best oras team with swampert


- Rock Slide Wallace: Set up a Calm Mind or two on Luvdisc with Gardevoir, then use Magical Leaf to cleave through it and Whiscash. Ability: Static / Lightning Rod --> Intimidate There isn't really much to say about them; they free up slots in the rest of the team's movesets and allow you to play the game. Crawdaunt - Water/Dark but they are not necessary. For its moves, Earthquake is its main STAB. - Steel Wing - Moonlight I just love Mega Sceptile, he was my favorite starter from Hoenn and still is. Magnezone will be great help against Norman and Winona, but watch out for Earthquake on Altaria. - Tackle (starting move) > Rock Slide (Level 28) - High Jump Kick / Sky Uppercut - Shadow Ball If you want to Mega Evolve him for even more power instead of the Wide Lens accuracy boost, that works too. - Dive, I had to make him into a HM slave since I didn't have any other team members that could learn the Water HM's and I didn't wanna get rid of a team member to have an HM slave. - Iron Head. Gardevoir @ Life Orb / Gardevoirite / Leftovers - Rain Dance / Rock Slide / Hammer Arm. - Shadow Ball. I sometimes rotate my Pokemon around, so these might not be the six I always use. What is a good in-game team for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire? - Fake Out / Rock Slide / Power-Up Punch. *TM73 Thunder Wave can be purchased in Slateport City for 5000 Pokmon Dollars. The other three main team members should be plenty up to that point, though, and with how fantastic Salamence is, it's arguably worth the effort. - Ice Beam. Replace bulldoze with belly drum and get aqua jet on it somehow. Pokmon Team Builder Reimagined | Best Swampert Team - YouTube - Volt Switch. - Brick Break This little guy is really good, and try to send out before Swampert so it can use Mega Swampert's Ability (Swift Swim). - Quick Attack (starting move). - Signal Beam You can get a Carvanha with a Good Rod on Route 118, however they aren't very common so you'll have to keep trying until you get one. Moveset. Jolteon and Raichu are both amazing, but it can be a little hard to find a Thunder Stone, so another option is Manectric. Earthquake is Earthquake, no explanation needed. Swampert Manectric is only able to deal with Winona and Wallace with Thunderbolt, and Glacia with Flamethrower. Walrein and Milotic are both good Water type Pokemon. - Earthquake Manectric is the best Electric type available in my opinion. - Surf A great Pokemon that can set up Sunny Day to boost STAB Flamethrower and make Solar Beam hit in one turn. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button. Toxic / Toxic Spikes - Again, your call. 1. Pokemon: Making The Perfect Gen III Team - The Gamer - Thunderbolt Good "All-Around" Team? - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - GameSpot Poison Jab: Main STAB move. Gyarados can typically outspeed and OHKO both with Crunch, but Persim Berries might be a good idea anyways. With this set, you can cover all of his weaknesses other than Fighting, but then again, Gardevoir handles them easily. Acrobatics is by far the strongest STAB move, with 110 BP per turn (provided Crobat isnt holding anything). Ice Beam: Sea Mauville, in the storage room after completing all of the key puzzles. - Thunderbolt: TM24 after New Mauville quest For Boomburst, use a Heart Scale or just level up to level 58. Sceptile - Grass (Mega Sceptile - Grass/Dragon) Swellow is probably the best Fly user in Hoenn, except for Crobat; the others are a bit lacking in attack to make use of Fly in battle. that are only available through, Earthquake (TM26 - Seafloor Cavern) / Rock Slide (TM80 - Route 134), Bulk Up (TM08 - Gift from Brawly) / Poison Jab (TM84 - Mirage Mountain), Surf (HM03 - Petalburg City after beating Norman) / Superpower (Level 46), Thunderbolt (TM24 - From Wattson after completing the New Mauville sidequest), Charge Beam (TM57 - Mauville City Pokmart), Dark Pulse (TM97 - Team Magma/Aqua Hideout) / Shadow Ball (TM30 - Mt. Type disadvantage is an issue with Fire types but you can change one move to Earthquake or use Aggron with Surf. Gyarados @ anything - Dragon Rage (Level 23) > Ice Fang (Level 32). Flamethrower- Has lower power than Overheat, but covers for Overheat's