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The group also responds to humanitarian and contingency logistics support requirements as directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff through Headquarters United States Air Forces Europe (USAFE) to locations in Europe, Africa, and Southwest Asia. Col. Vincent J. O'Connor is the Vice Commander, 31st Fighter Wing, Aviano Air Base, Italy. The Wings diverse mission sets are executed by Airmen that fly, maintain, and support two F-16CM Fighter Squadrons, two Combat Search and Rescue Squadrons with Pararescue Airmen and HH-60 Pave Hawks, USAFEs only Air Control Squadron, Agile Combat Support Squadrons, Medical Squadrons and numerous Wing Staff Agencies. [4] The 31st Fighter Wing has acted as a key player in several significant engagements and operations during its long history, including several operations in Vietnam, the Balkans and Operation Odyssey Dawn. Col. Vincent J. OConnor is the Vice Commander, 31st Fighter Wing, Aviano Air Base, Italy. Gen. Lance K. Landrum, the new commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base, Italy, surveys his airmen after taking command on Friday, June 10, 2016. Gen. Jason Bailey, incoming commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base, Italy. The counteroffensive, however, was short-lived and by May 1943, the Germans surrendered in North Africa. Air Combat Command consolidated into and inactivated Twenty-Fourth Air Force and Twenty-Fifth Air Force capabilities into a new organization under a single commander, who will be responsible for providing information warfare capabilities to combatant commanders with the speed to match today's technological environment. In 1968 they helped defend installations against enemy forces during the Tet Offensive and the siege of Khe Sanh and were later singled out for their outstanding contribution during the extraction of friendly forces from Kham Duc. Gen. Craig Franklin, 31st Fighter Wing commander, hosted an induction ceremony for 12 Italian community leaders into the Honorary Squadron Commander Program at the La Bella Vista Club here May 8. To avoid losing the wing's heritage and history as the highest scoring Army Air Force unit in the Mediterranean Theater in WWII, the impressive combat record in Vietnam and number of significant firsts they produced in the early years of the Air Force, the 31st was chosen to move rather than fade into obscurity. From there the unit transferred without personnel of equipment to Langley Field, Virginia in June 1947 and then to Turner Field, Georgia, in September of that same year. February 2004 January 2005, student, F-16 pilot training, Springfield-Beckly Air National Guard Base, Ohio Like driving the Batmobile into the future: Air Force uses JLTV in mission for 1st time, Trailblazer: First Marine general to lead Defense Intelligence Agency dies at 64, China denounces US Navy reconnaissance planes trip through Taiwan Strait, Reports of sexual assaults increased in Navy, Air Force and Marines in 2022; Army saw decline, New bill aims to expand mental health care for military families, K-Town Now features the latest news from the Kaiserslautern Military Community. The Operations Group consists of seven squadrons that continually support operations and exercises across three Combatant Commands. The 31st Fighter Group became the combat component of the new wing. He said he’s also proud of the wing’s battle against drinking and driving, citing a decline in incidents of driving under the influence from 22 at the same point last year to eight this year. On 15 October 1972, Captains James L. Hendrickson and Gary M. Rubus[27] of the 307th Tactical Fighter Squadron[28] shot down a MiG-21 northeast of Hanoi. All Rights Reserved. Air Force), Brig. L101 Homework Read: L101RA: "Aviano." Furmen, John and Stephen Sheehy. An official website of the United States government Here's how you know Official websites use .mil . WING PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT . WWW 11-30-22. It provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for the United States and allied nations. Beginning in March 1999, the 16th Air and Space Expeditionary Task Force grew to 10 air expeditionary wings and 480 Air Force aircraft in 10 countries supporting Operation Allied Force, NATO's air campaign in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia. He received his promotion to lieutenant general on 1 August 1963 and left Torrejn to assume command of SAC's Second Air Force with headquarters then at Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City, Louisiana. AMC Aviano Passenger Terminal. 