- 7. Mai 2023
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This also allows the streamer to add or remove random quotes or the specified quote number. A lot of these commands pull a random entry from a list inputted on specific pastes. This returns the current wins and losses counts without changing them. An ! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, you also have an advanced setting tab with custom commands that allows more customization of the command being created. 9 Go down the left side menu and click on 'Chat commands.' and add ${touser} has a SYNTAX inch pp. them. 'Observatory' 'Port' 'Sa\'id City' 'Ahkdar Village' 'Cemetary' 'Airport' 'Sawah Village' 'Sarrif Bay' !command add !wzcontract /me wants you to grab a ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Most Wanted' 'Fortress'} and grab the nearest ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Most Wanted' 'Safercracker' 'Intel'} contract. the gulag. the numbers This is used for the popular PP command with 0 and 15 or so LOL. The streamelements chatbot has a ton of custom and default commands that you can play around with and set to your liking! !uptime $ (twitch $ (channel) " { {uptimeLength}}") This will respond with just the amount of time the streamer has been live for and its a bit straightforward. Added 12.4.22, Let your bot pick your contract! Copy the URL of this page, and that's what you will be pasting into the codes. The default amount is 5000 points. StreamElements have several great modules and a lot of fun features. A slick Social Media Rotator with some added customizable options. Let your viewers keep your stream live by following, subbing, donating, etc. !command add !welcome Welcome to my channel. This command displays whether or not there is a contest running. Updated 7.25.22. I'm sure there's got to be some weird ones out there. Its a good idea to understand the default commands that the Streamelements chatbot has. If there is no raffle running, it will indicate so. 'Mines' 'Ruins' 'Village' 'Lagoon' 'Airfield' 'Power Plant' 'Capital' 'Resort' 'Sub Pen' 'Fields' For more This is an example of how to have one user "interact" with another user. social media. Make it independent or part of your lower third for a design like News stations have. Use them to create different custom counts as you like (for example: keeping track of your death count, number of toilet breaks per session or whatever you can come up with). ${customapi.https://api.scorpstuff.com/chucknorris.php}, ${customapi.https://api.scorpstuff.com/dadjokes.php}. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Nightbot has one. !command add !gwin ${channel} has now won ${count gulagw} gulag matches! This command creates a raffle which users can use the command. You can easily build your own picker using the gulagl 0} losses. Thursday or Saturday from 4-7 Eastern. The code for the command is: !god All hail $(user), God of $(eval a=$(urlfetch json PASTEBINLINKHERE);a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)])! All choices must include two single '' marks. Something that I highly recommend doing is creating a free pastebin account. ${customapi.https://twitch.center/customapi/quote?token=cc798736&no_id=1}, !command add !dropkickrandom ${sender} dropkicks ${random.chatter}'s ass 'White' 'Gray'} ${random.pick 'Box','Eyes' 'Cap' 'Shirt' 'Pants' 'Circle' 'Hands' 'Hair'}. These are different ways that the command can be activated. Soda is a drink, Pop is a noise. The new video by our own RandomGirlSinging covers alerts from A-Z, including the new Random Alerts features tips and tricks you WANT to know. This will be the response message of the command. subscript Subscribers are rewarded with 2x points public Login to see your rank favorite All followers will receive 10 fucks upon following. When it comes to the house point system that's an amazing idea! I want to set up some fun action commands in my stream, for example: !hug --> ${user} hugs {touser} or "Atomic123 hugs WindyCity45". 'Decon Zone' 'Bioweapons Labs'}. Not sure as I don't stream myself, just mod). This is one I encourage you to personalize. This and the next command are optional. As in "Mike's in the shoe", ${1:}'s Xbox gamerscore is ${customapi.https://api.scorpstuff.com/gamerscore.php?gt=${pathescape ${1:}}}, ${customapi.https://api.scorpstuff.com/bbcnews.php}. Scorpstuff.com - Add Fun & Functionality To Your Chat Scorpbot Streamlabs Chatbot Botisimo Mix It Up Bot Nightbot Moobot Streamlabs Cloudbot StreamElements Wizebot Other All services are offered free of charge, but if you wish to support the site, donations are very much appreciated! subscript Subscribers are rewarded with 3x points public Login to see your rank language Channel commands A list of chat commands enabled in chat Everyone Moderator Super Moderator in most cases is meant to be another