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I believe this experience would allow me to be an immediate asset to the School Committee as we face complex decisions in the years to come, and I am ready to serve. South Kingstown School Committee Meeting Minutes. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Respectfully submitted, Linda Savastano. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Jacy A. Northup (South Kingstown Town Council, Rhode Island, candidate 2022) Jacy A. Northup Democratic Party Candidate, South Kingstown Town Council Elections and appointments Last election September 13, 2022 Submit contact information Send Ballotpedia contact information for this person Kate Macinanti. Tarbox property sold, according to real estate firm, Brush fire burns hundreds of acres in Exeter forest, Local father, daughter team up to help children understand Alzheimers, Rhode Island comedians coming together to raise funds to fight ME/CFS, Divisive issues linger for shoreline access. Superintendent Savastano began the conversation by stating that she would be discussing the school buildings, student learning, and how to move forward with the facility plan. Pauline Lisi - Assistant Superintendent. I am a person that takes action when I see opportunities for improvement. I dont believe we will ever again be in a place in history that affords us such a wholly unique opportunity to positively affect the present and future of our childrens education. She has already heard that community feels like the School Committee is not making decisions and moving forward so she is on the fence as to whether changing gears right now is a good idea or not. A strong leadership team that has experience and knowledge is necessary to ensure a community vision is built. Weve thoughtfully addressed issues around special education, racial equity, SEL (social emotional learning) and PBL (project based learning). I am supportive of the relocation of the high school if the architects and engineers confirm it is a viable plan and we respect the need for town recreation. Alycia Collins. Chance of rain 50%. The state primary is set for Sept. 8, with the general election taking place on Nov. 3. I believe a person can be socially just, financially responsible and put our students first in every decision. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. We have to build a system that ensures all of our students have access to the necessary means for maximum achievement. Thursday, December 20, 2018 . 7:00 PM - Call to Order . We need impartial, open-minded realists on the South Kingstown School Committee who will make decisions based on known data. As I have progressed with my school committee campaign, it has become painfully obvious where our biggest problem is. She continued by stating that a number of members on the school committee gave the appearance of impropriety and have an obvious disdain for Stringfellow. Please help, please contribute, and please reach out to the school committee, Cummiskey said. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. School committee member Jacy Northup, who's sat on the building committee the longest, said she feels "really, really good" about moving forward with the Curtis Corner project. If we are going to re-visit and make education a priority we need to reconsider the committee. Attendees - voting members. Trust is a necessary component of that. When the new council came in, we were able to work in a bipartisan manner, we were able to get these meetings over in two, two and a half hours and in a very friendly and warm manner of hosting, Brimer said. Jacy A. Northup, Independent. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. . administration, teachers, staff and families. Visit www.jacynorthup.com Since serving in South Kingstown, Hicks has relocated from Exeter to Wakefield. racist or sexually-oriented language. The four endorsements went to incumbent Richard Welch, as well as returning candidate Rickey Thompson, newcomer Brad Artery and Kim Page, with the former North Kingstown School Committee Chairwomanhaving switched party affiliation from Republican to Democrat. What that means to me is that we give all children the tools they need to succeed regardless of their background or personal circumstance; that we move beyond diversity to a true uplifting of all cultures in our schools and curriculum; and that by creating a new culture in the schools we can improve community and family engagement across the board. There will, of course, be mistakes, and mistakes are allowed, but we need to own them and learn from them in order to move forward. I will say that I think the chairman of the committee (James Grundy) did an excellent job with the process and the chairman of thecommittee has been a good chairman and I think hes tried to be fair and I lost.. Over in District 35, which covers other parts of North