- 7. Mai 2023
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- Category: Allgemein
Not only will these sites leave you out of pocket for the toll, but theyll also leave you facing a fine of up to 105.00 for non-payment. They have prepared scripts to cut you down when they are speaking to you. Hi Well I doubt youll get the 14-day grace period again, but paying asap might be enough to confuse what sounds like a creaking and groaning penalty system! The Dart Charge uses the same red C logo as the Congestion Charge but is an entirely separate scheme, operated on behalf of Highways England. Furthermore by reading some information normally people are warned if they pay to late (after 14 days) which I never got. If you are currently exempt from paying the charge, that will still be the case. In typical single speed style this year's world championship has been announced. He then said no you paid on the 8th of Feb for a crossing on the 1st of feb. when i advised this was incorrect he said that the fine is for non payment on the 1st of Feb. i advised quite clearly his letter stated the 8th of Feb and i had never recieved anything regarding the 1st Feb. I would try now and wait and see. Its three weeks ago now and Im still dealing with it, and I dont expect it to go away any time soon. Set an identical reminder for your homebound trip using your home postcode7. Thanks. I would also suggest that as the 35 has already been paid, that you have good grounds for not paying anymore. My daughter has my car, drove down south to visit a friend on 3rd July, and on 5th July crossed the Dart, only for me to get a PCN issued 23/10 almost 4 months later. Now, today, nearly 11 months later I have had a PCN for 107.50. I think I have been reasonable but at 2-3 per phone call the costs to me continue to build up, not to mention the distress I feel each time a new PCN arrives through my letter box. I have recorded the voice stating that the payment has been taken for the outstanding crossings. Please contact the DVLA to confirm if your vehicle is exempt. I have today 14/11/2015 received a charge certificate for 105. When I told your call taker that I was unhappy about the internet capacity and that the site was rubbish and I was now having to pay a fortune on calls, I was abruptly interrupted and told, no its not. I paid the 5 anyway and when the PCN arrives will try to appeal it citing that I paid, albeit just after the deadline. Pay now and it should stop the penalty being sent out. I realised it after 3 days and payed for both to and fro journeys. But called to ask asI found out going through the tunnel means I have to pay too (thought you only paid while going through the bridge) but the man I spoke to said I now have to wait to receive a pcn as he cant take the payment. I used the crossing once, got a penalty notice, paid by computer, got a receipt. I live up north too and there are 10 in my area so no excuses. Since this is a huge money, I think some good solicitors can do something. Yes use Payzone shops. We will continue to press for a change to the information and signage informing motorists how to pay. Whats a PCN worth now? I have just returned from travelling in the UK in my car. You can't. Providing its your first offence in that particular car you should be fine because of the 14-day grace period. I have two pieces of paper are un envelope one with pcn dated 24/09/15 with charges but other explains pcn charges but says you can just pay 2.50 within 14days from issue date and all pcn charges will be cancelled. b) The warning on the letter said that if not paid within 14 days it may be registered with County Court and a Court Order raised against me. What is the point of that???? WebPay the Dart Charge within 28 days of your crossing, or youll get fined 70, plus the original crossing fee. I would rather pay double for my mistake (or your mistake) is hard to say who the error, we of the continent how do we know that you have to pay a toll if there are no clear signs or warning lights. Required fields are marked *. Lloyds would pay the UK Govt taxes on their profit for this sum so I decided this year to none renew my business with the UK. On-the-spot payments have been abolished and replaced by a new scheme called Dart Charge. Pay in advance for a one-off crossing: If you only use the crossing occasionally, for trips to the airport etc, then paying a minimum of 10.00 into an account is not a good use of your money. This could leave them open to fines because it has been reported that the smartphone-based payment system cannot handle foreign credit cards. I did receive a confirmation email but I couldnt open the attached PDF. Hi Lucy, I am sorry to hear about your experience at the Dartford Crossing you certainly arent alone. Forgot to pay and called them four days later and they tried to charge me 37.50..