2022 Spark Tank. Bailey takes over command from Brig. By the time they had returned to Italy, they had destroyed 37 enemy aircraft, including 21 enemy fighter bombers on their way to attack Russian ground forces with no losses of their own. February 2002 August 2002, student, Introduction to Flight Training, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. Franklin has experience with one of the Air Force’s newest fighters: the F/A-22. The 31st Tactical Fighter Training Wing won the 1982 Daedalian Maintenance Trophy Award for the best maintenance complex in the United States Air Force. (Kent Harris / S&S). AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy Brig. Gen. Jason E. Bailey is scheduled to take command of Avianos 31st Fighter Wing during a virtual ceremony Friday, wing officials said. 2022 Spark Tank. The 401st FW moved from Spain to Aviano AB, Italy, in May 1992 and was re-designated as the 31st FW in April 1994. Marcus Dunham, Aviano AB MXG and 510th FGS leadership immerse themselves with 56th RGS, Fuels management flight introduces new, innovative refueling capability to wing, The 31st FW celebrates Womens History Month, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. He has had two previous overseas tours: as a pilot at Hahn Air Base in Germany from 1983 to 1986 and as deputy operations group commander at Kunsan Air Base in South Korea from 1999 to 2000. May 2021 present, Vice Commander, 31st Fighter Wing, Aviano AB, Italy, SUMMARY OF JOINT ASSIGNMENTS “It’s about looking forward.” Franklin will be the one leading the Air Force’s only permanent fighter wing south of the Alps. [17], The 31st received two new squadrons at that time, the 555th and 510th Fighter Squadrons, along with their Block-40F-16s. 16 AF moved to Aviano AB in August 1992. This 606th ACS unit is comprised of more than 400 Airmen from 25 diverse Air Force specialty codes and $173M of rapidly deployable equipment including two TPS-75 radars, long-haul communications equipment, generators, tactical vehicles and a computer-based information system providing a real-time battlespace picture. During 1962, the wing moved from George to Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, while simultaneously deploying a squadron to Kadena Air Base, Japan for four months without losing any operational capability. Wing scheduling (31 OSS/OSOS) is designated as the orientation flight Franklin is a command pilot with more than 3,100 hours, including time on four F-16 models and the B-1 and B-52 bombers. Landrum, who took command Friday from Maj. Gen. Barre R. Seguin in a ceremony officiated by Lt. Gen. Timothy R. Ray, showed off a bit of his language skills by delivering about a third of his speech in Italian. In 1950 the wing transferred from Tactical Air Command to Strategic Air Command and was redesignated as the 31st Fighter-Escort Wing. U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Derek France, Third Air Force commander, right, and his spouse Mrs. Amanda France, are briefed on the float pod inside of the 31st Medical Group Comprehensive Operational Medicine for Battle Ready Airmen clinic at Aviano Air Base, Italy, Nov. 22, 2022. Michael Wayne Morris, a maintainer at Aviano Air Base, Italy, died Jan. 12, 2021 from the coronavirus, his friends and family said in Facebook posts. During his visit, France toured the 56th and 57th Rescue Squadrons, the 31st SFS CATM facility, 606th Air Control Squadron, the Comprehensive Operational Medicine for Battle Ready Airmen clinic, and more. They found themselves as close as 15miles from the front lines, and this led to near disaster on at least one occasion. Assigned under a joint task force, the 31st AEW, flew from Aviano and joined NATO allies in a 78-day air campaign against Serbia. EDUCATION Bronze Star 2023 Stars and Stripes. llamas.norman@stripes.com Twitter: @normanllamas. This weeks Wyvern Warrior of the Week is U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. The clinic houses rehabilitation equipment, such as gait retraining software, anti-gravity treadmills for rehab, recovery modalities and a float pod for sensory deprivation. United States Naval War College, 1993 L101RB: ADP 6-22, Army Leadership, US Department of the Army. The 31st Operations Group ensures the combat readiness of two F-16CG squadrons, one HH-60G rescue squadron, one air control squadron, and one operational support squadron conducting and supporting worldwide air operations. When the shooting stopped, the 31st Fighter Group sat as the undisputed top scoring allied fighter group in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations and the fifth highest overall for the Army Air Forces with 570 confirmed aerial victories. Gen. Tad Clark, 31st Fighter Wing commander, right, and Third Air Force leadership, left, on 606th ACS equipment and capabilities at Aviano Air Base, Italy, Nov. 22, 2022. Gen. Robert Yates, was stationed at Homestead Air Force Base, Fla., from 1986 to 1989 while it