- 7. Mai 2023
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I would suggest that ifprints were preserved or not, was highly random andthat the wind vortexes affected various spots ratherunsystematically. A horrible experience indeed. Photo: Dyatlov Foundation. . And, many thanks for you comment. In Sweden the tragedy which killed eight people,is often referred to as the Anarisolyckan, which in Swedish can be translated to the accident at Anaris. As someone said. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWQSeD3L4X0z3wiDwOSYBhg/videos, Thanks Ladislav, yes there are many possible explanations out there. This is one of several pertinent questions to consider with dealing with the Dyatlov group fleeing without shoes. Thanks again Lars! Abstract Katabatic winds have long been recognized as one of the key climatic variables of the low-level Antarctic environment. Depending on the exact location of these prints, it could perhapsrevealthe last actions of the groupbefore leaving the tent -how ahurriedteamspread out alongside the tent in order to effectively bury the wind battered canvas with snow? Let my write an answer directly out of my head in order to go through your thoughts and without being stuck here forever. In any case your points are important and should be weighed in. When you arrive to the pass you are really exhausted. Puttingon our ski-boots inthe pass, during-40 C,took aboutthree to four minutes inacontrolled situation. I would rather suggest that a bivouac housing the four people, collapsed and trapped them inside. Nevertheless, this is not to say that the story of the Dyatlov Pass is lacking thrill and mystery. Thank you for sharing your brave experiences and for such an insightful and respectful piece written in memory of the 9 lost souls. I would say that this was the most important purpose of the stove. TVC (Russian Documentary -Line of Defense) - The Dyatlov Pass - beyond a mountain of lies , 27 February 2019. Unlike the group in 1959 we had half of our equipment filled into individual sledges. I fully agree with your hypothesis. ARCDOC Arkeologisk Dokumentation / Tidsresenren, Richard Holmgren, Follingegatan 29, 596 33 Sknninge, SWEDEN, Denna hemsida:www.arcdoc.se / www.tidsresenaren.se / www.arkeologiresor.se, The Swedish-Russian Dyatlov Pass Expedition 2019, The 2019 expedition narrated by Bedtime Stories. . /R. The perhaps best example of a warm body having melted the snow is the layer found beneath Slobodin which shows that his slowly decreasing body temperature affected the snow below him. In archaeology, I have dealtwith several excavations where the understanding of a certain mythwasinescapable. The others eventually managed to getthe two bivouacs ready for use. Another example is "the Barber", an enhanced katabatic wind that blows over the town of Greymouth in New Zealand when there is a southeast flow over the South Island. Many thanks for your input and the most relevant inquiry. (15)Iwould argue that the Dyatlov groupacted in the best possible way under the prevailing circumstances - nothing irrational at all and totally in line with their experience and professionality. (26)Gnter Wolf is an accredited physicist from Germany. Thus, this lead toan uneasyfeeling whencrawling out of the sleeping bag,having to put certaincold clothes on before themorning routines. However, the severe injuries found on the last four recovered bodies should in the case of akatabatic event, be tied to other circumstantial evidence - such as pressure from a collapsed snow shelter and natural decomposition due to three months of exposure in the prevailing environment. Hello Richard , I just want to make one thing clear about Dyatlov ; I INDUCED my story with a simple idea ( See Paul Jorion`s site ) but I was pointing out that a certain gentleman called Lev Ivanov had arrived at the same answer with DEDUCTION . But, I would also argue that we dont have enough data on this. 19) The Village of Vizhay. Kudos to a great production team for presenting our effort in this thrilling manner - not the least for being cartoonized, which really felt awarding. Certain zippers also malfunctioned and the soft but strong G-1000 cloth in our jackets and trousers (the classic Swedish brand of Fjllrven) simply turned into crispbread. In doing so, the less compacted snow next above the creek was very soft. Vetenskapsradion Historia - (direktrapport frn Dyatlovpasset), 5 februari 2019. This warming decreases the density of the air, causing it to rise. It was here that the group departed from their tenth group member, Yuri Yudin. These are comparable to so called, Dyatlov pass and the forest. For some reason they are down in the woods under dressed for the severe conditions. Running out in their socks or in their valenki, was obviously insufficient in the long run, but a wise decision considering the explosive event. If only they had dug 15 meters further away they would have found a sufficient snow depth of about five meters. Hello, it is very interesting your trip and theory and very hard experience you have made sleeping in cold winter on that mountain. It is very hard to move forward with facts at this