- 7. Mai 2023
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WebRamsey High School Biology Certified Teacher Jobs Varsity Tutors for Schools is partnering with school districts across the country to provide equitable access to high Johnston County Career & Technical Leadership Academy, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Chris Lattimer, former teacher and Assistant Principal Intern, with the help of Smithfield-Selma Alumni Association, had a vision to enhance students and Alumni for SSS through creating an Alumni Hall of Fame to highlightAlumni that have walked the halls of Smithfield-Selma High School and went on to make a major impact to our community and be a light to the world! Timothy_C_Hibberd@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Steven Mirman - Media Services Technician Ramsay High School| Monica_G_D'eustachio@mcpsmd.org, Dr. Risa Shariff - World Language This modification enables us to explore content in greater depth and to provide a meaningful and innovative learning experience that promotes the growth of skills that our students will need to be successful in the 21st Century. We met first with the superintendent former principal who encouraged us to meet with the current principal. Sean_D_Gowen@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Jason Greenberg - Classroom Teacher High It was soon named for Erskine Ramsay, a noted industrialist who was serving as president of the Birmingham Board of Education at the time. Hearts aglow and voices raised Andrew_S_Kenton@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Fariha Khan - Teacher Wenonah High School| Served as Class of 1990 Reunion Chairperson. He is the director of Walter Sanders Funeral Home. Attended NCSU with a BS in Mathematics Education, MA in Educational Administration, MA Mathematics Education, following with a career in education since 1995. Jose_L_Cruz@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Antonio Garcia - Bldng Svc Asst Mgr IV Sh 2 Complete Student Transfer and/or Enrollment Requests. And be true to thee. Mark_A_Bradley@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Sean Gowen - Classroom Teacher High He is a decorated soldier, honored with the Bronze Star and Meritorious Medal for his service. 2008 Volunteer of the Year for Jo Co Special Olympics, 2008 Volunteer of the Year for the Triangle. If this is your first visit to the Harnett It is situated between 12th and 13th Avenues South and 17th and 19th Streets South. Promoted to Sgt and Honorably Discharged in 1979. WebEast Side High School Address & Contact Info 238 Van Buren Street Newark, NJ 07105 Main Office: 973-465-4900 Fax: Bell Schedule Monday 8:10 AM - 2:40 PM Tuesday 8:10 AM - 2:40 PM Wednesday 8:10 AM - 2:40 PM Thursday 8:10 AM - 2:40 PM Friday 8:10 AM - 2:40 PM Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) He attended NCSU using his experience at SSS to work on student newspaper and at The Smithfield Herald in college. Kelley_J_Koobs@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Jennifer Lomax - IT Systems Specialist The 2019 inductees and their year of graduation are: Tamara Barbour (1990), Rick Childrey (1973), Marlon Lee (1992), Dr. Craig Pearce (1970), Bruce Radford (1973), and Dr. Renee Sanders-Lawson (1978). View Map & Directions. Kristen_Portalea@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Timothy Hibberd - Media Specialist In 1975 Ramsay became a magnet school, serving average and above average students from throughout the city. Supervisor of 9-12 Education & Student Welfare, Class of 2022 - Gala & Upcoming Events Information. Christine_J_Bang@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Caryn Chavarria - Classroom Teacher High Educational Entrepreneur - Educational System Institute, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio - 1994,Education Policy Fellows Program (EPFP Fellow)/Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) - Public School Forum of North Carolina - 1993,Principal's Executive Program - The Institute of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 1992,North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching - North Carolina Board of Governors - 1985, Video forSSS Inaugural Hall of Fame Inductees, Lyn Andrews (1975), Tony Nixon, Dr. Rose Snipes Bynum(1972),Tom Lock (1974), Darryl Lynn Lucas (1980),Mayor Andy Moore (1989), Tony Nixon (1976), Mike Wooten (1981). Phone: (919) 965 - 3361. 