- 7. Mai 2023
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- Category: Allgemein
/C2_0 39 0 R 1.901 0 l -2.026 0 l -0.326 3.645 -1.986 2.183 -1.986 -0.227 c (+V?Q:Z)B^PMkg\yp^.qV0Biw4B1-15x@P[WYD53"; -0.761 -1.526 -0.504 -1.464 -0.504 -1.227 c Through 12 In. /C2_0 39 0 R q 485 0 obj <>/Encrypt 470 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<04A80A15CDD3184792EEFAD82944636F>]/Index[469 27]/Info 468 0 R/Length 82/Prev 74489/Root 471 0 R/Size 496/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream /C2_0 39 0 R 2.241 -0.638 1.787 -0.893 1.205 -0.893 c The trench type specified for the project is intended to balance the external forces involved but will not eliminate movement. Effective Date: April 12, 2022 . 0.617 0.954 m American National Standards Institute accreditation of AWWA Standards is your additional assurance of excellence. Adobe InDesign CC 2017 (Windows) 0.29 1.049 0.692 1.167 0.993 1.167 c endobj 0.5 w Find a Standards Committee of interest. 1 0 0 1 341.23779 370.244 cm f Q The husband then presents the question to grandma. f This includes material selection, testing methods and procedures, inspection requirements, and record keeping. f h PDF SECTION 9 WATER CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS - Truckee Meadows Water Authority /CS0 66 0 R f -0.326 3.645 -1.985 2.183 -1.985 -0.227 c -0.195 0.066 -0.338 0.104 -0.571 0.104 c /GS0 62 0 R 1.147 -2.54 1.179 -2.437 1.396 -1.698 c /T1_2 85 0 R /Annots [ 18 0 R ] /T1_2 49 0 R H{\O.j\J7Sv%J a0tOH=LRbl YQ_hm -]}I-Y\ >>^JTj 0 0 m 4.51 -2.411 m 9 0 obj [ <16> -11 (\033) -22 (\032) -3 <13> -12 <14> -6 (\034) -8 <150d1a> -1 <15> -8 <1e0d0c> 48 <0f> -24 (\032) -1 <14> -4 <1514> -4 <15> -5 <0b> ] TJ T* >> 0 -3.565 l /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] -1.923 -0.738 -1.023 0.443 0.052 0.443 c /CS0 66 0 R 3.588 1.39 l >> -3.081 -5.243 -1.964 -4.564 -1.127 -4.017 c 3.701 4.017 4.187 3.234 4.187 2.023 c 0.689 0 l -0.314 0.292 m 0 0 m 6.708 -7.304 l h Stop struggling with those hard-to-figure field calculations and put ease and efficiency right at your fingertips with our Pocket Engineer for mobile and desktop devices. 2.411 3.972 2.936 3.574 2.936 2.397 c 0.5 w 0 0 m h -15.094 -1.221 -15.561 -2.749 -15.561 -4.258 c gfg??^W~3ZDeL{&. 6.048 -13.273 l Q AWWA C600 is a standard for pressure testing of municipal water systems. /T1_3 1 Tf /TT0 60 0 R 2.248 -2.448 l /ExtGState << Q -0.109 -0.523 -0.285 -0.736 -0.285 -1.103 c /Annots [ 18 0 R ] -0.326 3.644 -1.986 2.184 -1.986 -0.227 c 3.588 0 l f 1.887 0.423 1.577 0.732 0.832 0.732 c 1 0 0 1 308.52049 371.5121 cm Q 0.383 -2.525 0 -1.206 0 0 c >> /Annots [ 18 0 R ] 1 0 0 1 89.166 685.90669 cm These AWWA Standards address all facets of water treatment and delivery. -1.571 -5.066 -1.789 -4.238 -1.789 -3.515 c -4.027 -4.367 -3.404 -4.553 -2.751 -4.553 c /GS2 gs q 1.203 0 l /F1 12 Tf 0.566 0 l >> These procedures should not be applied for air-pressure testing because of the serious safety hazards involved with compressed air. -0.504 -0.746 -1.612 -1.074 -1.612 -0.191 c 2.085 0 l 1.611 -2.448 l 6.369 -1.751 l endobj Jerrys responsibility is to provide technical support for water professionals at all levels including engineers, private water companies, contractors, municipalities, and water districts. /Type /Page 133.566 671.059 1.9 -7.304 re 0.794 -0.77 0.665 -0.328 0.665 0.076 c 1.776 -1.599 l Q 0 0 m 0.908 -3.148 0.086 -2.482 0 -1.305 c q 1.892 0 l 4.666 4.439 3.743 5.361 1.517 5.361 c /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] -0.01 Tc 3.673 -1.22 3.29 -2.525 1.829 -2.525 c 0 -7.303 l 1.477 -0.76 1.477 -0.437 1.112 -0.437 c /GS2 gs -1.816 -1.503 -0.554 -2.283 0.738 -2.283 c -1.985 -0.227 m hbbd``b`$/ H~,@9j n "t@(@1b``$ y@4 >> [ <15> 6 <11> -4 <100f> -5 <1015> 1 (\033) -12 <10> -15 <12> ] TJ 0 1.16 l -1.403 0 l 1 0 0 1 123.3138 684.3322 cm ?QBe/ii)lM2@`rwL)W)B1C1x=Tlr[^h>-Tz#L0Y=-vn+^to^9Hy~bL1Ut0] 4-1 Performance test on 36-in. /Type /Page h 1 0 0 1 187.5118 688.50121 cm 1 0 0 1 115.188 669.4841 cm 6.262 11.88 274.426 274.027 re /Font << 0 0 m 0 0 m Q -0.71 -3.425 l The pressure is increased during each test. 0 -2.448 l Q A common mistake is for installers to chase a leak for extended periods of time, only to find the line will eventually pass the hydrostatic test without changing any parts of the water line. 2.936 0.695 2.85 0.17 2.539 -0.241 c /Contents 79 0 R Think about it, you have installed a water line - test with water. 172.559 28 266.883 8 re 2 w 0 0.465 l Guidelines set forth in the AWWA M41 Manual and the ANSI/AWWA C600 Standard are as follows: "Test pressure shall be 1.25 times the operating pressure. /Type /Page >> >> Two to four psi is all that is required for an air test. 0.31 -0.089 -0.114 -1.241 -0.724 -2.865 c 0.003 Tw -0.021 Tw /A << Ri pu>,s(^ FIRc;ZS"]MN??$WQ?RPNhNN!7ofGyvj81k9FM&tlrV^$~>c+o%d h 0 0 m endstream endobj startxref 0 0 m Appendices: Containsadditional guidance and reference materials for applicationof the standard. f /Type /Page /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /T1_0 105 0 R 2.522 8.729 2.067 7.857 2.067 6.838 c q /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] 3.389 -2.652 l >> -1.29 1.617 -1.816 0.978 -1.816 -0.113 c Q 1.887 -0.299 l f 1.307 -0.832 1.279 -1.008 1.174 -1.146 c /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 0 0 0 1 K 4.658 0 l 1.611 -0.841 1.606 -0.437 1.198 -0.437 c -0.325 3.659 0.483 3.972 1.291 3.972 c 69.124 15.616 l 1.801 -0.979 2.581 0.17 3.716 0.17 c /GS2 gs American Water Works Association water industry publications include Standards, Manuals, Journal, Opflow and more. W 1.611 -1.141 l 1.131 0.266 1.307 0.133 1.307 -0.262 c 0.276 -2.039 0 -1.73 0 -1.246 c 0.383 -2.524 0 -1.205 0 0 c 0 0 m All head pressure will thus be included in the reading on the gauge. 0 0 m 1.404 -3.829 l Q -1.085 -1.788 -1.499 -1.802 -1.964 -1.832 c 1.886 2.397 l q adobe:docid:indd:5cad130e-228d-11dd-b753-bc3d6c84f515 1.801 0 l BT 1.293 3.317 l -0.352 0.57 -0.157 0.522 0.042 0.479 c 0.69 -0.262 0.376 -0.285 0.133 -0.403 c 1.901 -4.027 2.071 -4.608 2.794 -4.608 c 0.403 -3.367 0.972 -2.658 0.972 -1.565 c HLN0y 1.44 -0.603 l /Rotate 0 q /Font << 4.68 0.057 4.666 0.61 4.666 1.347 c /T1_2 80 0 R 4.509 -2.411 m -2.595 -9.083 l hydrostatic testing -1.251 0.086 -0.446 0.954 0.617 0.954 c 116.791 674.207 1.9 -1.815 re 1 0 0 1 93.53391 669.5269 cm Q 0 -0.863 l /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] q Q 0.637 -3.565 l /Rotate 0 h 0 0 0 1 K 0 0 m 1.925 -1.773 l As new technologies emerge, new standards are developed. f q 0 0 m -0.827 0.09 -1.079 -0.223 -1.079 -0.685 c f Q /GS0 62 0 R 2.212 -2.186 2.708 -1.698 3.008 -1.182 c Also, pipelines intended for buried service should generally be tested with the backfill in place. The amount of make-up water is documented and compared from all three tests. /T1_2 1 Tf endobj Q 1 0 0 1 102.7715 738.00011 cm Q 0.001 Tc The same basic principles can be applied to most other materials as well. /ColorSpace << -1.985 -2.325 -0.582 -3.999 1.829 -3.999 c A "known value" container such as a quart jar or incremented gallon bucket may be used to refill the original supply source. /GS2 64 0 R Use of a test pressure greater, than the rated valve pressure can result in trapped test pressure between the, gates of a double-disc gate valve. 