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She has gotten a lot of mileage out of it, being seductive (in a butch way) to start with. Reduce all difficulties to critique Art by 4. Marijava Contact (Banu Haqim) You have an ally who is a member of the Marijava ghoul family, and can be called upon for a favor from time to time. Burning AuraYour aura, no matter what color it takes, is unusually brilliant to those who can see it you are practically a beacon among other mortals, burning with a mystical fire. The Inbred Flaw cover all manner of physical, mental, and emotional defects. (ELY). (CB:AS1), Enmity of Shadows (LaSombra) The Shadows summoned may turn on the Vampire and attack him. Finally, the constant itching and irritaiton increase by one the difficulties of all your rolls to avoid frenzy. Even other Nosferatu are repulsed by your stink, and your Stealth Dice Pools are reduced by two against any creature that can smell, unless you are upwind. auto. The bugs may travel up to 20 feet from you to sting and distract your foes. (PGS), Prestation Gifts (2 - 6 Merit) One or more Kindred currently owe a boon to you. You have no place in the world of the Damned. In fact, if you had the choice, you would choose the trash. V20 Classical Age - The Ultimate Revised Discipline Compendium includes: This book is for those who want an in-depth look only for those who want to have the Merits and Flaws available at their fingertips. The player may aks the Storyteller one question about the target for every success, and the Storyteller must provide accurate information. You may make yourself more sensitive to them through ascetic practice, but you can never consciously induce a vision. Example: the character may achieve a minor variation on a form. (INQ, PGS), Oversized Fangs When you grow your fangs, you really grow 'em. Merits and Flaws: anything that +/- Difficulty is more powerful than bonus dice. The character will be able to touch and see him if in the Underworld, but in the Skinlands only the wraith will be able to contact the character unless the character has rituals or powers that allows her to see and interact with the Shadowlands from the Skinlands. People find it hard to avoid them. This ability is not under your control. In any roll based on Seduction or Subterfuge, subtract two from the difficulty and get ready to suffer the displeasure of your rivals! Normal means of tracking you (with Survival, the use of dogs etc) fail automatically. She may also require your help at inconvenient times (such is the cost of friendship). As a result, you draw attention from members of the opposite sex, or your own sex, with raw animal magnetism. (1 pt.) The Merits from Prime 5.1 have been included for convenience. The visions are not necessarily precognitive, but like precognition, the visions occur outside your control. If a situation arises in which you should be killed, you actually survive, though you may be worse for wear. This manifests as a repeated brushing of hair or adjusting your clothing. Recommended: Ghouls. You, of course, are immune. The trustees and important officials serve his interests. A one-point Flaw is fairly noticeable, like a slight blue cast to your skin, bright red hair, pointed ears or eyes of a very unusual color. Although dangerous, any weaponry causes normal damage only; despite its horrid appearance, your arsenal is still only mortal flesh and bone. This book considers all the descriptive and systematic revisions made up to its release date of the books Vampire, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Classical Era, and revisions that could not have been updated in the main book. Crack DriverYou have a natural affinity with driving motorized wheeled vehicles, such as cars, 18-wheelers and even tractors. (CB:R1), Family Member A member of your mortal family is also a vampire. Your vampire has the following flaw (s): Impatient. You have a good relationship with the family member and he will come to your aid if you call. The Storyteller should decide whether you know who your enemy is at the start of the game, though you may do what you can to find out. You often suffer ennui for extended periods of time, preventing you from working steadily. You know most, if not all, of your paramour's secrets, and your paramour knows as much about you. Other Kindred may even attempt to destroy the mummy or turn him against you rather than allow you access to his great stores of information and abilities. Its potency varies with the characters actual Attribute rating, so a character with a legendary Stamina of 1 has a weak legendary power that might grow with time and experience. Work with your Storyteller to create a good reason for this effect, and how it developed. You want to do everything now, and the Devil take the hindmost. Sex Appeal The sway of your hips and the pout of your lips give you a natural sexiness and sensuality that attract lovers to you