user. /r/Twitch is an unofficial place for discussions surrounding the streaming website Twitch.tv. KappaRoss, When you generate a link in discord, make sure it's a permanent link, You can either generate a Donations link to work with your OBS (StreamElements or Streamlabs) or use a If you want more info on this, feel The . !command add !resetgulag Gulag stats have been reset to ${count gulagw 0} wins and ${count Sam O'Hara January 3, 2021 Guides Images via SteamElements and NightBot When looking for the best way. Definitely the Dadjoke command! Type !hug to hug a random chatter (does include chatbots; any user in your chat list). Added 4.11.22 By Request. If there are no items, it will indicate so. The default amount of time is 60 seconds. In the chat box type /mod streamelements This will mod the Streamelements chat bot in your chat allowing you to use commands on in your stream. 'Port' 'Sa\'id City' 'Ahkdar Village' 'Cemetary' 'Airport' 'Sawah Village' 'Sarrif Bay' 'Fortress'}. Or you could add the above number genrator to say user1 loves user2 %. Thanks. See you soon! StreamElements - funfps funfps's profile timelapse funfps rewards 5 points every 10 minutes. that follow heart. !command add !lurk Thank you for the lurk ${user}. EITHER each individual one, or all, depending on your needs. Name your command, set user level and response as you like. These points are generated and are brand new. The following is a list of the settings tab: This will be the command name you are creating. It will count up incrementally each time you use it until it is reset. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The bot has to enter the color string or the hexagonal code of the color. StreamElements - Legendary Content Creation Tools and Services. The code is exactly the same except one says "God of" and the other says "Goddess of". !command add !support The best and easiest way to support my channel is to subscribe. does anyone have any others they like to use (they could just be commands you think are helpful not necessarily fun). There is also a Command Variables tab that lets you see the different codes you can use to get certain response types. A wild EXAMPLE appears & attacks composinkid88! (EDIT: I should also note that it doesn't always display incorrectly. . Here's How to Be Ahead of 99% of ChatGPT Users Timothy Mugayi in Better Programming How To Build Your Own Custom ChatGPT With Custom Knowledge Base Matt Dion For random number generator, see !number, Let a user see how long they've been following, This is listed in the dashboard under default commands, This command is a default feature of StreamElements. Saturday from 3 to 6 pm Eastern. These commands below will also do wonders for interacting with your community. Be sure youve added the AlertBox widget to your overlay, from the widgets menu. I've seen a lot of comments where people are asking if they could stay in the houses from the command! !command add !wzchallenge /me wants you to drop ${random.pick 'Docks' 'Runway' It will also display which commands/modules the super moderator can enable or disable. StreamElements - stealthzf StealthZF timelapse stealthzf rewards 5 points every 10 minutes. The actual command I use isn't sonic related, but I figured this is a simple enough example of using multiple pastebin links to create an extended and more randomized output. This command sets the volume of the stream. While these are fairly standard commands for the most part, they all contain some type of code that $(eval var a=["It misses","It's super effective! your viewers will have a lot of fun and support you more. I want to set up some fun action commands in my stream, for example: !hug --> $ {user} hugs {touser} or "Atomic123 hugs WindyCity45" Someone told me this is the way to initiate the action. This command is mainly used with enable or disable. !command add !gloss ${channel} has now suffered ${count gulagl} losses in the gulag. If you make a free account you can create your own lists, so your commands can be custom to your own channel! One quick thing: ${user} returns the name This means they can either reset it to default or change the level of a user to moderator. This is an all-in-one rotator to fit all your needs and fit your design with ease. This is a bit more advanced, but it is the default command module. This command allows users to see the top 5 viewers and the number of points they have accumulated. It is also considered one of the most important Twitch commands for mods. The other bot I use is StreamElements. Use " on each side of each outcome and separate them by commas. to win the number of points of the raffle. !command add !addwin ${channel} has now won ${count wins} games! This command makes it so that if a phrase is repeated several times by a user, it will time them out. Its crucial that the name within the brackets matches your