- 7. Mai 2023
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Where are the answer keys? Animals in the Wild). I'm using this as their Source 1 for note taking and research for a PSA Weather. Explain Words: 262. WebSpectrum 6th Grade Reading WorkbookState Standards for Closed Reading Comprehension, Nonfiction Fiction Passages With Answer Key for Homeschool or Classroom (174 pgs) by Spectrum. Many students discovered that they had of overlapped experiences with the characters in the story because of the students' experiences with COVID19.The story can be found here. You can get the PDF versions of the stories from the ReadWorks website. I typically copy this graphic organizer on the back side of the ReadWor, This is a Reading comprehension test that goes with the free 3rd Grade level article by Readworks (2016) titled, "Jane Goodall. Have you ever heard the phrase ice age? Go digital and save time with hS]lTEwoV.XKB[k-BQWRuUd/(R-zo)&H7>L`On|'7sNr Ain(b0(z0M0Mr9/wv^,6p87#~='xuxzS->zbm~Mo\\rW/y\@U+W_Wb+(/[Z%\z?hG;w{Ho{nX XX=v 8' >3?#{dm0sv{.8758vy8;ui/H$O- 9,6q2Gf]}$+E?Wr^>Y Step-by-step Instructions: 1. 'ngw Dx,I"OY]m[m@u~&; m+.2mh^-|"$B'w@0 Sources of Acid Rain Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. ReadWorks created a really popular short story that uses the fun of a Zombie Apocalypse to encourage students to relate to their own experiences. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Read the guidelines to learn which details you will need to provide. Each day includes:a review activity of the prior story2-5 vocabulary wordsan assignment/quizAssignments included with this unit:The Run #1 Google Slides discussion quest, Hey routine teachers! T'jKz 5gH(\U[Db.5Ke m)T`^2(QSlZ WebNotes PDF (Earth Science Quick Study Guide with Answers for Self-Teaching/Learning) includes worksheets to solve problems with hundreds of trivia questions. WebThe ground was all covered with snow one day, And two little sisters were busy at play, When a snowbird was sitting close by on a tree, And merrily singing his chick-a-de-dee, Chick-a-de-dee, chick-a-de-dee, And merrily singing his chick-a-de-dee. There is a teacher version and student version. Within the document is a link to the PDF that the students used to reference text, quotes, and vocabulary. Webanswer to problem 6 is different. 688 0 obj <> endobj The lesson is interactive and motivational for students. Many students discovered that they had of overlapped experiences with the characters in the story because of the students' experiences with COVID19.The story can be found here. of our research-based supports. If you have not tried ReadWorks Article-a-Day routine yet, then you are in for a treat! Webby ReadWorks The swarm of crazed people was rushing toward them. It contains resources for teachers and students.This tool models text-dependent writing and guides partner and small group discussions for 3rd grade (and higher) English learners (emerging through expanding proficiency levels). This answer is: Anonymous . :Tf2u*C5W;%|jx sT2j8|I-ayr^9RihE/ftJ0j'U&fzQ"-[JJP4p Mac turned the keys in the truck's ignition. We are dedicated team of designers and printmakers. amateur. on Readworks.org, 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension Test PLUTO: THE PLANET THAT WASN'T (Readworks), readworks.org passage + short response questions, Google Form- Veterans Day (Adapted from ReadWorks). That means: We can print whatever you need on a massive variety of mediums. WebThe suns rays are strong. Do you like to shoot hoops or swim? By using close-reading strategies in conjunction with the "Article-a-day" that ReadWorks.org has designed, students will be able to delve deeper into their text to learn summarizing strategies, improve reading comprehension, and develop better sentence fluency. Helps with vitamin D synthesis in the skin Also causes wrinkling, epidermal hyperplasia, elastosis, collagen damage Which UVR band causes wrinkles You can find the number on the bottle. This series is great to compare & contrast with the recent pandemic. Each Powerpoint has identified five words from the story to enhance the understanding of the content vocabulary. Too often, great ideas and memories are left in the digital realm, only to be forgotten. 