like flies to honey. Vicissitude Modifications (Ghoul) Although you may not be talented at the Tzimisce forms of fleshcrafting and boneshaping, at some point you have been modified into a more warlike form. You can drink from winos with impunity, or pretend to be far drunker than you are in order to take advantage of an opponent. In your characters legendary Attribute, your character has the potential for a rating of six dots. You carry the blood of the Garou in your veins, and your own children may be Garou. Every effort is being made to recruit you, willing or no, and the press gangs usually show up at the worst possible time. This geas may be a family curse or duty that you have inherited, or it may have been imposed on you by a changeling using the Sovereign Art. You and your spouse would die or kill for one another. You have a good relationship with the family member and he will come to your aid if you call. (CG:S). "Decrepitude" and "Hemetic" didn't make it into V20. There may be a reason for this reputation, or it might arise simply from a case of maligned reputation, or you might have been set up by one of the Kindred (particularly the anarchs, who love to do this kind of thing to Inquisitors). (PGS), Poor Taste You can never have the Art Appreciation, Expression, or Crafts skill. The "Revised Merits and Flaws Compendium" is precisely the weapon that your characters will need to protect themselves from the Jyhad, that your take advantage from the unprepared and break them all. The Storyteller will create your companion, be it werewolf, wraith, mage, or something else entirely, and won't reveal her full capabilities. Gangrel: Merits and Flaws. Whenever the character is about to act in a way contrary to common sense, the Storyteller can make suggestions or warnings about the implications of said action. I took the Merits and Flaws from Vampire Revised, added in the Merits and Flaws from Guide to the Camarilla and Guide to the Sabbat, and revised them as much as possible to be more universally applicable where it made sense (as well as reorganizing them). Characters may purchase this Merit only once and gain no benefit when using Discipline techniques. However, if the need arises, your leader may ask you to kill your friend. It is the ones you let get near you, the ones who profess some caring towards you, who are the real danger. (CB: NOS1), Lunar Influence The Moon has an unusually strong effect on you. All soak rolls are made at -1 diff. You have a scaled, lipless face. All dealings with other Assamites (Banu Haqim) are at +1 difficulty, though the Storyteller has the discretion to vary this penalty for individuals who know you well or whom you have served well or badly in the past. You are crude, rude, and socially unacceptable, forever a Philistine. (PGS), Foul Blood Your blood tastes truly awful. Despite repeated calls to the police and several restraining orders, he continuous to follow and occasionally harass her. All that is required is flesh-to-flesh contact firm enough to be registered as a touch. Maybe you're a tough bastard. (INQ) Recommended: Ghouls, Disease Carrier Your blood contains a disease that affects the mortals upon whom you feed. Disciplined Eye With a point each of blood and Willpower and a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 6), you may force your third eye closed for a full scene. This may not be taken with the flaw Infamous Sire. (PGS), Swarm Attractor You must have at least one dot in Animalism to take this Merit. (ELY). Prestigious Sire Your sire has or had great status in her sect or clan, and this has accorded you with a certain amount of prestige. In times of great need you may be supernaturally protected. Tough as Nails You come from hardy, thick-skinned stock, or perhaps the gods have favored you. Within your specific Aptitude, reduce all difficulties by 2. Beholden (1 - 3 Flaw) You owe somebody something, and some day theyll call the marker in. Death Wish (1 - 5 Flaw) You have an unconscious wish to die the True Death. The Storyteller will decide how much a particular item is worth. (INQ), Virulent Strike (Ghoul) Through strange Thaumaturgical sorcery, unknown rituals or even an odd quirk of your ghoul physiognomy, you have been imbued with the power of the supernatural You can cause aggravated damage to supernatural creatures by striking them, biting them, raking them with bonecrafted spurs - whatever. This prestige might aid you greatly in dealings with your elders or other neonates, or it might engender jealousy or contempt. Revenants cannot be Kinfolk, either as a Merit or as a Flaw. In any case, this pack member tries to get others to side against you, and he tries to ruin every positive thing you accomplish for yourself or for the pack. While these insects normally buzz passively about you in a thick cloud, you may command them in a limited fashion. Mortal Double You have the services of someone alive who looks