Kingstown and Narragansett in addition to South Kingstown and East Greenwich, incumbent Democrat State Sen. Bridget Valverde is facing Republican challenger Charles C. Callahan. These are serious times that require serious people to lead us. Students that start strong are less likely to need expensive services year after year. Attendees - other. The previous story also incorrectly omitted the candidacy of Robert Craven Jr. for state Senate. Declining enrollment over the last two decades dictates that the time is now to right size our high school. Former South Kingstown Superintendent Bob Hicks was appointed by the school committee to serve at interim superintendent while Kristen Stringfellow is out on administrative leave. Diane Paolino thanked the committee for bringing up CCMS as an option for the high school. Stephanie Canter and current School Committee member Emily Cummiskey completely ignored mountains of hard data. Roland Benjamin stated that the education piece was discussed during the Ed Spec meetings. 1. Linda Savastano said that while she does not have specifics tonight because she needed to gauge interest before pursuing an in-depth study, she imagines that with adjustments such as moving the tennis court or a field house or possibly using the Admin building as well, she believes it is possible. Each of the two major parties also have a newcomer to the race, with Democrat Jennifer Lima and Republican Hannah Zangari seeking seats on the committee. A: Voters are able to put their full trust in me, as I am a true Independent Candidate that works in education. We have an administrative team who is leading the way in this work and we have top notch teachers and paraprofessionals who are actively engaging. Of the five current members, only Town Council President Matthew Mannix is not seeking re-election, instead opting to make an independent run at the open Senate seat for District 36. I support the need to maintain all our school buildings to provide safe, warm, and dry schools for our students. Kristen Stringfellow - Superintendent. The committee is moving forward with plans to close Curtis Corner Middle School in September 2020, which could save anywhere from $750,000 to $1.5 million a year, according to Cummiskey. A. Discussion/Action: School Facilities Plan. Why or why not? South Kingstown School District is a proud Professional Learning Community built upon collaborative leadership and 21st-century deep learning competencies while developing a culture of equity, openness, and sharing of ideas. Two of my children are in the DLI (Dual Language Immersion Program). It is how we believe we should arrive there that is different. She said Cranstons idea to involve the Alumni Association and the teams in the rebuilding of the fields was very successful. For the Republicans, its a reunion of sorts from the 2018 election as current councilors Mary Brimer and Kerry McKay are joined by Randy Weitman, with them previously running a joint campaign in 2018. We also need to consider the size of the tax burden, Ed Collins mentioned that Cranston is asking for $133M in bonds for 27 schools, we are looking at $80M for 7 schools. Be Proactive. When we have a long term vision and plan, we can ensure responsible financial spending while building a solid educational system our children deserve. Increasing clouds with showers after midnight. I was surprised by it and thats all Ive got to say, Mancini said. In light of this pandemic, we need to seriously considerSocial and Emotional Learning in the district because if the students are not emotionally and physically safe, they cannot learn. I'm eager to continue my collaborative work with fellow committee members, the South Kingstown School Committee Meeting Minutes, Ed Collins Chief Facilities Management & Capital Projects-Cranston Public Schools. Motion seconded by: Jacy Northup. Reach out to Tavern on Main - Wakefield directly regarding career opportunities. Now we are in need of additional cleaning supplies, increased staffing levels in the custodial and maintenance departments as well as additional school nurses. Putting Signup today! Our schools need responsible districting of neighborhood school buildings balanced around budget and transportation. Facebook. As an incumbent, I am eager to continue the very important work that I have started. She expressed concern that the town/school has dropped the ball with permits, etc. He thinks we need to build a new high school at Curtis Corner and if it is done right, this community will support it and pay for it. SOUTH KINGSTOWN As of Wednesday night, former superintendent Bob Hicks will be taking on the role of interim superintendent for the foreseeable future. All candidates were asked if they would end their campaigns if they did not receive the party endorsement. South Kingstown High School is a comprehensive 9 - 12 high. The building committee needs to be