Vulgate edition of Year Books, on which this database is compiled, has been published by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. in 2007. The Registrar's Office maintains student transcripts. San Fernando State College (now California State University at Northridge), Sargent College of Physical Education (Class of 1930 and later - see Boston Univeristy Sargent College), Shenendehowa High School - Alumni Listing, Solomon Schecter High School of Long Island, St. John's College / St. John's University, St. John's University - School of Commerce, 1922 - 2003 (based on voluntary responses to 2004 survey), Jan 1927, Jun 1927, Jan 1928, Jun 1928, Jan 1929, Jan 1930, Jun 1930, Jun 1931, Jan 1932, Jun 1932, Jan 1933, Jun 1933, Jun 1934, Jan 1935, Jan 1936, Jan 1938, Jan 1939, Jun 1939, Jan 1940, Jun 1940, Jan 1941, Jun 1941, Jun 1942, Jan 1943, Jun 1943, Jan 1944, Jun 1944, Jan 1945, Jun 1945, Jun 1946, Jan 1947, Jun 1947, Jan 1948, Jun 1948, Jan 1949, Jun 1949, Jan 1950, Jun 1950, Jun 1951, Jan 1952, Jun 1952, Jan 1953, Jun 1953, Jan 1954, Jun 1954, Jan 1955, Jun 1955, Jun 1956, Jan 1957, Jun 1957, Jan 1958, Jun 1958, Jan 1959, Jun 1959, Jan 1960, Jun 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1972, 1974, 1987, 1954, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1964, 1969, 1970, 1974, 1980, 1991, 1993, 1929, 1934, 1936, 1953-1955, 1957-1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1997, University of California - Alumni Directories, University of California-Golden Book of CA, University of the Pacific - Freshman Directory, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, University of Southern California (El Rodeo), University of Southern California (Southern Campus), University of West Los Angeles - Alumni Directory (Law / Paralegal), Winter 1951, Summer 1951, Winter 1952, Summer 1952, Winter 1953, Summer 1953, 1905, 1909, 1918, 1923-1925, 1928, 1930-1979 1983-1985, 1989, 2004, Walworth Barbour American International School, 1920-1927, 1936, 1938, 1950-1953, 1960-1962, William H. Taft High School - Graduate Listing, William H. Taft High School - 10th Anniversary, Yale University - Sheffield Scientific School and School of Engineering, Yeshiva of Flatbush - Joel Braverman High School. 617.536.5400 ask@bpl.org. Search and browse yearbooks online! At the time of his death in 2016, Elie Wiesel was Professor Emeritus at Boston University, where he had served as the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in Humanities since 1976. Yearbooks : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive Yearbooks Annual compilations of the student body of high schools, colleges, academic institutions, and academies. This collection consists of photographs, slides, and albums documenting: activities and student life (such as classroom activities, dorm and resident life, sports teams and events, student outings, and yearly gatherings); campus buildings and their construction; special occasions like balls, commencements, dedications, dinners, honors and awards, Multi-disciplinary journal articles, eBooks, Ebook Central Alumni Academic Complete The Gotlieb Center specializes in the personal collections of twentieth century public figures in the fields of literature, criticism, journalism, drama, music, film, civil rights, diplomacy and national affairs. The object of this research guide is to bring together resources available in or through the Joseph P. Healey Library at UMass Boston, primarily the University . City of Boston Archives. The earliest examples date from about 1268, and the last in the printed series are for the year 1535. Online registration and eCard FAQ. For help navigating to Burns Library, see Planning Your Visit, Copyright 2018 Trustees of Boston College. My Library Account Through the University Archives the teaching, research, community service, and administrative functions of the University and student life are documented by collecting the historically significant records of the University. If possible, please include the item record permalink from BULibraries Search. Boston University Yearbook Class of 1961 280 images, 7405 students, 354 faculty Boston University Yearbook Class of 1960 332 images, 13172 students, 315 faculty Boston University Yearbook Class of 1957 292 images, 8038 students Boston University Yearbook Class of 1956 296 images, 10837 students Boston University Yearbook Class of 1954 Produced by the National Library of Medicine, MedLinePlusprovidesinformation about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues including links to medical research on a topic. The series contains appointment books, family and personal correspondence, legal correspondence, publications, resumes, biographical sketches, and her Master's . Celebrating 150 Years: The YMCA of Greater Boston, 1851-2001. Contemporary Collections: archival collections dating from the twentieth century or later. 