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[3] Sometime in the 1980s Troy McClure portrayed Radioactive Man in a Radioactive Man movie trilogy. Finding him became a major theme of the Countdown year-long series and crossover event.[4]. They are all humans who can transform into a skeletal creatures wreathed in flame. Daredevil, gets splashed with radioactive juice and can hear through walls. He is a member of the Fantastic Four who gained his powers when cosmic rays hit his spacecraft. He is also called by his longer title, Flame Hero: Endeavor. He debuted in the Brave New World one-shot, a preview of projects, and then appeared in the series The All-New Atom, written by Gail Simone. Fire is an awesome element to control, and any hero who wields this particular element usually takes a seat in the main character slot. Halflife was an English professor who was exposed to gamma radiation. While there have been many revisions of this once-great character, the original version had it that the first Marvel Girl - Jean Grey - was transformed into a much more powerful being when she was exposed to radiation while piloting the X-Men in their damaged shuttle back to earth. With that in mind, here are 15 radioactive superheroes and villains. Wolfcastle is incapable of saying the "Up and Atom!" The user can produce radiological contamination to induce villages, towns, and cities to country-wide areas inhabitable wastelands and radiation sickness that can put their opponents in a state of biological degradation. Wow, what a great thing you are doing in your free time to make kids feel comfortable. She can exhale mystical green fire. Not a lot get to see him often, but the Human Lantern is a member of the All-Star Winner Squadron, and he just wanted to use his mystical flames to help his teammates. Hour after hour, 20 hours since the explosion, so 40 bombs worth by now. Cray was initially believed to be Ray Palmer in disguise by members of the team. Not simply the result of basic exposure to radiation, his powers are the result of being bitten by a spider which was exposed to radiation. To be honest, Im not really sure if hes evil or one of the heroes. Spider-Man Spider-Man is the most famous superhero from Marvel who obtained his superpower from radiation exposure. Also in the Tangent series, the Atom's presence as America's first superhero during the 1960s has led to a huge cultural impact, and in this world many significant points in pop culture have been effected by his presence; for instance The Beatles choose to be called "The Atomiks", further more TV shows such as The Beverly Hillbillies became The Superman Hillbillies, The Dick Van Dyke Show became The Dick Van Hero Show and Get Smart became Get Powers. The Best Names for Made-Up Heroes Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? Senator Cray also attended Ivy and expected Adam to attend Ivy as well. She can project balls of mystical fire that can destroy demons. Very much a double edged sword, his strange power is the ability to release a super-powered energy being from his body. It might just be a nickname, but the name Jubilee fits her abilities nicely. [9] This new Atom is based on a redesign by Grant Morrison. The role of Fallout Boy was cast from local children. In an effort to stop worrying about what the future holds, I took a look back at how comic books have treated radiation in the past. Boom-Boom (Tabitha Smith) Brainstorm (Valeria Richards) Caiera Callisto Camille "Cammi" Benally Captain Britain (Elizabeth Braddock) Cerise Cipher (Alisa Tager) Clea (Clea Strange) Cloud 9 (Abigail Boylen) Commander Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin) Copycat (Vanessa Carlysle) Crystal (Crystalia Amaquelin) Dagger (Tandy Bowen) Dakota North After stumbling onto a mass of white dwarf star matter that had fallen to Earth, he fashioned a lens which allowed him to shrink down to subatomic size. newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse. Fire isnt her primary ability. Fire (DC) Occasionally also called Green Flame. She got her name due to igniting the air around her that causes her to look like a bird with flames. The angrier he gets the stronger and smaller he becomes. She can generate something that appears to resemble fireworks. Or when they reach the point of no return, cells can commit a sort of suicide, a process known as apoptosis. [1] The second Atom was the Silver Age Atom, Ray Palmer, who first appeared in 1961. Jon Osterman was transformed into the near god-like Doctor Manhattan following an accident in an intrinsic field experiment. A former member of the Circus of Crime, Griffin is a gamma-irradiated member of the Gamma