- 7. Mai 2023
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L.A. became known as Gunshot City and their gunshot doctors gained a reputation as being the best in the world. The Crips gained national attention for their bitter rivalry with the Bloods. I dont feel that either one of the movies glamorized gangs and for the time period the movies were made, the gangs way of talking or what their lifestyle consisted of was only halfway accurate. Do you have a message to offer the youths today who are attempting to follow in your footsteps? They have been around long before the formation of Stanley Tookie Williams,West Side Crips and Raymond Washington, East Side Crips. The murder rate went sky high, death was all too familiar. I have been fascinated with low riders ever since I saw one for the first time at the age of 7. To get the specifics we got with a real O.G. You know everybody doesnt know how to go about fixing problems, so things got out of hand and the CC-Rider movement on the streets folded. Loved by most, hated by few, respected by all and if it wasnt given, it was taken, by any means necessary. Most of the people that were on my service were Mexicans. That was cool with me because thats how I met a few of my cocaine connects. Some they hood is that what i herd hope not. My son Mondo will be sixteen and Lil Fred will be fifteen, so I will have quality time to mold them. Crip Mac speaks on the latest incident that started from his old FB videos resurfacing, getting dped and what he's going to do moving forward. All that is put to the side because nobody is above the car. Tulsa is the closest out of state city to resemble LA Gang Culture. January 25, 2013 - 7:52 pm. The Harvard Park Brims are an active African-American/Black street gang located on the West Side of South Los Angeles, formerly known as South Central Los Angeles, California.They originated as an independent gang, known as the LA Brims, in the 1970's.They have been around long before the formation of Stanley Tookie Williams, West Side Crips and Raymond Washington, East Side Crips. There are few feelings like rolling in a low rider dipping up the boulevard. I see fools in their 20s and 30s talking about they are O.G.s. "We all about hitting them [police] hard tonight," Cook, a St. Louis resident, told the others. LMAO try to geTT a life BITCH you said you have a warrant for my arrest WHUTTS THE HOLD UP????? To be honest, no it didnt. The main difference between the state of gangbanging now and form my era is that today there are no rules, everything goes. I live by the G-Code- Honor, Loyalty, Respect and never Snitch. I am going to ride til I die. A lot of times, even the strong dont survive. Much more than a hobby, low riding is all about cultivating the personality of a car, and Majestic vehicles are built with that standard of uniqueness and character in mind. BOOKINGS EMAIL: Cmacbookings@gmail.com OR DM ME Story Shout-out $100 $300 FEATURES INTERVIEWS $800 Guns would get unloaded into cars like nothing and no cops. Compton was a whole different world. It was like theres G, always bumping, on the phone, everyone wanted to be just like him. homies-Turtle, Killer Wayne, Yogie and Baby Rob. The West Blvd Crips also have a sub-set known as the64 West Blvd Crips, located on the West Side of Inglewood, California. Here is the exclusive- Baby Gangster, Santana Block Compton Crip, live and uncensored, straight out of the Bureau of Prisons. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Its no secret that Stanley Tookie Williams and Raymond Washington had originally set the stage by founding the Crips in South Central, Los Angeles. Open warfare between black youth gangs escalated chaotically and the viciousness of the gang wars had a devastating affect on the black community. Thats why I get all the credit for the work. NiKKa yu _n a plate we will eat ya kracKa ass be4 yu k_uld hear the WHK61PX2. Other lieutenants and buyers were responsible for moving quantities of cocaine to dealers in Texas, Ohio and elsewhere, Garcia said. We have covered a lot of the East Coast street legends who are a part of hip-hop's lyrical lore due to numerous rappers name checking them in their rhymes, but the West Coast street stars have largely been ignored. The hood had changed a lot. West Coast Original Gangster. To drop names about other gang members and drug dealers is against everything I believe in. Everybody looked up to him. The amount of respect he got was incredible when he got on the block it was like Gs here. Active in St. Michel and Pie IX. Different neighborhoods started having serious beef on the streets and most of the O.G.s that had respect and power were incarcerated, so there was no one to say hold up, we are all homies, lets fix this mess. NOW HE IS A white guy LMAO you said he was a 2O crip named dwayne???? Although Bob Simmons Boys Home housed 98% Crips, it had inherited the name, The Red House. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use). In 1976 a true die hard rider by the name Kim Bullet Tate had a vision to bring Oak Park Boys and Mid-Town Crips together as one. If you are going to hang your rag up its best to do it on the streets. Stop arguing with Rocco guys. What did you have to do to join the gang? Bix Doose Brimmin it in PA. Still chasing black coks? Basically I didnt get the love or guidance from him that I needed. Yes, it was powerful and it lasted about five years on the streets. Education, hard work and being consistent is the key to success. Who do you think set it up in the first place?? When I was arrested I took the powder burn test and my clothes were taken to see if I had fired a gun and all the tests were negative. They can order them off Amazon.com or email the company at ogpublishing@yahoo.com. BETs American Gangster profiled a couple West Coast Gs and the Discovery Channels Outlaw Empires just went in on the Crips with Lil Monster, Kody Scotts brother, but besides a couple of interviews, its been mostly East Coast drug lords being featured. I still represent my hood Santana Blocc Crips and Crips in general, all over. Oak Cliff is more of a side of town with a number of Dallas gangs and sub-hoods, like Highland Hills, Wood Town, Glen Oaks, PTP, Kiest N Polk, Signing Hills, Best For Less, and other sections throughout the neighborhood. When you started having kids did it change your life as far as the streets were concerned? He had like two or three of every car. Unlike many such gangs, Garcia said, the group even had its own money-laundering unit, allegedly ran by Staves wife, who was arrested. All the ideas were mine, but he did most of the work putting them together. They are concerned with defending their territory and their honor, less money. They are on the bottom of Society and are no big deal. Where you at damu? 600 (TMG), LaSalle, Boulevard Newman and Avenue Dollard, Lasalle. I didnt learn a trade or anything to fall back on, because I had already dedicated myself to Santana Blocc Crips and the street life. My home life was good. It was brutal and in your face. Found you again rocco you professional ballz sucker. I cant stop and wont stop, thats what I do. Baby Gangster is a Compton legend in his own right. It was initiation for those who didnt live in the hood, but wanted to represent the hood. Staves, who authorities believed was the undisputed leader of the Santana Block Crips, one of the oldest street gangs in Compton, faced a life sentence if he went to trial. I am always going to have a rider. We both held true to the code of silence. The jury really didnt believe the witnesses against me, because during the deliberations they sent the judge a note asking him if I just fired a gun in the air could I be found guilty and he said yes. im in texas to brim 62 now im 59 piru 1612, Say far get at me i got sum ? Yur the fukkin nigger. By 12:30 p.m., the Dam was packed. From NEW YORK Im a gangster and thats the way I live my life. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Ugly Looking Loser Porch Monkeys. A different city in L.A. County. DOB. All the Crips had their war scars from battling in the streets. The media became infatuated with the number of bullet casings found at crime scenes, the red and blue bandanas and drive by shootings became a household phrase. If you were a man you got treated like a man. He had all his cars in the back. Reply. I would have spent more time with my family, but other than that I wouldnt change anything because I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. What is the state of gangbanging today and how does it differ from your era? I received 13 years and Conrad Kizzy got seven years. Black Jazz musicians were wearing Zoot suits before you got out of the fields. But when they are in need Im the one they come to. So Turtle took the torch and the merge was official, Mid-Town and Oak Park became Santana Blocc Compton Crips. But when I started hanging with the O.G. I was selling weed by the pounds, PCP by the gallons and kilos of coke. It was up to me to put the hood on my shoulders and carry it until I got it together and thats what I did. If you could do some things over would you change (kids, home life, street life etc.)