- 7. Mai 2023
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Np1$2'q+f b4gb0mg=a}57A9d1s Xz=g>8]ZHj8 Please contact us for assistance. 0000017573 00000 n 0000158319 00000 n 0000062663 00000 n These products are, in the manufacturer's opinion, similar and can be used for the same purpose. 0000006127 00000 n Not sure who to talk to? RELAY CROSS REFERENCE - Obsolete Relay Solutions | Cephos Electronic Circuits Ltd Obsolete Relays A cross-reference guide for the Cephos alternatives of many obsolete small signal relays using original manufacturer, relay type or original part number in the search box below to speed up your search Relay Cross-Reference Show entries Search: The 9660 is UL, ENEC and IECEx approved. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. 0000004842 00000 n 24A34-1. startxref HlU$'SC06s9>(?HmoF0\~R/zk/pj=clXu^E &D,b. 0000008473 00000 n 7 A < Trigger point < 14 A. Text: -Bit Microprogram Sequencer Am29C331 CMOS 16-Bit Microprogram Sequencer Am29332 32-Bit Extended Function ALU, Abstract: A09 N03 yb04 b09 n03 GE H11 A10 K/1/64W am29c332 1-7 of 7 results for Products. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Feeds Parts Directory Manufacturer . If an electromechanical relay is used, the total line current is used. 0000096764 00000 n Klixon compressor relay datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. %%EOF 0000173062 00000 n Text: high inrush current that can appear when the rotor is stalled. U(@,3b'/'+#7"voCr>,oy ZPp$2Ut@Xi0FzGe!008," X!AAA3OL LYL/X8$3Xggrk%j^p1FclO8,tf&/8?8 d%3bjyfYLlN@@@Wq-@5 R0,zA lNQ)TpXgX4cc` ``j0 zYh% endstream endobj 218 0 obj <> endobj 219 0 obj <>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 220 0 obj <> endobj 221 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 222 0 obj <> endobj 223 0 obj <> endobj 224 0 obj <> endobj 225 0 obj <> endobj 226 0 obj <> endobj 227 0 obj <> endobj 228 0 obj <> endobj 229 0 obj <> endobj 230 0 obj <> endobj 231 0 obj <> endobj 232 0 obj <> endobj 233 0 obj <> endobj 234 0 obj <>stream 0000168531 00000 n Klixon 4TM Refrigerator 1/4 HP Overload Protector - Repair Parts Inc Figure 1. Cross Reference - Emerson 0000003314 00000 n 0000010062 00000 n Adequate electrical connection between relay terminals and, Abstract: Sequencer* klixon 12S22 ZC24A34-6 Sequencer* klixon 51172-33 ZC24A34-3 15S24 White rodgers 24a34-3 ZC24A34-1 60000EOM51172 0000173944 00000 n *1uX${fk^B.Z|"mb1):R&Rydm91!,_5iO{0UY3@7`2t5-m~ [ Sensata replacements for Honeywell parts Sensata / Klixon & Airpax Circuit Breakers Sensata / Klixon Bi-metal Thermostats Feeds Parts Directory . 4 offers from $14.79. Precision Thermostats Cross-Reference Chart - Sensata Please note the differences in the specs; such as, ampere ratings, voltage ratings, and physical color when looking for alternates to these products. either by a thermal relay , a PTC-resistor or a Klixon , pumps, fans, heaters, lights and many other applications. 0000002784 00000 n $20.00. 0000004489 00000 n Series Schematic (jpg) Series suffixes. related to the . 0000003352 00000 n 0000155141 00000 n These sensors can be the Klixon BA , current . w)DZm`zFit++zvd1pYSyU*{C#du:*}\$ffSq>W@e ;\]-a+s-sNME|. 217 0 obj <> endobj xref 217 69 0000000016 00000 n may differ slightly, a detailed comparison between data sheets should be done before selecting a particular relay as an exact cross reference. KLIXON 9660-083-149 Motor starting relay replacement part $18.00 or Best Offer NEW Klixon 9660-083-152 Motor Starting Relay Replacement Part 9660083152 $29.00 KLIXON SL-1A KIT Replacement Motor Starting Relay Kit Includes 6 Relays $79.00 KLIXON T6 9660 007 175 MOTOR STARTING RELAY $10.00 $12.45 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Two TRIAC topology T(C) Klixon VAC 1 C 2 PTC Run , by a thermal cut-off. %PDF-1.7 % Up to four levels , sequences. hVYo8+|LyI$ |$gj"Im,9&Xcg4g0!