Corps. His real name is Dirk Morgna, and he has the ability to unleash internal solar energy. He acquired his powers after surviving an atomic bomb explosion. Later, Palmer offers his blessing to the couple when they marry, and he offers Hoben his size-changing belt so that Hoben can protect Ivy Town after Ray returns to the Morlaidhans. She can also control these explosions as a simple harmless light show to something that can destroy hard materials. This list encompasses fictional characters with the supernatural, paranormal or superhuman ability to produce and/or manipulate ionizing radiation.. For this list Media refers to where the character was first created for. As a result of Mister Mind "eating" aspects of this reality, it takes on visual aspects similar to the pre-Crisis Earth-2, including the Atom among other Justice Society of America characters. In the original story, they land and immediately begin to transform, as if the radiation was fine until they got back to earth. As the film Radioactive Man Re-Rises reboots what is described in season 25's "Steal This Episode" as "the last one", it can be inferred that a Radioactive Man film was produced prior to Re-Rises but after the unfinished Rainier Wolfcastle film from the season 7 episode "Radioactive Man". Two heroes in the Marvel Universe have taken up the name Toro, but the one who can burst into flames like the Human Torch is the first Toro. Solid and impassable, this reliable character is embodied by his power. Personal Energy Manipulation. Abstract: Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) are methods of delivering ionizing radiation using highly focused convergent beams to target a lesion while limiting exposure of adjacent structures. Dude Henwick - A gangster who led his gang in robbing an ice cream parlor. He obtained his superpower after being bitten by a spider who is exposed to radiation too. The DNA helix is like a train track with rails made of chemicals called base pairs. Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. If it were a true comic book of the era, it would never include such overt use of cancer. She also reveals that by placing a sliver of Green Kryptonite in Superman's optic nerve, she caused him to accidentally kill Doctor Light, with the added effect of severely weakening and almost killing Superman over time. Fictional characters with nuclear or radiation abilities, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Fictional_characters_with_nuclear_or_radiation_abilities&oldid=1118475508, This page was last edited on 27 October 2022, at 06:05. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics He can also create solar blasts that he can later hurl at enemies. Strobe - A criminal who stole an experimental suit that grants him energy projection and photokinesis. Thank you. Another Atom from the 853rd Century first appeared as part of Justice Legion Alpha in August 1999.[2]. As a result, the extent of his powers are not known. If she isnt writing, shes probably on a quest somewhere in the Forgotten Realms or completing her Pokdex entries. Fantastic Four, American team of comic strip superheroes, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for Marvel Comics in 1961, that brought an element of realism to the genre unique for its time. A hero with a tough childhood, Firestar found a home first with the White Queen in Massachusetts Academy. (Our atmosphere shields most of these cosmic rays). The names of the characters and the team are not mentioned in the panel in which they appear, but the Atom is visually similar to the Al Pratt Atom. Ultraviolet Manipulation. Illuminati, it is the secret team that creates events in the Marvel Universe and consists of many superheroes. [2] By the 1970s, it was filmed in color and retrospectively regarded as campy, with villains such as The Scoutmaster. Hour after hour, 20 hours since the explosion, so 40 bombs worth by now. She has aided the X-Men using her sun and flame abilities like her brother. EPA Names 2023 Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings. The Leader. Among the parallel realities shown is one designated "Earth-2". While standard hazmat suits are virtual to totally worthless against ionizing radiation, alpha particle radiation can't penetrate both skin and clothing. April 26, 2023. Anyway, the Hulk is a clear cut case of radiation-induced superpowers, with the caveat of those powers having seriously damaged Bruce's quality of life. The comics are published as if they were the actual Simpsons universe's Radioactive Man comics; a "1970s"-published comic features a letter written by a ten-year-old Marge Simpson, for instance. Now a new recruit