low PP. TM72 Volt Switch is awarded to the player as a prize for defeating Wattson. Thunderbolt is a great move and fits better with the Mirror Coat set. Brick Break: Sootopolis City - Strength. You just have to. - Recover You can have Extrasensory to annihilate your Fighting type weakness (which you get through sneaking), or Shadow Ball which you can use to take out Phoebe the second of the Elite 4. Frost Breath is better in most cases, because it'll be 120 STAB rather than 90, bar random Shell Armour Pokemon. Ability: Immunity Gardevoir @ anything Despite having usable STABs, [emailprotected] is obselete on the team type-wise and is generally used as an HM Slave (mostly for Dive, but Fly is also handy before getting the Eon Flute). Rock Head is a must for Double-Edge. The Latis both get Surf and Waterfall in addition to the moves on this set, but those are both covered by other party members already. Lilycove City Rival: Swellow and Wailord fall to Manectric, and Magcargo goes down to Swampert. - Dragon Claw. Pickup is super useful as well, hence why it has no item. I would recommend Protean as it gives him STAB on every attack, but Colour Change is still useful in a lot of cases. - Fly Tentacruel Just have a Pokmon in your PC knowing Dive. Swampert is a great Poke in its own right, with a solid movepool, great Attack, and only one weakness. Zen Headbutt is solid filler coverage, and Earthquake is Earthquake! Magical Leaf was primarily used against Wallaces Whiscash and Milotic, but it was also very helpful for dealing with Team Aquas Carvanha and Sharpedo, so Gardevoir wouldnt take extra damage from Rough Skin. Volt Switch and Thunder Wave are there if you ever need it, and HM Strength is there because Manectric is the perfect Pokemon to hold it. Any good alternatives to moonblast? Gallade Steel Wing- Covers Rock and Ice weaknesses - Energy Ball - Fake Out / Focus Blast, Jolteon @ Air Balloon Where can you get the Magnet for Magnezone? Strength: HM if not on Hariyama. Coil: Boost Attack to sweep. What is a good in-game team for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire? I hope this team works for you! Swampert @ Swampertite You can also take on Winona with Stone Edge, but it is not recommended. Medicham Its better to replace Growl with Mud Shot instead of Mud-Slap in case you need the accuracy drops the latter provides, but Marshtomp should start reliably KOing things by the time it gets Dig to no longer need Mud-Slap. Magnezone @ Magnet I'd keep x-scissor on MSceptile and swap EQ with Leaf storm. Your not wrong but Aggron is good against the Ice E4 member and Dragon E4 combined with its OP defence stat when you mega evolve it and its Steel/Rock typing is removed when it mega so it become a pure Steel type so its quite a defensive tank but I also see why you put Gyarados on your team. If Absol has Super Luck, your Night Slashes and Psycho Cuts will most likely crit. Route 119 Rival: Like before, Wailmer and Slugma should fall easily to Manectric and Marshtomp respectively. Surf. Thunder becomes totally OP when you add Rain Dance to it and if you send out a Mega Swampert (Swolepert) his Speed will double making him just that much more over-powered. Linoone @ any item - anything. - Quick Attack - Waterfall. Sky Uppercut is a pretty good Fighting STAB if you don't want the 10% chance to lose half your HP. TM10 Hidden Power can be obtained in Fortree City. - X-Scissor / Earthquake - Supersonic (starting move) > Confuse Ray (Level 17) > Fly (HM02 - Route 119) - Rock Smash, Swellow @ anything - Fly Personally, I just catch the first Ralts I come across. - Mirror Coat / Rain Dance. Sub-par Attack at base 85 and very bad defenses. - Dazzling Gleam / Will-O-Wisp. - Strength Ability: Sturdy Linoone @ None Raichu @ Air Balloon Fly to the Move Relearner in Fallarbor Town, and use a Heart Scale to relearn Dragon Dance, which will be crucial in setting up sweeps against Phoebe, Drake, and Steven. The first three are to utilize Sceptile's very high Special Attack. - Protect. This move will be handy then. Brick Break is a filler, taking advantage of the Fighting type's usefulness. I used an Air Cutter Beautifly to cleanly KO it, but if you didnt pick one up, Wing Attack Zubat should