allah puts someone in your life for a reason


"i like this ayat: "Allah puts people in your life for a reason, and removes them from your life for a better reason"" Desperate with no other options, she helped out. What about Those You Dont Know the Purpose? Allah is the reason why even in pain, I smile! Verify Allah SWT forgives all sins | Al-Quran 39:53, Allah SWT will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind | Sahih Al-Bukhari Book 73 Hadith 42, When you make dua, it is a sign that Allah SWT loves you & has intended good for you | Imam Ibn al-Qayyim. Allah comes in between a person and his heart. He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. Its Allahs perfect plan! For more information, please visit: We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Indeed Allah is the best of planners. The path we choose determines the outcome; even if we . Famous Islamic and Muslim Quotes and Sayings -, 75+ Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life With Pictures, 81+ Beautiful & Inspirational Islamic Quran Quotes / Verses in English, 95+ Islamic Marriage Quotes For Husband and Wife, 40+ Prophet Muhammad SAW Quotes And Sayings in English, 27+ Power of Prayer Namaz Quotes in English, Death Remembrance Quotes from Famous People, 50+ Valentines Day Quotes That Capture The Feeling Of Friendship And Love, Expect The Unexpected At Your First Muslim Wedding Celebration, Congratulations on the great happiness again on 2nd Child, Promposal Quotes And Ideas For Him And Her. Indeed, He is Praiseworthy and Honorable, [ Quran, 11:73]. This is not a bad thing; it only means that your relationship has run its course, and you both learned your lessons and, therefore, need to focus on other things. When Allah Wants Two Hearts To Meet He Will Move Both Of Them, Not Just One. Allah knows what is best for you and when you should have it. [Anonymous]. 273 Best Allah Quotes & Sayings 2023 He just answers them in different ways for us. Allah SWT hears all of our prayers, whether they are silent or loud. PPHI Jobs 2023 Sindh Latest March Advertisement Apply Online Allah Loves you more than you can ever love him. In this post, we've included a list of praying for forgiveness quotes in Islam as well as forgiveness from Allah quotes for your convenience. Here are some reasons for God taking out someone from your life. And it is Allah (SWT) who gives strength in times of weakness. When Allah grants you a gift Dont take it for granted! Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. As the day went on, another truck driver stopped and he was carrying chickens. Each person taught me something and shaped me into the person that I am today. ", The company of a good friend is like an owner of musk; if you dont buy anything, you will get the smell of it. Islam is not a set of rules. Do not force the religion on your family. It made her strong, and knowledgeable knowing what to look for in a new spouse. Until then, we should embrace the lessons and never stop evolving. But we have to learn to trust it. And vice versa. [Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Sahih Bukhari]. Assignment writing services or Chat GPT What to choose for academic needs? The tongue utters whats in the heart. Allah never said the road would be easy. When God puts you in a situation to meet someone new, He puts you there to enlighten someone or to make someones life better. Allah Owns your happiness so don't look for it far from him. Allah knows The words you can not say, The Pain that no one knows, The sorrows no one sees. When we open up about our weaknesses and challenges with others, it helps them see the ways . Allah still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him. Therefore, if you start worshipping someone else other than Him, He may remove them from your life. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their hearts. Maybe God put them in our path because we need to learn something about ourselves. If Allah subhana wa taala can turn day into night then surely Allah can turn the darkness of our life into happiness and prosperity. She refused and eventually they ended in a divorce because as she learned about her rights as a wife, she realized that her husband was not giving her rights to her. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The person that God has put in your life will respect and honor you. 100 Best Collection of Allah Quotes - Islam Quotes About Life Muslims have been blessed in every aspect, but the greatest blessing is that Allah chose us to be Muslims. Best quotes about Allah quotes that will change your life and will make you know about Allah. The Heart made by Allah & for Allah Only (I love Allah Quotes). 3- The third is often times, people will become arrogant or prideful in their lives. The beauty of Islam is that its never too late to ask ALLAH for forgiveness but we also have to remember you never know when youll die. Allah Loves you more than you can ever love him. Bring alone with him in worship when He descends During the last third of the night. Put your trust in Him. Hakeem Olajuwon. And whosoever has faith in Allah and the Day of Judgement, let him speak only of what is good or else remain silent. Allahs plans are better than our dreams. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [Al-Araf verse 204]. Just love me and life will beautiful. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Through experiences I had working as a waitress during university, I was able to teach my colleagues that honesty is the best policy when dealing with people to gain their trust and respect. Trust in Allah. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Required fields are marked *. It not only taught them, but reassured myself of this life lesson as well. When you feel low or sad look around you. Allah promises us in the Quran that if we are grateful to Him for everything, He would give us more. The proof is in your actions when nobody can see you except Allah. Discover the priceless words that sparkle and shine here. -[Quran, 55:13], They said, Are you amazed at the decree of Allah ? We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. It's who is most righteous. Quran 12:87. Allah is the best of planners. I want my love for you to grow every day! Because the people who love and care about you will see things clearly and wont approve of someone if they see red flags. Allah will make everything beautiful at the right place, at the right time, for the best reason. If Allah subhana was taala can turn day into night then surely Allah can turn the darkness of our life into happiness and prosperity. Have faith and be inspired by Allah's forgiving words. Until we realize that it is only Allah who is the source of peace, we will never be able to attain true peace of mind. Allah puts people in your life for a reason #youtube #everyone # Today I will shelter them with My shade, as there is no shade today except My shade. you need to listen what he says too. Constantly holding something in your earth against a person is a disease trust Allah and let it go. My Life may not be going the way i Planned it, But it is going exactly the way Allah planned it. Therefore, it's important to be wary of who you allow access to your life. No matter what you do, its written. Allah is the best of planners, so trust His decision, be patient & say Alhamdulillah. What is Allah's name? I refused it, but he insisted and stated that he had never met anyone that honest in his life. These types of Islamic life quotes strengthen my Imaan and motivate me to confront problems instead of Facebooking them. Allah will always make a way for you even when there seems to be no way out. The man who built the Titanic was asked, how safe it would be? Allah puts people in your life for a reason. #islam # Dont think of the things you did not get after praying. Suffering is a gift. Dont worry, I plan, you plan, and also Allah plans for us but Allah is the best planner. Never Think you can make better choices for yourself than Allah can, It is He who created you it is He who knows what is best for you. You hand over your worries to Allah and Allah hands over his blessings to you. and He is the Highest, the Greatest Surah Baqarah | 255 | Holy Quran. "Sumpah ayat ni cantik sangat :') "Allah puts people in your life for a reason, and removes them from your life for a better reason."" So the criterion in Islam is not color or social status. The person who is God sent for you will always tell you the truth. Top 50 Best Sunflower Quotes And Sayings 2023, Top 35 Pirate Trivia Questions And Answers (2023), Top 43 Bingo Trivia Questions And Answers (2023), Top 28 Kwanzaa Trivia Questions And Answers (2023), Top 27 Yellowstone Trivia Questions And Answers (2023), Top 37 Best Dog Trivia Questions And Answers (2023), 42 Fun Hawaii Trivia Questions And Answers (2023). Count the blessings of Allah and be grateful. Allah has a special affection for people who are grateful to him. Put your trust in Him. #islamic #rockattracted #tiktok Pinterest Today Learn how your comment data is processed. Allah puts people in your life for a reason, and removes them from your life for a better reasons Always put your head on ground and shed your tears on. Just remember, no matter where you are, Allah knows, Allah knows. No one besides Allah can rescue a soul from hardship Quran [53:58]. (9:51). Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. in surah al-isra, He doesnt refer to it as helping the miskeen or giving charity to the miskeen Allah refers to this act as giving them what is their right and what they deserve. Oh Allah, forgive me. Seeking closeness to Allah by performing voluntary deeds after having performed obligatory ones, for that leads one to the highest levels of Love. Here are some signs that God has put someone special in your life that you shouldnt ignore. If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Allah is never late. Read Also: Death Remembrance Quotes from Famous People. He knows what is [now] before them and what will be after them, and they do not include anything more in His knowledge but what He wills. Prophet Muhammed (saw). The more she learned and implemented Islam in her life, her husband became more and more distant, and even started having arguments. Never Think you can make better choices for yourself than Allah can, It is He who created you it is He who knows what is best for you. God had planned everything before you came into the world. we must clean our hearts if we want to invite Allah. She began to realize that her husband was not a practicing Muslim, although she considered him a good man, but he was not even upholding the basic 5 pillars of Islam. Indeed, Allah is the best of planners. You are exactly where He wants you right now. Its Allahs perfect plan. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. A few months after marriage, she met his family, and they were talking to her about Islam. Prophet Muhammed (saw), I will tell you the distinguishing marks of a person for whom the fire of Hell has been made unlawful and who is a forbidden person for the Hellfire to consume: He is a man who bears a sweet temper, tender heart and is soft-spoken. Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. Allah hears your heart's intention before your lips whisper your request. Tawakkul is having full faith that ALLAH will take care of you even when things look Impossible. Prefer what He loves to what you love when your desires are strong. the is no situation that you are experiencing alone. you often dont appreciate what you have until its gone!. People Are Put in Our Lives For a Purpose | About Islam Tawakkul is having full faith that Allah (SWT) will take care of you, even things look impossible. Sometimes the person was placed there to be a friend in a time of trouble, or a teacher when you needed guidance, or even an enemy to teach you a lesson. We just have to learn to understand the roles they played in our lives at those times to grow intellectually, emotionally, socially, and even spiritually. Maybe if they stayed longer than they were meant to be, their beauty and caring nature would have faded, and they wouldnt have been an inspiration for you. 60+ Beautiful Allah Quotes & Sayings With Images Mufti Menk. Life may not be going the way you planned it, but its going exactly the way Allah planned it. Because worry ends where faith begins. Either way, learning how to connect to God and listening to Him when He speaks to you is very important. when you can pry to the one who created it. And thats okay. When there is no way, Allah SWT will make a way. The Muslim religion's god is Allah. ALLAH always knows what is best for you. [Anonymous]. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. Seeking closeness to Allah by performing voluntary deeds after having performed obligatory ones, for that leads one to the highest levels of Love. you often dont appreciate what you have until its gone!. Keep your good deeds between you and Allah people arent going to provide you with Jannah only He Can. Turn to Allah and you will find His Mercy heal every aching part of your heart and soul. [Quran 29:58]. To be able to thank Allah for a blessing is a blessing within itself | Imam Shafii. After all, they need to teach us something. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Believe In Allah makes you stronger and brave. Allah puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. Allah has showered us with several favors and blessings. He is not overcome by weariness or sleep. The trouble is that oftentimes we try so hard to keep these people in our lives forever even though they are there only temporarily. Surely, Allah is the Best of planners. [Quran, 8:30], Allah alone is sufficient as an aid for us and He is the Best Protector. [Quran, 3:173], Soon you will remember what I am saying to you. Its Allahs perfect plan. If things are happening according to your wish, you are lucky, but if they are not, you are very lucky, because they are happening according to Allahs wish. My life may not be going the way I planned it, but it is going exactly the way Allah planned it. He was encouraging her to not implement Islam into her life to remain at his level which he was comfortable with. Allah will guide you, He will bring clarity to your eyes, make soft your heart, and make firm your soul. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 NIV. Post a Comment Post a Comment Popular Posts. Allah is displeased when you stop asking Him and mankind is displeased when asked | Ibn Al-Qayyim, And those who strive hard for us, we will certainly guide them in Our ways; and Allah (SWT) is most surely with the doers of good | Surat Al-Ankaboot (29:69), Walk alone until Allah sends you someone to walk with, To Allah belongs the East and the West: Whenever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah (SWT) | Surah Baqarah 115. If Allah is all you have. Have patience. Allah still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him. They invest to defame Islam but end up reverting to Islam.. surely Allah is the best of planners. Until we realize that it is only Allah who is the source of Peace, we will never be able to attain true peace of mind. Required fields are marked *. In our first conversation he offered to pay for my ticket to Egypt and to cover the costs of my luggage fees. Trust in Allah. Indeed, you will never tear the earth (apart), and you will never reach the mountains in height (Quran 17:37), Allah SWT listens & already knows what is in your Heart but He wants you to ASK Him for what you want. Allah Owns your happiness so dont look for it far from him. And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. If Allah wills for it to happen it will happen dont stress. Ya Allah, I know this is your plan, Just help me through it.. When you are tempted to lose patience with someone, think how patient Allah has been with you. If Allah is all you have, then you have all you need. Ask Allah to assist you in obtaining whatever you seek, and never lose hope in his mercy. Allah is displeased when you stop asking Him and mankind is displeased when asked | Ibn Al-Qayyim, And those who strive hard for us, we will certainly guide them in our ways; and Allah (SWT) is most surely with the doers of good | Surat Al-Ankaboot (29:69), Walk alone until Allah sends you someone to walk with, To Allah belongs the East and the West: Whenever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah (SWT) | Surah Baqarah 115. And Allah is The Best Planner, Allah has a plan. We are busy planning our future so far ahead, that we forget that its already been planned by Allah. All she had left were the clothes on her back. Its not luck or fate. Never think you can make better choices for yourself than Allah can. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Its worth it to lose everything for Allah rather than losing Allah for something. This life is a gift from Allah, and we must strive to live it in peace. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Therefore, you can rest assured that your life is in Gods hands, and you only need to align yourself with Him. You are exactly where he wants you right now. When Allah loves you, He sends you trials so face those trials with a smile, because deep down you know He loves you. [Hadith Qudsi]. But just for my those brothers & sisters whore not aware of religion Islam. As you are planning, Allah is also planning for you and surely Allah is the best of planners May all our plans be in the light of the Quran and sunnah and achievable. Allah has a plan for you. Some of them may be able to help you solve your problem. You Cannot Delete your internet history from ALLAH. When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead. He led us down the correct path and picked us to be Muslims and Prophet Muhammed's Ummah members. The company of a bad friend is like the blacksmiths bellows; if you are not affected by its black dirt, you will be touched by its smoke. 150+ Islamic Status, Captions and Quotes in English He Allah is The Best Planner. Our Imaan may be at an all-time low, and we may begin to believe that Allah's kindness is no longer open to us. Allah has ways of putting people in our lives, and putting us in the lives of others because He is the master of planners. When God Brings Someone Into Your Life There Is a Reason Why May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon him) and upon his family and upon Muslim ummah. They feel as if they have known each other for years. Dunya is the lowest level for a human soul. God is almighty, and He has a plan for every one of us. This customer was known for not paying attention and could easily be scammed by my colleagues and they were jealous that they didnt get to serve him that day. Did you ever consider that you have been sent to someone else for a purpose, and not them being placed in your life for your benefit? re on Twitter: "i like this ayat: "Allah puts people in your life for a Your fate has been written with the ink of His love and sealed with His mercy so fear not, place your trust in Him and have hope in His decree. Tawakkul The hearts trust in Allah alone to take care of things that are out of ones understanding or ability. Sahih Al Bukhari, Doctors can treat you, but only ALLAH can heal you. We all are the slave of Allah. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. God sees that, and therefore, He takes them out of your life because He wants you to be happy. The greatest way of staying positive is counting all our blessings & being constantly grateful to Allah for every little thing. Allah Has plan for you. We were the most humiliated people on earth & Allah gave us honor through Islam. He returned with a bag full of new clothes that he bought her. So here are Some reminder quotes on Allah is the best planneras follows: And Allah is the best of planners. [Quran, 3:54], They plan, and Allah plans. The beauty of Islam is that its never too late to ask ALLAH for forgiveness but we also have to remember you never know when youll die. Constantly holding something in your earth against a person is a disease trust Allah and let it go. Every religion has a God who has been worshipped for ages. When someone walks out of your life, it means that God has taken them away for a reason. Alhamdulillah for everything. But He said I will be with those who have patience. If you have a general question or comment please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Allah is the best planner for you. Aim for the highest, Al-Jannah. There's A Reason Why God Brings You Closer To Certain People And Then People mat . The more you are close to Allah you will be close to humanity. Allah says: Take one step towards Me, I will take ten steps towards you. Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear. Allah SWT is always with you. Take every day as a chance to become a better Muslim. Perhaps they would have become a burden for you instead of loving memory. And I entrust my matter with Allah. we must clean our hearts if we want to invite Allah. Have patience. We will feel it with every fiber of our body and soul. And this means to invoke Him, to recite His speech, to stand with all sincerity and with good manners and with good submission, and then to end that with repentance and with seeking His forgiveness. Quran verses 13:11, Allah Says: Take one step towards me i will take ten steps towards you. Today I am sharing with you some of the meaning Allah quotes that will fill you with positive energy. And this means to invoke Him, to recite His speech, to stand with all sincerity and with good manners and with good submission, and then to end that with repentance and with seeking His forgiveness. Check quote these Allah quotes and share them with your friends and family. Being alone with him in worship when He descends During the last third of the night. Get Close to Allah First before getting close to anyone else; Allah without a man is still Allah, But a man without Allah is nothing. I had lost my job, couldnt pay my rent, and was trying to figure out how to go to Egypt to get married to my fianc who I was planning to marry for almost a year. The most beloved of Allah is the one performed regularly even if it were small. Here are some reasons for God taking out someone from your life. Allah does not like arrogance. We Clean our house when we invite someone. Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him. When contemplating life events you go through, you will discover that people served purposes that you didnt realize at that time. You have to be brave and havefaithin yourself to let them go. As long as you are performing prayer you are knocking on the door of Allah, and whoever is knocking at the door of Allah, Allah will open it from him. Ibn Qayyim. When Allah grants you a gift dont take it for granted. Jealousy comes from counting others' blessings instead of our own. Then you have all you need. Don't despair if you're feeling depressed, lost, or burdened by your misdeeds; Allah is there for you. Allah SWT is always with you. Quran verses 13:11, Allah Says: Take one step towards me I will take ten steps towards you. The most beloved actions to Allah are those performed consistently, even if they are few. During my stay with them, I was always asking questions about things that they did in regards to their faith, and one day they asked me what I believed in. [Gems of Jannah]. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. when you talk to someone about something like this you need to have a friendly attitude and need to be open for what the person is saying. Faith is trusting Allah even when you dont understand His plan. [Yasmin Mogahed]. There is no might or power except with Allah, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in their hearts. Allah made you a Muslim because he wants to see you in jannah. When was the last time you read the Quran? We plan, and Allah plans. Walk towards Me, I will run towards you. | Hadith Qudsi. When you suffer for your sadness and loose, remember your sins are wiping out and you are getting saved from hellfire. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life. You will meet many people who are incompatible with you. Its never luck or fate. & Allah is the best of planners. I hope you guys like our collection of Allah quotes list. walk towards me, I will run towards you. You must convince your heart that whatever Allah has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial for you. From that day forward, he always requested me to be his waitress and always gave me a $100 tip, even if his bill was only $10.00!!! At one point in my life, I needed a place to stay, and a friend that was a Hindu from India, offered to let me stay with them until I was able to get my own place. Allah never rejects our duas. She told him that she couldnt repay him, and he just told her to pay it forward when she was able to, by helping another needy person later on as repayment. No matter what youve been through, its written. Norman Ali khan. walk towards me, i will run towards you. You can meet someone new and just click. Sometimes you can feel immense chemistry with a stranger and feel them closer to you than someone you have known for years. A plan far greater than you can imagine. Oh Allah, help me to never be afraid to pray for the impossible. Allah is the word used by Muslims to refer to God in Islam. Trust Allah when things dont work out the way you wanted. Looking back she realizes that maybe her first husband was put in her life to have Islam introduced to her to expose what Islam really was, and wasnt, and what a good Muslim husband was and wasnt. And do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah. Prayer is an amazing exchange you hand over your worries to Allah and Allah hands over his blessing to you. In Him, hope is never dead. and He is the Most High , The Most Great Holy Quran | Surah Baqarah | 255. People can give great advice, but only Allah SWT gives perfect Guidance. Supplicate Allah Almighty and be certain that He will answer your prayer. His kursi extents over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tries Him not. And do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah. Allah can change the most hopeless situation into the best moment in your life. The solution to every problem is in SABR (patience) and ISTIGFAAR (seeking forgiveness). [Anonymous]. No matter what you know, its written. And He is the best of planners. You must go through a period of emptiness to be able to fill yourself with Allahs Love. Surely Allah is the Best of Planners so be patient and keep praying. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Indeed nor lose hope in the mercy of Allah except the most ungrateful people. #AllahsaysQuotes#HolyQuran#AllahSays#AllahCopyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes suc. Sitting with those who are truthful in their love of Allah, If Allah wants to do good to somebody, he afflicts him with trials. Sahih Al Bukhari, Doctors can treat you, but only ALLAH can heal you, When Allah talks about giving to those who are in need of money, food, clothing, etc.

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allah puts someone in your life for a reason