0 0 m 3.02 -1.021 l PDF/X-1a:2001 1.203 0.465 l 0.335 -0.222 0.091 -0.222 0.04 -0.222 c 1.076 0 Td q 1 0 0 1 78 127.334 cm Installations that require special attention, techniques, and. Test Report 1. Q -15.561 -8.879 -11.818 -12.623 -7.197 -12.625 c Fromdesign to installation, we take great pride in providing education and trainingto water professionals throughout the water and waste water industry. -0.326 3.659 0.482 3.971 1.291 3.971 c << 0.444 0 l /GS2 gs /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] from application/x-indesign to application/pdf PDF C600-17 Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances 1 0 0 1 314.4575 377.6781 cm xmp.id:aed345ab-73fa-5f4a-b0b4-cf6ed22bbb08 3.957 -7.913 l /T1_2 85 0 R 0.346 -1.058 l f 1.307 0 1.865 0.266 1.865 0.99 c f 0.641 -1.462 l -2.657 -4.401 -2.44 -4.623 -2.191 -4.623 c 0.19 7.434 l 6.467 -1.305 6.311 -2.808 6.311 -3.758 c -0.248 0.871 0 0.457 0 0 c 0.63 -4.549 1.126 -5.361 1.126 -6.366 c In no event will AWWA be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of information presented in this book. >> 1.302 -3.043 1.147 -2.851 1.147 -2.673 c 3.602 -3.83 l 2.037 2.644 1.427 1.905 0.858 0.886 c Therefore, the number of times a line is exercised may vary. Pop both balloons. 0 1.391 l q Leakage shall not be measured by a drop, These formulas are based on an allowable leakage of 11.65, gpd/mi/in. -0.238 -1.483 -0.039 -1.417 0.071 -1.369 c 1.49 -0.913 1.616 -0.662 1.616 -0.389 c 0.556 1.298 0 0.808 0 0 c -4.028 -4.368 -3.403 -4.551 -2.751 -4.551 c 2.751 1.716 3.177 0.922 3.233 0 c This is especially true if the line is exposed to direct sunlight. Heenjoys spending time with his church where he is a speaker and treasurer, as well as spending time with his wife Susan and their two daughters, Katelyn and Shannon on their farm in Ohio. 1.273 -2.056 1.291 -2.131 1.336 -2.205 c q 0 0 m /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] 0.622 1.245 m -3.219 -3.389 -2.581 -4.424 -1.248 -4.424 c 0.566 0 l q Understanding testing factors during design will enable the water professional to prepare for obstacles that may arise during the testing process. h /TT0 1 Tf 3.389 -2.652 l 5.658 2.184 3.999 3.644 1.829 3.644 c 0.524 -0.893 0 -0.624 0 0 c f /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] f -1.815 -3.148 -0.411 -4.539 2 -4.539 c 0 0 m 0.525 -0.893 0 -0.624 0 0 c q -2.822 -1.659 0.482 -0.921 0.482 -3.559 c 1.706 -2.939 0.899 -3.604 0.103 -4.017 c 4.666 2.283 l /Contents 101 0 R 0.229 -0.609 0.059 -0.609 0.003 -0.609 c 3.716 -6.595 l 278.967 351.319 0.637 -0.608 re 37.179 0 Td 1.334 8.005 2.223 9.186 3.598 9.186 c /T1_1 34 0 R >> 0.323 -1.065 m Approved by American National Standards Institute Feb. 14, 2017. h 1 0 0 1 293.9146 354.72839 cm 1.603 -2.283 2.553 -1.829 2.992 -1.021 c 0.298 -5.658 l %PDF-1.6 % /T1_0 1 Tf -4.623 -4.07 l 1.126 -8.152 0.01 -9.216 -1.148 -9.216 c 0 0 m 0 0 m 1.901 -1.645 1.901 -3.574 1.901 -4.623 c 1.901 1.39 l 1.126 0 Td 1.336 -1.407 l 0.689 0 l /F1 54 0 R First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors May 8, 1977.This edition approved June 20, 2010. W After all the air has been, expelled, the corporation cocks shall be closed and the test pressure applied. 