was home to the 31st. Since then, the wing has been stationed at George Air Force Base, California and Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, until finally coming to Aviano Air Base, Italy in April 1994. This detachment collected NATO data from AIRSOUTH/DEPCINCUSAFE-SOUTHERN AREA, a dual-hatted position, and provided the information to 16 AF. BY ORDER OF THE COMMANDER 31ST FIGHTER WING (USAFE) AVIANO AIR BASE INSTRUCTION . The wing immediately become involved with events in Bosnia, part of the former communist country of Yugoslavia, in May 1994 as part of Operation Deny Flight. Sixteenth Air Force aircraft participated in the raid on the Bosnian-Serb held airfield at Udbina in November 1994. From August to December 2002, the 510th Fighter Squadron and 603rd Air Control Squadron returned to Southwest Asia. Major November 1, 2011 On 1 June 2006, the squadron relocated to RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom, from where it would have executed Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) missions in support of USAFE. Gen. Daniel T. Lasica, outgoing commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base, Italy. Second Lieutenant October 3, 2001 2010 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala. llamas.norman@stripes.com Twitter: @normanllamas. Brig. Captain October 3, 2005 [31], In 1999, USAFE activated the 31st Air Expeditionary Wing-NOBLE ANVIL (31st AEW) at Aviano for Operation Allied Force, the NATO operation to stop Serbian atrocities in the Province of Kosovo. July 2014 July 2018, F-16 Instructor/Evaluator Pilot, Director of Operations, 31st Operations Support Squadron; Director of Operations, 555th Fighter Squadron; and Commander, 555th Fighter Squadron, Aviano AB, Italy The organization was the first newly established Numbered Air Force (NAF) by the USAF after World War II. In peacetime, the 31st FW prepares for its combat role by maintaining aircraft and personnel in a high state of readiness. The squadrons were assigned to other wings and the 31st began inactivation proceedings. More. “Welcome to the best job, I believe, in the world,” Yates told Franklin during a ceremony attended by Italian and American dignitaries. On 1 April 1994, the 31st Fighter Wing inactivated at Homestead and subsequently activated at Aviano Air Base, Italy in place of the 401st Fighter Wing. An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. [4], At the end of the Cold War Sixteenth Air Force consisted of the following units:[3][5][6]. Rating: Command Pilot He is responsible for four squadrons, providing a full spectrum of healthcare operations, supporting a population of approximately 8,400 beneficiaries, including 1,300 Personal Reliability Program, Arming Use of, An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Gen. Mike Worden, the outgoing commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base, says farewell to a long line of well-wishers after Worden gave up command of the wing Friday. US Air Force information warfare organization, Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, 70th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing, 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing, 480th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing, 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 363d Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 480th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, "Air Force Information Warfare's new warfighting unit activates", "Factsheet Sixteenth Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) ACC", "Fifty Years On Nato's Southern Flank A History Of Sixteenth Air Force 1954 2004", US Air Force news story on 3AF and 16AF changes, Joint Overhead Persistent Infrared Center, 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 655th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, Geospatial and Signatures Intelligence Group, Space, Missiles and Forces Intelligence Group, National Air and Space Intelligence Center, United States Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa, Strategic Air Command in the United Kingdom, Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, DEA Office of National Security Intelligence, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, National Counterintelligence and Security Center, Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency, Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System, National Museum of Intelligence and Special Operations, Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sixteenth_Air_Force&oldid=1145785646, Numbered air forces of the United States Air Force, Military units and formations established in 1956, Intelligence units of the United States Air Force, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the Air Force