re-vamped. I believe that the future of our district is bright. Signup today! She stated that community input from the last 2 years discussed learning but not building and that she is all for looking at CCMS. Attendees - other . Subscribe to our newsletter to receive our top stories each week. Updated: Field set for local elections in NK, SK, Narragansett. Low 48F. Would you like to receive our daily news? In my humble opinion, the High School students would have more ability to patronize the Main St businesses after school, and would have more access to spending money. A: I am unable to support any project or build without seeing the financials and what that ROI will include. You have permission to edit this article. Stephanie Canter thanked the Superintendent for bringing up this idea, saying that she isnt sure the current plan was being steered by the educational values and student engagement that they want to accomplish. At the state level, longtime Rep. Jim Langevin received a last minute surprise challenger in the Democratic primary as Providence assistant city solicitor Dylan Conley jumped in the race. Jacy A. Northup (DEM) Polling place: 137; Mail ballots: 28; Early Voting: 50; 215: 6.6% Since announcing my candidacy I have also been hosting my own community conversations that are open to the public. Ive been an elementary teacher on almost every grade level in a variety of settings including special education. A: I have always strived to make decisions based on data, and not emotions. or anything. No Claim to Original Government Works. South Kingstown High School Cafeteria 215 Columbia Street Wakefield, RI 02879 Attendees - voting members Stephanie Canter - Chair Sarah Markey - Vice Chair Michelle Brousseau AlyciaCollins Emily Cummiskey Kate McMahon Macinanti JacyNorthup Attendees - other Kristen Stringfellow - Superintendent Pauline Lisi- Assistant Superintendent A: It has been my pleasure to serve on the South Kingstown School Committee for 8 years. This school committee has been in office for a year and this plan is floundering. I am not into politics, I am an educator that understands education. Stacey Bodziony stated that she supports this option she wonders why our Superintendent is the only educator on the building committee. South Kingstown School Committee Business Meeting Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Virtual Meeting Attendees - voting members Stephanie Canter - Chair Sarah Markey - Vice Chair Michelle Brousseau Emily Cummiskey Jacy Northup Kate Macinanti Alycia Collins Attendees - other Linda Savastano - Superintendent Maryanne Crawford - CFO Mike Polak - Attorney No Republican declared for the race but five independents in addition to Northup are on the general election ballot: Jason Colvin, Karen Humes, Paula Bradley, Robert Hicks and Valerie Speredelozzi. If re-elected, I will work to bring back Community Conversations which we had until 2018. For me, this is a calling rather than a position. A: We are at a pivotal time in South Kingstown's history, as a School Committee member I have had the. The issue of the foot traffic on Main Street after school hours was repeatedly raised by the Wakefield Merchants Association in the past. She also stated that the plan, whether it be closing CCMS or the HS needs to be communicated to the community with enough time for parents to help their students understand what is happening and why.. person will not be tolerated. These workshops are ongoing and strengthen the relationship between the school and community and also lay the foundation for implicit bias training. Emily Cummiskey said there is access to the property on South Road the parking could be explored but at this point we are looking at the bigger picture to see if this is even an option that should be explored. I think the biggest question of this campaign is are 15 people in a town Democratic Party going to influence the (over 20,000) citizens in our community and the (6,543) people who voted for me last election, Mancini said. Be Truthful. Our basketball court used to be the best in the state, now the high school courts are the fifth oldest in the state. Personally, I have significant concerns that what was once a community envisioned series of improvements to a reduced number of facilities (all remaining) is now a very focused high school build project with very limited plans for the Pre-K through 4 spaces. Guests Tracey Donnelly and David DeQuattro from RGB were also in attendance. Each side feels they are not being heard and therefore disrespected while, at the end of the day, most of us are striving towards the same goal to do what is best for our community. A: The most important issue facing our communitys schools is the inequity in outcomes. Sunshine along with some cloudy intervals. CURTIS CORNER MIDDLE SCHOOL (Precinct 3203) SOUTH KINGSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL (Precinct 3204) WAKEFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Precinct 3205) . Attendees - voting members. The gap between educational outcomes of those who qualify for free and reduced lunch and those who do not. You have permission to edit this article. A: I support sustainable long-term planning incorporating both school and town supported initiatives. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Several members thanked the school committee for deciding to bring in Hicks, but some still had concerns about members transparency and ethics. His grandchildren also attend school in the district. Stephanie Canter opened the discussion to the community members in attendance. Q: Why have you chosen to run for public office? He also noted he had been removed as an administrator from the committees Facebook page. The superintendents report on our school ratings highlighted this, noting that it is exactly what is holding us back. With new leadership at the helm, with numerous, passionate and very involved community members and an amazing team to district employees from admin to bus drivers, to teachers, teach aids, custodians I cant name them all we are destined for success in SK.. In North Kingstown, 11 candidates are vying for the five spots on the Town Council, with six Democrats, three Republicans and two independents. Meet the Candidates: South Kingstown School Committee, Tarbox property sold, according to real estate firm, Brush fire burns hundreds of acres in Exeter forest, Local father, daughter team up to help children understand Alzheimers, Rhode Island comedians coming together to raise funds to fight ME/CFS, Divisive issues linger for shoreline access. 2022-2023 School Calendar ; Broad Rock Students Change the World; North East Navy Band Brass Quintet; Join a Subcommittee; New Year Same Great Schools; Family Engagement Office Updates Don't knowingly lie about anyone Wakefield, RI 02879 . Our school district needs to embrace community engagement and use the knowledge and tools of its members to create a solid path for our future. It should have an engineer/construction professional on the committee to answer questions. It is the committees fault. Following a ruling from Superior Court Judge Sarah Taft-Carter, Rhode Island Fast Ferry owner Charlie Donadio said this week he hopes to launch his company's summer service from Quonset Point in North Kingstown to Old Harbor on Block Island beginning next year. accounts, the history behind an article. There isnt time for her to learn on the job. Total votes Pct; . South Kingstown School Committee Work Session Minutes. Move to direct the Building Committee to proceed with an investigation into Stage II Application to show feasibility of expansion to CCMS for grades 9-12 along with closure of the current high school facility as recommended by Superintendent, . They decided to change the narrative and focus on the education of their students. You have permission to edit this article. I think its time for us to build some bridges and all come together as a community and work for our schools.. An unusual Friday night meeting of the South Kingstown School Committee became contentious over what should have been an easy procedural issue, revealing deep divides within the community. We are at a place where the stars are aligning and we have support in our community to do better. Resident Stacey Bodziony, an organizer for Friends of Wakefield Elementary School, thanked the committee for the extra time and effort theyd put in over the past few weeks, and said the group would look to change its focus going forward. Tuesday, April 9, 2019 . That requires having School Committee members with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Its also about investing my energy to make a commitment for positive change. Based on the recent TC/SC meetings, SK is in a time crunch to get this material in to be considered for the Phase 2 of the bond which is vitally important to potential funding. If we are going to re-visit and make education a priority we need to reconsider the committee. On the Republican side, former State Rep. Doreen Costa is the partys candidate, while, as previously mentioned, Mannix is running as an independent. Jacy Northup - South Kingstown School District South Kingstown Public Schools 401-360-1300 Home Our District Calendars District Calendar 2022-2023 SKHS Sports Calendar Departments Directions Documents Leadership News What's New Perfect Score on AP Exam SKHS Soccer at School Committee Meeting The SKP Lottery is open I am invested in equity across the district for all of our students. The work done to initiate the design for the new high school was research-based and future oriented. The mission was to transform the space to improve educational delivery, foster greater connections among all members of the school community and also strengthen the relationship of our school