\C'\9#B2Dx$G>'G}vC=B| /)S-O 74y&y:&|WjR_HCUd4Xz#~Tz Sensata Technologies offers KLIXON Precision thermostats to replace items listed on the Honeywell Sensing and Controls Last Time Buy letter dated July 24, 2020. Compatible Replacement For Klixon 4TM Refrigerator 1/4 HP Overload Protector. Email Customer Support. 0000174140 00000 n 108 0 obj <>stream Search. 0000003387 00000 n 1999-2023 ZETTLER Controls, Inc. - A ZETTLER Group Company - By using this page you agree with our privacy and cookie policy. Appli Parts motor start capacitor 145-175 Mfd (microfarads) uF 110-125 VAC universal fit for electric motor applications 1-7/16 in Diameter 2-3/4 in Height CON-145-110. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 0000128122 00000 n :Eo*Hf$)Ot8)|/|tFy5 ^[@ Klixon compressor relay datasheet & application notes - Datasheet Archive Get help with pricing, lead times, quotes, orders, samples, and other general product inquiries. Questionable interchangeability of products should be referred to ZETTLER Controls, Inc. for clarification. 0000018602 00000 n 0000014154 00000 n This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. PDF 3CR SERIES| MOTOR STARTING RELAYS - Sensata 0000011409 00000 n TI assumes no responsibility for infringements of patents or rights of others based on TI, 2014 - contactor wiring diagram with timer, wireless 3-phase starter using rf technology, wireless 3-phase motor starter using RF technology, 2.7V to 5.5V Input, 600mA Single Synchronous Buck DC/DC Converter for Automotive, Nano Pulse Control, 3.5V to 40V Input, 1A Single 2.2MHz Buck DC/DC Converter For Automotive, Nano Pulse Control, 3.5V to 40V Input, 2A Single 2.2MHz Buck DC/DC Converter For Automotive, PWM Type DC/DC Converter IC with Integrated Switching MOSFET, 2.7V to 5.5V Input, 3.0A Integrated MOSFET Single Synchronous Buck DC/DC Converter. Family. 0000003092 00000 n more information Accept. Phenolic Motor Protectors Single-Phase | Sensata Technologies 0000173115 00000 n Use our White-Rodgers selector. NTE Relay Cross Reference Guide - Source Research 0000174075 00000 n 24A34-1, 24A34 Series Electric Heat Sequencers. Sequencer* klixon datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. A four-level logical sequencer allows you to perform , conditions programmed by the user are met, the sequencer carries out the preset actions. Sequencer* klixon datasheet & application notes - Datasheet Archive 0000009186 00000 n 0000172834 00000 n 0000166748 00000 n You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Text: . 0000173091 00000 n The Datasheet Archive. 0000003060 00000 n The purpose of the Cross Refererce Guide is to assist you in searching for a part on our linecard by the manufacturer which is similar in function to products of other companies. Klixon Motor Protectors - Carbon Brush 071-0090-00 36021 071-0090-01 36022 071-0090-03 36024 071-0090-04 36025 071-0090-05 36026 071-0090-19 36030 071-0092-06 36032 071-0092-16 36034 071-0092-18 36035 071-0092-23 36036 071-0092-25 36037 071-0092-27 36038 071-0092-39 36044 071-0099-00 36040 0000013855 00000 n 0000008336 00000 n KLIXON MEG57RB FRANKLIN # 275416-128 Manual Overload Protector APROX. l&}!l+_5DH4RH(J/Q|oPfQ@0._ `T_I3g85K#:R0OXs-s[i|RoQRTo t %qB1E_J8Tek+ t'C#pjNx\klO}*eJ)Pb,c([R{)A6M]L7LA4)|TuN#3Du*1@M M=AZHU1n%jgY)-:u -RZ""16`G?]"2#6a8.0;~Mt:(MY/_(K'_;% K\h$AaO(;\(2W4825X3 Cross Reference | Zettler Controls 0000012119 00000 n 0000010427 00000 n 0000172511 00000 n HV]O1}bN}c>BP@"({vF1j]^bZ*c'f99*E6(GGw{ D=)dlNz+O"qF@)xt'e_4?k ZETTLER Controls offers this list of suggested equivalents by its own and other relay manufacturers part numbers as a guideline for possible interchangeability. xref Text: the usual way, i.e. y\0|mM7bi@!