in the Initiative. For example, Burnin is a flame-based pro-hero in Endeavors Agency. Adam Cray, son of the murdered Senator Joseph Cray, first appeared as the Atom in the pages of Suicide Squad #44 by John Ostrander (August 1990). Tusk - John Brandt is a criminal with tusks on his lower jaw. On this Earth, the Atom is Jessica Palmer, a genius who graduated from MIT at age eight. By using this site you agree to the following Terms of Use. Stroehm - A gangster who framed Mr. Baker for arson in order to get to the copper deposit on his property. Each of the versions of Atom have their own enemies: Frank Miller portrayed Ray Palmer as a major player in Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again as part of Batman's resistance. [63], In Countdown #30, the Challengers from Beyond encountered Earth-15, a world where the sidekicks had taken their mentor's places. Sixteen-year-old Jennifer Takeda has everything going for herthe affluent, college-bound honor roll student and promising track and field athleteuntil her deadly radioactive powers emerge, poisoning her parents, hospitalizing her boyfriend, Greg, and killing her dog from overexposure. A former member of the Circus of Crime, Griffin is a gamma-irradiated member of the Gamma Corps. Still, the movie raised an age-old question: what would it take to obtain superpowers? [1] His origin story in issue #1 of the Radioactive Man comic was released in 1952. But here at Reactions, We kick it old school. He gained his powers from huffing gamma irradiated gasoline. Given DC's long history, there's no feasable way to compile a complete list of all the charatcers with alliterative names. Very few references to Radioactive Man's actual super powers have been made. It seems her flaming hair also grants her the ability to fly. For other uses, see, Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure, "DC Comics Unveils Earth 53 in 'Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt', "Justice League Snyder Cut Image Shows DC Comics Ryan Choi", "Zack Snyder Confirms ATOM Was In His Justice League", "I have a (literally) small cameo in this trailer AND this movie. The son of Doctor Frye was a popular schoolboy in his small hometown, where he was known for his kindness and as a local American Football star. Copy the link to this page and share it with your friends. Big Deal - A magician and card trick specialist who is the latest member of the Big Gang. One of the most well-known of the radiation-created superheroes is Spider-Man. The flames arent just for show because Ghost Riders have Hellfire Manipulation. Instead of using Radioactive Man's clever catchphrase "up and atom!" However, by highlighting the superheroes who got their power through exposure to radiation I hope to bring some levity to the moment, so here (in no particular order) are ten of them that I like best. There have been numerous characters over the years to hold onto this handle, but for this list, we are focusing on Chen Lu. Gamma Powered appears in 250 issues. The user can manipulate radiation; energy in the form of photons, electrons, positrons, protons, neutrons, or unidentified forces produced from thermal emissions, electromagnetism, nuclear fission chain reactions, or radioactive decay. LENEXA, KAN. (APRIL 26, 2023) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing its annual "Top Cities" list, spotlighting the cities with the greatest number of ENERGY STAR-certified and multifamily buildings in 2022. A member of the New Paramounts. Fire Star aka Angelica "Angel" Jones is a fire-based mutant superhero who is part of the Marvel mutant group X-Men. This Atom's powers differ from his predecessors in that he doesn't shrink but breaks up into several smaller duplicates of himself divided amongst his mass. I thought about titling this "When Radiation is a Good Thing", but that seemed a little tasteless. The only reasons that have ever been hinted at for these diverse powers are emotional, which then implies that the radiation is somehow also psychic or at least emotionally sensitive, which implies something more complex than radiation sickness. Druid - The ruler of the sub-atomic world of Catamoore which is governed by magic. Big Head - The mastermind and leader of the Big Gang. These are in publication order. [62] Based on comments by Grant Morrison, this alternate universe is not the pre-Crisis Earth-2. The Blue Hulk appeares in the Marvel Mini strips, now is being written by Audrey Loeb. So, while its more of a type of light controlling power, we cant ignore that its still somehow related to flames. Not exactly her main ability, but Humming Bird can generate Sacred Flames. The Blue Spirit