just like you. You get nine opportunities to make rerolls, and these opportunities are never replaced after they have been used - once they are gone, they are gone. A five-point geas is something that rules your entire life, like a Ban against sleeping in the same place more than one night or a quest that requires you to render aid to anyone in need you encounter. These modifications are permanent unless shaped away by further Vicissitude. This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with elders acquainted with your Mentor. Closer than Blood (3 or 5 Merit)You have an affinity with another Cainite (most likely a Toreador, but possibly one of another clan) not brought about Blood Oath other artificed means. A 2-point rival occasionally takes harmful action against you, or his words have some measure of influence. You are certain word of your proscribed behavior is slowly making its way through society. (SET), Refined You are a member of the elite. Stereotype can be very fun too, if fitting the tone of the chronicle. This Merit must be taken separately for each such childe. You pass through places like the wind, leaving nothing behind but a whisper. Under Kindred law, both you and your childer may be subject to a Blood Hunt should other vampires discover your secret. Because of your heritage, you may be able to regain Blood Affinities by feeding on Rom and may begin with Abilities or Backgrounds available only to Gypsy characters. Your bite does one additional die of damage, and you may add one to your Intimidation Dice Pool. Common Sense You have a significant amount of practical, everyday wisdom. Magic Sensitivity You have a supernatural gift that allows you to know if any magic is in use or has been used recently within a 10-footradius of yourself. In the absence of a sire, he becomes what he believes himself to be, 'Hollywood-itis,' the belief that one has the powers and limitations of one of the several movie vampires, is the most common form. The Guide contains completely revised rules for each Merit and Flaw and new Characteristic effects created for your Vampire games (any V20 scenario). With this Merit, you see the divine spark at the core of religions beyond your own, and you are able to make use of their religious icons and holy ground when confronting the supernatural. Poisonous Bite You have developed poison glands in the roof of your mouth. Generally speaking, you're a szlachta, and most modifications necessitate the purchase of the Flow: Monstrous (The Vampire Players Guide, p.19). Perhaps it is because you have been tainted by your dealings with the Infernal, or perhaps they just dislike your smell. Iron's Curse [Kinain] You are sensitive to cold iron as a true changeling. Acute VisionYou have exceptionally keen eyesight. With a look, a word, or a wave of your hand, you can make or break hearts. The Storyteller decides the exact value of whatever geas you choose. Particularly persistent are those vermin that drink from you three times and thus become enormous, bloated, Blood Bound ghouls. Maybe it turns you on. (INQ), Kinfolk (Ghouls/Independent) Whether you know it or not, you are kin to a werewolf tribe. She may be Blood Bound to the character but would serve anyway. You may purchase as many modifications as you can afford, but your social abilities are probably doomed. Vampire: The Masquerade v20: Random Merits & Flaws. Upholding the Masquerade becomes difficult for you. Special Gift (1 - 3 Merit) Your sire gave you a valuable gift after the Embrace. You must score one extra success to do damage with a bite, and once you have locked your teeth into your prey, you automatically cause the victim one additional Health level of damage for every two Blood Points taken (you have to chew and chew and chew). The difference between this Flaw and the Ecstatic Merit is that people don't take you seriously. Subscribe to get the free product of the week! And I probably wouldn't make a Tremere without Eidetic Memory. (ELY), Curiosity You are naturally curious and find mysteries of any sort irresistible. Sweet Blood Your vitae tastes like the finest wine, sweet and heady without the slightest trace of salt or metallic tang. While your packmates may still be groggy, you tend to be awake and aware. This is an intelligence roll (difficulty 10 - the Kindred's Status). Even those who cannot see auras are immediately drawn to your presence. This may not be taken with the flaw Deep Sleeper. Some traits are presented as Merits in some sources and as Backgrounds in others; this list only covers sources that list traits as Merits. Piercing Gaze Your gaze seems to be paralyzing. Asking this because I want to know if vampire 20th anniversary edition has any cool merits and flaws. Personal Aura You do not project the aura associated with your road. Some visions may be precognitive, while others might be warnings or advice.
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