Historical Research Agency, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. After the U.S. force reduction in Vietnam, the wing switched to F-4s. [17], During the Berlin Crisis in October and November 1961, the wing deployed its 309th Fighter Squadron to Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany to bolster the U.S. military forces in Europe. (Kent Harris/Stars and Stripes), Rows of American airmen view a 31st Fighter Wing change-of-command ceremony Friday, June 10, 2016 at Aviano Air Base, Italy. Wreath-laying ceremonies were held at monuments dedicated to the fallen across the country. As an encore, on 20 August 1953, Col Schilling led a flight of eight F-84s on a 10.5-hour non-stop flight from Turner Field to Nouasseur Air Base, French Morocco. The skies above Aviano Air Base hosted the 313th Gruppo Addestramento Acrobatico (Frecce Tricolori aerobatic team) April 26, 2023. The two squadrons supported Operation Enduring Freedom. An HH-53 of the United States Marine Corps picked him up after he evaded capture for six days. The wing traces its lineage to its activation on 20 November 1947, first designated as the 31st Fighter Wing, and stationed at Turner Airfield, Georgia. (Kent Harris/Stars and Stripes), Brig. It was activated in 1954 as a Joint Military Group to provide command and control of USAF activities in Spain, being designated a NAF in 1956. 2008 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala. 31st Fighter Wing VCC Office at 0434-30-4114 or 0434-30-6173 during the office hours M-F from 7 am - 5 pm. He has more than 10 years of experience as an Army photojournalist and has served as a photojournalism instructor at the Defense Information School. Number one in the Mediterranean theater of operations in terms of aerial victories, the group was involved in 15 WWII campaigns and earned two Distinguished Unit Citations. [17] They flew from Gibraltar to Tafaraoui Airfield, Algeria, where they scored their first victories in the campaign shooting down three French fighters that were strafing the airfield just as the 31st arrived. Unless specifically directed, Website: . That next assignment included participating in the invasion force that landed in North Africa on 8 November 1942, becoming the first American Air Force unit to see combat in theater. Operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, The 1948 discontinuance and activation reflect a replacement of a Table of Distribution headquarters by a Table of Organization headquarters for the wing and do not change the wing lineage, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award w/ V Device, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/ Palm, "555th Fighter Squadron "Triple Nickel" Factsheet", "510th Fighter Squadron "Buzzards" Factsheet", "Chief Master Sergeant Jeremy L. Unterseher", "This Week in 31st Fighter Wing History: 308th Fighter Squadron deploys to Morocco", "This Week in 31st Fighter Wing History: F-100s serve in Vietnam", "Military Times Hall of Valor John P. Cerak", "Hurricane Andrew's Legacy: 'Like A Bomb' In Florida", "Operation Deliberate Force: Ten years on", "Honor the Fallen" Airman 1st Class Antoine Holt", UNSR 1973 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 (2011), "US, Turkey finalizing details of anti-ISIL airstrikes", USAAS-USAAC-USAAF-USAF Aircraft Serial Numbers1908 to Present, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=31st_Fighter_Wing&oldid=1105983707, 31st Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, 40th Air Division, 14 March 1951 (attached to, Ninth Air Force, 1 June 1962 (attached to: Air Force Atlantic Command, 24 October 9 November 1962 and 1 Air Division Provisional, 10 November-c. 30 November 1962), 836th Air Division, 1 August 1966 (attached to, Turner Field (later Turner Air Force Base), Georgia, 20 November 1947, George Air Force Base, California, 15 March 1959, Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, 31 May 1962 6 December 1966, Tuy Hoa Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, 16 December 1966 15 October 1970, Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, 15 October 1970 1 April 1994, Aviano Air Base, Italy, 1 April 1994present, This page was last edited on 22 August 2022, at 17:42. [9], The 31st Medical Group supports the readiness of 31st Fighter Wing and associated units throughout the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) southern region, ensuring the health of its community by providing patient-focused medical care from internal, Department of Defense and host nation resources. 9. 