1925 CISH State Census; Cemeteries; DNA; Yearbook; Volunteers; . The iconic civil rights leader earned his PhD from Boston Universitys School of Theology in 1955. Boston University School of Law Set: ISBN-13: 978-158477-781-6. OpenBU is BUs open accessinstitutional repository. Yearbooks : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming - Archive Please contact the Alumni Office for assistance. Search Help. Questions or Suggestions? At the time of the merger of Boston City Hospital and the Boston University Medical Center, the BCH Library was transferred to the Boston Public Library where it remained until it was transferred to the City Archives in 2014. Suffolk University yearbook : Suffolk University : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Suffolk University yearbook by Suffolk University Publication date 1986 Topics Suffolk University--Periodicals Collection suffolkuniversity; regionaldigitizationmass; americana Digitizing sponsor Boston Public Library Contributor The BPL offers a virtual library card (eCard) that allows users immediate remote access to all BPL electronic resources, including magazine databases and downloadable audio, video, and music files. Frederick, Antoinette. My Library Account Boston University Yearbook, 1945, Box: 3. e-yearbook.com - Massachusetts Yearbooks Online Part of the City of Boston Archives Repository. Massachusetts Yearbooks High School Yearbooks Abbot Academy Abington High School Academie Sainte Anne Academy of the Assumption Academy of Notre Dame Acton Boxborough Regional High School Agawam High School Amesbury High School Amherst Regional High School Andover High School Apponequet High School Arlington High School Arms Academy University of Massachusetts Boston yearbooks, 1969-2010: CollectionID: UAPUB-0004: FA_Identifier: UASC-UAPUB-0004-FA: Decades - Collection: 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2009 2010-2019: Publisher: University of Massachusetts Boston, Joseph P. Healey Library: Collection Category: UMass Boston: Description Hathi Trust Contemporary Collections: archival collections dating from the twentieth century or later. Yearbook | Boston University This work was funded with Library Services and Technology Act funds through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. Most collections have a finding aid and are available for research by appointment. (Rare Books & Manuscripts) You'll simply need to show a school or government-issued ID and take a photograph to finish your registration process. For more information on alumni benefits, visit the BU Alumni & Friends website. Keep in mind that many, but not all, sources are available online, and that academic records are not part of the Archives. Founded in 1934, Partisan Review magazine was one of the most significant cultural literary journals in the U.S. This bibliography, compiled by Christopher Coval in 2002, lists articles and books that discuss the Year Books (and the Abridgements) or employ them as principal sources. Humanities and Social Sciences journals, and recent eBooks, Project Muse Ebooks 2010-2012 Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be discussed with the University Archivist. Parts of this collection were originally in the custody of the Boston City Hospital Library. University of Massachusetts, Boston : Free Books : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive University of Massachusetts, Boston Books digitized by the Internet Archive for the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Massachusetts Libraries Pages While many items have been digitized, are full text searchable, and available online, much more is only available via in-person visits to the reading room. Doggett, L.L. Sub Turri (1913-present). Frederick, Antoinette. Boston University - HUB Yearbook (Boston, MA) New and Updated Yearbook Volumes 1959, Broome Community College - Citadel Yearbook 1958, Broome Community College - Citadel Yearbook 1957, Broome Community College - Citadel Yearbook 1956, Broome Community College - Citadel Yearbook 1955, Broome Community College - Citadel Yearbook 1954, Broome Community College - Citadel Yearbook Yearbooks - High School, College and University Yearbooks Online David J. Seipp, Professor of Law at Boston University, is the compiler of this database. New York: Association Press, 1951. The Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections is part of the Northeastern University Library. Search and browse yearbooks online! Below are just a small sample of some of the digital collections offered by Massachusetts Libraries. Boston University - HUB Yearbook (Boston, MA) More. 765 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215, 2023 Boston University. Note: Guest access to articles from BUs subscription e-journals is NOT available through PubMed. Yearbook Database | JGSLI Boston University - HUB Yearbook (Boston, MA), Covers 1 - 15 1900s. Boston College became fully coeducational in 1970. More than 22,000 individual reports or pleas have been printed, and others remain in manuscript. PubMed (via the National Library of Medicine) All of the Year Books were originally reported in manuscript form, and all of them circulated among the legal profession for decades and often centuries in manuscript before they were printed. Search Help. 1906 Senior Book; 1907 Senior Book; 1908 Class Book; 1909 Grindstone; . Call Number: BV1050.B7 W5. The Cauldron was first published in 1917, after which it ceased publication until 1921. We are currently collecting photos from your events and of your groups. https://archivesspace.library.northeastern.