15th judicial circuit judges


KQ`(9[[U=7];jp]qM,$w 3sFe rBbOm7x@!2ImdJ]`P The SOS goes on to give the following example: In the above example, 174 votes are necessary to win for each of the 3 offices. JUDGE Judge Monica L. Arrington. Judge Kuntz has served on Floridas Fourth District Court of Appeal since his appointment in 2016. GKlein@coxbusiness.net. Please initial each line. General Help Search Help Court Specific Help Case Information Pages Help Municipal/Ordinance Help A. Missouri 0000006439 00000 n Please include the case number for each case. __________________________________________________________________ Which, if any, specialty wheels would you like to be on? Judge Klingensmith received his B.A. Failure to provide such information may result in his/her immediate removal from the Registry. Missouri __ I agree that I will have a court approved budget and that I will open a restricted depository for each ward for which I serve as a professional guardian including wards I currently serve and for any future wards. w8c,J<3y[Tx3:3lOUez4i1&Ti,;,TQB &Q?&GZ* H94jQiRr(U}}5Kq*5'\1DH"dz_ w7= endstream endobj 192 0 obj <>stream H\@>E-QoI7d1?Lfh%-tTY $DwvN]N:&c8w}jm.q~e\+=lm?%[\,{~7OuFfhu09$*~zuxj)r#s All applicants must first be registered by the Office of Public and Professional Guardians, and must submit a copy of their registration along with their completed application. [1] This officeholder Date of Certification: ________________ __ I will notify the Chief Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit if I become non-compliant with Floridas guardianship registration requirements immediately in writing. Judge Kuntzreceived his B.A. ____________________________________________ Notary Public _____________________________________________ (Print, type, or stamp name of Notary) _____Personally known _____Produced the following type of identification:________________________________________________________ PAGE PAGE 9 of NUMPAGES 10 ( ) 5 S T [ b c d e q r {cUJJE h \hw 5CJ \aJ hR h 5CJ \aJ .j h 8 p : v 4 dp fp fp fp fp fp fp $ r }u X p @ p p !$ !$ !$ F dp !$ dp !$ !$ |e k =v # v g : Pp p 0 p g v v t k v k !$ p p i p v 4 Yes________ No________ If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If applicable, have you completed the requirements listed in Florida Statue 744.2003(3), which require at least 16 hours of continuing education every 2 calendar years after the year in which you took the initial 40-hour educational requirement? ,(u-u,RYHGA'B9Msz264Ufh@s")`IYoO"o$"1*_8tC8#{`b%6}"@?Tn1dBvNT>)qzCMhl)cjH/0 y>stream 4 I agree that once removed, I must file a new application to be reinstated. B. MAILING ADDRESS. Hon. Carl E. Stewart Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for (attach additional sheet(s) if more space is needed): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List all the judicial circuits in which the Applicant provides guardianship services and length of time providing such services: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has a judicial circuit ever removed you for a reason listed in FS 744.474? To serve on this court, a judge must be:[3][4], Judges compete in a primary election against candidates of all parties. Please be aware that there are two phases to the application process: Review and approval of the application by the Chief Judge or his/her designee(s); and Placement on the professional guardian wheel that is maintained and administered by the Clerks Office. Court Reporter - Bridget Dugas BDugas@15thjdc.org Office: (337) 326-6172. 15th Judicial District, Louisiana - Ballotpedia Check here if training has already been completed _____date_______. I will explain why/how it happened and describe any effort(s) to restore compliance. I also swear/affirm that the information supplied on this Application and all documents provided are correct, that to the best of my knowledge that the Applicant is qualified to provide services as a Professional Guardian, and that I will notify in writing the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, or designee(s) for this judicial circuit of the following within thirty (30) days of any such event: (a) address change; (b) legal name change; (c) change in fees; (d) any criminal conviction; or any change in the status of any requisite professional license or certification which is currently held. [3], Qualifications Each circuit is administered by a chief judge who is elected by vote of the circuit court judges of that circuit. Specialty wheels will be utilized if a ward has a particular issue that requires a guardian with specialized experience/education. )F endstream endobj 222 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[22 159]/Length 27/Size 181/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream degree in 1982, and his J.D. 0000024300 00000 n #MHr|dB2r y/dR_klEZ"G8WMWC2'vL\E:C~Kf4+ Through a computerized program, the Clerk's Office will choose the next professional guardian on the applicable wheel. 