count command. How does a French skeleton say hello? I encourage you to Make your shoutouts better! . Built into the StreamElements bot is the ability to set up what it calls the roulette module. Let's talk fun chat commands! /r/Twitch is an unofficial place for discussions surrounding the streaming website Twitch.tv. If there is no song queue, this command will not work. Random Alerts are the ultimate way to add more versions to your alerts. The average cat food meal is the equivalent to about five mice. if they would like to agree to a duel with the user who challenged them. subcount. SEO Glossary: 200+ Terms & Definitions You Need Meet the 7 Most Popular Search Engines in 9 Essential Types of Webpages Every SEO Pro 11 Big SEO Challenges Youll Face in Your 60+ Mind-Blowing Search Engine Optimization Stats You Need, 10 Basics: How to Increase Brand Awareness with Social Media, How to Create an Editorial Calendar for Content Marketing in 5 Easy Steps. !command add !wzdrop /me wants you to drop ${random.pick 'Docks' 'Runway' 'Beachhead' 'Peak' For your convenience, we have provided some examples for several popular chatbots below. StreamElements Variables Commands Examples Nightbot Variables Commands Examples Global Things /me - Adding this before the command text changes the text color to the bot's color !settitle - Set the title of the stream Streamlabs Variables {target.name} {user} {user.name} {user.time} {touser} - Adds an @ before the user's name {touser.name} FijiSolutions uses the information you Feel free to edit or use the combo picker below! Even though the default commands cannot be deleted, custom commands are allowed to be. If there are no items, this command will not work. TombRaid Please remember to subscript Subscribers are rewarded with 2x points public Login to see your rank Channel commands A list of chat commands enabled in chat Everyone Moderator Super Moderator This command allows user to transfer their points to another user. KappaGen can be used on any StreamElements overlay and you can choose from Twitch, BTTV, GameWisp, and FFZ emotes, so you'll get a great variety of Halloween emote explosions when you enable the witch hats. These two commands will be incredibly useful as your channel grows and more viewers take up your attention. This command makes it so that the specified user spamming a specific phrase or symbol will have those messages deleted or banned themselves for using the phrases or symbols. It also uses random emojis to make things interesting. Streamelements is another very popular bot in the Twitch and Youtube community with a range of features including games like Bingo and Roulette but most importantly it allows us to add chat commands to our stream. !slap TARGET, This creates an RPS command that you can either pick your opponent or let the bot select a random viewer high five. This command will give the user that called it a sonic-inspired name and title. I figured I'd share a couple of my custom commands, as well as briefly explain how you can use these commands as a blueprint to create your own fun ones for your channels! This command shows what items the streamer has in their store. It's got a very watered down quote system. The more active viewers there are in a channel, the more favorable the algorithm for discoverability on Twitch will be for you.Adding a command in the vein of !lurk allows people to let the streamer know that they are lurking while the bot responds by offering them a short message thanking them for stopping in the stream. Ok, so first off, I have not yet figured out how to run a wins/kills counter in StreamElements the same way !command add !rbcontract /me wants you to grab a ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Supply Run' Fun Commands | VaughnSoft Fun Commands !pop = It's SODA, not POP! ), ${user} Command seems a bit wonky, or am I doing something wrong, Scan this QR code to download the app now. The more commands, the more possible reach! Users may also use the. mark is still needed in front of the name. The ${count} command increases your counter by one and updates your chat. If I use your code, This keeps proceedings fair and balanced, and allows for a smooth giveaway. All commands will have the ! Sell your self! Here's how to put witch hats on the KappaGen emotes. !command add !dropkick ${sender} dropkicks ${touser}'s ass 8 Login to StreamElements.com. If nothing is typed after the command, the command will fail. So using these pastebin links is great because you can have as many items in your list as you want without taking up any more real estate in the actual code length. This command allows the moderator to prevent a user from being timed out for the amount set. This sets the !resetwins command to mod. Multiple users are picked as winners who share the raffle amount. . Quarters' 'Nova 6 Factory' 'Headquarters' 'Control Center' 'Dock' 'Prison Block' 'Harbor' 'Chemical commands are ones that moderators are able to use: This command starts a bingo in the chat room. StreamElements - streamelements StreamElements Service Profile! relevant content, products, and services. This will be the cost of activating the command, using points that the viewer has gained from watching the streamer. 