within the broader community. South Kingstown High School Cafeteria. Members Absent: Stephanie Canter - Chair . Finally, we need to solve our issues surrounding world language and facilities. Wakefield, RI 02879 . Let us know in this week's poll question below. We have beautiful land with the bike path and fields and should be incorporating that into the plan for students to enjoy. School Committee TOWN OF SOUTH KINGSTOWN. Q: Why should the voters place their trust in you? Kate Macinanti brought up the fact that the public may view this change as indecisive but stated that the current Stage II set-up is not very popular so stopping to re-evaluate and change direction if necessary may actually be looked at in a positive manner. High 58F. We lack an analysis of current versus future operating expenses and a solid understanding of the effects this plan will have on the schools annual operational budget.The current plan lacks any meaningful community engagement and thus does not truly represent a community supported goal. You have permission to edit this article. If 200 signatures can be gathered, a special election could take place on June 4, according to Town Manager Robert Zarnetske. Sarah Markey - Vice Chair. of the school. A leadership change caused the building committee to be headed by a Town Council member which took education out of the forefront. The combination of my professional and personal experience makes me the ideal candidate to meet this moment. 215 Columbia Street. I hope to use my experience in working with others to not only make space for all opinions coming from members of our community but to also be professional and timely in my responses. Northup stated that she likes the idea of switching gears and thinks that taking the time to do this right is very important. In addition, the three independent candidates displayed a lack of basic knowledge about critical issues, a red flag for the type of preparation and dedication they would bring as school committee members. (MSV 1) Move to direct the Building Committee to proceed with an investigation into Stage II Application to show feasibility of expansion to CCMS for grades 9-12 along with closure of the current high school facility as recommended by Superintendent Savastano. BROAD ROCK MIDDLE SCHOOL - A (Precinct 3201), BROAD ROCK MIDDLE SCHOOL - B (Precinct 3202), CURTIS CORNER MIDDLE SCHOOL (Precinct 3203), SOUTH KINGSTOWN HIGH SCHOOL (Precinct 3204), WAKEFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Precinct 3205), CHRIST THE KING CHURCH - PARISH HALL (Precinct 3206), WEST KINGSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Precinct 3207), MATUNUCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAFETERIA (Precinct 3209), MATUNUCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ALL-PURPOSE ROOM (Precinct 3210), Representative in General Assembly District 33, Representative in General Assembly District 34, Representative in General Assembly District 35, Representative in General Assembly District 36, 1. Also running for the seat as Democrats are Robert Craven Jr., the son of current State Rep. Robert Craven, and former North Kingstown Town Councilor Ellen Waxman. South Kingstown should start planning for a pathway to universal, full-day Pre-K. To begin, SK could pursue existing RIDE grant opportunities, collaborating, if possible, with existing private preschool programs at no cost to the town. Emily Cummiskey. The board said they. Comments from the public on Wednesday were less inflammatory than last Fridays meeting, which many voiced displeasure with the school committee about the time and location of the meeting, claiming to see it as having the appearance of impropriety. Roland Benjamin stated that the education piece was discussed during the Ed Spec meetings. Candidate. I further believe they are earned by actions, not just poignant phrases, speeches and posts. I have been a good listener, I am an independent thinker and have made decisions with children in mind first and foremost. A: I am running for School Committee because I believe that people that work in education should be more involved with how education is developed and run. The committee unanimously agreed and Stephanie turned the meeting over to the Superintendent. Most concerning, however, is our timeline with limited opportunity for shared input, dialogue, revision, and community feedback. Democrats Christie Fish, Cadence Hansen and Paula Whitford will also be on the ballot. Today the district has approximately 312 certified staff (administrators, teachers, counselors, nurses, other) and 138 non-certified staff (clerks, custodians, maintenance and teacher assistants). My oldest child has been intimately involved with the special education system in South Kingstown. Chance of rain 50%. Editors Note: Due to an error with the Secretary of States website, an earlier version of this story omitted