0000010433 00000 n The professional guardian shall put in writing the reasons for declining an appointment and submit it to the Court within five (5) business days. 0000029208 00000 n Processing of the application may take up to 8 weeks. H_k0 w?ylaX*=={/T5]MJ+AC0l#XB*8 JH^a\laEm`^2xXC. 0000011185 00000 n You can also access archived news and announcements from this page. WebThe judges of the Eighth Circuit courts invite you to join them July 12 14, 2023, at the Radisson Blu Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota for the Judicial Conference. 0000018850 00000 n degree in Judicial Studies from Duke University in 2016. Supreme Court; Court of Appeals Circuit Courts Office of State Courts Administrator Court Opinions Newsroom Related Sites eFiling; Help . WebJudge James Anderson. Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. 0000001450 00000 n Failure to provide proof of completion may result in the attorney being removed from the Registry. Failure to remedy the deficiencies will result in the application being rejected. *YhvAX`6 >uA}(%(>CR9#+JvIr,2r\3rT#1'SP5Y*Q([q(Z~ 0 {3C endstream endobj 193 0 obj <>stream __ I will notify the Chief Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit if I become non-compliant with Floridas guardianship registration requirements immediately in writing. The Florida Fourth District Court of Appeal hears appeals from the Fifteenth, Seventeenth, and Nineteenth Judicial Circuits, which are composed of Palm Beach, Broward, St. Lucie, Martin, Before his elevation to the appeals court, he was a Circuit Court judge in the 19th Judicial Circuit. 0000004718 00000 n Chief Judges and Administrative Staff | Illinois Courts Louisiana City Courts degree in 1985, both from the University of Florida. General Help This is a full conference for all judges and members of the Bar. All applicants please complete the following: List names and types of all degrees, certifications, and licenses the Applicant currently holds: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has a complaint ever been filed against you with the Office of Public and Professional Guardians or has your Guardianship registration ever been suspended, surrendered, or revoked? Northumberland Circuit Court - Judiciary of Virginia Floridas Fourth District Court of Appeal, Accessible | Fair | Effective | Responsive | Accountable, Most Recent Written Opinions | Most Recent PCAs | Opinions Archive. Before his elevation to the appeals court, he was a Circuit Court judge in the 19th Judicial Circuit. All Content Copyright 2023 Fourth District Court of Appeal, Judge Mark W. Klingensmith Re-elected as Fourth DCA Chief Judge and Judge Jeffrey T. Kuntz Named Chief Judge-elect. __ I will keep all responses on this Application current and complete (including but not limited to change of address) on a timely basis. 0000003223 00000 n Judge Lloria M. James. Yes_____________ No_____________ If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the Applicant ever been found guilty or adjudicated guilty of a crime in this or any other state or country? 0000023977 00000 n WebJudicial Links . Louisiana Family Courts Supreme Court; Court of Appeals Circuit Courts Office of State Courts Administrator Court Opinions Newsroom Related Sites eFiling; Help . Louisiana Juvenile Courts Hon. Yes_____________ No_____________ If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the applicant been a party to, or is presently a party, in a civil and or criminal actions/lawsuit as either a plaintiff, defendant, or acting on behalf of a ward? 0000003628 00000 n trailer <]/Prev 130248/XRefStm 1450>> startxref 0 %%EOF 223 0 obj <>stream WebJudicial Profile J udge Carl E. Stewart of Shreveport, La., began his term as chief judge of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in October 2012. Judge Brooke E. Reid. Louisiana is one of 43 states that hold elections for judicial positions. If no candidate receives over 50 percent of the vote (a "majority vote"), the top two candidates run against each other in the general election. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide the fee schedule used by the Applicant for professional guardian work, including: what is your fee schedule for billing for travel time vs. mileage? degree from Boston College, and his J.D. Chief Judge Stewart has served 0000028761 00000 n Sarah L. Deneke; Hon. Home | Contact Us | Glossary of Legal Terms. Law Clerk - Gregory Klein. For further information, please contact the Court. [1], The courthouses, in which both civil and criminal cases are heard, are located in Crowley, Lafayette and Abbeville. 