53 is the total number of national football associations of UEFA. VIP is 400 and may also be used. Privacy Policy. In fact, StreamElements Chat Bot can be the most powerful ally on your team. twitch.tv/streamelements timelapse streamelements rewards 50 points every 10 minutes. This command allows users to see any quotes the streamer has added to their stream. If you have a Discord with sub perks, include that. This command allows users to see how many points a viewer has. Custom commands have similar settings to the default commands. If you like what you see, don't forget to click !command add !funfacts This command shows how long the streamer has been streaming for the current session. When the Pick an alert randomly when more than one matches box isnt checked, for each value the oldest alert will be the default one and other alerts will be greyed out. Go to Chat commands and click New command. You may unsubscribe from these Added 4.11.22 By Request, I marked this wz2drop, but you can delete the wz2 for ease of use. The end results will decide whether or not the song is skipped. Make sure your pastebin is formatted correctly with the correct apostrophe (copy the one from the post if you need to), make sure youre using the raw pastebin link, and make sure you have no extra brackets or apostrophes. Clickable link to subscribe to your channel. It has worked correctly without changing anything in the command, just very seldomly. Open the Alertbox layer on the left side menu, click the settings icon of the alert you want to edit (Random Alerts works the same for all 5 alert types) followed by the Variations settings button. Each mini game has its own configuration for you to go . KappaRoss, !command add !slap ${sender} just slapped ${random.chatter} with a https://www.twitch.tv/${channel}/subscribe . This command will assign whoever uses it a random thing to be a god/goddess of. !mawk = Mark created the Vaughn Bot, [vn] Vaughn and Vaughn Live !kill <input> = What is with all of this violence toward <input>, <your name>?! Engineering' 'Decon Zone' 'Bioweapons Labs'} and grab the nearest ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Top Secret' Only problem is that the User command OFTEN returns either the channel name, or the user in both spots, and it ends up looking like this: So, my question is, is there a better way to pull off these types of commands without this possibility happening again? free to stop by my Twitch Channel on Tuesday, This command allows users to redeem any of them !items from the store if the user has enough points for the item. This command creates a raffle in which a single user wins the number of points in the raffle. play! Thats it, count is good to go, we suggest testing it in your chat while not streaming to be sure your setup was done correctly. The more items you include in each list, the more different random combinations there can be. In addition to the new variables, we added a new default command: !editcounter. Type !rps to attach_money All non anonymous tippers will receive 100 fucks for every $1 tipped. This is the code: !battle A wild $(user) appears & attacks $(touser)! Want to be a Code Guru and contribute your own widgets to StreamElements? This allows a user to tell you they are still there and care. If you want to offer something back to your viewers by offering a giveaway, the !giveaway command will allow you to present any competitions that you are running easily to your viewers. Close Search. This does not transfer any points. The use of these commands could be given as store redemptions (e.g. That's the fun bot with the sound effects, quotes, and funny custom commands. Similarly, the !title command is an easy way to make amendments to the title of your stream. I started wondering what might be some really fun / funny / interesting / helpful custom command ideas for chat! This resets BOTH counters to zero. This allows viewers to build up points that can then be used for a roulette-style function. This command denies any duel request a user has made in the chat. facts coming soon! !command add !CUSTOMPICK CUSTOM TEXT ${random.pick 'CHOICE1' 'CHOICE2' 'CHOICE3' 'CHOICE4' !command add !hug ${sender} hugged ${touser}! Marketing Manager @StreamElements and a Wasteland Wanderer, 8 OBS tips to make your stream run smoothly, More from StreamElements - Legendary Content Creation Tools and Services. Something to note is that the length of the code needs to be able to fit in Twitch's chatbox, meaning no more than 500 characters. The multiple levels are. The following is a list of the advanced settings tab: This command allows you to choose when the command is active. This command allows a moderator to enable the store for all users. Triggered by events or commands, each module has its own settings for modification and can be enabled/disable in one click. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Youll need to do ALL commands in order to set the user levels to mod for most of the functions. black bar above. !command add !resetwins The wins have been reset to ${count wins 0}. Start by clicking the New Command button just like in the previous example. Here are all the settings that can be edited in the default commands tab: This is the cost needed to activate the command. Type !hug to hug a specific chatter ie !hug ToeKneeTM. fairly relevant to the command, and need to be included in any edit. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Here are the best commands for your Streamelements and Nightbots. 'Scavenger' 'Supply Drop' 'Top Secret'} contract. here: LINKGOESHERE, !command add !follow If you like what you see, make sure to hit that follow heart! !rules - While most platforms have multiple ways for you to showcase your community standards, it's ideal to have this in an easily accessible place. This command lets the moderator pause the current song request queue. This can be useful if you have created a new account and want to transfer your points over to that one. Combo drop and contract picker to add some variety to your games! This command allows users to place a bet on any currently running content. If you written code for a json return for Elements, please feel 'Rohan Oil' 'Al Mazrah City' 'Quarry' 'Hydroelectric' 'Marshlands' 'Caves' 'Al Sharim Pass' Archived post. I'm pretty new to this & had to search the internet for ages finding the command I used haha! !dropkick USERNAME, This creates a dropkick command lets the bot select a random viewer from the chat list, This creates an Slap command that you pick your target. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hey! To change the number range, simply change one or both of Has anyone seen some really great / fun custom chat commands on stream? Please feel free to refer to the following set of articles for great information on the getting started process with StreamElements. !command add !rpsrandom ${sender} just dropped ${random.pick'Rock' 'Paper' 'Scissors'} Those are a basic explanation of the default commands. INSTALINKHERE, TIKTOKLINKHERE, OTHERLINKSHERE, !command add !insta Follow me on Instagram at INSTALINKGOESHERE, !command add !twitter Follow me on Twitter to stay up to date: TWITTERLINKGOESHERE, !command add !tiktok Be sure to follow my TikTok to get the latest videos! This command removes a song from the current song queue. . https://twitch.tv/${channel ${touser}}, !command add !raid KomodoHype twitchRaid Welcome Raiders! If you have written one that you care to share, please email me. mark will still be needed to activate the command. StreamElements - mariosquared mariosquared twitch.tv/mariosquared timelapse mariosquared rewards 10 points every 10 minutes. If you have questions, the best way to get answers is my live stream on Twitch at Twitch.tv/ToeKneeTM every Tuesday, Thursday and syntax for the unlimited response picker. Only problem is that the User command OFTEN returns either the channel name, or the user in both spots, and it ends up looking like this: Apply to be a Code Guru here and be sure to visit the widget-share channel in our Discord for the latest discussions around custom widgets. It's super effective! To use these widgets, FIRST CONNECT YOUR STREAMING PLATFORM with StreamElements and then click on the links below (otherwise you will be routed to our homepage). !wrongsong: The command removes the song last played from your queue. A previous version of this command subrtacted 1 from the Step 1 Best StreamElements Commands - Elevate Your Stream! This will return a number between 1 and 100. If you don't have emotes, then you don't want to advertise Now you can have plenty of alert variations for each alert type and amount go wild! Understanding Default commands I'm trying to setup some custom commands for my stream, and I'm realizing all my custom commands are very standard -- showing socials, mentioning that sometimes I might miss a message here and there, a link to join discord, etc. bleedPurple, !command add !socials Follow me on all my social media accounts TWITTERLINKHERE, tab), it is more likely that they will count as a viewer. This is the cooldown before anyone can use the command again in the chat. Users can type. They are much simpler and dont have as many customizations as the default commands. !command add !wzcontract /me wants you to grab a ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Most Wanted' StreamElements: @jayther , you got Kappa Heads Random with emote !command add !fix $ {random.pick 'Unable to comply, building in progress.' 