usc journalism transfer requirements


There is an in-person or virtual option. Download the Transfer Planning Worksheet. Fall applications are made available on July 1. . Competitive candidates typically take 14-16 units per term. Click on the links below to access an interactive planning guide, download useful brochures, checklists, worksheets and more. Nontraditional formats/time frames: Distance-learning, online courses, concentrated intensive sessions, special weekend modules, and other nontraditional course formats and time frames. Please visit for complete details. Please visit theAnnenberg International Programs Websitefor more information on additional program requirements. It provides complete information . In addition, applicants are judged based on all materials submitted as part of the application process. Expired incompletes, unofficial withdrawals and missing grades are treated as an F. Credit/No Credit and Pass/No Pass marks are not included in the transfer GPA. Applicants with a three-year bachelors will be considered for admission to the graduate journalism certificate. Requirements For Transfers - University of South Carolina Fall 2022 Entering Transfer Class New undergraduate transfer students 1,297 . The school also offers several international study programs to students. Journalism students are encouraged to pursue double majors or minors in other areas of study. For admission information and deadlines, refer to the USC Admission Website. To meet accrediting guidelines, journalism majors must complete a minimum of 72 units outside the major area of journalism and public relations. In addition to their studies, students tour publishing and broadcasting companies, meet communication executives and government policy-makers and gain exposure to British media, culture and civilization. For further information, contact Annenberg International Programs at (213) 821-1276, emailascintl@usc.eduor All graduate journalism and public relations students are required to complete the Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (GSP) online learning module and exam. Please enable Javascript for full functionality. Due to disruptions caused by COVID-19, some exceptions may apply. At USC Annenberg, our . Information sessions are throughout . Undergraduate journalism and public relations students may spend a spring semester at a dedicated study center, where they enroll in 16 units of upper-division Annenberg course work, eight of which are for major credit. The School of Journalism offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in Journalism and Public Relations. Undergraduate and graduate students may spend spring break immersed in two dynamic regions of the world, Southeast Asia or Central America. Required Courses Taken on a Pass/No Pass Basis. Fall 2017incoming freshmen had an average GPA of 3.60with an SAT score of 13301470 (middle 50%). It takes journalism majors a minimum of four semesters from the time of admission to the program to complete the major requirements. Your transfer GPA is different from the GPA earned in courses you take at USC. Since its founding, the School of Journalism has maintained a commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and academic excellence. From access to world-class faculty and the ability to conduct your own original research, to acquiring real-world experience through service learning and internship programs, the possibilities are endless. USC does not require a minimum number of transfer units. PDF ij1/ Admission InformationSouthern California Transfer Requirements | El Camino College | Torrance, CA Spring applicants will be notifiedon the fourth Friday of the spring semester (in February). Application materials must be downloaded from Students who began college prior to fall 2015: PDF TRANSFER ADMISSION GUIDELINES - USC Annenberg School for Communication This Transfer Planning Guide (TPG) helps applicants choose courses from a specific transfer college before attending USC. The Annenberg International Programs Graduate Internship Program allows graduate students the opportunity to explore the communication and journalism fields from a distinctively global perspective. By transferring as early as your sophomore year, you can take more of your General Education and elective courses at USC. No degree credit: College extension courses and courses taken at international institutions not credited toward a degree at that college. *Due to disruptions caused by COVID-19, some exceptions may apply. In addition to their studies, students tour publishing and broadcasting companies, meet communication executives and government policy-makers and gain exposure to Italian media, culture and civilization. Summer applications are due by 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday after commencement (in May). The International Communication Studies Program (ICS) allows undergraduate students to study a range of approaches to public communication media across Europe during the summer semester. 4. Information sessions are throughout the fall and spring semesters for students who plan to apply to the School of Journalism. USC Annenberg has many professional and social organizations that contribute to USCs800+ student organizations, which areresponsible for the majority of programs and events held on campus, including concerts, lectures, special events, spirit rallies, cultural and social events, and conferences. Find information on which courses at your current institution will satisfy USCs requirements. Please note that applicants to the 2023-2024 academic year are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores, although they may still submit them if they wish. Students must use their USC email accounts to receive advisement and academic information. For further information on the application process, current USC students must attend a mandatory information session. Students study alongside local and international students in a variety of disciplines at the highly regarded, global research institution