10. Justin Berte, 56th Rescue Generation Squadron director of operations, washes the belly of an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter as part of an immersion tour at Aviano Air Base, Italy, March 14, 2023. AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy - The 510th Fighter Squadron "Buzzards" trained alongside the Romanian air force's MiG-21s at Campia Turzii, Romania, March 28-31.This was the last opportunity for the 510th FS to fly with the MiG-21s before they are retired in mid-May.The squadron and Romanian air force flew 16 hours ago 57th RQS jump training (Kent Harris/Stars and Stripes), The lead F-16 at Aviano Air Base, Italy, now bears the name of the new commander of the 31st Fighter Wing, Brig. Gen. Jason E. Bailey is scheduled to take command of Avianos 31st Fighter Wing during a virtual ceremony Friday, wing officials said. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Brooke Moeder), U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Derek France, Third Air Force commander, poses for a photo with individuals assigned to the 31st Fighter Wing who were recognized for exceptional performance at Aviano Air Base, Italy, Nov. 21, 2022. Landrum becomes the 15th commander of the wing at Aviano and 44th since U.S. forces first came to the base in 1955. In recognition of these achievements, the wing was awarded its second Outstanding Unit Award. [17] From August through mid-October 1942 the group flew patrols and participated in operations over German controlled France including the Dieppe Raid on 19 Aug.. That day, 2nd Lt. Samuel Junkins became the first American operating in an American combat unit to shoot down a German aircraft operating over the British Isles.[18]. Bailey returns to Aviano after previously serving as the commander of the 31st Operations Support Squadron, as well as an instructor pilot and chief of wing plans and programs from 2011 to 2013. Two months later in November, the 31st Fighter Wing was organized as part of the test by the Air Force of the wing base organization system, which unified combat groups and their support organizations under a single wing, carrying the same number as the combat group. Based at Aviano Air Base, Italy, hes been TDY to countries such as Afghanistan Iraq, Kosovo and Bosnia. Accomplishments included getting six F-16s and 211 personnel to Incirlik Air Base in Turkey for action against targets in Syria and Iraq on less than a weeks notice. On 24 August 1992 Hurricane Andrew swept across southern Florida, leaving extensive damage in its wake. 55 talking about this. He was born in Guatemala and raised in Rhode Island. Third Air Force commander, command chief visit Aviano. OPERATIONS . The mission of the 31st Fighter Wing, Aviano Air Base, Italy, is to deter through safe, secure, effective operations. The mission of the 31st Fighter Wing, is to deter through safe, secure, and effective operations. The 31st wing arrived at Tuy Hoa, and was assigned to the 7th Air Force, on Christmas Day 1966. In 1961, General David Wade was dispatched to Torrejn, where he took command of SAC's 16th Air Expeditionary Task Force. A new commander is taking charge of the 309th Aircraft Maintenance Group at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, on Monday as the organization shuffles leadership for the second time in less than a year. Marcus Dunham, 31st Communications Squadron. As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he . 7217th Air Base Group, at Ankara Air Station, 6917th Electronic Security Squadron, operating an, 6931st Electronic Security Squadron (SIGINT unit), 7116th Tactical Control Flight, at Torrejn Air Base, 39th Wing (later 39th Air Base Wing) (see 39th Tactical Group), 1989th Communications Wing, 1 October 1990 10 August 1992, 7602d Support Wing (later 3977th Support Wing, 3977th Support Group), 1 January 1 July 1960, 406th Tactical Fighter Training Group, 1 July 1970 15 July 1972, 3977th Support Group (see 7602d Support Wing, after 1960), Integrated Air Defense Systems Analysis Squadron, Geospatial Intelligence and Measurements and Signatures Intelligence Analysis Squadron, C4 Information Operations Analysis Squadron, This page was last edited on 21 March 2023, at 00:03. [10], Unless otherwise indicated, units are based at Aviano Air Base, Italy. [29] The fighter squadrons evacuated most of the planes before the storm but were unable to return. 606 likes, 5 comments - Aviano Air Base (@avianoairbase) on Instagram: "FAMILY | Aviano Air Base hosted a tour for the local Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JRO . Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters Air Medal with seven oak leaf clusters The Wing's focus areas are to defend and improve base infrastructure, further Agile Combat Employment (ACE) capabilities and invest in Wyvern Nation Airmen and families. Gen. Lance K. Landrum seems to be part of a trend. Brig. This strategic location makes the wing critical to operations in NATO's southern region.
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