shows in both the animated series and the comic. His sidekick is Fallout Boy, and his catchphrase is "Up and atom!" Male Superheroes are often given names that reflect their powers, strengths or origins. But since I didn't limit the question to comics, other people posted several very good answers from earlier science fiction. Pow! Marvel Comics [] Even if you developed an extra cone today, as at least one human has, thered be no guarantee that your brain could comprehend the visual information or that youd be able to describe the sensation to others. Adam Cray remained with the Suicide Squad briefly, serving as a secret weapon whose existence was unknown to others of the Squad. In addition, the Negative Man energy being which he releases is very much a separate entity from himself and it seems that there is often negotiation and discomfort in this almost cuckoo-like arrangement. In Simpsons Comics #145, Comic Book Guy is talking about the 1st appearance of Radioactive Man in Adrenaline Comics #1, which he claims is the rarest comic of them all, this is on page 10, which also shows the cover of Adrenaline Comics #1. The blockbuster reboot of the Fantastic Four flamed out this weekend, pulling in a meager $26 million at the U.S. box office. One of the only superheroes who got his powers as a child, it wasn't until Murdoch was in college that he began to use them to fight crime, almost as if took that time to grow into himself. Cootie Gang - A gang who stole a solvant that can dissolve metal from a science lab. Another thing is creating and unleashing radiation to burn, harm, or fatally attack their opponent. She is also one of DCs first superheroes with a South Asian heritage. At one point, Cray approaches Deadshot about his role in Senator Cray's murder. [4] The trilogy consisted of: In 1995, a Hollywood studio attempted to film a Radioactive Man movie in Springfield. Some other re-imaginings of the Atom include an appearance in, Al Pratt as the Atom was one of the three heroes who chose to work at the side of Senator Thompson in, The Ray Palmer incarnation of the Atom appears in, The Al Pratt incarnation of the Atom appears in the, The Ray Palmer incarnation of the Atom and Ryan Choi appear in media set in the, A futuristic incarnation of the Atom named, The Ryan Choi and Ray Palmer incarnations of the Atom appear in, The Ray Palmer incarnation of the Atom appears in the, Alternate universe versions of Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi appear in, An unidentified, alternate universe version of the Atom makes a non-speaking appearance in, The Ryan Choi incarnation of the Atom appears in, The Al Pratt, Ray Palmer, and Ryan Choi incarnations of the Atom all appear in, The Ray Palmer incarnation of the Atom appears as a playable character in, Atomica, Ryan Choi / Atom, and the Arrowverse incarnation of Ray Palmer / Atom all appear in, The Ryan Choi incarnation of the Atom appears as a playable DLC character in, This page was last edited on 20 April 2023, at 03:58. He was taken prisoner by Lex Luthor and made to live in one of his own petri dishes for a period of months until his rescue by Catgirl. A superhero created in the 30th and 31st centuries of DCs Universe. Radiation Manipulation. An accident with a Gamma Accelerator would give normal Delilah Deerborn the power to become the Gamma-Power Mimicing hero, Geiger. Some of the money Perry made was split between the donation to the Policeman's Ball and to Perry and his impoverished mother. His hero name means attempting to achieve goals, and when you look at the characters history, it fits him very well. She has been transformed into the Harpy, died, and is now a Hulk herself although she lost her powers when Doctor Green, the new incarnation of the Hulk, injected her with the cure for Gamma Radiation. After a climactic fight in the heart of Manhattan where he reconciled his personalities, he's now a slimmed down Hulk with a new superhero identity, Brawn, who leads the Agents of Atlas in defending Asia. If the energy level is strong enough, then it can pass through solid barriers, like our skin, and cause changes in our DNA. This reboot has a new origin story about how the quartet became so fantastic, something involving alternate dimensions. In human eyes, colors are perceived by three light sensors in the eye called cones, but birds have an extra, mutated cone that detects ultraviolet light. Its more of a title over a superhero alias, but Roy Mustang is a hero in his own right. Using science to explain the radiation that, in Marvel Comics' universe of superheroes, NARRATOR: Fantastic Four are back. The Fragmented One/WAN/he Eternal Network/Fuxi/The Maker of