0 0 0.77 rg /GS2 63 0 R h /Contents 68 0 R 4 M f The husband then asks his favorite mother-in-law the same question and receives the same response, "That's the way my mom did it." 1.886 2.397 l -0.755 -0.059 -0.734 0.384 -1.075 0.384 c >> /Annots [ 18 0 R ] -1.744 1.849 -2.12 1.264 -2.12 0.556 c 1.901 -7.303 l q 4.255 -4 5.658 -2.326 5.658 -0.227 c 0 0 m Q /T1_2 80 0 R -1.483 1.136 -1.302 1.383 -0.946 1.383 c -1.303 0.384 -1.623 0.074 -1.943 -0.606 c h >> -0.695 3.105 -1.815 1.361 -1.815 -0.751 c -0.305 0.584 -0.119 0.556 0.057 0.504 c 0.021 Tc 1 0 0 1 275.71581 358.4276 cm uG| ?~U;P8L.=66 89#o (\t*V>8`^icp;j G ~%Ld! f+61G*6oq/oyZ;3]Q;O5.hiLZ 0.1 -1.896 l /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Give back to the water community by helping to develop or update an AWWA Standard. 4.255 -3.999 5.659 -2.325 5.659 -0.227 c q q /T1_3 85 0 R American Water Works Association -1.686 -4.859 -2.295 -5.657 -2.295 -6.941 c -2.822 -1.659 0.482 -0.922 0.482 -3.56 c 468 0 l /Resources << /GS2 gs 4.737 -1.545 4.708 -1.035 4.694 -0.482 c stream -1.706 -1.418 l Q ET 0 -2.448 l The purpose of this standard is to define the minimum requirements for a water utilitys stormwater management program, including management of stormwater on water utility sites, addressing water quality and water quantity You can be confident when you select products and processes that meet the requirements of AWWA Standards. /GS2 63 0 R 0.799 3.679 l >> Q 0 0 m 2. 0.637 0.465 l 4.187 0.266 3.246 -1.034 1.809 -1.034 c h 1 0 0 1 178.9321 685.90669 cm Q 1.407 -1.118 l Her husband does not understand why she is cooking a 5-pound turkey in a 10-pound pot. PDF Section 15044 Pressure Testing of Piping Part 1 - General -1.403 0 l 1 0 0 1 126.2207 680.71609 cm Try out the McWane Pocket Engineer today. 3.078 2.17 3.673 1.12 3.673 0 c 1 1.827 -3.997 l h Q 19 0 obj 1.459 0 l -0.742 0.104 -0.946 0.043 -0.946 -0.167 c q /GS1 65 0 R 0 0 m -3.304 -5.942 -4.041 -5.814 -4.736 -5.629 c /ColorSpace << -1.611 0.337 -1.15 0.57 -0.651 0.57 c -3.05 -5.362 -3.422 -4.933 -3.422 -3.796 c 1 0 0 1 227.5452 684.3746 cm Engineering professionals often include on-site training by the manufacturer in the project specification to ensure training is completed. f /T1_1 80 0 R -3.081 -6.985 m >> 1.887 -0.3 l f 0 Tc 10.21 0.17 10.721 -1.064 10.721 -2.694 c -8.893 11.48 -11.328 5.686 -14.394 0.002 c 0.18 -0.652 l q 4.326 -9.033 l -0.019 Tw 4.254 -3.999 5.658 -2.325 5.658 -0.227 c [ <13> -26 <12> 2 <11> 2 <10> -9 <0f> 6 <0e> 3 <0f0d> -6 <0c190d> -1 <0b191f> -13 (\036) -2 (\035) -3 (\034) 10 (\033) 32 (\037) 18 (\032) -46 (\032) 12 (\037\031\030) -7 <17> -11 <16> -18 <16> -57 <15> -52 <16> -4 <0a> -13 <09> ] TJ 5.985 0 Td 1.897 -0.333 1.768 -0.77 1.279 -0.77 c f /F1 54 0 R The last two digitsindicatethe year itwas approved, withany applicablerevision information listed at the bottom. 5.049 1.248 4.283 3.105 1.574 3.105 c 0.637 -2.097 l BT 0 Tc General Provisions in Section 0200 for further requirements. (\031) Tj -1.55 -1.364 l h 4.58 7.901 4.383 8.729 3.463 8.729 c 0 Tc This standard describes underground installation and hydrostatic testing procedures for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or molecularly oriented polyvinyl chloride (PVCO) pressure pipe and fittings that comply with either ANSI/AWWA C900, ANSI/AWWA C905, ANSI/AWWA C907, or ANSI/AWWA C909. mY+lim ]O PavS!1rTT,mYfNpervAM =Iiux_d6}F@``!,>3n.w-ml(6p>&,\*1`aDpheQ`yr8 *>T'ld4eL[\oTF s%0g-b 7%6|ZSsY y[C1cm#]hjFv.oA.H i \_FM TXgPmht}&K]Y2le1x-0CJ rg|kNpxXp_ #G7dS_Q`1RsBSevHAm-:&^~t 1 0 0 1 327.7314 352.80611 cm -1.341 -1.978 -1.745 -1.431 -1.745 -0.685 c This edition approved June 6, 1993. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 1.317 -2.652 l 0.956 -0.262 l 3.9 0.17 4.099 0.17 4.297 0.113 c k 0 0 m -2.233 -9.216 -3.081 -8.404 -3.081 -6.985 c /Border [ 0 0 0 ] 4.992 0.17 5.715 -0.213 6.126 -1.12 c AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their - GlobalSpec /Kids [ 3 0 R 4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R ] 0.803 -0.042 1.093 0.057 1.331 0.057 c /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] >> 02702 - 2 of 6 Kansas City, Missouri Revised 07/31/20 Water Services Department Standard Specifications 1.07 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. 0 Tw Q -0.049 Tw ET -0.012 Tw 1.688 -1.659 l -1.789 -2.585 -1.375 -0.782 -0.248 0.458 c 2.484 -1.988 1.645 -2.827 0.617 -2.827 c 11.317 -9.898 l 1 0 0 1 144.24471 688.50121 cm 1.015 4.593 0.622 4.352 0.622 3.832 c q 3.801 -2.808 3.006 -3.148 2.085 -3.148 c 4.808 -3.404 l >> 0 Tc f 1.892 -1.046 1.887 -0.861 1.887 -0.613 c 2.115 -2.448 l h These procedures should not be applied for air-pressure testing because of the, Test pressure shall not be less than 1.25 times the working pressure at the. 1 0 0 1 280.4966 356.11169 cm 0 0 m -1.108 -1.992 -1.355 -1.949 -1.587 -1.887 c -0.006 Tw 0.565 -0.556 l /Annots [ 18 0 R ] 1.659 2.652 l 1 0 0 1 325.1572 353.10201 cm 0.956 -0.261 l /Parent 1 0 R Volume 29, Issue 3. /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] f 0.603 0 l -0.284 6.069 l 1.896 -0.333 1.768 -0.77 1.278 -0.77 c 0.709 5.361 -0.283 5.148 -1.021 4.808 c /C2_0 39 0 R 0.5 w 3.021 -1.021 l 0.637 -1.141 l 2.936 1.263 l Q /T1_0 34 0 R endstream endobj startxref 1.406 1.167 1.644 0.665 1.644 0.281 c /T1_1 85 0 R Unknown (Revision of ANSI/AWWA C600-10) AWWA Standard Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances Effective date: July 1, 2017. The test pump is to be connected at the lowest point of the line. -1.271 -4.046 -1.271 -3.929 -1.344 -3.929 c /GS2 63 0 R 5.049 -1.305 l -0.429 -2.827 -1.251 -1.97 -1.251 -0.937 c /GS2 gs /ExtGState << <>>> -1.593 -3.574 -1.924 -2.88 -1.924 -2.2 c /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] R`aRRpYk}9As\wq:]~%&OZWT 4/2ppZ~'OXjspOSQ hStk+xFUu;WAY[U'@ GXT ]FYHIUjr9! q Prime the pump to remove all air prior to engagement with the line. -0.589 1.383 -0.447 1.117 -0.428 0.808 c /Contents 17 0 R 4.313 0.482 3.235 -1.599 0.469 -1.599 c Q /Rotate 0 << 1.153 -0.993 l f 1.801 -1.021 l 278.259 360.219 0.637 -2.448 re Awwa C600 Testing Requirements Pdf -0.581 0.198 -1.007 0.313 -1.702 0.313 c 0 0 m /GS2 gs 1 0 0 1 289.8315 356.3588 cm Jerry Regula, "JR" is a product engineer with McWane Ductile. 0 g h /GS1 65 0 R /BitsPerComponent 8 PDF Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings - American Water Works Association Copyright 2017 American Water Works Association All Rights Reserved /Producer (PyPDF2) >> default 4.297 -1.801 l Approved by American National Standards Institute Feb. 9, 1994. Delivery covershow the product can be packaged, marked, and shipped. 1.559 -1.308 1.496 -1.102 1.153 -1.005 c 1.706 -2.939 0.899 -3.604 0.103 -4.017 c &HM50ztvv{>4cF`E)%i+zL!, Q&mR@T-}^J&-/G /T1_2 1 Tf 1.901 -4.027 2.07 -4.609 2.794 -4.609 c 3.143 2.156 3.06 1.698 2.978 1.358 c 1.852 0 1.852 1.953 1.852 3.146 c f 0.604 -0.328 0.865 0.058 1.246 0.058 c -1.815 -3.148 -0.411 -4.539 2 -4.539 c /GS2 gs 1 0 0 1 314.9429 356.95641 cm Q 1.901 3.46 l f 1.9 -1.645 1.9 -3.574 1.9 -4.623 c The design engineer and owner anticipate news of a tight line, ready to serve hundreds or thousands of customers, or provide water to a new facility where a multitude of neighbors may find employment. >> It may be necessary to