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also received their email payment confirm receipt for the Eur 3.61. i have looked at your website , were is the price tariff I want to find how much boat and trailer cost ? However, a warning to you. I just got a fine for 105 for an offence 2 months a go. We are pushing to get better signage on the motorway, too. How can I check please ? If the T&Cs dont make this clear, have a word with your local Trading Standards office. Will I get a PCN or should I pay today on the Nissan numberplate? This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. This was on 22nd May2016 and I received a penalty on 14th Oct 2016, nearly 5 months later! The same happened to me. The power to issue a penalty charge notice is a discretionary one the regulations state that the authority may issue a penalty charge notice (my emphasis). Hi Im hoping you can help. can any one help me how to wave this charges. All fields are required unless stated otherwise. I frankly cant be bothered with using the crossing again even if I do succeed in appealing, its about the same length of journey round the M25 if I go north or south, and I cant for one second believe the toll booths were removed to alleviate congestion considering everyone still has to pay the 2.50 charge, plus a huge number of people a lot being occasional users must be getting fined for getting it wrong. Hope it helps.https://www.aph.com/community/holidays/dartford-crossing-new-charging-system-explained/#appeal. The people using taxes for military use, to go to war and kill innocent civilians, men, women and children they are the criminals. Why they just wouldnt accept my attempt to pay a few days later is beyond me if they are willing to spend time and money asking for the same fee 5 months later. So I pay in advance, then inevitably cross the bridge late/early when the charge isnt in force. #1. Manage Settings I managed to speak to someone on the phone this morning and surprise! This system has been set up very badly; it seems set on making money from fines. I feel like some sort of criminal now. I phoned Dart Charge and was told that actually there was a third penalty to be issued for another day. I wish you the best of luck and let us know how you get on with this. I have tried to pay now but the DVLA site thinks my Ford is a Nissan. As a foreigner who occasionally visits the UK i wasnt even aware of the new toll system until i was coincidentally tipped off right before my next visit. I called Dart Charge and pleaded for leniency but of course was told my only option was to make a representation (2 representations, actually). Hi, So i registered for an account at the website and deposited some money via creditcard(no other payment methods, how convenient), so far so good. Chiedo di rivalutare la mia sanzione e di poter abbassare la quota perch se ci sono 300.000 autisti che non pagano ci sar pure un motivo. There is some kind of fraud going on this Dartford crossing. I am in the same boat. He called me to ask me to pay, I put his registration in and it was confirmed the make, model and colour of his vehicle. Do you think I would win an appeal? WebWhat happens if you forget to pay the Dart Charge payment? A couple of days later I suddenly remembered, I went straight online and paid the toll charge. i then used it on the 8th of Feb 2015. I believe its wisely to pay 20 per year for unlimited crossings, rather than spending gallons of fuel going some other routs. It is free to cross between 10pm to 6am, this applies 365 Sorry to hear about the problems. Viewing 20 posts - 1 through 20 (of 20 total), So, forgot to pay my Dartford Dart Charge.. In the first month alone, potential fines amounted to 21 million. This is a ridiculous situation where drivers should be able to attempt to pay but have it refused if not liable. At least a week notice is a fair deal. Returning from two months abroad I saw no information signs and (stupidly) assumed that the barriers were open due to weight of traffic. Now I shall enjoy wasting my night trying to contact an invisible parasite who was so much easier and slave friendly to locate when paying the charge. Sorry to hear that. pathetic service ! Hope the trip was good otherwise. I had just come back from a visit to Portsmouth, requiring 2 crossings in the same day, when I had a call from Addenbrooks that they had a kidney for me, and spent most of the rest of the day there having tests etc. Doh! Hi It is still active and should include the second one according to the slightly unclear wording on the official rules.Pay both now and you should be fine. And yet they penalise us if we are unable to be on line. Remembered 10 days later so went on website and made a one off payment of 5. The hire company said im responsible for all fines, which I took to mean speeding, jumping lights etc. my account balance which I was forced to have because DART force you to put a minimum of 10 as soon as there is less than 10 in. Was just dropping my lad to Stansted. However on my Birthday, I came back via the toll as I had no choice and made a mental note to pay it when I got home (how can you pay it when youre driving) but I have kids and a terrible memory, it takes me hours to get home and it is always stressful and it just slipped my mind. However, it sounds like you just made one crossing so either pay now at the usual rate or wait until the charge notice turns up and gives you the 14-day grace period. Please take a few seconds to take this poll and tell us how youd improve the new charging system.. TLDR: Forgot To Pay The Dart Charge The Dart Charge applies during the times of 6am to 10pm. Webemail your request to info@nationalhighways.co.uk Dart Charge Contact Centre Phone: 0300 300 0120 From outside the UK: +44 (0) 300 300 0120 Textphone: 18001 0300 300 I agree Dave, I live in Switzerland and was caught out like yourself and I am currently finding out how and if, I can appeal. Now we pay a 367million contract with Sanef to design and deliver the new free flow system which does not work, and yes on Sunday there was a traffic jam due to road works on the Dartford crossing Something is very wrong here. Seems