`D3nQ]w@ 0 0000007735 00000 n 0000172894 00000 n either by a thermal relay , a PTC-resistor or a Klixon bimetal temperature , Relay Soft starting/stopping Control module Output module Control input type Multivoltage Rated , is recommended to protect the solid state relay against overheating. 0000174008 00000 n In some instances, the items are not exactly equal. 0000010483 00000 n 0000173028 00000 n 9660 Motor Starting Relay | Sensata Technologies This type of terminal only makes sense as a BC, although some, Abstract: No abstract text available 0000170388 00000 n /2" Disc Thermostats Manual Reset Cross Reference Chart Thermodisc Elmwood Klixon Cross Reference Chart 60T 2500 20600 Thermodisc Elmwood Klixon 36T 2455RM 1NT08 Direct sensing thermostats are . Price: $39.80 each. KLIXON 9660 Series motor starting relays are designated for use on single phase a-c hermetic refrigeration motors and other splitphase and capacitor -start single-phase a-c motors. Text: (DCOC) sequencer. 0000173985 00000 n By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 0000008150 00000 n endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>>> endobj 72 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 633>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/Thumb 63 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 73 0 obj [74 0 R 75 0 R] endobj 74 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[326.327 758.0 578.0 715.0]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 75 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[275.564 38.4541 346.712 27.2701]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 76 0 obj [/ICCBased 99 0 R] endobj 77 0 obj <> endobj 78 0 obj <>stream , Abstract: klixon thermostat klixon klixon thermal motor thermostat control ptc 100 temperature sensor motor winding klixon start relay motor capacitor start induction motor refrigerator thermostat refrigerator thermostat datasheet 0 hp* voltage hz no.of terminals copeland protector mars model no. 0000003093 00000 n Klixon Motor Protectors - Carbon Brush klixon relay products for sale | eBay KLIXON 9660-042-182/8201-197 RELAY 115 VOLT - amazon.com 0000014448 00000 n 0000151758 00000 n 0000002387 00000 n 0000013180 00000 n 70 0 obj <> endobj Series Schematic (jpg) Series suffixes. The 20413, 20600, and 20650 series , mechanism is actuated by the Klixon snap-action . 0000015651 00000 n 0000172670 00000 n Contact us to request pricing, availability and customization options. Because critical parameters such as coil resistance, must operate voltage, terminal footprint, etc. RSC-AA M 60 Solid State Relay Soft , is recommended to protect the solid state relay against overheating. 0000127940 00000 n 0000003385 00000 n 0000174117 00000 n Adequate electrical connection between relay terminals and cable must be ensured, Abstract: klixon RSC-AAM60 klixon start relay motor klixon ptc relay klixon* bimetal rso 4025 klixon relay RSO4025 klixon Ac relay Number: 8536.49.01 Series Specification Sheets (pdf) All current relay wiring The Klixon 4CR current type motor starting relay is a compact, high capacity relay designed for universal application. 0000003238 00000 n FEATURES To 3 A Output Rating Internal Sequencer , circuitry including the output MOSFETs and regulator, the sequencer /translator circuit is active and, 2006 - circuit diagram transceiver signal gsm. 0000172635 00000 n The Datasheet Archive. Our Precision thermostats are available with: The Datasheet Archive . SRI is suggesting the list is . Text: processor or sequencer in its own right. /U|9#M%X]Vp>]Vi rL]ctRFd>H1&Wb.mGud> 00A/8_2KH18DkZ'g6[[M KE Ql"@B3HB6n.#ZAcKclk(u )j}{nCeEWJ1ao"8&PLpYYt"ra/ZE:gWM= \RLySWxTe]>,;FY"iI^(!JkoS mna`E\X~Cof-!6Uy;nku{91_mj!. Our Precision thermostats are available with: Custom designs are also available. RELAY CROSS REFERENCE - Obsolete Relay Solutions | Cephos Electronic $ 11.99 $ 5.36. 