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Use this search tool if you are looking for the war diaries of units that served in Russia, British colonies and theatres of operations other than the Western Front, Mesopotamia and Gallipoli for these latter three see the advice on online diaries in the previous section. Civil registration, census, or church records, if available, are easier records to use. Officer in ChargeMilitary ArchivesCathal Brugha BarracksRathmines,Dublin 6. 1st Garrison Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, 2nd Garrison Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, 5th (Pioneer) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, 7th (South Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, Andrews Alexander. The enlistment books contain records of soldiers serving in these regiments . The Inniskillings Museum, in conjunction with History Hub Ulster, carries out research on individuals who served in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers prior to 1920.. Service records for soldiers who served after 1920 are held by the Ministry of Defence. Other military records include description books; returns of service; and records of pensions, payrolls, promotions, medals, casualties, courts martial, service, and desertions. We hope that this section has given you some useful clues to finding your Great War ancestors service history. The London Gazette can be accessed for free on-line at www.gazettes-online.co.uk. In 1882,2nd Battalion fought in Egypt, and was joined there by 1st Battalion in 1884. - Inniskillings Museum [21] Captain Hugh Shaw won the Victoria Cross when he rescued wounded soldiers during a skirmish at Nukumaru near Whanganui. Service records of Guards regiments. [13] The 1st Battalion served in Jamaica and the 2nd Battalion served in Curaao during the Napoleonic Wars. Members of the Royal Irish were also the first British Army troops to confront the Irish rebels during the Easter Rising of 1916. [10], In 1782, it moved to Guernsey where in 1783 it helped the local militia put down a mutiny by soldiers of the 104th Regiment based at Fort George. Army records before 1872 are organized by regiment. The Connaught Rangers was an Irish infantry regiment of the British Army, which mainly recruited in the west of Ireland. 6th Btn. He was held as a POW at Hamel and later Limberg. IRISH GREAT WAR SOCIETY. . Article is Father Benard's Register of the Irish Militia in Essex, also register of baptisms 1812-1817 kept at Church of St. James-the-less, Priory St. Colchester. Officers who died whilst serving with the Royal Artillery 1850-2011 on . If the information here has been helpful or you have enjoyed reaching the stories please conside making a donation, no matter how small, would be much appreciated, annually we need to raise enough funds to pay for our web hosting or this site will vanish from the web. They record the address, service number and regimental details of each person. Ffolliott, Rosemary. 2006. (Wiki article). The 27th (Inniskillings) Regiment holds the centre of Wellington's line at Waterloo. Thanks to everyone who has supported us over this time. Chaplain's returns and regimental registers are available only by correspondence with the General Register Office. Record type: Pay list of Naval officers and men aboard each commissioned warship and hired "armed ship". Copies of WO 118 are available at the FamilySearch Library. This information will help us make improvements to the website. For three of those years it was joined there by a 2nd Battalion. Soldier's WW1 Service Records. Some First World War veterans continued to serve with the army after the war and for the records of these soldiers you may need to read the advice in our guide to British Army soldiers in service after 1918. [11] After this, the unit returned to Gibraltar later in the year, where it remained until the Siege of Toulon in 1793 during the French Revolutionary Wars. For details of other online First World War records, see the Records in other archives and organisations listed below. Support by . The Royal Dublin Fusiliers was an infantry regiment of the British Army, which recruited in the east of Ireland. [20] The regiment also took part in the Second Anglo-Afghan War. (d.24th May 1915), Kerr Finlay. Population coverage: Varies--very high during wartime (40%) and much lower (about 10%) during peacetime. Records from 1872 through 1882 are arranged alphabetically by type of troop (cavalry, infantry, etc.). (South Irish Horse) Colton F W . Republic of Ireland, Internet: http://www.military.ie/info-centre/military-archives. The regular army and the navy constituted the major branches of the British military. Our If he served before 1853, search the muster rolls, description books, or pay lists of the ship on which he served. If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small Search the London Gazette on The Gazette website for the official announcements of British Army soldiers gallantry awards. National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London, SW3 4HTRegistered Charity Number: 237902, The Prince of Waless Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians), The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment. William Lewis 10th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (d.1st July 1916) William James Lewis was the son of William James Lewis and Ellen Lewis of 58 Rutland Street, South Belfast. Be warned that if your subject has a common name then the list of names could run to many pages so take your time checking each entry carefully and compare the details with the information you already have. For the service records of soldiers serving in the armies of Commonwealth countries (such as Canada, New Zealand or South Africa) you will need to contact the respective archives of those countries. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. Ireland's Memorial Records - information on over 49,000 Irish men and women who died in the Great War compiled by The Committee of the . Contents: Detail of Naval service, birth information and date of birth. Irish Soldiers Stationed on the Coast of Coromandel in India. Musters are held at the Public Record Office, Kew at National Archives. Army Records. 2nd Btn., B Coy (d.13th Feb 1916), Smitheram William. The badge was awarded to all of those military personnel who were discharged as a result of sickness or wounds contracted or received during the war, either at home or overseas. FS Library Ref. Research use: Shows relationships and to supplements information found in church records or missing information due to the loss of church records. The names of non-commissioned officers and other ranks are seldom mentioned in the War Diaries so you shouldnt expect to see a family members name recorded. Bravery at which of the following sieges sawthe regimentgranted a badgedepictingKing William III's family emblem? Chaplain's Returns and Regimental Registers. Royal Irish Regiment Date of death: 24/05/1915 (aged 34) Cemetery: YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL . If you think you have found the regiment in which your ancestor served, military histories may help confirm your findings. [7] The regiment spent most of the next 25 years on garrison duty in Britain and Ireland; in 1751, reforms ended the tradition of naming units after their current colonel and the regiment was officially ranked as the 18th Regiment of Foot. His name was Duff. Navy Records. Search the easier records first; they will often provide information that will then help you search military records. These were the 3rd Battalion (Special Reserve) and the 4th Battalion (Special Reserve). The detailed catalogue descriptions may mean that consultation of the original records is unnecessary. It is difficult to locate information about your ancestor in military records without knowing the unit (ship or regiment) in which your ancestor served. 6th Battalion Royal Irish Regiment, Pte. 941.5 B2i v7-8. - Royal Ulster Rifles Museum It recruited in Munster, a province in the south-west of Ireland. 3 vols. Regimental histories available at the FamilySearch Library are listed in the Place Search of the catalog under: A port where your ancestor landed on a specific date, search the list books (Rodger, N. A. M.. A battle or campaign in which your ancestor was involved, search medal rolls, also held at the Public Record Office, Kew. Royal Irish Regiment Royal Irish Rifles: Royal Marine Artillery Royal Marine Light Infantry Royal Munster Fusiliers Royal Naval Air Service Royal Naval Division - Royal Irish Fusiliers Museum (d.11th November 1918), Barago Henry. [9] Boston was abandoned in early 1776 and the regiment evacuated to Nova Scotia, where many of its men were drafted into other units, then to Dover Castle in England. As well as the lion of Nassau emblem, the king granted it the title Royal Regiment of Ireland, the Irish crowned harp and a motto mentioning Namur, 'Virtutis Namurcensis Praemium' ('Reward for Valour at Namur'). They proceeded to France in December 1915, landing at le Havre and concentrating in the Bethune area. Until 1853, naval enlistment was informal and lasted for the ship's commission, usually three years. It was still there on the outbreak of the American War of Independence (1775-83). Muster Rolls. The Medal Index Cards are the main source of information where a service record is not available and there is useful guidancethat explains the information contained within the card. This infantry unit has origins dating back to 1688. 1944. He was facing the right way, the last round of a clip in the breech and three dead Germans in front of him. There are also many accounts of the main battles that took place during World War 1, but do browse with care and only use trusted websites. The records include admissions and discharge records from military hospitals, field ambulances, and casualty clearing stations. Christopher McManigan 2nd Btn. 2nd Btn. Article is in The Irish Ancestor vol. Use our library catalogue to find a recommended book list. To enlist, underage boys may have lied about their name, age, and sometimes birthplace. (d.18th Dec 1916), Butler Martin. [21], The 2nd Battalion, which was re-formed on 18 September 1857, began to arrive in New Zealand from 4 July 1863 and served in the Waikato and Taranaki campaigns of the New Zealand Wars. Typescript. (FamilySearch Library book Ref 942 M24hn 1991.). FamilySearch Library Ref. This project currently contains records for over one million men and women who died whilst serving in the First World War, with over 600,000 locations worldwide, tens of thousands of images, cemeteries, war memorials and much more. Army List. These records also include soldiers who were in the British Army before August 1914 and who were eligible for an Army pension because their term of service came to an end during, or before 1920. For seamen serving as midshipmen (potential officers) between 1799 and 1854, the Midshipmen's Papers list birth dates and places and parents' names. By further selecta