several candidates. She may also be known by the following alternative names: Jacy Almeida, J Almeida, Jacy Northup. JACY NORTHP A: My professional experience working for a South Kingstown based, family-owned business has taught me the importance of every decision I make and how it impacts people's lives in ways that include but also goes beyond financials. SOUTH KINGSTOWN SCHOOL COMMITTEE CANDIDATES Raissa Mosher, Democrat, 401.792.3688, raissamosher@gmail.com Emily Cummiskey, Democrat, 401.932.5617, EMILYCHUCK@verizon.net Roland Benjamin, Republican, 401.783.8755, rbenjamin@lfiinc.com Katherine Macinanti, Democrat, 401.263.3704, katem777@gmail.com Slight chance of a shower late. However, we know that having certain spaces optimizes teaching and learning. I hope this will change going forward. Bergner steered her comment back toward Markey, but called out school committee member Jacy Northup for comments she made last week that were basically a throwdown to the community to file ethics complaints against you for your behavior.. 215 Columbia Street. Build bridges instead of walls. - Sonya Sotomayor. Alycia Collins . For example, in our last redistricting we used community workshops to listen, repeatedly revised maps based on community comment, and created a plan that had zero opposition when it reached the School Committee. We have incredibly complex issues ahead in SK including addressing community concerns (including funding concerns and reduced opportunities for community engagement), safety and supports for students and teachers during COVID-19, making critical capital planning decisions, and addressing inequities in faculty retention, per student spending, and appropriate allocation of resources especially for those most in need in our communities. Seven previous addresses found, including 34 Cobleigh St . Raissa Mosher stated that there are a lot of new people involved but she hopes the time and work that was put into the Ed Spec meetings would be looked at and taken into account. In my view, they are matters of significant importance and in some cases urgency. Over on the South Kingstown School Committee, Democrats Stephanie Canter, the chair of the SKSC, and Michelle Brousseau are seeking reelection as well as incumbent independent Jacy Northup. Error! His contract, approved unanimously by all school committee members present for the special meeting, will pay $800 per day. On Nov. 6, I implore you to vote for Macinanti, Mosher and Benjamin. . that is degrading to another person. Putting Children First JACY NORTHP School Committee Political Ad Paid for by Friends of Jacy Northup I'm seeking re-election to the South Kingstown School Committee on November 3rd I'm eager to continue my collaborative work with fellow committee members, the administration, teachers, staff and families. Unfortunately, there was also a lot of misinformation being spoken by the four candidates opposing the school facilities plan, in what appeared to be an attempt to mislead the voting public. Click here to view the entire meeting or click any video icon below to jump to that section of the meeting. A: Our school district is in need of a long term district vision. Stephanie Canter called the October 28, 2019 School Committee Meeting to order at 7:00 PM. She feels like this is something the students would be excited to know they were discussing. Conversely, if you want to invest in schools youre not being fiscally responsible. A. To learn more about this business and its most recent offers. Council candidates Deborah Kelso, Jim Lathrop, Jess Rose, Deborah Bergner, Dorald Beasley and Abel Collins took part. We see you out and about, and those things get talked about, and then you wonder why theres obvious distrust for your actions?. He thinks we need to build a new high school at Curtis Corner and if it is done right, this community will support it and pay for it. Jimmy Champion stated that this idea was brought in front of the school committee 35 years ago. South Kingstown School Committee Meeting Minutes . We need to create a community vision for our school district that is based on our student achievement. I have also demonstrated a commitment to community volunteerism and school improvement through my work with the Washington County Coalition for Children and Jonnycake Center, focused on improving the lives of children. Understand that the closure of an elementary school would not have solved the budget crisis.. We got the band back, Brimer said with a laugh. During this time, I have attended more than 225 hours of Professional Development for School Committees , and have a 90+% meeting attendance record. Kate Macinanti. So, relocating the high school to Curtis Corner makes the most sense to me, both educationally and economically. Rose, Marran, McEntee, Bergner and Alley are endorsed candidates. Pamela L spoke in favor of keeping CCMS open and keeping the fields.