15th Judicial Circuit It is one of the state's 42 judicial districts. In the case of races with two or more open seats, the two or more candidates with the highest votes are declared the winners. If you have questions or need information regarding a specific court case (court dates, filing information, court orders, etc) please contact the individual county for Printed Name_____________________________________________Date______________________________________ Signature__________________________________________________________________________________________ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Sworn to or affirmed and signed before me by ____________________________________this _______day of _______20____. E-filing Kiosk Self Help Center on 3rd Hn0%hDzeZ'UXi2pJ\;PZ In addition, any professional guardian who is under administrative, bar, or criminal investigation, if known, has pending criminal charges against him/her, has a pending civil lawsuit related to a guardianship matter, or has a claim made against their bond, must notify Court Administration within seven (7) days. Roy Michael McKenney, Presiding Judge; Hon. Yes_____________ No_____________ Does the Applicant have professional and general liability insurance or the ability to obtain such insurance if required? 0000008774 00000 n WebFax: (337) 783-0566. Illinois Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court - Ballotpedia Web2023-2024 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit. degree from Suffolk University Law School. The Fifteenth Judicial District of the Louisiana District Courts covers the same geographical boundaries as Acadia Parish, Lafayette Parish and Vermilion Parish. Judge Greg Griffin. Louisiana Municipal Courts If there is a tie, an additional election will be scheduled for the third Saturday after the announcement of the election results.[5]. If no, please explain____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the Applicants areas of practice or specialty relative to court referred clients (i.e., elderly care, dementia, Alzheimers disease, developmental disabilities, mental health/illness, substance abuse, trauma victims, financial management, etc.) The number of cases and the number of professional guardians included on the Circuits Registry will impact the frequency of appointments. Failure to attach the required information will render the application ineligible for consideration. .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} j John Overton Harris; Hon. Missouri APPLICATION INFORMATION Professional Guardians seeking court appointed cases in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit shall submit a completed application and any other information requested by Court Administration. WebThe Illinois Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court is a trial court in Illinois that presides over the counties of Carroll, Jo Daviess, Lee, Ogle and Stephenson. 2. hbbg`b``3)~0 endstream endobj 182 0 obj <>/Metadata 20 0 R/PageLabels 17 0 R/Pages 19 0 R/StructTreeRoot 22 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 183 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 589.464 783.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 184 0 obj <> endobj 185 0 obj <> endobj 186 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#202607#20C 203 0 R<>] endobj 187 0 obj <> endobj 188 0 obj <> endobj 189 0 obj <> endobj 190 0 obj <>stream Yes________ No_______ If yes, please state the circuit, date terminated, and the reason for the termination: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List all prior employers for the past five years, reasons for leaving employment, and include a reference contact: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe any other professional experience or specific training the Applicant has that is pertinent to your ability to provide services as a professional guardian: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many clients did you serve in the past two years (list each year separately) and how many of such clients were ordered from the Court? Court Administration makes no representations as to the number of cases in which the professional guardian may be appointed. Honorable _____ Dementia, Alzheimers disease, Elderly Care _____ Developmental Disabilities _____ Mental Illness and Substance Abuse _____ Trauma Victims _____ Financial Management, Business Experience _____ Spanish Speaking, Writing, and Reading Wards _____ Creole Speaking, Writing, and Reading Wards Please check off if you have completed the following requirements: (NOTE: Application cannot be considered until the following requirements have been fulfilled.) 0000018486 00000 n 0000002683 00000 n 181 0 obj <> endobj xref 181 43 0000000016 00000 n Jackson, MS 39201 Gulfport, MS 39501 (601) 608-4140 In 2008 he was elected Commissioner for the Town of Sewalls Point, FL and served terms as Vice Mayor and Mayor. FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT &. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does the Applicant have any relationship through blood, marriage, financial, or occupational to any person or service providers in the guardianship arena or associated with any guardianship proceedings in Palm Beach County or elsewhere in Florida? A resume must be included with this application. Supreme Court; Court of Appeals Circuit Courts Office of State Courts Administrator Court Opinions Newsroom Related Sites eFiling; Help . Louisiana Courts of Appeal B v : 2023-2024 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Professional Guardian Registry for the Wheel INSTRUCTIONS - NEW PROFESSIONAL GUARDIAN APPLICATION Dear Professional Guardian, Thank you for your interest in applying for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court Professional Guardian Registry for the Wheel. Please read all information below. (Check yes, even if the disposition of guilt or judgment was withheld or if the criminal record was sealed or expunged. __ I am currently registered as a professional guardian by the Office of Public and Professional Guardians and have served as a professional guardian for ___________years. E. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION The Application is to be delivered by email only to: HYPERLINK "mailto:CAD-ProfGuardians@pbcgov.org" CAD-ProfGuardians@pbcgov.org THE REST OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPLICATION TO SERVE ON PROFESSIONAL GUARDIAN WHEEL Please complete the following application to serve on the professional guardian wheel. rejection of the case, unavailability etc.) Search All Parties Attorneys Judges. By submitting an application, the Professional Guardian Applicant attests that he/she has read and is familiar with the Policies and Procedures for Appointment of Professional Guardian found in Administrative Order 6.310 and 6.314 which can be found on the Circuits website at HYPERLINK "http://www.15thcircuit.com" www.15thcircuit.com as well as Chapter 744 Florida Statutes. %PDF-1.4 % *This office DOES NOT schedule court cases or file court papers. As Chief Judge, Judge Klingensmith will oversee all administrative matters of the court including budgeting, scheduling, and bench-bar relations. WebJudicial Links . Civil Litigation includes but is not limited to the following case types: dependency, domestic violence injunctions or civil as a plaintiff or defendant, matters including but not limited to: breach of contract, personal injury/negligence, foreclosure, bankruptcy, employment related matters, civil fraud, breach of fiduciary duty/responsibility, professional malpractice, etc. Do NOT include family law cases such as divorce, paternity, adoption. 0000009325 00000 n The Chief Judge reserves the right to remove the Applicant from the Registry at will. __ I agree to provide 30 days written notice if I wish to be removed from the wheel(s). [5], A general election is won by obtaining the highest number of votes. Web15th Judicial Circuit Court for Illinois. WebThe judges and staff of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Illinois are committed to serving the public by providing a fair and efficient system of justice that fosters the public trust Louisiana Parish Courts Yes_____________ No_____________ If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICANTS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE List the names of Applicants corporate officers and all persons with ownership interest in Applicants organizational structure (attach additional sheet if more space is needed): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List the names and types of all degrees, certifications, and licenses for each individual who will work as a guardian or provide a service to the ward (attach additional sheet if more space is needed): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST Please attach the following documents and any other relevant documentation to this application. __ I understand and agree that unless there is full agreement among family members for a specific professional guardian, if I am the petitioner in a case to determine incapacity I cannot be appointed as the professional guardian. Placement on a wheel does not guarantee appointments. I release this Circuit and its designee from any and all liability and expense associated with this investigation or release of information and/or documents. 2. i JUDGE TAYLOR McNEEL COURTROOM 4B (Jackson) Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Yes_____________ No_____________ If yes, please state limits of liability_____________________ Has the Applicant ever been arrested for a crime? Probate IA. 15th __ I will notify and petition the Court in advance of any changes to my fee schedule. All professional guardians on the court appointed wheel agree to accept correspondence through email, and agree to register for e-service of court documents. 0000006980 00000 n In the event that candidates are competing for more than one open seat on a court, the majority vote is decided by "dividing the total votes cast for all of the candidates by the number of offices to be filled [and] dividing the result so obtained by two," according to the Secretary of State website. In even-numbered years, Louisiana's primary elections are held in November during the general elections of other states. Yes_______No_________ Please attach written verification of the most recent continuing education classes you have taken to this application. Case.net: Scheduled Hearings & Trials Search - Missouri Yes_____________ No_____________ If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the Applicant ever had any sort of petition for injunction filed against them in this or any other state or country? Anne Scafide, CR Deputy .

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15th judicial circuit judges