the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Applicants with three-year bachelors will be considered for admission to the graduate journalism certificate. Professional work experience is not required for the MS in Journalism or the MA in Public Relations and Advertising. same application steps as other first-year or transfer applicants. At the conclusion of the degree program, students will produce digital portfolios and personal websites featuring their best work at the school. Since its founding, the School of Journalism has maintained a commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and academic excellence. If the application fee poses a financial burden, you may request a fee waiver through the Profile section of the Common Application. The program is open to journalism and public relations majors. If you repeat a transferable course for which you earned a grade of D+ or lower, both grades will be included in your transfer GPA. Remedial courses are not transferable. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Refer to the website cited above. Students who began full-time, college-level work prior to fall 2015 (excluding summer semesters) will need to follow thepre-2015 General Education requirements. Spring applicants will be notified on the fourth Friday of the spring semester (in February). Refer to, International students whose native language is not English must also demonstrate. This indicates how hard it is to transfer into USC. Minimum recommended criteria are a 3.0 GPA for undergraduate work and valid Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test scores; the GMAT is not accepted in lieu of the GRE. Courses in these categories will be considered by petition, and credit is granted on a case-by-case basis. The progressive degree program allows USC students to complete a bachelors degree and masters degree in as little as five years. Clickhereto RSVP for an information session. Veterans are encouraged to take advantage of an array of services including academic and career counseling, financial aid and veteran benefits information, religious life and more. Journalism and public relations courses with a grade of D+ or below must be repeated; courses may only be retaken once. The 11-month, 36-unit MS in Journalism is an intense, deadline-driven program in which students learn to write, report, produce, code, publish and promote cross-platform stories in a converged news environment. The curriculum also offers an opportunity to add deeper, more specialized media experience through the selection of electives, including app development, virtual reality journalism and native content for social media. PDF Transfer Student Profile and Admission Information 2020 - 2021 Nominations are based on academic achievement, performance in the classroom, leadership and involvement in the school. Non-majors who are interested in enrolling in PR 209Effective Writing for Strategic Public Relations and/orPR 250Strategic Public Relations: An Introduction must have at least a 2.5 GPA. Undergraduate students who are interested in enrolling in JOUR 585Specialized Reporting: Religion must be a senior, have at least a 3.7 cumulative GPA, and must contact the instructor for permission to enroll. A minimum USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for these programs. If students do not pass a required major course the second time, then the School of Journalism will drop them from the journalism or public relations major and have their major changed to undeclared. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in all upper-division courses applied toward the major is also required. Undergraduate students who are nominated by journalism faculty to participate in JOUR 498 Honors Seminar (2 units) or PR 498 Public Relations Honor Seminar (2 units)their senior year are eligible for departmental honors. Broadcast Journalism, B.A.J.M.C. < University of South Carolina Conveniently located in the center of Sydney with strong connections to a vibrant media scene, the program allows students to fully integrate into the university and earn 8 units that fulfill journalism/public relationselectives and 8 units of general electives. Undergraduate journalism and public relations students may spend a spring semester at a dedicated study center, where they enroll in 16 units of upper-division Annenberg course work, eight of which are for major credit. The School of Journalism offers one Master of Science degree program in Journalism, three Master of Arts degree programs in Specialized Journalism, Specialized Journalism (The Arts) and Public Relations and Advertising, and two certificates in Journalism and Public Policy Advocacy. All undergraduate public relations majors are required to complete the Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (GSP) online learning module and exam. Statement of Intent: A statement of intent is required for students who have below a 3.0 USC GPA. A maximum of 64 units including general education and subjects in preparation for your major may be accepted for transfer tow ard your degree of USC. Los Angeles, CA 90089-0911 A minimum USC cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for this program. Financial assistance is available for undocumented students who meet certain criteria. USC-Articulation Agreement The documents below are required. Journalism Majors. The program is also open to experienced artists and practitioners with a highly developed background in at least one art form who want to acquire journalism skills toward a future specializing in the coverage of arts and culture. Students in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications were recognized for their academic achievements, leadership and service at the annual Honors and Awards Reception on April 20. . In their first two semesters, students take a core group of courses focusing on strategic problem-solving, research-based actionable insight, business acumen and multiplatform content production skills.

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usc journalism transfer requirements