- 7. Mai 2023
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Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. I couldn't let him die thinking he'd won. But after some fumbling around The Protagonist manages to get the door open via the code. We don't know, but we can certainly imagine and that is part of the magic of Tenet. The film never gives us confirmation on Arepo's identity but because of the connection to the Sator Square, The Protagonist's inversion abilities and the future - (err past?) You will notice other names and events from the film on the Sator Square, including ROTAS, OPERA and the films title Tenet. Throughout the film, we watch John David Washington grow into this version of The Protagonist. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Kat ends up killing Sator just as The Protagonist and Neil are able to stop The Algorithm from going off. Protagonist: [To Kat] You're not there to kill him, you're the backstop. Does he have a romantic relationship with her? So my question is, was the initial Goya drawing that fooled Kat also a plant by The Protagonist just to establish the toxic relationship between her and Sator? Well there is this whole issue of what happens to past Kat after she leaves the yacht and sees the 'future' version of herself dive off. The "dead man's switch" (Sator's fitness tracker) is not connected to the time bomb in the hypocentre: Key term is in effect; the email has no role in activating the algorithm, it's a signal to the future that allows the reality in which the algorithm is activated to exist. But, now he has the instructions to build a turnstile. Neil then mentions that The Protagonist may be the first person in history to get hypothermia from an explosion. Sator is okay with this because he has a terminal disease and doesnt want the world to live on after him. While The Protagonist is in the car, the heat from the explosion starts to freeze the windows and he blacks out as the car explodes. Protagonist: If we don't lift that algorithm and he kills himself, he takes us all with him. It is a bit confusing. Hes the ultimate abuserif he cant have life, no one can. But would he really allow these extremely complex plans featuring inverted time and temporal pincer movements without being there? The Sator Since oxygen is expelled from the rooms to prevent the spread of fire they must work quickly or suffocate. There is however a solution to this paradox: But how did this work for the original cache of gold Sator found in Stalsk-12? This is known as The Grandfather Paradox and is mentioned in the film. Kat: A chance to help save my child. Politics & Policy | Christopher NolanS Tenet, Explained by The Sator The past (Sator's future) trajectory of that reversed gold bar goes from hand to hand until Sator buries it in the ground. Their plan is to crash a plane into the facility, trigger the fire alarms and hold their breath long enough to crack into Sator's secure warehouse. Here's What Jay Hernandez Told Us, Viral TikTok Of Kid Adorably Singing Jack Blacks Peaches Has Me Thinking The Super Mario Bros. Song Might Be The New Let It Go, 10 Best Kellyoke Covers From The Kelly Clarkson Show, Who Should Replace Henry Cavill As Superman? This diagram is the best/only drawing I could find on the internet depicting the path of the inverted gold. bomb detonation was triggered by this timer. @galacticninja Hmm fare point. It really must be an inverted person digging it up and taking it through a turnstile. To stop Sator, several events are put into motion, and a temporal pincer strategy is put into effect. Thats why we grow older our body gets slowly more and more disorganized. Politique de protection des donnes personnelles, En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de services tiers pouvant installer des cookies. Another not-so-big surprise from Tenet and director Christopher Nolan is the amount of questions we had after catching the film on the big screen. Please take the. NY 10036. Protagonist: The fitness tracker he wears. After their initial meeting Kat confronts The Protagonist about the obvious forgery and says that she's been fooled once before, coincidentally by another fake Goya drawing. But If there is a timer anyway, what purpose does sator's fitness tracker perform? the tray holding the gold bars rotates, a second set of now NON-inverted gold bars comes into view, Stator uses this gold to bootstrap his mission, while the inverted gold bars rotate back into place, and get re-buried to preserve the chain from the future to the present. Ralisation Bexter. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. But the algorithm (which is the fuel for the neuclear explosion) has been extracted safely, just in time, so it's not triggered. In reverse, he puts it into the capsule, and it goes off to the turnstile. So in this way Stator leaves the original inverted gold in place to preserve its chain of causation from the future, while simultaneously having regular gold available to him to buy all the necessary components for his first home-built turnstile. I realize we dont actually see any inverted people in the scene, but thats how I could see it happening. So there is an awesome scene in Tenet where The Protagonist is chasing down a piece of the Algorithm and Sator's crew while driving in reverse. In Kiev, Ukraine, an unnamed operative, The Protagonist (John David Washington), assists in a CIA assignment to foil an opera siege and retrieve a stolen cache of plutonium. Its trying a little bit. Of course, what the movie did not depict was Sator putting everything back into the capsule (forward in time) for his inverted henchman to go bury it (the reverse of him digging it up). Anyway, I have a different answer to this question that I've not seen before. You may recognize Sator as the surname of Kenneth Branagh's Russian villain, Andrei Sator. Esquire explained, The Protagonist inverted himself in the future, set up the whole mission, then went on to recruit Neil and arm him with the information he needed to help. Likewise, digging out things from the future doesn't work. The fitness tracker's dead man's switch only reveals the location of the dead drop to posterity. I understand that Kat is the only one close enough to Sator to fool him in the end but there is no possible way that The Protagonist knew she was that important at the beginning. Tenet Explained Simply (With Timeline Diagrams) | This is Barry Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. We are told that you can never, under any circumstances interact with your past self, which is why The Protagonist wears special gear when inverting into the Goya heist. 2021 U2PPP U4PPP - Its far less grounded into physics. I doubt it. In the mean time, stay up to date on all the latest Tenet coverage with the team at CinemaBlend. 6+ Thoughts I Had Watching When Harry Met Sally For The First Time, The Voices Niall Horan Says Meeting Blake Shelton Was Fate, Reveals How Theyre Already Hanging Out Beyond The Show. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? Each generation looks out for its own survival. Why was it important to stop the Algorithm from being dropped into the time capsule? It is the driving force for Kat's actions throughout the film. After this reveal the Protagonist calls Sator a traitor to his own generation. Sator (who is financed and guided by the future) detonating the algorithm in his present does not make sense if the main goal of the people in the future is to save their own world. Was the car inverted? If someone from the future inverted gold on Dec 31st and buried it, it is bound to happen. During the operation, the plutonium is found to be fake. It would be against her character and previous actions in the film if she killed Sator under the assumption that his death will trigger the algorithm, destroying everyone in the present, including her son. Has the cause of a rocket failure ever been mis-identified, such that another launch failed due to the same problem? Furthermore, The Protagonist realizes that the opera was being bombed and so he collects the bombs to save the people. In fact, it would make for a pretty clever temporal pincer movement. Was there some tom foolery done by someone ahead of time to a combination that The Protagonist would have guessed first? Surely the future knows that their plan fails, since they send the Stalsk-12 time capsule for young Sator and don't instantly receive results (plutonium explosion in the sinkhole). Why didn't the machine beep when Joker killed this person? Overall, there is no line of dialogue in the film that suggests that Sator is to be the one that detonates the algorithm. We learn that Sator communicates with people from the future and, as a result, gets an advantage in terms of information. It only takes a minute to sign up. WebThe tech has been monopolised in the future by a Russian oligarch named Andrei Sator, who has created an algorithm that allows him to invert his entropy, via turnstiles. Nolan is a known fan twist endings, non-linear story telling and generally just making his audience say "huh?". But the minds behind activating the algorithm decided that it was worth the risk because they were screwed anyway. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Why isn't Sator 2 (inverted Sator) wearing an oxygen mask when he goes back to his yacht in Vietnam for his final moment? Mahir: Ives, she's killed him. Imagine an inverted henchman dug up the capsule and brought it immediately to the yacht. I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for sharp dressed background characters in my next viewing. Entrusted with coming to grips with a terrifying, cutting-edge technology, and an imminent attack from the future, the Protagonist teams up with his cryptic new partner, Neil, following a faint trail of clues that lead to the villainous Russian oligarch, Sator. In fact, we see that those current-day scientists are discovering random inverted stuff all over the place. How could this be explained? U4PPP Lieu dit "Rotstuden" 67320 WEYER Tl. Protagonist: Yeah, found a way*. What we haven't established is how he connects to the larger picture and if he may be involved with The Protagonist. Protagonist: How could they wanna kill us? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Currently this seems to be purely speculation, for which the Stack Exchange network is not the right format. Not to get into a physics lesson, but inversion is this idea of material that has had its entropy inverted, so its running backwards through time, relative to us., Nolan consulted Nobel laureate Kip Thorne on Tenet -- Thorne also worked with the filmmaker on Interstellar -- but ended up relegating some of his suggestions. The film introduces a concept known as reverse entropy. Or is the entire thing a loop and Sator dying at that moment technically happened all along, thus changes in the past affect the future? Unfortunately for the future generation, there's no way to answer that question because it's a paradox. What Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled. Many surprising events are a logic extrapolation of the consequences of time flowing in reverse. What were the poems other than those by Donne in the Melford Hall manuscript. Can my creature spell be countered if I cast a split second spell after it? Scan this QR code to download the app now. Very late to the party, but being able to rewatch Tenet numerous times on HBOMax (with subtitles!) The "choice" alluded to by Kat is a reflection of Sator's perception of his own agency; it is notable that he is also said to be a madman. tar command with and without --absolute-names option, Have your henchmen go into inverted time a few days after you've buried the capsule, The henchmen then go through an inversion portal, bringing Sator non-inverted gold, The paradox is thus avoided as the gold only has one consistent timeline. Neil: It'll be linked I knew you'd find a way. He recruited himself for the mission. Shortly after saving Kat, the Protagonist is kidnapped and taken to a warehouse that has a Turnstile inside of it. The Los Angeles Times spoke with Claudia De Rham, a theoretical physicist from Imperial College London, and asked her if the science in the film holds up. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. I mean, their outlook is pretty hopeless after all. Kat: Worst thing Andrei ever did to me was that offer he made me. The Tenet team would not be able to lift the algorithm from the dead drop location, because the algorithm was still inside the cavern / dead drop location when Kat killed Sator. Theres also additional information about possible environmental damage and the Earth becoming uninhabitable in the future, but the film doesnt dwell on that too much. Quietly watching in the background, only willing to step in if he had to? If commutes with all generators, then Casimir operator? Updated answer. All relevant dialogue and character actions say otherwise. When a gnoll vampire assumes its hyena form, do its HP change? James Gunn Shares What Hes Looking For, Simon Pegg, Pom Klementieff And More Reach Out As Christopher McQuarrie Gets Mission: Impossible 7 In The Can 3 Years (And Millions Of Extra Dollars) Later, Ahead Of The Equalizer's Return, Actress Lorraine Toussaint Shares What She's Proud Of After Three Seasons. There is no paradox as far as the rules of the Tenet universe are concerned. The tenet universe follows a "block universe" model, a.k.a, "What's happened, happened." Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? In Tenet, how is this character able to retrieve the original cache of buried gold? Sator has been in cahoots with the future all along Sator grew up in a secret city in the Soviet Union which was destroyed in a nuclear blast. Adrei Sator rose to power because he discovered correspondence from the future alongside a hefty stash of gold. It's not like The Protagonist doesn't know this either, he is later chastised by Neil, but even after that they continue to work together. According to Empire, Its a time-bending tactical technique for missions: you approach it moving forward in time, and then also approach it in reverse moving backwards from the future each side using the knowledge that the other side gained from having already experienced it. The rule of the tenet universe prevents it. They can't change the past and "erase" things, since, as Neil says, what's happened happened. Counting and finding real solutions of an equation. We learn one of He was a Russian oligarch used by future generations But Sator couldn't have removed the original set of gold (or any other object) from it's capsule, as doing so would create a paradox? Expect views, reviews and news. Their main goal is their survival, to save their own world, whose environment is so degraded that it can barely support life. I'm not sure, but what I am sure of is that I would totally watch John David Washington and Robert Pattinson hop through time fighting off tricks and traps sent back by the future generation. There are a lot of times where they use science jargon and its just jargon with no content, she said. Do you know the answers to some of these questions? rev2023.5.1.43404. In the film, the protagonist -- named Protagonist -- is sent on a mission to stop a possible Third World War. Presumably the two are in for some hijinks that take place in the past. She was deeply hurt when Sator coerced her not to see Max again. That algorithm would have been buried in case. If Sator was meant to trigger or activate the algorithm himself, in his present, there would be no need for him to reveal the location of the dead drop to posterity. Throughout the film, it is shown that Kat cares very much for her son, Max. The Protagonist will soon master the art of "time inversion" as a way of countering the threat that is to come. This is considered by his wife, Kat, to be the last time he experienced How the heck did he know the code? 03 88 01 24 00, U2PPP "La Mignerau" 21320 POUILLY EN AUXOIS Tl. Boolean algebra of the lattice of subspaces of a vector space? Sator's tracker is connected to this fuse. escapades he must go on to prevent the Algorithm it's definitely a possibility. The bomb that seals the shaft is shown, explicitly and repeatedly, to be activated by a timer. What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? to a switch, probably a simple e-mail burst that reveals the How does time in Tenet work? Protagonist: I'd like to say That you don't have to do this, Kat Could the inversion machine the protagonist came out of fit a sedan? The film makes it all clear that the Future has identified Sator as the man to end the world in his time. But from Gold bar's perspective, Sator buried it in the ground. Infos Utiles Why typically people don't use biases in attention mechanism? Priya: We all do, don't we? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. That only works if the present doesn't know the location, @ShayanRC the algorithm would indeed travel to the future "instantly" (from the future's perspective). We have seen when going through a turnstile both the past inverted-self and the forward-moving-self exist simultaneously (as seen in the proving windows). What you described (inverting ourselves and then retrieve gold) is a mechanism to prevent the "supposed paradox." Instructions are to press a button on the side, and boom! Armed with only one word, Tenet, and fighting for the survival of the entire world, a Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time. He gives one inverted gold bar to the Protagonist though, thus breaking it's time flow. I'm going to see the film a second time in a few days. He is then abducted and tortured until he bites on an apparent suicide pill before revealing any information. The caches that Sator retrieves are being inverted by an unknown agent in our future, and are placed in the ground while in the reverse timeflow to be uncovered in the past (our presents). According to Neil, Sator's fitness tracker is (emphasis mine): "linked to a switch, probably a simple e-mail burst that. Of course, Sator wouldnt be able to use that first stash of gold since he needs to re-bury it. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. This Indiana Jones 5 trailer was revealed during Star Wars Celebration 2023. This comes again in the grandfather paradox conversation, too. brought me here. The reversed car that crashed on the highway and burned, how long will the wreck lie there (or has been lying there in forward time) without anyone calling the police. We only see big bulky turnstiles in the movie, because Stator needs those devices large enough to contain people and maybe even bigger objects. It doesn't instantaneously time travel to the future. ", assuming we interpret "killing Grandpa" as the entropic destruction of the present and "consequence" as the concurrent entropic destruction of the future. I salute Nolan and his larger-than-life vision. Indeed (about the nonsensical thing). There are a number of events that couldn't happen the way they do. This is completely avoided if you dig it out in reversed mode and then invert the bar, as this way there's one consistent gold timeline. Is it all just a last ditch effort scenario? Why do the protagonist plan to retrieve the original painting from the freeport in Tenet? From the sat-phone conversation in the hypocentre between Sator and the Protagonist: We can assume the email is sent when Kat kills Sator, but because the Protagonist and Ives retrieve the algorithm before the bomb goes off + prevent it (and themselves, with the knowledge of its location..!) Nothing happens on Sator's death, it doesn't even trigger the explosion which would've buried the time capsule. He uses the instructions and the gold to get a leg up on the rest of the world and ultimately become a billionaire. A helpful diagram of that process is found in the link below. The mission: prevent Andrei Sator, a renegade Russian oligarch with precognition abilities, from starting World War III. Sator: Because their oceans rose and their rivers ran dry. WebYes. Protagonist: Dead drops. You see the gold fall out of Sators hand since the scene is moving backwards. People in the future talk to Sator by writing letters to send through the inverted dead drops. @MovieMe - That interpretation is not supported by the line "But in the future, those in power clearly believe that you can kick Grandpa down the stairs, gouge his eyes and slit his throat without consequence. He does not know it for sure. Tenet is the product of a different world than Interstellar. What you realize then is that in the future, that gold bar was inverted and traveled back through time in an unusual way, passing through The Protagonists hands, and never made it into the capsule until the moment when that henchman had tried to steal it. Sator: That's exactly what they're doing. But what if a random person stumbled on the gold bars. Sator: Somewhere, sometime, a man in a crystalline tower throws a switch and armageddon is both triggered and avoided. He didn't have an inversion machine at the time, so he couldn't possibly travel back in time to retrieve the package. Thus, the path of the inverted capsule into the past would be: the capsule is underground until it comes out of the ground (the reverse of Sator burying the capsule). If Interstellar believed the future could hold redemption, Tenet argues it might offer