also make quick work of it. The best team for Pokemon Emerald with Swampert Swampert Image via The Pokemon Company Swampert is the mainstay of this team, as the final evolution of the Water-type starter. Shadow Ball handles Psychic types, Dazzling Gleam smacks Dragon- and Dark-types hard, and Grass Whistle, despite its coin-flip accuracy, is still good. - Psychic Here's the team I played through Omega Ruby with! Thunderbolt is STAB, Flamethower is coverage, Volt Switch is a free switch and STAB, Quick Attack is priority or Thunder Wave for paralysis. Crawdaunt can learn Crunch, which pairs better with his high attack after STAB than Dark Pulse. - Fly Hariyama is a good answer to Vigoroth and can work well against the Slakings too. Well since Sceptile is more specially offensive leaf blade isnt an option, of course you could have Giga drain instead but energy ball has more power which is better with an offensive pokemon like sceptile. Earthquake. Winona: Manectric is a good answer to most of her team, but Gyarados may be necessary to Ice Fang her Altaria. Dragon Claw - Shadow Claw Manectric's moveset is very simple, consisting of only one STAB and coverage. Endeavor- Swellow has bad defenses and will have low health often. - Shadow Ball Ability: Poison Heal - Will-O-Wisp. Close Combat: Powerful STAB move Make sure to use the Move Relearner on Gardevoir to get Moonbast. - Ice Beam - Waterfall: HM05, you need it to complete the game - Giga Drain - Bullet Seed: Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town. Mudkip will be better for your Water HM user, and Blaziken has better type advantage, but guess what? Now if you want to change a Pokemon go ahead. - Bullet Punch Ability: Torrent Another awesome Pokemon that can be Mega Evolved, but remember that only one Pokemon can Mega Evolve per fight. Close Combat: Great coverage move. - Dragon Pulse: from Battle Resort Move Tutor for 12BP Medicham is a great Pokemon with good stats and a good movepool. Earthquake is a strong filler move. - Volt Switch / Thunder Wave It can stand on its three-toed feet with a hunched posture, and pick up or grab objects with its hands, but when moving about it tends to run . - Pursuit Rock Slide. - Steel Wing Acrobatics is deadly when not holding an item. Raichu or a Pikachu with light ball? Ability: Rock Head I have a soft spot for Treecko. - Cut (HM) - Roost - False Swipe / Swords Dance - Needle Arm Don't know how to get it easily? Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite - Surf (HM) - Endeavor Giving Mega Swampert 152 Speed EVs is for out speeding Pokemon in rain not faster than Mega Sceptile, his arch enemy. - Strength. Stealth Rock. - Swords Dance. - Grass Knot. TM50 Overheat is awarded to the player as a prize for defeating Flannery. - Acrobatics Waterfall In these cases, the more generally helpful item will be noted instead. - Mach Punch Surf- Good power, STAB, useful in-game - Shadow Sneak - Earthquake: see above TM Earthquake: Seafloor Cavern (on the main path, can't miss it) A very good wall, with good attacking stats but low Speed. Waterfall is also a great move but in my opinion Aqua Tail is better, thanks for the suggestions though :). Ability: Static - Splash (starting move) > Leer (Level 26) > Aqua Tail (Level 35) > Waterfall (HM05 - Sootopolis Gym) - Steel Wing / Acrobatics. - Rock Slide / Stone Edge. - Night Slash. Surf is because I was too lazy keep switching Pokmon so I had a different Surf-er, whereas, if you are patient enough, Superpower just gives him a little more coverage. As for the last two slots, it's up to preference. - Headbutt, Hoenn = Linoone - Leaf Storm / Leaf Blade Strength will be the main move used until Aqua Tail is learned. Tri Attack is a decent move and is really just a filler and Flash Cannon is your Steel type STAB. Swampert: Mud Fish Pokmon 3 Attack Height Weight Gender Egg Group(s) 4'11" 1.5m 180.6 lbs. Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire on this thread! If not, Earthquake for Electric types (although its attack isn't that great). Dragon STAB is surprisingly rare in Hoenn and hits a lot of things for fantastic neutral damage. If you ever need Giga Drain again, you can reteach it; you don't have that option if you let Treecko evolve at L16. You can really slap whatever item you want on Roserade; it just depends on what you find around Hoenn. - Rock Smash. - Waterfall Just don't use against a Grass type. U only have to use dusk stone on a random Snount you have. Sceptile. - Meteor Mash / Power-Up Punch - Giga Drain / Leaf Storm Ability: Colour Change / Protean (H). - Wake-Up Slap Another thing, there are quite a few recoil moves on Blaziken.. Yeah it is a lot of TM's, but all the TM's I've put you can obtain quite early in game, some of which you can even learn through levelling up. Chimney Archie: I used a Beautifly with Silver Wind to safely take out Mightyena and Sharpedo, and Rock Slide Marshtomp for Golbat, but Manectric also works well. - Ice Fang: Level 32 Crobat is probably the best flier in the game due to its high Speed and large variety of moves. - Overheat (TM) On the rare occasion you do use it in battle, Dragon Breath paralyzes everything without the Fairy typing and your respective Lati's signature move exists. Is a TM slave a thing? Ability: Blaze Anyway, both evolutions are fantastic. Nothing. Make sure to get a Pickup Linoone specifically; the prospect of free items is simply too good to pass up. - Steel Wing Giga Drain is STAB and allows them to recover HP, Leaf Blade is a great STAB move with a high critical hit chance, Dragon Claw is STAB if you decide to Mega Evolve, and Earthquake allows him to cover his Fire and Poison weaknesses. - Earthquake Other moves are pretty standard. TM Thunderbolt: Mauville City (help Wattson clean up New Mauville) Ability: Pure Power. Roserade @ Miracle Seed - Earthquake. Dazzling Gleam / Will-O-Wisp: Dark types will walk all over Banette without Dazzling Gleam, but Will-O-Wisp is good for burns. Sure, it's not the fastest- but its. [emailprotected] Leftovers Pickup gives you free stuff, he learns a good chunk of the HMs, and he evolves early! That's a lot of TMs. Milotic is also another option, but evolving Feebas is a hassle. Rock Slide: It's a great coverage move for two of Mega Sceptile's weaknesses. - Surf / Dive as it is needed for the story mode. Dig can be used in the same way as an Escape Rope to escape caves and Surf can be used to surf at a normal speed (since we also have Sharpedo in the party). Alpha Sapphire. Hypnosis- Puts enemy to sleep. Sidney: Give Gardevoir a Persim Berry and send it in against Mightyena to block Swagger and safely KO with Dazzling Gleam. It was replaced with Shadow Ball once Wallace was defeated. Oh, goody. Iron Tail is STAB anti-Fairy, Stone Edge is also STAB. The other HM Slave of the team, your game's respective Lati Twin. And finally, in the depths on the Shoal Cave (and by the depths I mean the first room), we meet our final permanent team member, the thicc walrus. This Pokemon is used for Tate & Liza and Phoebe, but if it sets up a few Swords Dances, you can sweep most teams. Swampert @Swampertite/Whatever else you'd like You might be wondering why so few HMs. - Earthquake Can deal with Psychics with Dark Pulse and X-Scissor. What was your team for every ORAS? : r/pokemon - Reddit Ability: Marvel Scale / Oblivious - Shadow Ball Ability: Volt Absorb The Soothe Bell should be used until Golbat evolves, after which point Acrobatics is more effective with no item. What is a good in-game team for Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald? - Toxic Swampert can't get Ice Punch for Grass coverage, but it can get Ice Beam. - Double-Edge. Crobat doesn't really get to participate in a lot of important battles, and the only battle its good in is the battle against Brawly, which Gardevoir (Ralts) does better in. This is much more reliable than gambling on random encounters, and its often a large timesaver. Waterfall: STAB and an HM. Surf: Until a Water type is obtained. Fake Out / Rock Slide / Power-Up Punch: Fake Out for some damage, Rock Slide helps against Flying types and Power-Up Punch is STAB that raises Attack. - Hone Claws It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. - Brick Break / Strength Ability: Flash Fire Dive - Sand-Attack (starting move) > Knock Off (Level 19) Waterfall and Earthquake are accurate STAB.

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best oras team with swampert