Machines/Hakhama/The Great Voice/Sophia/Mekhane/SCP-001 - TwistedGears/Kaktus Proposal - The Broken God, SCP-001 - djkaktus's Proposal - The Children, SCP-0001 - Meta Ike's Proposal - The Solution, SCP-2350 - A Romance in Higher Dimensions, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Radioactivity Alteration/Change/Control/Influence/Manipulation/Modification/Warping, Radioactive/Radiation Energy Manipulation, Since some radiation is a form of energy, users of. Cray had been recruited by Palmer (who faked his own death) to apprehend the Micro Squad, a group of villains that had been reduced in size. Fantastic; his shy fiance, Sue Storm, the disappearing Invisible Girl; her fiery-tempered teen brother, Johnny, better known as the new Human Torch; and Richards' brusque friend, ace pilot Ben Grimm, the grotesque man-monster called the Thingeach In the same childhood accident that gave him his powers, flying radioactive rods (or spilled radioactive chemicals, depending what you read) blinded Matt Murdoch and gave him extra-sensitive senses. On a basic level, radiation is any energy that travels through space in the form of waves or particles. Krusty the Clown was cast as villains Dr. Clownius and Silly Sailor. While Palmer infiltrated the Micro Squad, Cray would attract the attention of the Cabal as the new Atom so that no one would notice Palmer assuming the identity of a fallen Micro Squad member. 29. Fantastic), with his emotional inflexibility and his mental acuity is oddly able to stretch his body like elastic. Variety of radiation can vary in what they can do, their origins of creation, and what stops them from harming or inducing stability to the erratic particle/energy to convert them into non-radioactive material. On the newly introduced Earth-52, Atomarsupial is one of the metasimian Primate Legion [64]. However, with Murdoch it is very much a case of the powers only being part of the story, the other part being his own will to fight since his power themselves are only sensory. Create, choose, store and copy nicknames for games and social networks on one page. In short, the user can manipulate non-hazardous and precarious radioactive material mostly frequently in the form of particle radiation or electromagnetic radiation. The love of Bruce Banner's life, she has been one of the Hulk's greatest allies, though she is the daughter of his greatest enemy, General 'Thunderbolt' Ross. Fantastic come together to save the world. Nsikan Akpan is the digital science producer for PBS NewsHour and co-creator of the award-winning, NewsHour digital series ScienceScope. 15. The movie was never completed due to budget overruns caused by constant price-gouging by Springfield vendors, and Milhouse snapping from the pressure of the role, and refusing to continue to portray Fallout Boy - former child actor Mickey Rooney attempted to take over the role, with predictably miserable results. He is also an old enemy of. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/can-radiation-give-superpowers. There is a Marvel Comics villain named Radioactive Man; he is unrelated to the Simpsons character. The nickname generator on this page will help you pick creative syllable combinations and find interesting unique nicknames for Radiation. She's also able to . First of all I love that the radiation is "cosmic", it is so far out, there is something deeply dated about the Fantastic Four's origins and I'm glad that that has never been altered. Adam Cray would later steal this belt; Hoben never uses the costume or name of the Atom. Before writing full-time, she used to 50 Cool Fire Superhero Names (From Comics & Made-UP), 18. .. and who inadvertently ends up filling the old Atom's super-heroic shoes". The origin of Fallout Boy was changed for the movie: Rod Runtledge acquires superpowers after getting run over by an x-ray truck and blasted in the face by the x-ray machine it was transporting. His sidekick is Fallout Boy, and his catchphrase is "Up and atom!" He is a member of the the Superior Squad (an Avengers and Justice League like organization). 