? Grow up! First established in Los . LOL you all over the place!! Be broken down into several groups of young people: Kaze Brezzi (Pie-IX and St. Michel) Group on behalf of veterans Blues Creole, the same generation as the CDP. "After this all over, we'll still be here.". Baby Gangster pled guilty to federal drug trafficking offenses in the Central District of California, Stephen V. Wilson, District Judge presiding. Niggers and before you know it, they will start to betray each other or kill each other. All rights reserved. Niggers together with a few of the L.A. In the past I always knew that whenever I got out of jail I was going to sell dope. Holla 412 668 6529. There was only one man who knew how to make it come true, Kenneth Turtle Wayne Johnson. According to Black Los Angeles, "Between 1972 and 1979, the rivalry between Crips and the Bloods would grow, accounting for a majority of the approximately 450 gang-related murders in South Los Angeles." Raymond Washington became disappointed in his own gang as the use of guns became a part of neighborhood warfare. They also fued with the East Coast Coast Crips. Active in St. Michel and Pie IX. Seth Ferranti July 7, 2013. Gangbanging was not a fad, it was something residents of inner-city Los Angeles had to deal with everyday. Yesterdays guilty pleas stand as a major achievement and represent the complete dismantling of the Santana Block Crips leadership and criminal organization, FBI agent Ron Iden said. According to Britannica, there's a lot that's just not known about them including how they started.Some say the group was founded by high school students Stanley "Tookie" Williams and Raymond Washington, who were trying to organize a group that . TheWest Boulevard Crips(WBC) are an well-known African American street gang located on the West Side in the West Adams/Hyde Parkregion of South Los Angeles, CA. Six Doose on the East Boast. My occupation was selling drugs. Or fastest delivery Thu, Apr 27. Old Sidney considers himself a wheeler-dealer, and on this day he has his son bag up some weed and make . You cannot come to jail and quit because you will be considered a buster. When I touch down I am going to build a 1959 Chevy Impala. Wessss. Who are some of the biggest names out of L.A. in the drug and gang culture? [BLOCKED BY STBV] Feds Have Evidence on Trump. like its a random word or thing to apply to anybody. Wh62p yall already know whats Braxkinn . Rumor has it that law enforcement had its role in Turtles assassination, so they tried to cover it up with some other beef they invented. Language. I didnt have anybody making the transactions for me, I did it myself and I didnt deal with anybody I didnt know. Blocc Melo. You cant make reason with an unreasonable person. Everybody uses O.G. yeah rocco is a bitch ass mothafucka whoever the fuck he is get off the site faggot, Its OUR Site Asshole. Melly Mel Whitney Lil Blue Lil Yankee OG Guy GeeBoy Lil Money Lil Mike Bruce OG Courtdog, It ainkt nk 6k4st west BBz Bissyz yes ll. The gangsters viewed the police as nothing more than a thorn in their side, because gang activity was as much a product of big city ghettozation as prostitution, drugs and other street crimes. I have three more business projects that will be based on the Internet. View. We in the building. Crisp IM is an all-in-one solution for customer communication.You can access it from any device, anywhere. Put a few of these N.Y. The state of gangbanging today is still at an all time high. For me the dope game was lovely when I was out there doing my thing. On Black. 920 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos taken at '64 Ferguson Rd' We in the building. Lil bkash from Rancho parque18. Its a trip because when it comes to dudes I know, they act like if they are on your service they are helping you get rich or helped you buy the Benz you are driving. I know that certain circumstances and situations could lead you to believe that gangs and selling drugs are the end to a means, but know that nothing is worth your freedom being taken away from you. When I got incarcerated the feds took nine cars from me and Santana was one of them. On the way home I was pulled over and arrested for assault. All the Hoovers were together, all the East Coast Crips, all the Gangsters and all the neighborhood sets were together. the Crips located in Saint-Michel,Rosemont,Saint-Henri,N.D.G, Villeray,Pie