supplement this standard with special requirements not included in this standard (see foreword, Sec. f Installers may, at times, have a misconception that water lines do not move because of earth loads of six to eight feet, for example. -0.255 -5.828 -0.822 -5.9 -1.602 -5.9 c 0.575 -0.555 l q -1.079 -1.136 -0.865 -1.483 -0.419 -1.483 c -0.285 -1.569 0.138 -1.83 0.57 -1.83 c Q 0.181 0.371 l /T1_0 34 0 R 2.411 3.971 2.936 3.574 2.936 2.397 c h h -0.021 Tw Q 0.086 0.978 0.624 1.716 1.687 1.716 c /TT0 60 0 R 0 -7.303 l 4.736 -1.546 4.708 -1.035 4.694 -0.483 c -2.283 -1.599 l /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] q [ <0c> -6 <10> -10 <11> -11 (\215) 45 <011918> -14 (\214\031\202) -21 <16> -12 <7f> -5 (\216) -16 <0a> -62 <15> -31 (\216) -16 <16> -19 (\203) -17 (\202\031) ] TJ AWWA C600-17 Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their - Store q 1.901 -3.403 l << /CS0 66 0 R 0.254 0 l 3.792 -3.318 l 0.637 -2.448 l /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] /GS2 63 0 R /CS0 66 0 R h /Height 122 0.482 -5.262 -1.035 -5.942 -2.581 -5.942 c S 0.799 3.679 l q /T1_0 34 0 R 0 0 m << 1 0 obj 0.323 -1.065 m h -2.212 0.313 -2.822 0.128 -2.822 -0.496 c 2 0 obj endobj 1.602 -2.283 2.552 -1.829 2.992 -1.021 c California Transparency in Supply Chain Disclosure -1.986 -0.227 m IG,8,1K$%4O_f[Gm7{[/=)wO xs?2QR(6e+qP! -4.807 1.007 -3.432 1.702 -1.943 1.702 c Q q 1.892 -1.045 1.887 -0.861 1.887 -0.613 c -1.108 -1.992 -1.354 -1.949 -1.587 -1.887 c A water line moves like an accordion when pressures are increased/decreased. 1.697 0.803 1.897 0.452 1.897 0.076 c 5.644 0 l 1 0 0 1 172.3522 682.9713 cm Access the online platform, envoi, for standards, manuals and more. 1.128 0 Td h >> f f 1 0 0 1 128.63091 669.668 cm -0.761 -1.526 -0.504 -1.464 -0.504 -1.226 c 1.307 -0.642 l -0.972 -3.708 -0.91 -3.825 -0.941 -3.973 c 1.112 -2.02 0.965 -2.039 0.774 -2.039 c 4.27 9.186 4.869 8.817 5.097 8.595 c 2.139 1.284 m Q q 0.482 -5.262 -1.036 -5.942 -2.581 -5.942 c 4.331 0 Td 1.688 0 l 1.326 -2.652 l 1.739 -3.318 l -0.351 0.57 -0.157 0.522 0.043 0.48 c /Type /Page /GS2 63 0 R /Type /Page h q f f /T1_4 49 0 R 1.887 0.423 1.578 0.732 0.832 0.732 c -1.799 -8.123 -1.809 -8.3 -1.727 -8.3 c 258 341.102 120 42.898 re 0.323 -0.689 0.747 -0.642 1.032 -0.642 c 1.096 0 Td 0 0 m /Type /Page 0.001 0.098 m 0.823 -6.084 0 -5.162 0 -3.715 c 0 0 m There are currentlymore than 190AWWA Standards, and standards committees have produced more than 60AWWAManuals of Water SupplyPractices. q /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] JRis a NACE Certified Corrosion Technician, Envision Specialist, and member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. /T1_0 85 0 R /C2_0 1 Tf 2.091 -1.265 2.561 -0.704 2.561 0 c 0.031 -0.03 l 8.765 -9.898 l B* h -2.233 -9.216 -3.081 -8.404 -3.081 -6.985 c 4.149 0.165 3.527 -0.634 2.639 -0.964 c 3.134 -4.609 3.46 -4.538 3.659 -4.411 c -1.744 1.849 -2.12 1.264 -2.12 0.556 c [ <15> 17 <14> 22 <131c> -4 (\031\032) 29 <12> 11 <11> 34 (\037) 10 <10> 19 (\030) 31 (\036) 13 <17> ] TJ 0 0 m PDF Minimum Installation and Testing Requirements - Broward County, Florida 0.731 -0.234 0.408 0.098 0.001 0.098 c 1.852 4.186 1.7 5.835 0.19 5.835 c 0.637 -2.448 l 0.86 -1.83 1.179 -1.677 1.326 -1.407 c /Font << 2017-05-31T09:35:36-06:00 258 341.102 l [ <080b0b1107060f1011190504061103191e0d> 15 <10> 60 <02191401> 50 <197f16141602> ] TJ >> /TT0 60 0 R /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Definitionsdefinesany technicalterms endstream endobj 173 0 obj <> endobj 174 0 obj <> endobj 175 0 obj <>stream f -0.816 -0.93 -0.92 -0.635 -0.92 -0.369 c -2.269 -4.551 -1.503 -4.368 -1.503 -3.659 c -1.745 0.023 -1.326 0.584 -0.561 0.584 c -0.76 -1.526 -0.504 -1.464 -0.504 -1.227 c /GS3 63 0 R Buy Now AWWA C230-22 Stainless-Steel Full-Encirclement Repair & Service Connection Clamps for Pipe -2.285 -1.329 -2.605 -2.525 -2.636 -3.663 c From the initial standards covering pipes, water meters and steel water storage tanks, AWWA volunteers have guided the expansion of the standards program. 