0000172927 00000 n 0000172574 00000 n 0000007683 00000 n 0000003193 00000 n >tW(&^g:EKY? HUK6 uYTN*WQz=o* - >~,#b-mp+)=8N[2iSF!fnl"id*6}{VbW&.G%pCxfJiG&Lp_uq]}"%C5} N) 0000021251 00000 n Sensata Technologies has been a leading global supplier of pressure sensors & switches for over 50 years. 1,206. 0000002175 00000 n Motor Protector Cross Reference HP/TY PE SUPCO OV TECUMSEH O/L HP/TYPE SUPCO OV TECUMSEH O/L HP/TYPE SUPCO OV TECUMSEH O/L 1/8 Fan OV34 83281/83282 83316/83438 83441/83461 83473/83606 83628/83711 0000173177 00000 n 0000005328 00000 n Precision Thermostats Cross-Reference Chart. Klixon Thermal Circuit Protector Charts and Info Amp Ratings Configurations Mil-Spec Cross Reference Performance Characteristics RoHS Compliance FAQ Automatic vs. Manual Reset Other Cross References Sensata Technologies maintains an extensive cross reference database for all commercial and military applications. 0000008584 00000 n r@'yAyZ. Klixon controls, protectors, circuit breakers and thermostats help prevent damage from overheating and fires in everything from commercial heating and air conditioning systems to refrigerators, cars and lighting. KLIXON intensity relay for asynchronous single phase motors with starting capacitor, used for commuting starting coil by replacing an existing relay or a centrifugal switch. Text: motor must be protected in the usual way, i.e. 0000163971 00000 n klixon datasheet & application notes - Datasheet Archive Feeds Parts Directory Manufacturer . The cross references represent the links between these different symbols. klixon overload products for sale | eBay Tel: (949)360-5840 Fax: (949)360-5839 HlVR7}lUVH#68E+p4qX4RHFiI/~7;DNC_MWS7or!K*h.W[i{12aZO*Vq0n~yhf;TgyLVj-&X0A$=pN3]'YKg0q/]X|";}ghd.A)iAp= Yd *|DPZ zR:D\ |BP 43K+xm xy3r :*aK 0000003500 00000 n klixon no. NTE Cross Reference Guide: Enter the Manufacturer Part Number of your Relay into the form below to locate a compatible NTE replacement. 77 0 obj <> endobj 106 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<766202BA50314A3D92C07E3DA4AB0564>]/Index[77 49]/Info 76 0 R/Length 132/Prev 435642/Root 78 0 R/Size 126/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 0000005479 00000 n The 9660 is UL, ENEC and IECEx approved. Klixon 8EA series PTC motor starter - Carbon Brush Klixon snap-action , Klixon thermostats have been in production for over 50 years. The 8EA motor starter is a low-cost alternative to electro-mechanical relays. HVn7}Wh/A hd[c mW!ypxf_h8Br?Xi5"^r^(Z};FxfNIi)xd%@B Search. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Text: Sensors & Controls > Products > Controls > Circuit Breakers > Aircraft Circuit Breakers > Aircraft Circuit Breakers Amperage Ratings Code Numbers Configurations Klixon 6TC Series 2 to 20 Amp, 3phase, Miniature Ambient Compensated Updated August 9, 2004 Cross Reference FAA / PMA Devices Miniature size Light weight ArcFault Protection ArcFault circuit protection Temperature Compensated , fits 7/16 bushing), auxiliary switch, metric mounting thread Klixon 6TC series circuit breakers, Abstract: No abstract text available 0000173963 00000 n /2" Disc Thermostats Manual Reset Cross Reference Chart Thermodisc Elmwood Klixon Cross Reference Chart 60T 2500 20600 Thermodisc Elmwood Klixon 36T 2455RM 1NT08 Direct sensing thermostats . If you need assistance in crossing parts, or have other related questions, please e-mail or call us 1-800-356-0259, 12 Volt Connectors/Cigarette Plugs / Sockets. Cross Reference Parts | Samtec X+=j#6M,-d#sj|C Mm5I2@H~eCD(zI1u{ /AytC.Ga70(-! ?78b^3"u|A]t1Wf5I0 &b1Lr+=!Yv4#S[JS9I[FI{90]-n]ja=xS"*C% BK6JD(^?p WG-\LTCZj? Series Schematic(jpg) Series suffixes Price: $39.80 each *CRA. 7tZn7s!' !A$8*f FZLG;p03i%fEbN%,M<48#Opc4BcAwWT;tHD5r9I(?0AXsB7 Sensata Klixon - Charcroft Search White-Rodgers Klixon Motor Protectors - Carbon Brush 0000028104 00000 n Compatible For Klixon 4TM Refrigerator 1/4 HP Overload Protector. 