7700 S Watson Rd Arlington, Texas 76002 (682) 314-1300 Dulce_M_Carrillo@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Luisa Chaney - World Languages Resource Teacher Mr. Radford then attended Appalachian State and Campbell University. Elizabeth_H_Seabreeze@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Christine Zafonte - Teacher Savanna Koeckeritz, 10, of Afton, and Alexis Lexi Gibson, 10, of Mahtomedi, were friends and classmates at New Heights School, a small K-12 charter school in Stillwater. During Mr. Radford participated in SSSs Drama Club, School Plays, Student Government Association, Drum Major for SSS Marching Spartans, Naval Junior ROTC Commander of the Manual Arms Rifle Drill Team, School Newspaper Staff. Michael_S_Hayes@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Mary Norfolk - Secretary WebThe Mission of Ramsay High School is to prepare students to succeed at the post-secondary level by providing an enriched educational program. Anne_C_Ehlers@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Sharon Korotkin - Teacher Through our curriculum, we achieve this goal by informing, guiding, and challenging students to understand that knowledge brings questions and responsibilities. The school's site, on a ridge north of the crest of Red Mountain near Five Points South was in the midst of Nabob Hill, a neighborhood claiming many of Birmingham's prominent pioneer families. .As Selma Town Manager Mr. Radfords program ""The Downtown Selma to Uptown Selma Turnaround"" was recognized by the Harvard University Innovations in Government Awards and as the Citizen of the Year by the Smithfield-Selma Chamber of Commerce. She is a retired educator serving grades k-12 as well as Higher education. Florence_W_Henry@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Gillian Kramer - Teacher, Special Education Evelyn_C_Omeir@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Sean Blake - Teacher Sonia_C_Vicente@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Paula Arata - School Financial Specialist After high school he joined the United States Air Force. He served four terms on the Smithfield Town Council and then was elected Mayor of Smithfield in 2015. Cynthia_M_Diehl@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Nicole Sherlock - Classroom Teacher High (Instrumental) The recognition. Jason_G_Lee@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Jin Lei - Classroom Teacher High He received graduate degrees from App State and UNC Chapel Hill. Krista_L_McKim@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Dana Sato - Teacher In response to changing demands on our students, we recently adjusted our daily schedule to offer longer periods of instruction. Kristen_D_Clardy@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Stacey Gordon - Teacher Melissa_A_Brunson@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Kimberly Dutton - Resource Teacher Monica_Abuliak@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Jennifer Bado-Aleman - Assistant Principal (G-Ne) The school was dedicated on September 19, 1930. William_C_Morris@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Cynthia Curry - Security Team Member WebLawrence L. Smalls II, Principal Phone: 910-437-5829 Email: latararay@ccs.k12.nc.us Mrs. LaTara Ray, Assistant Principal I am honored to join the dedicated team of professionals Manager of the School Store. Suzanne_R_Redman@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Christina Wozniak - Speech Pathologist Todd_M_Dembroski@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Katherine Gross - Teacher Marlin_M_GutierrezAlvarenga@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Robert Lambert - Counselor Secondary ", Leech, Marie (February 27, 2013) "Birmingham's Ramsay High School officially an International Baccalaureate school. Ariella_E_Rodriguez@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Kelly Sellevaag - Teacher Sp Ed Transition Michael Thumm, Principal. Promoted to Sgt and Honorably Discharged in 1979. Debra_J_Williams@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Toni Waterton - Registrar One print copy is available in the media center. Nominees to Smithfield-Selma High School Hall of Fame are first eligible after 10 years of their classs graduation. Few would argue that our global society is experiencing a great deal of change, and we are energized by the collaborative efforts of our students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators, and community members to build an optimal living and learning environment, Ramsey High School 256 E. Main Street Ramsey, NJ 07446 201-785-2300x21503 Fax: 201-818-2656, Ms. Angela Trovato Secretary 201-785-2300 x 21503. Michigan State University: Gold hammer Endowed Scholarship - 2000; Richard L. Featherstone Endowed Scholarship - Michigan State University - 2000, 1999; Equal Opportunity Program Fellowship - 1999; Clyde M. Campbell Endowed Scholarship -1998; Equal Opportunity Program Fellowship - 1997. Aislinn_Cunningham@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Lindsey Eutzy - Paraeducator, Spec Ed Principal's Executive Program - The Institute of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 1992, North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching - North Carolina Board of Governors - 1985. In 2018 the band room was named in honor of long-time band director Edward Crenshaw. Jin_Lei@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Connor Leidl - Classroom Teacher High He is a member of the Rotary Club of Central Johnston County since 1990 and a member of the Johnston County Visitors Bureau since 2015. Mr. Moore matriculated to North Carolina St. University. Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Education and Technology, Major English from American Kevin_P_Bernot@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Michael Celenza - Social Studies RT Achieving Excellence One Student at a Time. His postgraduate surgical and otolaryngology training were completed at UNC hospitals. Casey_Defrancesco@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Anne Ehlers - Teacher, Acad Intervention Benjamin_T_Wisniewski@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Suzanne Redman - Speech Pathologist Danielle_Y_Maurer-Hahn@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Andres Mendoza Gamez - Paraeducator Spec Ed He received graduate degrees from App State and UNC Chapel Hill. WebRamsey Community Unit School District #204 702 West Sixth Street Ramsey, Illinois 62080 P. 618-423-2335 F. 618-423-1275 Schools Ramsey Community Unit School Selection is based on achievement after leaving Smithfield-Selma High School which shall include a worthy record in more than one and exemplary achievement in at least one of the following: Professional honors and awards, professional affiliations, publications, Positive impact on the communities around Smithfield Selma High School, Other appropriate qualifications which the committee believes merit consideration. Mr. Radford continues now to volunteer for Selma rejuvenate the Central Business District to it's former glory. Caryn_Chavarria@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Michael Sandstrom - Classroom Teacher High School Principal St. Monica School Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin President Bishop Dunne Catholic School Dallas, Texas English Teacher Saints Peter & Paul High School Easton, Maryland Featured! Jenna_L_Capacchione@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Alejandra Crawley - Counselor Resource Inalva_M_Bovo@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Barbara Bradley - Paraeducator The Official Facebook Page of the Ramsay International Baccalaureate High Mr. Childrey currently serves on the board of trustees for Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield. Richard Lio, the recently retired principal of Ramsey High School, died Thursday night. Maria_H_Ayala@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Rajesh Bhandari - BSW Manager, Shift I Frank_H_WeaverJr@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Debra Williams - Teacher Jennifer_Bado-Aleman@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Daniel Wagner - Assistant Principal (G-Ng) Lio was 63 years old. WebPrincipal 240-740-6610 Ms. Rhoshanda M Pyles Principal High Rhoshanda_M_Pyles@mcpsmd.org Administrative Secretary 240-740-6600 Ms. Ruth E Augustin (Beth) School Administrative Secretary Ruth_E_Augustin@mcpsmd.org Assistant Principal 240-740-6600 Ms. Monica Abuliak Assistant Principal (A-F) Chaoming_He@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Victor Henriquez - Bldng Service Wrkr Shft 1 Went on to become an assistant professor at the University of Memphis and published author. Rather than being known for a single standout program, we strive to deliver the best in all we do. Steven_Mirman@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Cynthia Diehl - Classroom Teacher High (Choral) He then shot and injured two Conor_Jordan@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Margaret Mccarthy - Social Studies Teacher After school he was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. in the US Army. Evan_L_Hoppman@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Annette Newell - Teacher Special Education Rebecca_E_Miller@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Charles Piety - Teacher WebRamsay High School Staff Administration Main Page Dr. Carolyn Russell-Walker, Principal Mr. Micah Kemp, Asistant Principal Ms. Ja'Net Sharpe, Assistant Principal He was responsible for the Wing Commanders Top Secret Document files. The Smithfield-Selma High School Alumni Hall of Fame is designed to annually recognize outstanding Smithfield-Selma High School alumni who have achieved distinction in their lives and chosen field after high school through significant contributions to their career, community or through personal achievements; to provide an incentive for current and future students. Kimberly_G_Dutton@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Veronica Hastings - Paraeducator Spec Ed Supervisor of K-8 Education and Student Welfare. Do you have an Alumni in mind to recommend? Joyce_Kim@mcpsmd.org, Mr. David Potasznik - Teacher Nestor_J_CanjuraCastillo@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Aislinn Cunningham - Paraeducator Spec Ed Long we'll love thee, Ramsay High School Educational Entrepreneur - Educational System Institute, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio - 1994. Password: 300078151. Palacios later died after emergency surgery. What We Do Well At Ramsey Ultimately Prepares Our Students To Excel. Mr. Nixon went to Tennessee St. to play tennis. She is