like robbery to me. The message tells me access via the website. Leeds. I was very surprised. Where is the harm, loss and damage? We are sorry to hear about the disappointment of the operation not going ahead and hope you get good news soon. The signs were very unclear they say Dart Charge: find us online, pay by midnight tomorrow. Theres no info saying *who* actually has to pay these charges, nor indeed how much they are. Shame on you Dartford crossing and management team. While on holiday in France, I read that first time users of the crossing were being given 14 days to pay in view of the unsatisfactory arrangements for collecting payments (source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-30633955): There doesnt seem to be any way of checking that the toll has been paid. The system is unreasonable to all motorists who does not have an account that automatically takes the money out of their account. I didnt open an account just made a one-off payment. I have just returned home to find a fine for when I crossed on 17/04/2015 Im also very annoyed with, given all the revenue that this system is making the proprietors of the bridge, why cant an automated email be sent to vehicle owners that are registered with Dart Charge? There was no information displayed as to how to pay on the road, How am I supposed to know as a visitor that I am supposed to pay a toll! It is a huge amount that youre being asked to pay for a system that is flawed. The charge can be paid online, by phone, or at a retail location. If you believe you should not have been issued a penalty charge notice, you can challenge it by making a representation. We used the tunnel for the first time since the new system came in. I received a Charge Certificate in the post yesterday (22/01/2016). Just wait for the notice to arrive. This will result in many tourists being hit by charges through no fault of their own. After numerous attempts to input my details and pay the toll on your abysmal website on 29 June, I gave up and called it in by phone. Pay both ways: It might sound obvious, but dont forget that payment is due for each crossing you make both on your outward and return journey. I was totally flabbergasted to see my charge. If the PCN is not paid, additional fines may be imposed and enforcement action may be taken, such as court summons or vehicle clamping. How much did they charge you on the credit card? When I tried to ring on 030003001200 to pay, no one answers. Hi, I had exactly the same experience about 2 days ago.. Hi John did you ever get a PCN ? I am not prepared to consider paying the Penalty until I have received the notice in writing. ): I telephoned your office this evening to try and establish when I can expect to receive a PCN in relation to a crossing I made on 28 July. I think this system is a real scam because it penalize honnest and innocent people. I will look into it to confirm the situation. Today my other half recieved a bailiffs notice at our previous address wanting to remove goods as apparently we now owe in excess of 400. Ive already paid and I own that I will keep your receipt because I do not trust. We crossed on 28 August. We did manage to pay the following day (with difficulty) on my husbands phone, but we almost forgot, and I dont use a mobile, so if I had been on my own I would have been completely stuck and unable to pay. Use the top drop-down option to select Transport and ticketing then Dart Charge in the next options list. We thought great thats okay as we have already paid a few days ago. They have all our details, and can send out a fine snappy enough. There are no contact details on the charge certificate. With more than 42 years experience of providing airport parking and hotels, we know how important it is to offer impeccable service and provide products that travellers can trust. So Ive done that online and now I wait and see. Hi -The 14-day period is from when the penalty charge is sent out so you should be fine. It seems, that I will soon receive notification of a large penalty for crossing and not paying on time. as first timers on this route since it has all changed were able to pay 2 crossing charges now we are home. Let us know how you get on. Saw the signs saying I needed to pay by midnight TONIGHT I went over at 5pm and I returned over the bridge at about 11pm so should be ok for my return journey, I think, as it was after 10pm? i paid the toll a day late as it was good friday and bank holiday in one weekend and i totally forgot i crossed on the monday not the tuesday and paid on the wednesday will i be fined for this? My son used the Dartford Tunnel a few weeks ago. I totally forgot to pay the charge until I heard an advert on the radio the following Tuesday 28 July. Leaving this until you get to the airport could result in it getting forgotten as you battle your way through a busy terminal and queue-clogged check-in procedure.Pay in advance here. If you wish for tourists to come and enjoy your country get rid of revenue fleecing schemes like this Rest Assured I will be passing on to everyone I know how despicable your countrys toll system is I made a return crossing on Tuesday 2nd June, using a hire car, on a business trip for the company I work for. Advised them i had already done this and sent proff of payment made on the 8th of Feb. Secondly I didnt arrive at my destination until past midnight the following day and thirdly I didnt receive my PCN until two months after returning to the uk. I believe the Dartford system is like the London Congestion Charge system, where you can pay even if you werent sure you entered the zone. Just been wheel clamped even though I have an active dart tag account in credit ! They dont tell you in the letter you can pay 2.50 you need to know this. I am from Germany. 