name in the first column and clicking on it you will be presented with 'Casualty Details Page', which will providemore information. Volumes from 1765 on include indexes. [33], Due to substantial defence cuts and the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, it was agreed that the six former Southern Ireland regiments would be disbanded,[38][39] including the Royal Irish Regiment. William C. Flynn 5th Btn. The South Staffordshire Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army, active between 1881 and 1959. In addition to the 2 million or so surviving Burnt Documents there are also around 750,000 Service Records for soldiers who were discharged for medical reasons (illness or wounds) during the First World War. To access these records you will either need to visit usto see the documents for free at our building in Kew or, where you can identify a specificdocument reference, order a copy() to be sent to you. Pte. Cpl. Royal Irish Regiment (d.28th Jan 1916), Pte. You will need to contact their respective archives for advice on how to locate these records. [1] It saw service for two and a half centuries before being disbanded with the Partition of Ireland following establishment of the independent Irish Free State in 1922 when the five regiments that had their traditional recruiting grounds in the counties of the new state were disbanded. [34], The 3rd (Reserve) Battalion, largely made up from local Dubliners, were the first army troops to engage the Irish rebels during the Easter Rising: the rebels were fighting to establish an Irish Republic in Dublin. Birth and baptism records are indexed. (FamilySearch Library film 1279333 items 5-12.). There were nearly 9 million men in total that served with the British and Commonwealth Armies during the Great War and around 5 million of those were from the United Kingdom and Ireland. . 'I turned over one poor chap on a rocky, bloody crag on Tanngoucha. If your ancestor does not appear in the Army List for the right time period, consult the card index to officers which is available only at the Public Record Office, Kew. (PRO classes Adm 6/222, 270, 446; Adm 18/119; Adm 22/47-49, 254-443; Adm 23/23-24, 32, 76-77, 89-94; Adm 82/1-2,122-123; Adm 165; PMG 16/1, 6, 15-31; PMG 70; PMG 71). Record type: Annual lists of Naval officers, D. Steel, Navy List (1782-1817), List of Sea Officers (1800-1824), The Naval List (1814-present). Service records from the Brigade of Guards (The Grenadier, Coldstream, Irish and Welsh Guards) have now transferred to the Army Personnel Centre, including First World War records (see above). CSM 8th Btn. The Royal Irish Rifles (became the Royal Ulster Rifles from 1 January 1921) was an infantry rifle regiment of the British Army, first created in 1881 by the amalgamation of the 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot and the 86th (Royal County Down) Regiment of Foot.The regiment saw service in the Second Boer War, the First World War, the Second World War, and the Korean War. This period was also interspersed with service as marines and garrison duty in Ireland and England. . At Present I am compiling lists of admissions to various Hospitals both in Ireland and the UK and France.1914-1918. Details of servicemen may include year of birth, service number, rank and hospital admission date. (FamilySearch Library book Ref 942 M3c.). ebsite under maintenance please bear with us. The navy, however, did utilize "Chain Gangs" to provide enforced recruitment, especially during the Napoleonic wars. Research use: Identifies Naval officers and traces their careers and as a guide to using other records. 6th Btn. Armed with this information, the next step is to consult the Soldiers Died in the Great War databases at. Patrick McAllister 6th Btn. Pte. In March 1915 one Company from the Guernsey Militia joined the battalion. In the early part of this campaign it suffered heavy casualties. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers was an Irish infantry regiment of the British Army formed in 1881 by the amalgamation of . Pre-1914 military records are kept in the Public Record Office, Kew and are divided into army and navy records. 18 April 1918 : reduced to cadre strength; reformed 26 June 1918. You may write the Public Record Office, Kew with the information you do know to obtain information from this card index. In 1919, 1st Battalion undertookoccupation duties in Germany and 2nd Battalion garrisonedIndia. London, England: various publishers. Before you can use navy records or pre-1872 army records, you must determine the specific ship or regiment in which your ancestor served. Search among theFirst World War pension record cards on Fold3.com (). Board of Ordnance officers may be included in the Army List, even though they kept their own records until 1855. This British Army infantry unit existed between 1881 and 1922. For service records of the Guards regiments (Coldstream Guards, Grenadier Guards, Irish Guards and Welsh Guards) visit the GOV.UK website.. Enlistment registers of the Scots Guards covering 1799-1939, and 1642-1939 for officers, can be searched on Findmypast.co.uk.. Please note: We are unable to provide individual research. Contents: Registers and papers concerning claims for bounty to next of kin of sailors killed in battle. XI, no.1. Quinlivan, Patrick. [33] The 7th (South Irish Horse) Battalion was formed in France as part of the 49th Brigade in the 16th (Irish) Division from the dismounted 1st and 2nd South Irish Horse in September 1917. Capt. This included service in the Second Afghan War (1878-80). [27] The battalion took part in several battles, and played an important role at the Battle of Slabbert's Nek in July 1900 during the war. (PRO class WO 97). 