0.637 0.465 l -1.675 0.576 -1.23 0.871 -0.765 0.871 c perform visual inspection or non-destructive testing requirements of this section. 1.654 7.591 l 469 0 obj <> endobj It is good practice to allow the system to stabilize at the. 2.026 0 l https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerry-regula-6a87b8138/, How to Use the McWane Ductile Iron Pipe Submittal Builder. (\031) Tj S 0.4 -1.365 0.731 -1.039 0.731 -0.634 c III. Q >> The following blog is a blue print, which, if followed, will lead to a successful hydrostatic testing of a water line using ductile iron pipe. -0.115 0.052 -0.238 0.09 -0.433 0.09 c Table 4-A found in section five of the ANSI/AWWA C600 Standard is used to identify the amount of make-up water used (per hour) to increase the pressure back to the starting point of the test. 2.936 0.694 2.851 0.17 2.539 -0.241 c 1.075 -1.278 0.922 -1.364 0.728 -1.364 c 0.96 0.96 0.96 rg 6.046 0 l 0.594 -0.342 l A pressure relief valve is to be set at five psi max to prevent over pressurizing. 0.666 0.076 m BT >> 0 0 0 1 k 1 0 0 1 285.645 349.0228 cm Explanation: Defineswhat an AWWA Standard is and what it covers. 1.829 -0.993 l >> 1 0 0 1 323.9854 372.07069 cm 3.928 -7.913 l <008b> Tj q >> /Annots [ 18 0 R ] /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] -2.283 7.434 m -2.12 -0.247 -1.649 -0.713 -0.841 -0.713 c 8 0 0 8 172.5585 29.684 Tm -0.403 -0.62 -0.641 -1.299 -0.765 -1.728 c f 1.892 -1.045 1.887 -0.861 1.887 -0.613 c ET /XObject << -51.862 -1.25 Td >> 2.623 -9.898 l 0.559 6.232 0.527 6.439 0.134 6.498 c /Annots [ 18 0 R ] W f 1.092 2.397 0.156 2.326 -0.567 1.971 c 69.124 14.772 l 38.086 0 Td 0 0.465 l If there is a conflict between the two the more conservative shall apply. -1.566 -2.131 -0.6 -3.118 0.622 -3.118 c >> 0.637 -2.448 l 1.126 0 Td -0.248 -1.182 -0.155 -1.33 0.372 -1.418 c /F1 54 0 R >> >> -1.433 4.084 l q 0.104 -1.802 -0.279 -1.788 -0.703 -1.788 c 0.665 0.441 0.865 0.803 1.279 0.803 c /ExtGState << 0.689 -0.437 0.637 -0.94 0.637 -1.259 c << 4.779 -2.113 l /CS0 cs -2.657 -8.979 -2.687 -8.847 -2.636 -8.684 c Q 0.737 -0.437 0.637 -0.937 0.637 -1.25 c (1.079 L/day/km/mm) of nominal diameter at a, Do not sell or share my personal information. >> /T1_3 80 0 R q 1 0 0 1 348.2222 356.95641 cm -6.046 0 l 0 0 m Cookie Preferences The dial on the gauge must be in one psi increments. application/pdf 1.852 -3.997 l 5.957 0.171 6.708 -1.049 6.708 -2.694 c 1.459 0 l xmp.iid:28f67be3-fa47-ce4c-bc0d-4b89626fd7b4 -0.031 0.532 0.052 1.27 0.186 1.713 c 3.379 -2.652 l These AWWA Standards address all facets of water treatment and delivery. /GS1 65 0 R )` >> 2.241 -0.638 1.787 -0.893 1.205 -0.893 c 0 -7.303 l /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Any material not designed for the specific pressures should not be used and should be isolated from any section of a line to be tested at higher pressures. 