condemnation. In the future, they have the ability to greatly miniaturize their turnstile technology to fit within the time capsule, and besides, this is their smaller model, only needed to be big enough to accommodate the initial gold bar shipment. Sator has a dead man's switch which will detonate the algorithm and reverse entropy, ending the world. Regarding your bonus question, I like to picture the scene on the yacht played in reverse. Why refined oil is cheaper than cold press oil? Dedicated professionals who write about cinema and television in all their vibrancy. Sator did not refer to himself or his present when talking about who will trigger or when armageddon (the algorithm) is triggered. If you send enough of it back the man is sure to be rich but to become a billionaire is a whole other level. It requires us to imagine information Nolan didn't actually show us: What if the box that young Sator dug up came equipped with its own mini-turnstile? Anything that goes into the record speaks directly to the future. Win/win, right? rev2023.5.1.43404. The fuse goes off because of Sator's death, but the algorithm is out of its casing and therefore is not triggered. That's incorrect: let's say you bury the inverted gold on Dec 31st and want Sator to dig it up on January 1st. We already know that The Protagonist used a fake Francisco Goya drawing to meet with Kat and ultimately get close to her husband, Sator. Into tracksuits by Paulie Walnuts, the Criterion Channel and Robert Eggers. It only takes a minute to sign up. Priya: Sator's lifelong mission, financed and guided by the future, has been to find and reassemble the algorithm. Thats why its much easier to destroy something than to construct something. An unknown agency is working with Sator to kill everyone in the past, because they're responsible. In fact the movie even tells us that Tenet wasn't founded in the past, it's founded in the future, presumably by The Protagonist after the events of the film. Protagonist: Yes. But even after these events, and saving Sator's life, he still fights for her. Now that I think of it, the people from the future could have burried a complete working turnstile. The warehouse is split into two rooms, with one side being blue and the other being red. Ralisations If so, how was it inverted? * When he dies, the fuse goes off. The people in the future (posterity) are expecting Sator to send them the location of the assembled algorithm (inside the capsule / dead drop), so they could get it in the future and trigger it then. Conseils Protagonist: He buries his time capsule, transmits the location, then digs it up to collect the inverted materials they sent. Sator is working with this future generation to find the pieces of the algorithm that are traveling back through time, reassemble them, and invert our entire world. So, now he will be able to invert himself, retrieve an inverted capsule, and then uninvert himself and the gold. Sator cannot prevent it from happening. The first cache is discovered by Sator while he his doing the cleanup of Stalsk-12. It is Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? We learn that Sator communicates with people from the future and, as a result, gets an advantage in terms of information. But the time capsule has to travel to the future at the standard rate of 1 sec/sec while buried. It's revealed that the events of the film transpire in accordance to plans laid out by the time traveling Protagonist. Can I use my Coinbase address to receive bitcoin? On average, things get more and more disorganized. Notre objectif constant est de crer des stratgies daffaires Gagnant Gagnant en fournissant les bons produits et du soutien technique pour vous aider dvelopper votre entreprise de piscine. My head hurts just rereading that sentence. Alternatively, that gold bar was actually a regular bar that came out of the turnstile. Try thinking of the journey of the gold bar from its perspective, and it will start making sense that why this is not a paradox. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Because the rivers froze over and their world had been polluted to the point of no return. To understand Sator and the descendants, one needs to first understand Tenet's unique method of time travel: inversion. Does interacting with an uninverted object while inverted invert said object? It's hard to say because the film only explores the second Goya fake but Arepo's connection to the Sator Square seems a little too convenient for me and ultimately leads to my next question. You're a traitor. Mercenaries mode is a special mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake that challenges players to survive and score as many points as they can against waves of enemies, with all sorts of ways to extend time, gain score multipliers, and more. The part that is inaccurate is regular Sator digging up the capsule to obtain the gold. How did it get there in forward time? When entropy increases, it means things are becoming less and less organized., Entropy out of the way, Tenet also deals with a concept of inversion, which an Empire article explains as: Inversion is a process whereby an object (or person) has its entropy reversed, essentially flipping its chronology so that from that point on it travels backwards in time instead of forwards..
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