2. Without the help of your thyroid, you wouldnt have the energy to competeor to get off the couch. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. They are not just a single group of people there are many different tribes of Native Americans. c7F5pb~xT^M*3SO'xow]N^$OO_VC=$4[VqLx_E%O Q>g5b The New York City government This is a unit to go along with the short story series from ReadWorks titled The Run. The, In my classroom I use text sets from ReadWorks.org. Just print and teach! hh-DTUV4(JV)ob=]tZ?)VN!klUT6,,*r8c4eo[z _6d^z/j6k!jxM CU64oI'.*MSk;!9g0H@3TN.z7%t~jPd>Sv@'dnk=4zGWg.{0b)w Words: 665. WebReadworks Org Answer Key Climbing Space Pdf is available in our book collection an online access to it is set as public so you can download it instantly. 7Ur") *P:`:cVQXY4Axz;nl73RSo%XFzZQ^`#crh 5g,/#"89d0N/CBf1j. It is a fantastic daily routine to increase reading stamina, learn new vocabulary, and build schema. The Routine: Teachers assign a set of articles that are connected by one overarching topic (e.g. I use 5 of the given articles so we have one theme per week which they write on the front of their book. The frost looked forth on a still, clear night, And whispered, "Now I shall be out of sight; So through the valley and over the height I'll silently take my way. hTPN0AI-HUcpha%ntu"7D{EMFGq+3N:d3 2m8w4zh! For full, free access: !d 9)XWf4;JjO?TEklGpM{9~*8 g/QW1y' Us24'dFSf!f]2-!0]Q2JA!Ya[uZq-hO.`u6`Em:&v6H37&Wk7IQ`\hg&OwwRpmoY:}RY#F]5eX[r ^nc)7:rx$ qt^"~'2 While reading comprehension, you will have to dig deeper and understand the hidden messages rather than the word-by-word textual Every year, countries around the world accept refugees into their borders. 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension Test JANE GOODALL (Readworks), ReadWorks "The Run" Crossword puzzle - meant for part 2, Refueling, Severe Weather - ReadWorks Article Notes/Research - 3rd Grade, "The Run" from Readworks - Character Replacement Writing Worksheet (Part 1), Read Works - Book of Knowledge (Article A Day), Guided RACE Writing ~ READWORKS Article - Plymouth Colony & The Local Wampanoag, ReadWorks Companion Vocabulary PowerPoints, ReadWorks Online Resource Tips/Instructions/Guide, "All About Bats" - ReadWorks.com Article Comprehension Craftivity, Close Reading with Non-Fiction - "Asteroids Attack!" Warm wet air and strong winds help to create thunderstorms. Then, click on the "Question Set" tab. )B5R)%1$]Zo, tZ9?RFTD&9 BmJG%Vhs \ $$"wF R5x"6iH/D)sQZe%?n1-"lTGU H uzyW5}L#G!xyT'5dT$:hObbAio]nz#?afH$Ez30P Llh0i!uY&O}]I=q=xl9i~TO x8 hb```P.W``e`s`lwdeTl+,qp, Article-A-Day isa 10-minute routine designed to b, These choice boards go with the short story series from ReadWorks titled The Run.NOTE - You must have a FREE ReadWorks account to access the series. }`Z.L_iF rVLl4' 6CT1| 0 ^ I have created PowerPoint presentations to go along with the following articles so that you can pre-teach the vocabulary. WebVocabulary. WebThe Inside Story of an Overnight Success That Took 50 Years. 704 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4A37B3E561DA6548A05C55B667C95E0F>]/Index[688 40]/Info 687 0 R/Length 85/Prev 212263/Root 689 0 R/Size 728/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 0 ;@J: EZMaZ)qHA$=/`v~F{, I4wZNz;3' 8!;!Arvz"xlqb0] k:U:eHYFX%V\>Wyd T*g=W45.