stage, since much of the material is contradictory and hard to fact-check due to the long time that passed. Well, thank you Nemo for both celebrating the effort to ski there but also to raise pertinent questions. This is not a wise choice for creating a suitable sleeping surface, but vital to succumb impending winds from above. As long as they were in constant movement, the better. Photo: Richard Holmgren. According to Vladimir Askinadzi, present at the scene,Zolotaryov reportedly even had a pen and a paper in his hands which gives the impression of being rather in control. Gnter Wolf explains the basis for katabatic winds in the Richard Holmgren & Andreas Liljegren, Dyatlov Pass, uring the summer of2018, me and my friend and expedition partner Andreas Liljegren, started to plan for our Dyatlov Pass Expedition 2019. Caspita, che impresa! So, basically, I agree with the idea that a sudden strong wind is the most probable main cause, I just think that a wind by itself can not make people leave "naked" the relative safety of an undestroyed tent in Siberia; something else had triggered the tragic events. Thanks so much for your time and effort. See Bedtime Stories and the episode Return to Dead Mountain, here. A Case Study of Antarctic Katabatic Wind Interaction with Wind Power in the Antarctic We know that the Dyatlov group occasionally used the trails of the, 3) The expeditions team member, Artem Domogirov, pushing through pristine snow in the Auspiya valley. hat I'm trying to say here,is not that Ias an archaeologist, believe that Noah's ark lies on top of Mt Ararat - but that we with insight in later and local cultures, yes - even those that are two to three thousand years old can understand whystories involvingSodom, Aaron and Noa were important for the human intellect and became part of the narrative. I'm personally forever grateful, as my life has been consumed for years trying to make the pieces of this puzzle fit. This is furthermore not the kind of respect the Dyatlovgroup deserve-or their surviving relatives for that matter. Obviously they raised their tent laterally onthe slope. Far from it. This gave the group time to settle, removeany wet clothes and eat leftovers - since the stove was unpacked,probably due to lack of enough firewood which wasnot present on the slopes. Secondly,the reason we went to the region during a week in early 2019 -the transition between January and February,was a kind of homage to the events of 1959 and the 60-yearanniversary of the groups passing. As long as anyone believes in what they are saying in regard of the Dyatlov Pass, it is fine with me. Apile of freshly cutfirewood was furthermore stacked around our stove in order to both dry the wood and to prevent things like sleeping bags to accidently makecontact with the heater during the night. 21) and much appreciationto the cityof Yekaterinburg for a welcoming stay - what a lovely town and people! What was your contingency plan in the case of a katabatic wind? I try to be open minded, but as with you, I feel that this might be the case. Far from it. The entrancewas made in a hurry, facing downstream. I agree with you that many people are making presumptions without having experience of hiking in such conditions. Lnk: https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/1231912 The young men at the fire must have struggled hard to get a fire going, which wasalso evident from their unsuccessful attempts. However, the loose snow in the ravine was devastating for the rigidity of the cavern. In Sweden the tragedy which killed eight people,is often referred to as the Anarisolyckan, which in Swedish can be translated to the accident at Anaris. When wewere drying any wet clothes in the tent, we tried to do so during the evening hours while still awake. Dayonline.ru (Russia) - I do not want to think about how it must have been: Swedish explorers repeat the Dyatlov group's journey after 60 years and present their own version of the tourists' death., (16 February 2019) In a brief period of time suchtemperatures can be deadly, let alone the windthat in itselfwould make it hard to stand upright. Katabatic wind | meteorology | Britannica Not the least did I understand that after skiing there. Thank you so much for your input and insightful comment. The problem with Dyatloc case is what we are trying to explain with what is already proven because all speculations made otherwise are not considered science , and nothing could be further from the truth ! One fast way to save a tent from disappearing in the wind, would be too cover the canvaswith the adjacent snow masses a tent whichin turn is sheltered behind an already prepared snow wall/shelf. Photo: Richard Holmgren. Leaving the tent's deeply ski-anchored gableswas a good solution as it kept the canvas in place without creating too much of asail. SR P4 stergtland med Titti Elm De klarade expeditionen till Djatlovpasset (intervju med Andreas & Richard efter Dyatlovexpeditionen 2019)7 februari, kl. In my mind this gave me wings since DEDUCTION and INDUCTION were mutually confirming !! Great work. Like I said before - it is really easy to die on Kholat without any props. WebAbstract. Grazie