IX,Ahunstic,Little Burgundy, Lasalle, Ahuntsic/Amabaie, Lachine? Stay up to date with latest software releases, news, software discounts, deals and more. Thanks for the Information, Nigger. North Side Friends Peavy Road Crips That means not just America. Bloods and Crips sets have been active in the St. Louis area since the 1980s and control the market for cocaine and marijuana in numerous neighborhoods here, police say. I had him on the ground beating him when I heard gunshots going off. In 1989, the Santana Blocc Crips experienced the worst year ever in our existence. Im out here in Texas still but this still the L.A. Brim youll still know of. Amid the widespread anger and heightened racial tensions here, several dozen young men, including Ellismost between the ages of 16 and 19have joined up with the Bloods, the Crips and other criminal gangs in the St. Louis area, according to several gang members, police officers, community activists and local residents. Santana Blocc Crips are one of the most recognized and well respected hoods of all times. It didnt really matter to me because I have figured out a long time ago that I cant expect people to do what I would do. They had the ladies, the power and the cars. fuck fakeKteKeKnK and all theKy deKad mommas Black P. St5XNeKs Jungle St5XNeKs. She was alleged to have run a business for this purpose called O.G.s Paging Network. In order to be an O.G. the Bloods located in Cote Des Neiges(Uptown), Montral-Nord, Rivire-des-Prairies,Griffintown,Laval, St-Lonard , Park Extension, Repentigny? The beeper store was a success and it could have been better. Much appreciated. Nxgga shut yo down souf 5 poopin 6 drooping crown town ass up nxgga aint nobody from xeautiful sunny calxfornia to hunt down some watered down ass brims in fuccboy georgxa cuh shit brims out HERE is lame cuh go take yo ass and bang xn the forest or lake or rxver or whatever you country ass nxggas do and put xn yo work cuh yo ass may C able to fake da funk xn the woods but yo xitch ass get ya wxg peeled bacc here on Western and Normandy talkxng that down souf shxt. View. FBI agent Richard Garcia said, Staves was a hobbyist whose love was those low rider cars. He said investigators believed Staves had been involved in gangs since the 1970s and had built the Santana Block Crips into a business like cocaine distribution ring, receiving cartel drugs from Mexico and sending them around the country. I know people from everywhere and all of them should have been on my service, especially all my homies from my hood. With the formation of the Bloods as an alliance to resist the growing power of the Crips, gang violence in south Los Angeles skyrocketed in the mid-1970s. To make us look stupid as a whole. At the time I felt it was the life that I wanted to choose solely on my own. I was not only in agreement with the movement, with my big homie, Big Marcellus, I started CC-Rider in 4800 at the L.A. County Jail. BLOOD HOUND BRIMS The gangbanging lifestyle isnt a game or joke. The turmoil poses a unique opportunity for the gangs to bolster their ranks, since they rarely encounter such large numbers of disillusioned young men ready to challenge authority. Smoke yo ass fucc yo 20yrs cuzz. Growing up in the hood all the kids are mesmerized by low riders and all the kids want one. As a result of the investigation all 24 defendants were convicted. The West Blvd Crips are believed to have been started by an ex-member of the Rollin 60s . They were the buster wanna-bes that went out of state to sell dope or for whatever reason they left Cali. My other homie Doc did all the paint jobs on my cars. With all the violence, getting shot and surviving became a rite of passage in the hood. In xentral Texas bl62d. OF BHB( BLOOD HOUND BRIMS ) I had plans of getting out and smoking all those fools, but as the years went by, I came to the conclusion that I was using too much energy focusing on things beyond my control. Yes, now our rivals, which are three Crip gangs in Compton were/are Atlantic Drive Crips, Southside Crips and Park Village Crips. yall goTT my address. As of today Im considered an official real O.G. On the day he was scheduled to go to trial Baby Gangster pled guilty along with others on the case. Any Nigger killed by the Police DESERVED to die because he was a Criminal. #1. But gangs should not be glorified or looked up to by the younger generation. Most of the youngsters are placed in situations and circumstances that have given them no choice, but to turn to the gangs, crime and drugs.