ken mcelroy children


I previously wrote you on your website about the professional relationship I have the privilege of having with Jeffery. Whatever money spent to investigate his death, was just good money thrown after bad. I believe your book is one of the better true crime books I have read. Ordinarily, Id say vigilante justice is not the way to go, but the folks in Skidmore were terrorized on a day-to-day basis. But Jeffrey, once he found his mother, learned of a fourth, I believe. Im always glad to hear about true crime fanatics. I appreciate the comments. Cant wait to get your book. ive done alot of surching on the story lately and am sorry to hear that trena passed. Enjoy reading these comments as well. After McElroy finished his drinks, he purchased a six pack of beer, left the bar, and entered his pickup truck. Oh- are we going to relegate Trena to Sainthood? The marshal turned in his badge and quit the next day. Everyone owes a huge debt of gratitude to special education teachers, the unsung heroes of the schools. As we spoke, he dropped his chin and looked at me. Lori met her and they have corresponded off and on over the years. I drove through there one day, slowed down, parked, and got a very unpleasant feeling. The kids of the farmers who were doing well, at school he was bullying them by fourth or fifth grade.". Uggh. If, some time after her confrontation with the consequences of Kens way of life, Trena sincerely came to know that her old way of living in the world was wrong, and she began to live in the world in a way that positively affects others, thats all I believe necessary to forgive her. Instead, she contributed to Kens thievery, bullying, harassment, and assaults. the odd thing is sence june of 96 i have lived in lebanon mo. He lived in the small town of Skidmore, Missouri, a . If they dont need to or dont KNOW they can beat everyone, they act right. Btw Who do they think kidnapped Branson? For the kids sake anyway. Im just curious because he looked like a good size guy in the funeral photos like hed be able to do a mans man type job . [10] Nobody called for an ambulance. Skip to main content Home [14] Trena remarried and moved to Lebanon, Missouri, where she died of cancer on her 55th birthday on January 24, 2012.[15]. I was born and raised in St. Joseph and my Mother who has since passed had told me that my Father (who died when I was 2) who was a St. Joe Police Officer knew Officer Stratton. Although Trena rode with McElroy at the end, she was victimized by him at age 12. I've still got mixed feelings about the shooting. somebody better tell that dude about kenny & what happened to him . He has guided troubled students through angry and self destructive feelings, assisting them gain composure and self control. But as years went on, Trena chose to harass the people of Skidmore along with her husband. McElroy left many children, and some of them were extremely unhappy with the way their father was killed and the way he was portrayed in my book In Broad Daylight. However, when he and Mrs. Bowenkamp purchased the town grocery store he put away his custom made Mother of Pearl grip Colt .45s and his special made Crocodile ammunition belt. I read the book and believe that the townspeople were fully justified. During his 20s, McElroy became famous among his coon-hunting buddies for his eye for what he called "young meat"adolescent girls. Im not saying there isnt one, but they arent especially close being 5 or 6 counties apart from each other. He had his first harem. [1], McElroy was born in 1934, the 15th of 16 children born to a poor, migrant tenant-farming couple named Tony and Mabel (ne Lister) McElroy, who had moved between Kansas and the Ozarks before settling outside of Skidmore. Extremely hard working people. But I also decided to not live my life even for a minute being afraid of another man. Cause she did stick up for him! But his side was never told! On occasion, such people will be prosecuted and even imprisoned or disbarred. SKIDMORE, Mo. Whether that was out of fear on their part I do not know. I know some were farmers there for years it was home yada. Her obituary makes no mention of her time with Ken Rex McElroy. The book indicated that Ken was accepting of at least some of Charlies advice, and I hope that at least a part of Kens psyche and soul may have accepted Christ. I am sorry for all of his children (and their children), his victims and the townspeople of Skidmore. All those kids to support. Right. No, as a matter of fact I dont think Ive heard the name before. The fact that 45+ people didnt see anything tells me that there was no choice in the matter. Usually, it takes a dangerous gang and a community of people too scared to talk to get away with such behavior. Lori, the sister who was raised with me knew. The late David Graf played the part of Ken Rex McElroy. What did they ever do with the lot were Kens house was? Before then he just knew he had been