per le tue parole Erika. Simulations without explicit longwave radiation show that the blocking influence o, what was it then that happened at Anaristhatunfortunate day of February the 24th in 1978? Teasoning only with that we know is not science but a stupid application as only computers can do . Katabatic Winds Unlike anabatic wind which is an upslope wind, katabatic winds are downslope winds. Inevitably and as we shall see,I believe that this last portion of the event can give us an idea of what Slobodin, Kolmogorova and Dyatlov went through after being unable to save their friends. because they do not know they are creasy and they do not know they are going around in circles . he following outline onthe theory of theDyatlov passincident is rather pragmatic and will probably disappoint those seeking a cryptic mystery or advanced military plots. Dagens Nyheter - Svensk expedition i Djatlovs fotspr exakt 60 r efter desnatten (10 oktober 2019). Thank you so much Richard. You are right and I will immediately correct this. We know that the Dyatlov group occasionally used the trails of the Mansi hunters, but also that they shifted their front-skier, whowithout backpack made tracks and later moved toa last-in-line position. It isnt easy to let them go. Merits to a great team and kudos to my little Milou for being patient when adventure looms. I believe that the three who tried to get back were on the misson to recover some sleeping bags or any kind of useful cover, but too late. Instead -these individuals werethe last to die. In this case we are not even talking about the ice sheet over Antarctica, where such winds are normally considered the strongest. Such presentation will be presented in connection to my page soon and based on a meticulous study by a person familiar to such events and the local geography. Unlike the group in 1959 we had half of our equipment filled into individual sledges. The Dyatlov Pass Incident -Return to Dead Mountain (Part 3), (2 June 2019). Perhaps the position of Dubinini froze her in a position of entering the shelter or that she simply slipped away withthe underlying stream during spring from a previous position near Thibeaux-Brignolle. Strong work. Usually everything should be accounted for in any pathologyreport, but the description of her body shows that no difference to the type of wounds was made when analyzed. Comment disappeared..U-shaped markings I think from black, frostbitten fingers clutching half frozen skin in area of pain as on Georgy's leg. In the context of adamaged skull, it should also be mentioned that any generatedcrackmay enhancethrough repeated cycles of freezing and thawingbetween the time of recoveryand examination. Without cooking, almost nothing could be eaten during the trip - such as the brought about dried fruits, which were frozen into lumps of ice. In February of 1978, dammed cooled air was here put in motion very quickly with devastating consequences for a group of nine skiers. Unable to fitinside the crowded and by snow blocked entrance, they eventually wandered out apathetic in the storm. Yes, skiing in the footstep felt necessary. The katabatic winds are stronger in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica (Parish & Cassano, 2003) and even though they may play a role in modulating the climatological mean ASL, it is difficult to disentangle the effects of katabatic winds from the effects of flow separation by Antarctic topography in a climate model. While Doroshenko and Krivonischenko took responsibility for making a fire, the others started to dig out TWObivouacs, one which was retrieved empty in May and likely meant for Slobodin, Dyatlov and Kolmogorova (photo no. Always to end back at square one. This area in France corresponds almost exactly to the orography of the "Kholat", where lee waves are regularly seen and are the basis for the weather on 1/2 February 1959. Photo: Unknown. Thank you dear friend! If the diary indeed belonged to Zolotaryov and a pen was present, itis in stark contrast to his massive chest wounds that many believe made him inoperable. This because - andas we shall returnt to below -thefractures on the bodies found in the ravine suggestpost-mortem evidence - and because a katabatic scenario (highwindwith extremecooling effect)was the main cause to the death ofthe 1959 group. The cooling effect couldthen have been around minus 60degrees Celsius. Quizlet One of theseUPI-students, Yuri Koptelov, reported footprints as if people were positioned shoulder to shoulder. This specific wind is alsoknown asafall wind,adownslope windor agravity wind. Now, any person that havent experienced falling winds, would probably argue that no wind in the world can blow up this fast and with such a great force -that there would at leastbetime to put on clothes and/or shoes. The team behind the celebrated YouTube series Bedtime Stories, have a real passion for the unexplained. In the middle of this scenario stood a very vulnerable tent. Firstly, we wanted to come as close as possible to the historical event by experiencing night camps during the same days of the year as the group in question thisin a tent with a