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/271440 Accessed May 01, 2023. Donated in 1964, the Archive includes Dr. Kings manuscripts, notebooks, correspondence, printed material, financial and legal papers, a small number of photographs, and other items dating from 1947 to 1963. Boston University - HUB Yearbook (Boston, MA), Covers 1 - 15. Northeastern University: An Emerging Giant 1959-1975. University of Massachusetts at Amherst. As you identify what you would like to see, click the "Schedule visit to use in Burns Library" link in the catalog record. Rhoads, Linda Smith, ed. Alumni directories; 2006, 2010 and 2014 for graduates from the 1920's forward. To use RefWorks, you must create an account using your BU email address and a unique password (different from your BU Login password). The collection has been arranged into nine series: Board of Trustees records; Published reports; Records; Financial records; Medical Library holdings; School of Nursing records; Photographs; Memorabilia; and Objects. City of Boston Archives. All BUL2go requests will be processed for pickup at Mugar Memorial Library. This large collection documents the life and professional work of this extraordinarily prolific writer, journalist, scholar and international public figure, and contains source material of interest to scholars of Wiesels life and work, the Holocaust, modern Jewish Studies and other subjects. A reprint of the 1577 edition of Anthony Fitzherberts La Graunde Abridgement has been published by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. in 2009. Sub turri = Under the tower : the yearbook of Boston College - Archive If you graduated prior to or in 2011, and dont have an @bu.edu account, you will need to create a new account here. Elma Ina Lewis papers, M038. Northeastern University's yearbook, The Cauldron, is digitally available to view or download through the Northeastern University Library's digital repository service. This collection consists of photographs of alumni, both as individuals and at class and group events. Are Boston College yearbooks available online? - Library FAQs University of Massachusetts Boston yearbooks, 1969-2010 The Gotlieb Center location is currently available for in-person research visits by appointment only. We preserve these collections and make them readily available to researchers while administering all legal copyrights and restrictions. Boston University Yearbook, 1945 Summary: From the Series: The series documents Elma Lewis' education, family background and interactions, her speeches and writings, and the court case. Boston University Yearbook, 1945 | Archives and Special Collections 2020 Northeastern University. We have organized this guide to be helpful for common types of Boston College historical research. The yearbooks for 1950-1951 and 1951-1952 have not been digitized, but there are print volumes at the Archives. (University of Massachusetts, 1990) The Index (1989) University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Multi-disciplinary journal archives, Project Muse 700 Boylston St. Boston, MA 02116. Use the left hand navigation to explore the many types of University Archives resources available. BUL2go items may be requested by emailing the following details to ask@bu.edu: Title, Author, and your BU username/email address. The following BU Libraries provide additional information for Alumni: Boston University Libraries, 771 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 | Reference Desk: 617-353-2700. The BPL holds a collection of approximately BiblioWeb: webapp05 Version 4.10.0 Last updated 2023/04/12 11:27, Pat Alger Collection of Works by Rockwell. Class of 1968. Contains more than 300 volumes relating to and by Walt (Rare Books & Manuscripts)This collection of 289 items was acquired See: [City of Boston Tax Records, 1780-1821]. Libraries: Boston College University Archives: Newton College of the Records created prior to 1969 are generally available for research use; access to more recent records is restricted except by special permission. The Simmons University Archives is pleased to provide full access to every edition of the University Yearbook, dating back to 1906. When prompted to sign-in, either use the Boston College sign-in box to register as a researcher using your BC username and password or use the Guest Researcher box to create an account without a BC username. There are gaps in the production or record-keeping of yearbooks from 1933-1934. Leave any notes on your request in the Special Requests/Questions field(optional). Learn more and view issues from 1934-2003. scribe8.boston.archive.org Scanningcenter boston Worldcat (source edition) 13348347 . History of the Boston Young Men's Christian Association. Please refer to the Back2BU guidelines regarding campus visitors before visiting campus and the libraries. Archives and Distinctive Collections | College of the Holy Cross Educational Resource CenterCurriculum collection, Social Work LibrarySocial services collection, Theology & Ministry LibraryTheology & biblical studies, O'Connor LibraryEarth & environmental sciences, Institute for Advanced Jesuit StudiesJesuit studies collection, Renew books; check due dates; save records, Request books, articles, and more from other libraries; review due dates, Register to research, schedule visits, and order copies at Burns Library, Borrow and renew popular ebooks and audiobooks, Burns Library holds the Boston College University Archivesnon-current records having permanent historical, legal, fiscal, or administrative value. Historical Collections: Collections dating from before the twentieth century. https://subjectguides.lib.neu.edu/archives, Archives and Special Collections (Boston), Origin and Development of Northeastern University 1898-1960, Northeastern University: An Emerging Giant 1959-1975, Northeastern University Coming of Age: The Ryder Years, 1975-1989, Northeastern University 1989-1996: The Curry Years: Smaller but Better, Tradition and Innovation: Reflections on Northeastern Universitys First Century, History of the Boston Young Men's Christian Association, The Boston Y.M.C.A. Boston, MA: Northeastern University, 2000. Quick Guide to Information Sources Online - Boston University 1995: Boston University (all university yearbook) (before 1931 see yearbooks for individual colleges of Boston University) Boston: MA: 1931-1972, 1975-1978, 1983, 1987-1989, 1992-2004:
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