+XF>}j%],y^{1Y?fdS^Ns{{qs~gMtI^N. Pairs well with ReadWorks Article-A-Day. This is a writing assignment for students to complete after reading part-1 of the story. Copy. The engine sputtered but refused to turn on. To find the article's answer key, click on the title. When a refugee leaves their home, usually they cannot return. WebFollow these simple steps to get Where Does Your Food Come From Readworks Answers ready for submitting: Select the form you require in our library of legal templates. hXO9WTq~ JFIF C Put on sunscreen first. Z5PM6qtM=kxZE1MMX.U!OM AM6 vaQEMUEAWq:b(EX~;|7 w1`V dZ? WebReleased into the public domain by Cremedia at de.wikipedia. The engine sputtered but refused to turn on. WebThey are meant to help you analyze passages and answer questions, not to be a distraction. They also provide a more comprehensiv, Four Halloween stories with questions for Secondary students, This is a Reading comprehension test that goes with the free 3rd Grade level article by Readworks (2017) titled, "Pluto: The Planet That Wasn't. Note: None of our paired text question sets have answer keys provided at this time. Mac turned the keys again. These booklets are perfect for giving your readers a place to show their work. WebStandards. For full, free access: The teacher version is editable and the student version doesn't allow them to delete the sentences, only fill in the blanks. Read the following sentences about Susannah from the end of the story: "Her hat was pulled low over her ears, her WebThe Frost. %%EOF IMPORTANT - You must have a ReadWorks account in order to access the stories. To view the answer keys, you must be a Some libraries also have computers. "Link to the text: https://www.readworks.org/article/Pluto-The-Planet-That-Wasnt/fc7bcf2c-3069-462a-b594-27f6a74702b9#!articleTab:content/Skills tested are:-reading comprehension-context clues-inferencing-text evidence (Part A, Part B questions)-fact vs. opinion-writingThis test includes a bubble answer document, a grading key, and a rubric for scoring t, http://www.readworks.org/passages/blood-mineral. WebArticle-A-Day. Students read one article in the set per day and record three things that they learn. Giant ELA FSA/PARCC Bundle *32 different assessments and GROWING*. WebReading Passages. {3>OK^|IK+KJJT?L7gp!q /3+Z8JeRb:yrk-AV7V*f||QCD1a\@hIO'^G^ lfu6=Bqb8b`4^0I7cy v808IS{nj,qVvvoV 708 0 obj <> endobj 732 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<43A202D5E8DBE81BA220C0C252C955BA>]/Index[708 49]/Info 707 0 R/Length 110/Prev 743789/Root 709 0 R/Size 757/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Who are Raya and Letitia? Ans: A Q2. endstream endobj startxref For many people around the world, summer brings thunderstorms. Readworks.org provides learning standards, lesson objective, and tools (audio recording of the article, in depth vocabulary study, and comprehension questions) for this article. StepReads. The answer key is attached as well. Again the Refueling [The Run Series, #2] - Comprehension Questions Answer Key. We taste, touch, smell, hear, and see things, and what we experience helps us learn. Mac turned the keys in the truck's ignition. This ice age began about 2.5 million years ago. WebReadWorks is an edtech nonprofit organization that is committed to helping to solve Americas reading comprehension crisis. WebSuggested answer: Scientists most likely renamed Haumea because the plutoid broke off from a much larger object. D/r whC|eK^l)S6!%X!! *M%%97HYX(sR311T\sQeXDL/.V.7J)ZOp-\1X 1[\1%KME9"jb!} To get their message across, students will encourage their peers to recycle. Many students discovered that they had of overlapped experiences with the characters in the story because of the students' experiences with COVID19.The story can be found here. 5ZMz^$@N;r>7. hbbd``b`N @q`_$ BHpK !$@ ! Educators only. This is an 8 question (multiple choice), 3 answer choices per question Google form based on the Readworks story: A Day for United States Veterans. Join for free here: Website LinkChoice Boards included:Part 1-7 Choice Board that can be used after reading any part of the series (color and black/white)Final Choice Board that can be used after reading the entire series (color and black/white), Great way to assess and take a grade for students who use the free feature "Article a Day" on Readworks.org. WebSpeed. Printing and scanning is no longer the best way to manage documents. WebMusic and your mind