adopted. He could easily have kept McElroy in jail after his conviction, or set a bond so high he couldnt meet it. Specifically, 70-year-old Bo Bowenkamp had accused one of McElroy's children of stealing candy, according to Bustle, and McElroy wasn't going to cotton on to one of his children being . I havent followed the Branson case that closely, but I know the crime hasnt been solved. Im glad she got away from that life. To say he was a human being is laughably naive and the kind of thing stated by someone who engages in fantasy. How old is she? Right. Thats nonsense. Where was the law when KR was intimidating everyone including the law and their family and most importantly, where was the law for Trena? There wasn't much parental supervision, but McElroy had a knack for taking care of himself. he knew when and how to control himself. I am glad she found peace and happiness. Id guess McFadin pushed for the lawsuit so he could get a nice percentage of any award. Not surprising that one of the kids engaged in a shooting in a bar.,8800: Harry, Skidmore is not cursed! The book told the story of Sally, who at fourteen began having children by Ken. This is something my family especially my Grandma and the 3 children she had with that monster dont want to remember or think about. He is an absolute amazing man!! The legal system failed them and they had taken all they could. McElroy's appeal hearing was again delayed. LOL. Im just sorry, her life started out like it did. I take him to task in the book. Ive tried to leave her pretty much alone the last few years, let her see if she can find a normal life to live. I truely believe Jeffery has found his calling in helping others and, although I will not speculate, feel that his history plays an important role in what he does. From the impression I got, the law enforcement officers, with exception of Corporal Stratton of the State Patrol, seemed to back down to Ken out of fear the same as the townspeople did for a while. Tim McElroy still lives down the road and still works in a pizza parlor in a town not far away. His brother is still living but not doing well. Quick question.., what reason did Sheriff Estes give for leaving Skidmore directly after the meeting even though he knew Ken Rex was coming into town? Trena was a liar, she said he was a good man, he did nothing wrong,. . I pictured Del Clement and the other men as middle aged while reading the book, but then realized that Del was only a few years older than Trena when Ken was shot. Ken McElroy was born in 1934 as the penultimate child among 16 other children. Back in 1981, it was your word against mine. My personal opinion is that DNA and modern surveillance (cell phones and the like) wouldnt have allowed the cops to back down as easily as they did then. It seems Q Goslees family has experienced losses at an earlier age than I would have thought. Youd protect your family same as they had to protect theirs. Ken Rex beat her into submission, yet he was the one who protected her and put food on the table. Its similar to Stockholm Syndrome. LOL This is plain ridiculous. Thank you Harry for putting that in the book. They operate a gourmet traveling food stand. I guess I never understood it completely. Other times? Been there, done that and survived that! I learned today that Trena McElroy, Ken McElroys former wife, died on January 28, 2012. [1] To date, no one has been charged in connection with McElroy's death. Trena was my grandmother, she died on January 24th, her 55th birthday, not the 28th. Killing her wouldnt have made anyone safer, but wouldve made the townspeople murderers in their own eyes. You can see link to his father, which will list all of Kens siblings that are dead. I just saw the story of your grandmother and then found this article online. I would love to hear from you . I also believe someone knew the killer/killers, but as long as its bin since the killing, I kind of doubt anyone will ever come forward as to ever get a conviction in the case. An understandable wish. I know there was a movie made about it in 1991 titled In Broad Daylight in which Brian Dennehy played the part of Ken Rex McElroy. You are to be commended.robin. In June, 1973 I was a patient at the Fairfax Community Hospital, 20 some miles NW of Skidmore. Ken Rex McElroy (1934-1981) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree Im heartened to read of Trenas reformation, and saddened that her life was cut so short. Only the local pastor and one or two others helped out, especially as it looks like the Bowenkemps were decent hardworking people, really pitied them and their daughter for what they had to go through. However, I was forbidden to go anywhere near the pool hall in town, and could only go to the post office near it with an adult. The legal system had completely failed them and McElroy continued to threaten to kill the townspeople. Henry was forced to admit in court, under questioning by McElroy's attorney