1996 - 2023 NewsHour Productions LLC. Combination of Electromagnetism Manipulation and Nuclear Manipulation. Much later, he gained the innate equivalent powers within his own body. Neutron (DC Comics) Nightstar (comics) Non (comics) Nuclear Man P Power Girl R Radioactive Man (comics) Radioactive Man (The Simpsons) Monica Rambeau Ronnie Raymond (character) Reactron Red Star (comics) Robert Maverick Betty Ross Thunderbolt Ross Jason Rusch S Satan Girl She-Hulk Skullfire Soldier Boy Starfire (Teen Titans) Martin Stein Queen Volcano - fire powers (not obvious at all) Tecton - earthquake powers Deathmunch - he's kinda hungry (couldn't resist) Wildflame - fire powers (no kiddin) Optimo Salvo - no idea at the moment Steel Prophet - someone with guns? But unlike the Human Torch, who doesnt seem to experience side effects, Inferno does get damaged due to his abilities. AndresRed 1 yr. ago. It means the fire we're watching with our own eyes is giving nearly twice the radiation released by the bomb in Hiroshima. The choice to become Daredevil with relatively limited powers and a slight disability is emblematic of his character as "the man without fear.". Becoming the Hulk doesn't kill Bruce, but it does make it hard for him to access his personality and intelligence. Atom and Hawkman discovered that this was the evil side of Johnny Burns that manifested due to an exposure to the Photonoscope and a device that Ray Palmer was analyzing which affected his mother who worked as Ivy University's cleaning lady. the version that lives in my head is the "real" one to me.) Reactions to this incident varied . Elkins - A man whose camera hypnotizes people into doing his bidding. though the "young justice" cartoon helped create a more stream-lined origin for ol' tornado, his actual comic history is pretty strange.. created in the 60's, red tornado first appeared in "mystery in space #61" where he appeared . It means the fire we're watching with our own eyes is giving nearly twice the radiation released by the bomb in Hiroshima. In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Japan and ensuing tsunami, multiple problems maintaining the countries nuclear reactors are being wrestled with. It is suggested in the Tangent series that the Atom's name was at least in part chosen because of the abbreviation of his full name "Arthur Harrison Thompson" on his barracks door to simply "A. He combined a word similar to his explosive abilities plus took the last part of his favorite heros name as a way to pay homage. Increase radiation within anything to induce ionization and corrosion of matter or deplete it to make an area risk-free. A radioactive particle is an unstable atom that spews energy in an attempt to restore balance. As radiation can damage organic material, it can inadvertently cause mutations in DNA, RNA, gnomes, proteins, and chemicals. Rhonda falls inside the building and lands near Ray Palmer's Atomico work, gaining size- and density-changing powers. Turn on Spotify or the radio, and sound radiation pumps jams into your ears. His son died, after which he went insane. Fantastic Four, it is a team of four fearless scientists who received superpowers upon exposure to cosmic radiation. Not so far anyway. 2: Ronin: ~750 year old samurai blessed with longevity, and he doesn't have a master any knife so that's why I picked the name. Just like their element, they show strong personalities and unwavering determination. One of the most well-known of the radiation-created superheroes is Spider-Man. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Distance, mass, precision, etc., depends upon the user's knowledge, skill, and strength and their power's natural limits. Contains spoilers for Wonder Woman #798! None of the Ghost Riders are villains, but they do play the roles of either a hero or an anti-hero. She is a member of The Kingdom, a superhero group of African heroes. At atomic size, these duplicates can mimic elements such as gold and oxygen.[16]. [4], The Atom introduced during the Silver Age of comic books in Showcase #34 (1961) is physicist and university professor Raymond Palmer, Ph.D. (He was named for real-life science fiction writer Raymond A. Palmer, who was himself quite short.) Firelord was an ordinary Xandarain man until he was given mastery over cosmic flames. Sting - An old friend of Blacksnake who controls robotic bees. Later, Cray is impaled through the chest with a screw by Blacksnake, a Micro Squad member who believes him to be Palmer. Radioactive Man is a comic book superhero who appeared in The Radioactive Man Franchise. Bobbi Jo is one of the offspring of Bruce Banner and mother of Bruce Banner Jr. Bart Simpson, a huge Radioactive Man fan, tried out for the part, but it went to his pal, Milhouse Van Houten due to Bart being an inch too short. Scalar Wave Manipulation. Radioactive Man is the name of several characters in superhero fiction. Maybe there was some kind of interaction between the cosmic radiation and the atmosphere. 5. [11] At the conclusion of the "Trinity War" storyline, she is revealed to in fact be betraying both teams; she hails from the alternate universe of Earth-3, where she is a member of the Crime Syndicate operating under the name Atomica.
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