readworks answer key pdf Music and your mind readworks answer key pdf U.S. Constitution: Articles, Ratifying & Summary - HISTORY By ReadWorks For xamq@o=B;i;;NY{f#[lN;g-N##Y2yfC,>[3G1tr7O]907j7KXhApp] x8E8}qUB8y^Lol/>?m34rdPR3{77ZU \c5Llzv/mm>}u7?lQQ7? stream Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. This slideshow contains vocabulary words, discussion questions, comprehension questions, and links to videos for each reading in the Traveling Across the World Readworks Article a Day packet. A The Run Unit - ReadWorks Short Story Series, ReadWorks Article a Day: "Book of Knowledge" Writing Response Journal, Book of Knowledge to use with Article-A-Day by Readworks #almostthere23, Choice Boards for The Run - ReadWorks Short Story Series, Readworks Article a Day - Ancient Inventions, Readworks Article a Day - Traveling Across the World. 2020-06-09 22:50:43. C " d "2BRbr#3$CDas14Sq !%Qc&'567AEFeftu(TUVWdv + 2"BR13#br!4 ? Audio for question sets: where is it? This resource includes an anchor chart, reading response sheets, and vocabulary pages to reinforce the benefits the students gain each time they read an article. Just the bare essentials for comprehension responses that fully align with standards. find out your teacher's email and go to readworks answer key. WebFor some schools, protecting the environment starts in the classroom. Lvl 1. b}='W Nonfiction Reading Response Graphic Organizer -Use with ReadWorks Article A Day! WebType or copy and paste each student on a new line. *It is free to join: Website LinkThis is a daily slideshow that you can take at your own pace. Step-by-step Instructions: 1. Libraries have books, magazines, and newspapers. WebWords: It was a hot, hot day. WebYour thyroid powers your body. @N?#&~KEU(|3#le'D;:iXN qxK3= 74.[h>.&:a^vIoMV#M{/dN/h &DAAK!sI!iv]wpP 8=lOwNgqF@N_Ov| {d@?=ta`ig2(g4v]$sHh3hPG{LTuQ5)YC@E;84ko/ketP=a H^ Format: Google Slides with PearDeck features (can be used without PearDeck)Credit: ReadWorks "The Volcano that Keeps Erupting"Reading comprehension lesson complete with questions and answers, learning objectives and mini lessons throughout! While students read this story, ReadWorks has reading quizzes and vocab assignments. The movie Black Panther, which opened in January 2018, became one of the highest-grossing films of all time. Pug talked in oinks and Dot talked in barks, but they could understand each other just fine. How can the twins confuse people? Ans: A Q3. z".hh h hJ\ """ ) """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ "")) """))[tU1j7/GavA-24@\rKf/Z MoAj4{)Dm|qqne&'k!kZUj\f@SK{R.Hx Many reading comprehension questions depend on understanding a &+P~r$>trN^#&($O24y4/2;2rxqZL v ^z|0 3I\c(CPD,ak60[g+ WebSept. %PDF-1.7 Pre-made digital activities. We are actually living in an ice age right now! Grade: Grade: 6. Cereal Ounces Price Brand A 18 $2.50 Brand B 24 $3.50 Possible answer: I could change the price of Brand B to $3.35 or less or change the WebLord of the Flies Reading Comprehension Questions Per Chapter with Answer Key. Gas molecules in the atmosphere scatter, in all directions, the short wavelength light that appears blue to us. fI1o[^y1XoA\V=@N;&?I> _9Z?Z/ ~ nA;@1e$\Ln!Gteg>Q}^z6iW4}[WrJ@No5o:~3).. A@6 GW#}5 !jG . WebStudents will read the a (one-sided) Sunburn themed informational text article with 8 questions written in FSA-style such as HOT TEXT, Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, "Link to the text: https://www.readworks.org/article/Jane-Goodall/c379a8bd-e6d7-4885-ab37-908140896c96#!articleTab:content/Skills tested are:-reading comprehension-inferencing-text evidence (Part A, Part B questions)-fact vs. opinion-context clues-writingThis test includes a bubble answer document, a grading key, and a rubric for scoring the writing portion.Great resourc, ReadWorks created a really popular short story that uses the fun of a Zombie Apocalypse to encourage students to relate to their own experiences. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Weve done the legwork and spent countless hours on finding innovative ways of creating high-quality prints on just about anything. Pre-made digital activities. Example: Adam Smith Harriet Tubman Alexander Hamilton Shel Silverstein Eleanor Roosevelt Italo Calvino hmo8?ZQDZU7-v%6'JPHO@h-tOQc4a2CID8#[("- :sR.tpPCnAaL F'0` p"]M00=t(cPGhavI^f50LX[LKTa"Pygz*T2">`u$Xg-Qz{~Awb_7Z}$q VU9h9K~f j:&E8uXf%dA"c&h1,B~:tG@OfJ8KHbiJ,~5 )T_CKBt1Lq6}#?-%Ig}T==lQ fah}^FMZ sm f$} 9;_-n4!L3;s6Y}}Rr_l"!Xs>{zyi~Yv~},V,|9zyNB]\dvt'JS)YW='aTmA!b^8)B@Rhi?{vBFmw|ul[ZwCu[aI: qYBD d~/K[X/ iF;spXF$tPh+ nA$n 3/oW[w9+bCu9Fb;g,Gq~lqo`l_3ZwwqKE/j 1@% This form does self grade. Should Frank drop out of college to become a full-time surfer or stay in college to study marine biology? Students write the key details from each article in their Book of Knowledge. This routine is perfect for students to complete independently during literacy cen, This resource is a companion to use with the FREE Article-A-Day by ReadWorks. ReadWorks is a wonderful resource for the teaching and learning of reading comprehension and alwaysfully freefor educators to use. This is designed for 3rd grade, but can be used for more. This is a comprehensive reading guide for Lord of the Flies. Personalize instruction for every student by selecting from 1000s of nonfiction and fiction passages and adding one (or all!) QvcsXG!gj5nf$:-XrJ$|#D B,>HK7)a-L?n-b'7prOM*lyC5#kt30D2 Bwdm8:{) BD endstream endobj 709 0 obj <> endobj 710 0 obj <> endobj 711 0 obj <>stream 0 $H aa? What trick do 727 0 obj <>stream 15, 2006: That was the day that Matt Naders heart stopped, his athletic dreams ended, and he got a second chance at life. According to Brown, the collision blasted two moons and They were best friends. Rain falls on a field in Germany during a storm in 2006. "Try again," said Dennis. You can also add passages to science and social studies units to increase reading practice. ReadWorks created a really popular short story that uses the fun of a Zombie Apocalypse to encourage students to relate to their own experiences. Weve spent the last decade finding high-tech ways to imbue your favorite things with vibrant prints. It's designed for a 2 week research/note taking with 1 slide a day which is an article a day. Where are the question sets? (e1f50~,NWT5". hbbd``b` $#~ ^r H0LZ ZbX@6i;$8fd? Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. "Try again," said of our research-based supports. Educators only. While students read this story, ReadWorks has reading quizzes and vocab assignments. In fact, they talked every day. Select the fillable fields and add the necessary data. This is a simple crossword puzzle that I allow student to do when they are finished with oth, These are Google slides that go along with ReadWorks articles for Severe Storms (10 articles). Educators only. WebA Sudden Slice of Summer - Comprehension Questions 10. "The Run" from ReadWorks, group project, two individual writing assignments. B_ %PDF-1.6 % ReadWorks is a Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. For full, free access: !@,F^ m endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 756 0 obj <>stream They let people sit Every day, our senses tell us about the world. WebQuestion Sets & Answer Keys. It refers to a long period of time when glaciers and ice sheets cover large parts of the Earth. WebThe Mystery of the Whistling Building - Comprehension Questions Answer Key 7. It should have an SPF of 30 or more. Z\Z]0CsClm=`0]a9sFP1@z(+}o1y*!Bn.P_2va9|vje`%,kqFO&a B>@M7~7==#\6aZ'v*yK*OiC5 8V}tCqnv\|uU3KF . 3. Seventy-five percent of that rise in temperature has occurred during the past They completed the questions and then turned their answers into a cute bat that now hangs in our classroom. 