Richard Gene McFadin, that he had concealed his own petty criminal conviction from more than 30 years previous. Well, we all cannot forget that McElroy had a real shyster of a lawyer to keep him dancing one step ahead of the law. As for Trena, when I talked to her she sounded like a 14-year-old girl, about the age when McElroy go ahold of her. Was Treena her mother? With him gone, and a weasel lawyer manipulating her, its no wonder she sued the town. Stockholm Syndrome at its finest! In between his many felonies and intimidation tactics, McElroy fathered ten children with different women and married four times. [8] At the trial, two raccoon hunters testified they were with McElroy the day of the shooting away from Henry's property. How could she have said he was a great man and she didnt know why the town hated and feared him? I grew up in Oregon, MO which is a small town not too far from Skidmore. It was about the FBI investigation that took place in Skidmore, Missouri after Ken Rex McElroy was shot to death. Jeff proved that to me! I, of course, never met McElroy, but Ive heard the descriptions and Ive seen the pictures. This man was a horrible human being. And yes, they all knew about McElroy & I didnt hear of anyone saying that his death was a pity. I agree with you and Jack. I read on the web that the monster had a steel plate in his head from a prior head injury. The more I think about it, the more I believe the shooters/townspeople believed Trena wasnt the problem. God bless her families, that they my know Him and their lives will be full of blessings. I always wondered how far from town he lived, not that I would ever go there, just wondered if its on google maps. Just a comment on the burning of the house: Trena, Alice and their children were all long gone by the time McElroys house burned down. It takes quite a bit to get someone to kill another human being. Interesting comment. and after the debacle died down, did any of his kids get treated fair? Has no one tried to prosecute him? Its not the townspeople who owed her anything. Why did she not publish some more introspective personal responsibility later. Im curious, also, as to where that thugs house once stood. His bloodline should end. Jeffrey knew the story. Del saved a lot of people, especially young girls/women, from the terror of this man. Trena McElroy Passed Away | Harry N. MacLean And I am sure if this man shot, bullied, stole from, and terrorized you, you would be singing a different tune. I agree. These farmers worked hard to raise cattle and to have them stolen is more than just a monetary loss. I met several of them, including Wilma, before her husband chased me off the farm with a gun. I guess Id want to know if Trena was truly regretful later in life. Q was quite an interesting fellow. I remember seeing a Silverado with Missouri plates parked there. His friends say he is kind and gentle and wouldnt hurt a fly. What happened next would be the last straw for many Skidmore residents. They are both burning in hell fire ? One of the dryest senses of humor Ive ever come across. Shame on anyone who holds the things that Ken did to others, against Trena. A town having inadequate policing. It went down just as Ken had said it would that they would not dig to deep for his murder and that he would go down in history just like jesse james. I dont know just guessing. He wasnt nearly as mean as portrayed in the movie. Thanks for writing such a terrific book. In one, he is holding his daughter in his lap and looking into the camera. Trena . Its amazing that she was able to recover and lead full life. I can almost bet they both have got there asses kicked by the female gender a time or two..wish I could have seen when karma dry humped them with a cactus in the [emailprotected]&.. (right girls) lol. Ken McElroy was a functional illiterate. why you attracted such a horrible person into your life. I went through abuse as a child and that abuse tends to make people do things they normally wouldnt do. I figured I might not be the toughest guy around and I wasnt but I figured Id do till the toughest one got there. McElroy was known to have stolen grain, alcohol, gasoline, antiques, and even livestock. Now 47, he is the same age McELroy was when he was shot to death on the main street of Skidmore Missouri. A few months later McElroy was killed and I saw his picture through various news outlets and realized who the guy in the Timeout was. In all, there were 46 potential witnesses to the shooting, including Trena McElroy, who was in the truck with her husband when he was shot. While Trena may have been the only person who sought justice for McElroy's. That poor child could not stand up for herself against that man. I wish I could have met her. Skidmore, Part Three - The Murder of Ken Rex McElroy . Im sure the only regret those 45+ people have is that they didnt do it sooner.

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ken mcelroy children