08/09/2018 12:30. I tried to enter my car registration number on the ghastly and confusing UK gov website and it was refused. They the meter. Its also clear the site is targeting millions of foreign drivers who use the crossing each year, with the website offering versions of the payment system in 18 languages.How to pay the official site: If paying online, make sure you save cash and get an official receipt by heading here otherwise you could be left with no proof of payment or means of appeal if something goes wrong.www.gov.uk/pay-dartford-crossing-charge. Like Manfred, I have no tablet, notebook or computer with me on my hoilday, only an smartphone without access to data in UK; and paying buy phone is not very easy for a person who dont live in UK. British citizens are shocked, the foreigners visiting are dismayed by our practice. Do you need more time to complete what you were doing. We have one in our family the car is obtained from special suppliers and when we went through it automatically picked this fact up on the Registration. If the former it seems a very good idea, seems one would win all round. The fine will be: reduced to 35 if you pay within 14 days. So not very impressed. Pay online or by phone, I have only just remembered that I didnt pay for a double crossing 19 days ago. which they cant use against the payment owed? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. All to no avail. What should I do? We welcome you with a tut and hmmph. The penalty notice arrived. Hi Exp. This year I paid up for three passages for the two trips I have done this year as you can pay in advance. Anyone got 2 separate letters for separate crossings on the same day then? Told that yes the Tags were valid but they were linked to a specific vehicle!!!!! I followed instructions to access http://www.gov.uk/dart-charge to pay the penalty but it does not seem possible to do this. So is this official HA policy? Second you have to pay a fine. This should be covered under the 14-day grace period for first offences. It is often without any intention cause any inconvenience to anyone. I have appealed and await the response. However, this is best for those who use the crossing on a regular basis, because users have to pay 10.00 to join. See my comments below. We rent so he mayve lived here in the past but hant for the last two years what do I do!? Best of luck Lucy and make sure you let us know how it works out. We charged an admin fee each time. This option lets you pay for pay for individual crossings up to 12 months in advance. The Dartford crossing is a free-flow toll bridge that takes you across the river Thames on the eastern section of the M25. What happens if you forget to pay Dart Charge? They have asked I pay another 5 or they will charge me the fine of 70 if I delay (aka appeal). While his Dartfordcrossingtoll site is not asking for money, its likely that some wont be for built with such innocent intentions. Its worth calling dart charge, they answer the phone Despite my willingness to pay, all my attempts failed and a simple slip of memory has cost me dear. I am not sure whether the correct term is theft or extortion or plain bullying but I feel like a little kid whos had his dinner money taken by the school bully. Many will arrive through the Port of Dover and go on to other parts of the UK by using the Dartford Crossing. I telephoned them straight away to say that there was a mistake as I had paid the 2.50 back in January. As it is I am now apparently liable for a fine of 2 x 105 pounds. Who voted for the idiots who make these decisions? Merseyflow is the toll operator for the Mersey Gateway and Silver Jubilee free-flow toll bridges. To top it all : unfair and confusing penalty system. Or you could call 0300 3000 120 and pay through an automated service or a real person, or you could go to http://www.payzone.co.uk/Store-Locator and select transport and ticketing then select dart charge then type in your postcode and city and it will give you a list of all the payzones that accept payment for the crossing within a 5 mile radius of your street. Stress is a major downer on your immune system, take care of yourself. 2 months later, a letter in French and posted in Sweden arrived at our Swiss address. I thought this was correct as the PCN was for 70 and I was paying the toll charge of 2.50. I did this right away on-line and was emailed a receipt. Using their automated telephone service, I have been told that the money has been taken for the registered crossings I have made. I had no idea of the changes regarding Dartford crossing and subsequently forgot to pay for journey down on 6/2/16 and back on 8/2/16. A good thru date of 10 days The sanef Operations customer service number is 0300 300 0120. This system seems crazy. In short, I would relax and enjoy the fruits of your shopping trip. Our car is congestion charge exempt but I see no evidence on the gov.uk website that its exempt from Dart Charge. Phone them up and confess your sins, they let you off your first crime. Simply paying when you get back should be okay for a first offence. You are not alone and as a whole batch of fines are going out at the moment, you wont be alone.
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