stove, including at least one night on the slope of Kholat Syakhl. The main difference between the terms anabatic/katabatic vs. mountain/valley is the specificity of the term. The mountain and valley winds are more specific terms describing specific examples of anabatic and katabatic winds. Interesting answer, and likely the best one. I was going in part off the actual derivation of the words. Kudos to a great production team for presenting our effort in this thrilling manner - not the least for being cartoonized, which really felt awarding. TVC (Russian Documentary -Line of Defense) - The Dyatlov Pass - beyond a mountain of lies , 27 February 2019. I think these actionsareimportant, because many would argue that fleeing from the tent and warmequipmentin such conditions,would mean certain death. -on the Swedish Television (SVT-Play). In this instance it might explain peculiarities in decisions and behavior. A hard time yes, with severe frostbites yes, but the only chance of survival. "Thanks Niklas! Previous assumptions have revolved around why the bodies were found outside the only located bivouac and that the bodies' injuries arose from a fall into the ravine. Webto day during the lull period of the Katabatic wind. would also advocatethat the punctured chests of Zolotaryov and Dubinini werecaused by the weight of the collapsedden that is, a gradual compression together with a decompositionprocess over time. Photo: Andreas Liljegren. On the photograph showing them mounting the tent for the last time, windsareobviously present onthe slopes of Kholat Syakhl, creating snow covered clothing and poor visibility. Aftonbladet (Plus) Djatlovmysteriet har gckat vrlden i ver 60 r. Furthermore the torn tent was already made unsuitable for this option. WebThe definition of a katabatic wind is sometimes also referred to as a fall wind. Theyre wrong. And the eventin the Ural Mountainscan in my view perhaps be understood quite rationally. This could potentially have laid the foundation for the unfortunate events that unfolded between the 1st and 2nd of February in 1959. Thus, an important part of my theory is that the collapsed bivouac was never identified as a shelter months later - this due to its collapsed nature over the brook. A wound in his armpit is perhaps a revealing sign of slipping down against branches. The cooling effect was then around minus 50 degrees Celsius (-58 degrees Fahrenheit). However, difficult skiing through the day, pitching of the tent, cooking, sawing and chopping wood, made each evening into a sleeping pill itself. If it was indeed found in an off-position, it was certainly not used as a beacon - or perchance it was simply turned off by mistake when fiddling with the switch when found. Is there any eng/fin read on 1978 accident? Moncrieff, (author of mystery & suspense novels) - Modern Dyatlov Pass survivors tell their story, (27 February 2019) True Niklas, adding the paper of the 15th of February, could create a stronger case. A two-dimensional (2-D) model, practical for a large number of idealized 14.04. emergency? Photos: Dyatlov Foundation / Richard Holmgren, hrough the Auspiya valley, southeast of the pass, we were in total four persons me, Andreas Liljegren and our experienced Russian colleagues, Ekaterina Zimina and Artem Domogirov from Yekaterinburg. Webanabatic wind, also called upslope wind, local air current that blows up a hill or mountain slope facing the Sun. Any wounds inflicted by the impact ofa"snow slab", also makes the fleeing of1.5 kilometres down to the forest an overreaction- and an unrealictic featin regardof Tibo-Brignolle with his interpreted deadly blow to the head. The reason for many being rather well dressed, compared to common misconceptions that they didnt, is that they camped/slept well dressed. He was in constant movement and ventured elsewhere, while the rest froze to death. Alain, there is too much suppression of comments on the Internet today. My hypothesistries to explain most of the strange phenomena that surround the mystery of the Dyatlov pass - such as why the tent was cut from the inside, why they left the tent and couldnt get back, and why they fled ill-dressed - many without shoes. rawling back under the snow covered tent, if possible at all due to the conditions involving a gravity wind, couldnt have helped them - which they wisely and obviously realized. A wound in his armpit is perhaps a revealing sign of slipping down against branches. Therefore I would like to make a statementto the contrary - that, if the weather would have been calm, then any appearing and suddenly disappearing footprintswould really have posed a problem. Bedtime Stories (YouTube Channel). The only problem in this case involvedthe practice of packing down the daily clothing into the sleeping bags during the nightsin order to have warm clothes in the morning. In fact - it was exactly this that killed the Anaris group, where the only survivor escaping the shelter, was the only survivor. Most certainly the bivouac with the four personshad already crumbled before thischallenge- or otherwise we couldexpect the last three tohave used the essential footwear that was foundonthe others.