'Cannot build here.' 'Insufficient Funds' 'Cannot deploy here' 'Unit lost'} $ {random.emote} Example: jayther: !fix StreamElements: Unit lost SMOrc Win Counter Love to shoutout people? This is the arrow to display whether the settings are shown for the command or not. Random Picker in Elements is so much easier! This command disables any sound effect items the store might have. This is a moderator level command that enables you to change the current number in your counter. Pastes Fortnite Weapons Fortnite Locations (Season 7) StreamElements Nightbot Streamlabs Chatbot Weapons Challenge $ (customapi.https://api.thefyrewire.com/twitch/pastebin/GUpxTtdw?return=3) Drop Challenge In the Variation settings youll have the list of existing alerts versions (and the option to add new ones). This command allows users to view the next song in the streamers song queue. Thanks. Let your bot pick your contract! If no raffles are running it will indicate so. These commands vary from telling people how long the streaming has been streaming to different fun games viewers can play while the streamer is live! This command removes the last song played from the current song queue. D: !hi5 <input> = <your name> high fives <input> This command simply cancels any duel a user has made against another. 'Hijacked' 'Asylum' 'Factory' 'Turbine' 'NukeTown' 'Cargo' '8 Pack'}, !command add !fortnitedrop /me wants you to drop Edit: yall Im sorry but please stop DMing me asking for help, most of these issues are small that can be fixed if you just read through your code carefully keep in mind this is just for NIGHTBOT and the codes are different for streamelements. This is the amount of time before the user can use the command again. This is a list of commands. If they don't mute the actual stream (or You can also tip bitties or donate; !donate for details. If you have questions, !command add !wins ${channel} has won ${getcount wins} games today. Added 4.11.22 by !command add !wz2challenge /me wants you to drop ${random.pick 'Oasis' 'Taraq Village' This command completely clears the song request queue. For more information, please see our 'CHOICE5' 'LONGERCHOICESAREOKTOO' 'UPTO500CHARACTERLIMIT'} MORECUSTOMTEXT, !command add !picktwo ${random.pick'Blue' 'Green' 'Red' 'Yellow' 'Purple' 'Burgandy' 'Black' https://www.twitch.tv/${channel}/subscribe. block of ALLCAPSTEXT, you need to replace those with your own information like a link or channel name. A boxed layout for your chat which can be a perfect match to your stream design. Ill be adding more commands in the future. This creates a more complex rock paper scissors game where the bot picks the opponent. composinkid88 faints. You can allow tweets from certain Twitter accounts to be integrated into your chat (perhaps have this as a special feature for high-tier subs?) So as a quick example, for this list you could do something like: And the command will then randomly assign one of those to fill in the blank. This command enables any sound effect items the store might have. HI! The second half of this command has the outcomes, which is similar to a pastebin list format except it's part of the actual code you enter into the command. This command shows the current songs in the queue. Here's the official chat command lists for the most popular Twitch chatbots: StreamElements Nightbot Moobot Twitch Streamer Discord Chat Commands Many popular Twitch streamers use Discord as a place to connect with their followers and subscribers one-on-one or in group discussions. Feel free to edit or use the combo picker below! If there is no contest, the response message will indicate so. Name your command, set user level and response, make sure to use ${count} properly for command to work, see our example below. Its a great way to interact with them, and the features built into the bot often allow you to ensure that its done right. you will be noted in the credits and I will make it a cliackable link to either your channel or social medai The default amount is 1000 points. This is the users level to activate the command. Wind is blowing from the North at 3.6 kph (2.24 mph) and the humidity is 93%, ${customapi.https://api.scorpstuff.com/forecast.php?units=metric&city=${pathescape ${1:}}}, Forecast for London, GB | Tuesday: Light rain 5.5 C 8.2 C | Wednesday: Light rain 3.5 C 7 C | Thursday: Light rain -0.6 C 3.5 C |, ${customapi.https://api.scorpstuff.com/urbandictionary.php?term=${pathescape ${1:}}}, the shoe - term used to describe prison in which you are totally isolated. Stream Elements is a third party extension that gives mods additional commands that they can use while moderating Twitch chat.
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