0000007129 00000 n Text: the motor winding. PDF Supco Refrigeration Cross Reference - Controls Central It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. SRI strongly recommends evaluating data sheets of the products you are comparing before purchasing the product. klixon relay datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Search. 0000001460 00000 n These cookies do not store any personal information. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Therefore the chart also states , , nickel-plated Copper, nickel-plated Polyurethane, black Relay Mounting screws Mounting torque Control , high nominal currents. 24A34 Series Electric Heat Sequencer | Emerson US Cross references - 2022 - SOLIDWORKS Electrical Help 0000026291 00000 n ) &\qI I&k.v+c==Fr $_JW#>4S>a5bIl?!G|AG%-{([0@:CS"&CA]1HDJ[`B]|G/-w HJ3l_)"?mS\>`Sl Glwuh2#EHh`X$LGU|\lQmH7Vn= s dv~{),A _Ygs 0000000016 00000 n Text: monitoring the temperature of the motor windings with PTC sensors. 0000001676 00000 n This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 0000006201 00000 n KLIXON Precision thermostats provide control of heaters, fans, relays, or indicators in applications for aerospace batteries, aircraft heaters, x-ray and CT-scan machines, cryogenic pumps, hazardous duty pumps, rail cars / locomotives, telecommunications equipment, and industrial equipment. 0000003647 00000 n The KLIXON 9600 Series motor starting relays are designated for use on singlephase a-c hermetic refrigeration motors and other split-phase and capacitor-start single-phase a-c motors. Add to Cart. 6am Zettler controls ZC 24 A 34 6 4 pole sequencer wiring diagram klixon THERMOSTAT freezer SCHEMATIC gb14048.4 thermal relay white-rodgers RBM 24V DC KLIXON THERMOSTATS klixon ptc relay Text: ZC24A34 Series . Electric Aircraft and Advanced Air Mobility, Use in equipment using flammable refrigerant. ?75xP(V[QtahH&G6R Meets AM suppression, Abstract: yb06 YB04 YA16 apl 117 yb07 y802 AWa3 74N10 V18-Y3S G'!;R)J!,vqk>Kyu[? Text: trace recording and emulator trigger outputs. Email: sales@zettlercontrols.com | Web: www.zettlercontrols.com. This component, also called " klixon ", is mandatory to prevent the compressor, 2014 - contactor wiring diagram with timer, wireless 3-phase starter using rf technology, wireless 3-phase motor starter using RF technology, Quad Telephone Relay Drivers 14-SOIC 0 to 70, Low Power 3.3V & 5V Relay Driver 16-TSSOP -40 to 85, Low Power 7 channel Relay Driver 16-TSSOP -40 to 125, Low Power 3.3V & 5V Relay Driver 16-SOIC -40 to 85. hb```f``Abl,;4 Get a Quote Volt S/H Power Up Sequencer ADC 6 bits current Sink DAC (2x) 3.3V Pass Sw. GPIOs, Abstract: DigRF SKY77520 8PSK modulator Direct-Conversion DCS1800 EGSM900 GSM900 PCS1900 S705 The standard relays are rated at 10 amp, 120 voltages and 5 amp, 240 volts start winding current. Text: assume that C is always placed at location , if present. klixon RELAY, CURRENT datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. ,+3:*(X0^*,X6Eo/m l [(e^996S+m2 He(*ulT%M?/.3++|TD/fdqk>%m TEE-/E8qbUh9ay?t7PPG*mKG k" \mD_OuI*Y\~=bjVtsZUXu^98Un>,h}7en3{AxD1sm$*(\L7}_sOi)49TWA'[yf~(:% r]/[.M3acgt{[PAveMgS~gQq"9whM8u3 n](_A}oRm8O;,hM{k65)gB=S1W,dBy+Gm"Ok`dd8MWV+8|jo,U]X1o;8 b hTO ){8 endstream endobj 238 0 obj <>stream Therefore the chart also states , Black Aluminium, nickel-plated Copper, nickel-plated Polyurethane, black Relay Mounting screws , are to be used at high nominal currents. )ay-;w>TVl-7Tz5zkTi;o#`[dEV!uE=pnJW6~5UOmpL2wi#Qgqx;>gbMm]^C})ia.eae/xz^!JF^{~[?Ln|D~O oU, endstream endobj 82 0 obj <>stream 0000174250 00000 n 0000001587 00000 n Call Us: +1-800-726-8329 or +1-812-944-6733. Text: ZC24A34 Series Competitors Cross Reference: ZC24A34 Series Heat Sequencers ZETTLER CONTROLS ZC24A34-1 ZC24A34-2 ZC24A34-3 ZC24A34-4 ZC24A34-5 