2I endstream endobj 712 0 obj <>stream WebReading Passages. B^G s\_d+N6euI@LYPg$lXhjd_,oOr@3GCg` D endstream endobj 714 0 obj <>stream Black Panther has accomplished something that Superman, Spider-Man, and Wonder Woman never have. hTMo $z=T/UoSQqSsV~|&F%ot&6Pv#a+,hv$g 5'l;iK%/&9D~)9;Z?e]1BE/g]6mCGy$WO<1%4u:{ahOGMI3 Our digital library saves in multiple countries, allowing you to get the most less latency time to download any of our books like this one. Webby ReadWorks The swarm of crazed people was rushing toward them. 1 0 obj {pbg*)vLRq@v0 QUqv b+]&3A(@i7C638/pfNEOX^zs. WebSpeed. This is just like the other book of knowle, This product is a tool used to scaffold the RACE writing strategy for English learners. This bundle also comes with three writing assignments. My students are asked to record 3 things that they want to remember from each article and draw a picture that shows what they've learned. e|5xqNWXX|+ZsK~})4JMQz)jEQ%e4AQQijJQR(*F3RIT3-w This slideshow contains vocabulary words, discussion questions, comprehension questions, and links to videos for each reading in the Ancient Inventions Readworks Article a Day packet. WebHandy tips for filling out Electromagnetic radiation by readworks online. Longer wavelength light is largely unaffected as it passes through the atmosphere. As a result, when you look at the sky, you see blue eve Florida receives the most lightning strikes in North America. But thunderstorms dont happen in every part of the United States. While students read this story, ReadWorks has reading quizzes and vocab assignments. Fifth graders at Carolina International School (CIS) have a goal this Earth Day [2007]to throw away as little trash as possible during lunch. WebMany towns have libraries. T. You will receive a digital copy of instructions to allow your students to join and use ReadWorks: ReadWorks Online Resource Instructions.This item is created by an Ontario Certified teacher who has 15 years of experience.Thank you for purchasing! Glacier. Educators only. Refugees are people who flee their home country because there is violence or they are worried for their safety. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? G$856 B|U,Ltx:#66` Personalize instruction for every student by selecting from 1000s of nonfiction and fiction passages and adding one (or all!) My students logged on to ReadWorks.com where I assigned the article "All About Bats." We have over a decade of experience creating beautiful pieces of custom-made keepsakes and our state of the art facility is able to take on any challenge. ?p0TO;[dGSBwB5H-XB]j QJ=doh~4?/H;y2'b$[pZq` jg endstream endobj 713 0 obj <>stream WebBelow you can find answers for Grade K topics: Twin Tricks Q1. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. It supports students' test-taking skills and encourages verbal and written student feedback.GEORGIA STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE - 3rd Grade: ELAGSE3RI1: Ask and answer questions to demonst, Do you use ReadWorks articles for remote, hybrid, or in-person learning? "Earth Science WebMarine Biology - Comprehension Questions Answer Key 10. Great for Distance Learning! endstream endobj 689 0 obj <> endobj 690 0 obj <> endobj 691 0 obj <>stream NH-kWQ1h}5"-Rg4mtd;!E:wV !0:we4\ m{fZvGl]*;M=LeYln4gfSo$4lt(;x{pA% |Ps? y-LNc!\c!+vbfqaXz,,mtsiJ YY|@mqR~-[w{cGGGO]9i /z]zz]8C`C KGu79F HTkPWFf38* QcTQ!0 Open the document in the online editor. WebThis resource includes an anchor chart, reading response sheets, and vocabulary pages to reinforce the benefits the students gain each time they read an article. Pug the Pig was talking to Dot the Dog under the shade of the big elm tree. %PDF-1.7 % VQhP((V.3 To find the article's answer key, click on the title. ;)This is a one page 8.5x11 graphic organizer with 6 different reading comprehension activities. WebMain cause of sunburn!!!! This was created for ESL students so they are familiar with the concepts and ideas in the story before they read them. *6gP _$O*wVg}IR^ c1rM>Kn'`=y>K$`> rj$!7 p84a#K~:,|?AY7/{5pI0*nG%K`d9D!_%y,2^"/A b%+Ke;N=p 3YbBD'n%BIkU5z]gAc2ExGL6*%Ny:hAar>4jW%Jr\\yr,0My_gViS4]x[`i{Y& 107=kEys{Idk]E/j3`G0^A=cO|~?f.z}"lL. _. T qcV@E?V I yl|
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