a Charter Member Johnston County Alumnae serving as Chaplain, Committee Chair, Second-Vice President, First Vice-President, President. Username: 300078151. This page has been accessed 33,513 times. Mary_E_Norfolk@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Maria Ayala - Bldng Service Wrkr Shft 1 Rhoshanda_M_Pyles@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Ruth Augustin - School Administrative Secretary Examples of these efforts include hosting the American Cancer Societys Relay for Life over the last six years, raising over $800,000 to fight cancer, and participation in the World Challenge program allowing us to send groups of our students and staff to Costa Rica and Peru to work on service oriented projects with local communities. This page was last modified on 4 May 2022, at 14:20. WebRamsey Street High schools caring and committed professionals will create a dynamic school home. A home that allows scholars to grow academically, socially, and emotionally to become successful and productive members of society. Dr. Price is involved in the Raleigh community and has served on the boards of the Salvation Army of Raleigh, the Urban Ministries of Raleigh and the Open Door Clinic. Adjua_Z_Adama@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Kevin Bernot - Teacher Ariel_N_Villahermosa@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Mubarakshah Yousufy - Building Services Assistant Jane_M_Fry@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Brad Goldberg - Teacher Wooten is a VP at Four Oaks Bank and Trust and has also served on the Smithfield Town Council as well as being an accomplished collegiate football referee. Kimberly_G_Dutton@mcpsmd.org, This page is maintained by the Rockville High School Web Team, School Business Administrator 240-740-6612, Report Positive Student and Staff COVID Cases. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Christine_F_Zafonte@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Daniella Decker - Speech Pathologist Gillian_Kramer@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Evelyn Omeir - Paraeducator Mrs. Barbour Implemented Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, EMBODI helping p, roviding Scholarships for high school seniors. Mr. Radfords career was in Town Management in Troy, Washington, Selma and Apex. The following August, additional programs were added to the curriculum, forming Ramsay Alternative High School. To that end, we have dedicated a significant amount of time toward creating lessons that promote vital skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. University of Memphis:-Nominated for the Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award - University of Memphis - 2011, 2012; College of Education Leadership Initiative-2007; Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Academic Leadership Program Fellow - The Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) - 2003Michigan State University: Gold hammer Endowed Scholarship - 2000; Richard L. Featherstone Endowed Scholarship - Michigan State University - 2000, 1999; Equal Opportunity Program Fellowship - 1999;Clyde M. Campbell Endowed Scholarship -1998; Equal Opportunity Program Fellowship - 1997. Thomas_A_Rea@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Ariella Rodriguez - Paraeducator, Spec Ed Mr. Radford was a community servant with Jaycees, American Legion Post 124, Judge Advocate, Rotary Club, Meals on Wheels, Habitat Humanity, Crisis Line, Washington Historic Commission, Save Richard B. Harrison Gym Committee, Red Cross Volunteer, and Pamlico-Tar River Environmental Committee. Barbara_A_Bradley@mcpsmd.org, Mr. John Felix - Teacher He and his wife, Pamela, were named co-volunteers of the year for the Open Door Clinic. Trial subscription allowing unlimited access to hundreds of magazines! Judy_A_Heier@mcpsmd.org, Dr. Jodi Oliveri - Specialist, Auditory Devel Dr. Sanders-Lawson received her Ph.D. in Educational Administration from Michigan State University and her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Masters of Science degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We gave Principal Detering a copy of the Dave Ramsey syllabus, along with an introductory DVD about the class, Foundations in Personal Finance. She is a Spirit of Shaw Award Recipient. Important. She has been recognized withDelta Sigma ThetaSouth Atlantic RegionLeadership Fellow 2014-2016. She taught at Selma Middle and Clayton High. Francisco_J_Guevara@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Teressa Holmes - Security Team Member Michael_N_Celenza@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Jane Fry - Teacher 1800 13th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205. Laurie_K_Ainsworth@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Shana Ilgenfritz - Interpreter Daniella_O_Decker@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Joharri Harris - Paraeducator, Spec Ed Sandra_M_Boyke@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Kimberly Dutton - Teacher, Special Education Brad_K_Goldberg@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Conor Jordan - Teacher No classrooms were affected, but the gym was closed due to smoke and water damage. Our curriculum is under continual review in order to best address the changing needs of our learners. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Agustin_Q_Chuquitarqui@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Jose Cruz - Building Service Worker Sh 2 Principal | Administrative Secretary | Assistant Principal | School Business Administrator | Art | Athletic Director | Attendance Office | Building Services | College/Career Center | Counseling | CTE Programs & Child Dev | English | ESOL | Financial Specialist | Food Services | Graduation Advisor | Health Room | International Baccalaureate | Interpreting Services | ITSS | Main Office | Mathematics | Media Center | Media Services Technician | Music | Physical Education | Registrar | Science | Security | Social Studies | Special Education | Special Education - Autism | Special Education, D/HOH | Special Education, LFI | Speech & Language Therapy | Staff Development Teacher | Student Service Learning | World Languages | SpecialEd Support Staff, Ms. Rhoshanda Pyles - Principal High During Mr. Radford participated in SSSs Drama Club, School Plays, Student Government Association, Drum Major for SSS Marching Spartans, Naval Junior ROTC Commander of the Manual Arms Rifle Drill Team, School Newspaper Staff. Mr. Childrey has served with Jaycess since 1978 with a leadership role as Smithfield Jaycees President for a year as well as the state Vice President. Jackson-Olin High School| Upon Mr. Radfords retirement (2016) Governor Pat McCrory gave Bruce the ""Order of the Long Leaf Pine"", the highest civilian award given in the State of NC for 32 years of continuous service to the State and her citizens. Andres_MendozaGamez@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Sonia Mix - Paraeducator Spec Ed WebRamsey High School, established in 1909, is a four-year comprehensive community public high school serving students in ninth through twelfth grades from Ramsey, in Bergen The ultimate goal is Academic achievement is evident in our standardized test scores, admissions to competitive colleges, and the degree to which our graduates succeed at post-high school institutions. Jason_L_Greenberg@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Julie James - Resource Teacher WebThe mission of the Ramsey Public Schools is to develop successful individuals who will possess the knowledge, skills and values necessary to become independent, self-fulfilled Alejandra_E_Crawley@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Marlin Gutierrez Alvarenga - School Secretary II 12 Month Terrance_D_Kennedy@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Danielle Maurer-Hahn - Teacher Mrs. Barbour Implemented Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, EMBODI helping providing Scholarships for high school seniors. Christopher_Orlando@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Kristen Portalea - Classroom Teacher High Karl_F_Kraus@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Jason Lee - Classroom Teacher High Rosy_E_Benitez@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Cynthia Garcia - Teacher ESOL Played basketball at Peace College. The departure of Eric Ramsey following 11 years at the helm marks the complete turnover of all Springfield high school principals in a three-year period. Writer, Marketing and Distribution Manager. Keyondra_L_Twyman@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Ariel Villahermosa - Bldng Service Wrkr Shft 1 Writer, Marketing and Distribution Manager. Rajesh_K_Bhandari@mcpsmd.org, Mrs. Bao Jin Chen - Building Service Worker Sh 2 Mr. Lee was chosen as the East Wests All Star game in Greensboro as Assistant Coach for Womens Basketball. Mr. Lee is a spokesperson for his community and serves as East Smithfields Town Councilman. Toni_T_Waterton@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Lillian Chang - Classroom Teacher High of Medicine/Nephrology and industry research, GlaxoSmithKline VP of US Medical Affairs. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools accredited Ramsay in 1932. Jacqueline_R_Guers@mcpsmd.org, Ms. Judy Heier - Teacher Mrs Barbour is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Mu Omicron Chapter, Fall 1993. Dr. Sanders-Lawson was the first African American female principal in Johnston County School District (post-integration), served as principal, counselor, and HR Director here. Teressa_A_Holmes@mcpsmd.org, Mr. Adjua Adama - Teacher COVID-19 Update: Responsive Library Services, SSS Spanish 2019-2020 Parent Engagement Policy, Parental Request Form for Information on Teachers and Teacher Assistants, Social Emotional Learning / Mental Health Resources, Ayuda Para El Inicio de Sesin Del Estudiante, Johnston Community College Library Home Page, Important Dates for Seniors in the Class of 2020. kate steinle obituary,
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