8 vols. William Flynn 5th (Pioneer) Battalion Royal Irish Regiment (d.24th January 1918), Capt. please. Many military and regimental histories are listed in the Place Search of the catalog under: Seamen. For information on pre-1660 military records, see the handbooks described below. It played an important role inthe capture of the French fortress of Namur (now in Belgium) in1695. Alphabetical list of Irish born soldiers serving in India. The regiment was formed during the reign of Charles II on the 1 April 1684 by . Dates of promotions (if applicable). 14 October 1917 : came under orders of 49th Brigade, 16th (Irish) Division. Nevertheless, soldiers' names are occasionally recorded in the account of an operation such as a patrol, a raid on an enemy trench, or an award of a medal. Want to find out more about your relative's service? The modern day Royal Irish Regiment formed in the 1990's has no true historical links to the original regiment other than its name. (FamilySearch Librarybook 942 M25gba; film 918928-41 and 990323-26.) Navy records seldom mention individual seamen before 1853. Record type: Material relating to awarding of pensions to sailor's next of kin. [12], The regiment also saw action at the Battle of Alexandria in March 1801. During the First World War officers and men of The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers were awarded eight Victoria Crosses, The Royal Irish Rifles three and The Royal Irish Fusiliers two. British Military Records. Punch, Terrence M. Irish Deserters at Halifax, Nova Scotia, During the Napoleonic Wars 1803-1807. find out more > The Victoria Cross. Search by unit name and number for the war diaries of British Army units that served on the Western Front and in Mesopotamia on our website () and for units that served in the Gallipoli Campaign at the Dardanelles on Ancestry.co.uk (). (d.18th Dec 1916), Phillips Edward George Dunscombe Masters. Lawder Benjamin Sandys Smith MC MiD. Daniel Deevy 2nd Btn. All records of RA personnel classified under class WO. [33] The battalion was re-formed in October 1914 and, as part of the 22nd Brigade in the 7th Division saw further action at the Battle of the Somme, when it was involved in capturing three miles of the German frontline trenches, in Autumn 1916. For more detailed advice see our guide to British Army operations in the First World War. Brief career details were later included as well. Library contains many many diary entries, personal letters and other documents, most transcribed into plain text. Before starting your research try to obtain as much information as possible about your Great War family member, such as his full name, place and date of birth. He died 5th of April 1917 aged 25 years and is buried La Laiterie Military Cemetery in Belgium. Population coverage: Naval records cover about 10% to 15% of the population during peacetime and much more during wartime. Be the first to hear about our latest events, exhibitions and offers. Generally, there are separate records for staff officers, medical officers (surgeons), Commissariat officers, chaplains, Board of Ordnance officers (artillerymen, engineers, sappers, miners, artificers, and others), and other officers. . (d.14th Nov 1916), Scott Robert. The movement of different Irish Militia, from 1793-1816. The regiment remained in Britain and Ireland until 1767, when it was deployed to North America. For more information on twentieth-century army records, see: Holding, Norman H. World War I Army Ancestry. This record series can be viewed by using catalogue reference WO372/. Birmingham, England: Federation of Family History Societies, 1991. Some records were destroyed by enemy bombing of the Guards chapel during the Second World War. Most of these relate to applications for pensions (sometimes by dependents). Article in The Irish Ancestor, vol. If your ancestor was in the army in 1806, you may wish to search the return of all men (except commissioned officers) in army service as of 24 June 1806. Royal Irish Regiment (d.5th April 1917), Pte. [25] It served as the county regiment of Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford and Kilkenny. After almost 250 years of service with the British Army, it was disbanded in 1922 on the establishment of the Irish Free State. The regiment foughtin the First Opium War (1839-42) and the Second Burma War (1852). Ships of the Royal Navy. The list gives their admission dates rank and unit. Contents: Name, rank, dates of entry and discharge, age and birth place of all members of ship's company. '[4] In recognition, of this, William III renamed the unit as The Royal Regiment of Foot of Ireland. Under the Cardwell reforms of 1881, it was renamedThe Royal Irish Regiment and became the county regiment ofKilkenny, Wexford, Waterford and Tipperary. Thomas Patrick Flood 6th Btn. 2nd Btn. Copyright of the Officers in the Navy have received Admiralty Passing Certificates 1691-1902. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. Our databases allow us to investigate almost the entire Army records and we can conduct research into any officer or soldier of any British Army regiment. The Royal Irish Regiment, formerly the Royal Regiment of Ireland and the 18th Regiment of Foot, also known as the 'First and the Last'. Pte. Others are described in the British Military Records article. UK, Roll of the Indian Medical Service, 1615 -1930, UK, Registers of Employees of the East India Company and the India Office, 1746-1939, Great Britain, War Office Registers, 1772-1935, Commonwealth War Graves, 1914-1921, 1939-1947, Royal Air Force, Operations Record Books 1939-1945, British Royal Air Force, Combat Reports 1939-1945, World War I and in the South African war of 1899-1902, Irish Army Census search, 1700's to 1900's, Military and Police Records 1600's - 1900's, Rootsweb, Irish Military Record, 1700's - 1900's, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, Militia Attestation Papers, 1800-1915, Ireland, Casualties of World War I, 1914-1922, British Army Pensioners - Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Ireland, 1783-1822, Ireland, National Roll Of Honour 1914-1921, Ireland's Memorial Record: World War 1: 1914-1918, Ireland, Memorial Record: World War I, 1914-1918, Soldiers' Wills, World War I and Boer War, Illustrations, historical and genealogical, of King James's army list, 1689, http://www.military.ie/info-centre/military-archives. Birmingham, England: Federation of Family History Societies, 1991. In fact, if this information is at hand then you can 'short-cut' much of the following by obtaining the family member's 'Medal Index Card' (, the 1901 and 1911 Census records obtainable on line at, Discovering the place of residence in 1911 could be a good indication of where the person enlisted, but. This group of records are known as the Unburnt Documents and the, catalogue reference for this series of records commences with. Some other lists give their injuries and address's. [1], Research use: Shows relationships and to supplements information found in church records or missing information due to loss of church records. Search by name or regimental (service) number forFirst World War army medal index cards (WO 372) onour website(). v3.0, except where otherwise stated, British Army soldiers of the First World War, British Army soldiers in service after 1918, Records in other archives and organisations, war diaries of British Army units that served on the Western Front and in Mesopotamia, units that served in the Gallipoli Campaign at the Dardanelles, guide to records of British prisoners of the First World War, British Army operations in the First World War, Friends of The National Research use: Helps to trace Naval officers, to locate birth information, and to do pedigree linkage. The additional information you will get from Soldiers Died in the Great War will be where the individual was born, where he enlisted and his place of residence when he enlisted. Additional military documents may be found in private collections. We are now on Facebook. Compulsory draft was seldom used, except by the militia. Each of these services kept its own records. The Royal Irish. Military records identify individuals who served or were eligible to serve in the armed forces. You may want to hire a researcher to search military records that are not available at the FamilySearch Library. Uniquely, The Royal Irish Rifles were awarded two on the same day - 1 July 1916. 6th Btn. These list monies owed to a soldier who died in service. While the 1806 return is indexed only by regiment, it is more complete and easier to search than other army records. The name of an officer serving with your ancestor, search the Navy List to determine the ship on which that officer served. (d.3rd May 1915), Fogarty Gerald Joseph. V.no. Alternatively, many divisional, brigade and regimental histories can be accessed on-line by using a reputable search engine. to help with the costs of keeping the site running. In addition, War Diaries generally contained appendices for specific events, which could include sketches, maps and Operational Orders. 'Lists of Officers. Research Database. (PRO classes: Adm 6/66, 73-85, 193-196; Adm 9/1-61; Adm 10/1-7; Adm 11/2-3, 7-10, 35-37, 42-44; Adm 106/3517). [3] As Hamilton's Foot, it served in Flanders during the Nine Years War and at Namur on 31 August 1695, took part in the capture of the Terra Nova earthwork, later commemorated in the song 'The British Grenadiers. You can usually find records for army officers in the Army List. (d.5th August 1917), Doherty Patrick. Royal Irish Regiment (d.5th April 1917) Thomas Flood served with the 6th Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, attached 47th Trench Mortar Battery, in WW1. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. Contents: Registers of pensioners of the Royal Hospital Kilmainham (Dublin); brief description of the pensioner is given with age, place of birth, particulars of service and reason for discharge. WebMaster2010. They are not personal diaries (try the Imperial War Museum or local record offices for those). Includes certificates of birth and marriage, and information about addresses and circumstances of the beneficiaries. The FamilySearch Library has many military records, but these are only a small part of the military records available. Population coverage: Naval records--about 10% to 15% of the population during peacetime and much more during wartime. He was repatriated on the 18th of November 1918. In 1751, it was given a regimental numeral of 18, despite being the seventh oldest Britishinfantry regiment at that time. He was mobilised for Great War and arrived in France on the 7th of October. It then formedpart of Indias garrison until 1854, when it moved to the Crimean War (1854-56). (FamilySearch Library book Ref 942 M2hoL 1991.
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