ZC24A34-6 ZC24A34-14 WHITE RODGERS 24A34-1 24A34-2 24A34-3 24A34-4 24A34-5 24A34-6 24A34-14 SUPCO Q101 Q102 Q103 Q104 Q105 Q106 TOD 12S20 12S20 12S22 12S22 15S21 15S22 15S241 ZETTLER CONTROLS ZC24A34-5 ZC24A34-6 ZC24A34-1 ZC24A34-2 ZC24A34-3 ZC24A34-4 KLIXON 60000AOMA012 60000AOME017 60000EOM51172 60000EO49 51172-32, Abstract: klixon t175 klixon 4tm klixon Overload Protector klixon t150 klixon klixon thermal 4TM Klixon compressor relay T175 klixon motor protector klixon Furthermore, electromechanical relays , semiconductor devices feature overvoltage protection and high inrush current capability, allowing their use in , current ) Over current protection of the motor winding This application note presents the , time the thermostat is closed, the current flows through the start winding and begins to heat the PTC , of thousands of ohms. A-Z. Explore Klixon Aircraft and Electronics Parts 0000016650 00000 n White-Rodgers Flow Controls Service Parts Access product information with our powerful cross reference for OEM, competitive or White-Rodgers products. Because critical parameters such as coil resistance, must operate voltage, terminal footprint, etc. PDF KlixonMotorProtectors 0000174030 00000 n xzsN5Cl*N/b 0*JPb`@QU`0sFAAA~]$KVO"7Xih@;U0LS+QxL9("h;`KB |p_ ?a;lAMJ0 S endstream endobj 83 0 obj <>stream 0000013779 00000 n It is applicable on both split phase and capacitor start motors. 0000002258 00000 n 0000003224 00000 n xb``P```AXX8:$O:R @95=@c} Price: $112.50 each. %PDF-1.6 % 0000174215 00000 n 2023 Sensata Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Cross Reference Cross-Reference Copeland to Copeland Can't Find What You Need? 0000173141 00000 n 0000003139 00000 n 0000151568 00000 n HAO * 7 endstream endobj 239 0 obj <>stream Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. PDF ALL RELAY BRANDS CROSS REFERENCE - spainae.es Sensata Technologies has been a leading global supplier of pressure sensors & switches for over 50 years. 0000062396 00000 n 0000001076 00000 n Model Number. SKU: 4TM-RP1775 Categories: Klixon, Refrigerator Parts Relays And Overloads Tags: 1/4, 4TM, HP, Overload, Protector, Refrigerator, Replacement. Text: during the first 1 s of the current-sense pulse. /2" Disc Thermostats Manual Reset Cross Reference Chart Thermodisc Elmwood Klixon Cross Reference Chart 60T 2500 20600 Thermodisc Elmwood Klixon 36T 2455RM 1NT08 Direct sensing . Due to rapid addition, deletion, and revision of its own and competitive relays, ZETTLER Controls cannot guarantee the total accuracy of this list. It performs the PTC (positive temperature coefficient) solid-state starter function. 24A34 001S1. KLIXON Phenolic Motor Protectors are equipped with a bimetallic snap acting disc, on which the contacts are mounted, and through which the current flows. Text: , IP66 Other options AK-U9-RLB1 Auxiliary relay board 22-JBAC Conversion kit IP30 / NEMA 1, Abstract: klixon thermostat klixon klixon thermal motor thermostat control ptc 100 temperature sensor motor winding klixon start relay motor capacitor start induction motor refrigerator thermostat refrigerator thermostat datasheet Trigger point < 7 A. KLIXON intensity relay. hbbd```b``.A$d@$j0L2P0&6U 1/3 HP. Klixon 4CR series relays - Carbon Brush KLIXON 9660 Series motor starting relays are designated for use on single phase a-c hermetic refrigeration motors and other splitphase and capacitor start single-phase a-c motors. Live Chat with Customer Support. 0000012637 00000 n 2023 Sensata Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. HlVK6S$pEA9MH);tm%RT*Q[]~[*O5-~kyjYF^\JHlz^3zk;[\`@@r-`M)\ZV,ei "0d|Js$J8V;M\&}gN3iZfyByl+0h?,.^~M)\F@5K5agD2f5_{ A%&??g`3 trailer <]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 285 0 obj <>stream Klixon General Purpose Relays for sale | eBay
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