4.435 6.897 l f h -2.524 6.069 l 0 1.091 0.596 2.17 1.829 2.17 c 2.241 -0.638 1.787 -0.894 1.206 -0.894 c 1.673 0.954 2.484 0.086 2.484 -0.937 c -1.29 1.617 -1.815 0.979 -1.815 -0.114 c 1 0 0 1 274.2681 377.6796 cm stream 0 0 m 0.689 -0.262 0.376 -0.286 0.133 -0.405 c 1.801 -0.993 l -0.471 0 l 1.996 0.058 2.248 -0.352 2.248 -0.903 c /TT0 60 0 R AWWA C600 January 1, 1993 /TT0 60 0 R -0.352 0.57 -0.157 0.522 0.043 0.479 c >> 4.666 2.283 l /Type /Page 44.625 0 Td Work smart, work hard, and work safe! q >> "AWWA has served the members and the water industry by dedicating staff and volunteer resources to this core program, and has succeeded in enabling the continued development and expansion of industry standards.". -2.98 3.848 -3.797 1.905 -4.824 0 c 0.01 Tw 0.689 -0.261 0.376 -0.285 0.133 -0.404 c 1.9 0 l f 0 0 m 1 0 0 1 271.1812 368.51601 cm -0.127 -3.044 -1.357 -2.232 -1.89 -0.761 c 0.637 -0.55 0.637 -1.197 0.637 -1.549 c 3.077 2.17 3.673 1.12 3.673 0 c rx,/RiA"G/?9`eRY,%> 0hPy4!=qaFN^KW_$"U-~{~W }z%I>{{@@mQOF'55g)yyA &/EhZK% Ws6+kwKo;l[dpw~W2m$MhSi{GZbi?wD!P4Hk]gdZ>-. /GS2 63 0 R >> /Font << -0.312 -1.058 l -1.686 -4.859 -2.295 -5.657 -2.295 -6.941 c /T1_0 34 0 R WARNING: The testing methods described in this section are for water-pressure testing only. 1.925 -1.773 l -7.239 16.887 l [ (\201) -25 <0f8d> -15 <0e0619> 21 <11050f060f0d0c19> 21 <048f8f8d0d> 15 <10110519> 21 (\220) 20 (\235\031) 21 (\037) 40 (\032\032) 40 (\037\031) 21 21 <0d0b19> 21 -15 <0e19> 21 <8004> 25 <9d198201> 50 <191483848402> ] TJ Testing 607 Repair and Abandonment . endobj /T1_1 1 Tf 1.307 -0.832 1.278 -1.007 1.174 -1.145 c 1.801 -0.979 2.581 0.17 3.716 0.17 c 0.025 Tw 0.525 -0.894 0 -0.624 0 0 c -1.416 -3.929 -1.685 -4.106 -2.202 -4.711 c f trenchless applications -2.893 0 l h -0.285 -1.568 0.138 -1.83 0.57 -1.83 c 0.193 -0.704 0.216 -0.771 0.216 -0.904 c /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] -0.504 -0.746 -1.611 -1.074 -1.611 -0.191 c 1.975 -2.053 1.964 -2.186 2.037 -2.186 c 1.246 -2.211 l 0.637 0 l Q /GS0 62 0 R 0 -7.303 l -2.295 -8.226 -1.707 -8.773 -1.106 -8.773 c Q General coversthe scope, purpose, and application of the standard 1 0 0 1 78 595.8992 cm /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 1.673 0.057 1.915 -0.071 2.053 -0.375 c 0.774 3.679 l 5.049 -1.305 l 0.63 -4.549 1.126 -5.361 1.126 -6.366 c 0 0 m 1.688 0 l 0.012 Tc /Font << -0.465 -3.131 l /T1_1 74 0 R -0.742 0.104 -0.946 0.043 -0.946 -0.167 c 3.077 2.17 3.673 1.12 3.673 0 c Q 1 0 0 1 281.8047 359.5443 cm /GS0 62 0 R -0.207 -1.058 l 1.696 0.803 1.896 0.451 1.896 0.076 c 0.637 -2.448 l 3.035 -1.249 3.035 -1.73 3.106 -2.114 c >> %%EOF 0.009 Tc Documentsincludes anyreferenced papers 468 0 l %%EOF -48.679 -1.25 Td f IV. 1.776 -1.599 l /C2_0 39 0 R VI. 1.616 0.292 0.89 0.292 0.736 0.292 c /F1 54 0 R -0.482 5.607 m /T1_0 1 Tf h q 0 Tc 0 Tw % /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /GS2 63 0 R -1.013 -3.987 -0.796 -4.327 -0.517 -4.327 c q 1 0 0 1 276.4102 360.2191 cm -0.404 -8.773 0.31 -8.093 0.31 -6.646 c 0 -7.304 l / 0.637 0 l 0.631 -1.832 l h /TT0 60 0 R 0.499 -1.364 0.323 -1.274 0.323 -1.065 c Q Q 0.072 -4.829 -0.517 -5.066 -0.951 -5.066 c /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] -6.382 -3.829 m -1.503 -2.226 -4.807 -3.204 -4.807 -0.568 c It outlines the requirements for performing hydrostatic tests on all types of pipes, valves, and other associated equipment. -0.003 Tc f -2.893 0 l /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /TT0 60 0 R 13.898 0 l -1.51 5.138 -0.152 6.343 1.408 6.343 c q Q 0 -1.148 l 0 -1.446 l -3.081 -6.985 m 2.325 0.76 l This includes products that comply with ANSI*/AWWA C900, ANSI/AWWA C907, or ANSI/AWWA C909.
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