- 7. Mai 2023
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(2011) 1,348,335; (2021 est . In the bookstore, the kids found the book on how to get home, but Circle Girl was here, and Courtney was captured by Circle Girl. Courtney smiled through her tears and told them she was happy they were willing to help. After Duncan quits the competition, Gwen shows signs of missing him and even mistakes a rock formation for him in Newf Kids on the Rock, which Courtney becomes suspicious of. Grace thinks that maybe they'll need to be careful from now on; otherwise, things like this will happen more often, and then Courtney will feel more worried about Cody. In Venthalla, Gwen makes a habit of emerging from the shadows to give ominous warnings to the other kids, terrifying them in the process. They are also the only couple who did not reach the final two together. Courtney tags along. In That's a Wrap, Gwen and the class go to a museum. Cody, ever the brave warrior, prepares to destroy Circle Girl; it's Cody vs. Circle Girl. Gwen is concerned for him and shoots Cameron with several leeches before going to help her shot boyfriend. MiniMonster_123Andrew HarrisonLaurie ElliottMiles Smith While using the confessional in the beginning of the episode, Duncan wonders if his kindness is the reason Gwen dumped him, but then brushes it off to prove he is still a villain. The six kids were so surprised to find themselves in a strange city after narrowly escaping Circle Girl's wrath. He joins all the kids in an adventure trough the city to find the ice-cream truck so Owen can buy a cone. Gwen and Courtney try to help their friends get ready for a school test by making them read and teaching how to paint. This new production of Total DramaRama will bring a fresh take on the beloved characters, blending live-action and CGI animation. To decide on which flavor, Chef suggests the kids play the quiet game with the winner gets to choose the flavor. Later, at the surfboard balance challenge, the two share a laugh over Harold's rant about his butt. They end up scaring their classmates, and have a good time together. Duncan is one of the children attending the daycare center. Stunk., Duncan tells Gwen that they could get a 2 week vacation if a skunk can spray inside the daycare. While walking to the first challenge, Gwen tries to remind her team to work together. Duncan is aware that he's responsible, and murmurs "crap" when he sees Courtney signaling him with a throat slitting gesture, to tell him Gwen is going home. Duncan is a troublemaker who wants to escape the daycare at all costs. Duncan says his relationships are none of her business. In Duck Duck Juice, Gwen is shown during a flashback, running away from an angry Chef who lost his Rainbow Juice. They call the brain strain 3000's helpline, but get no help. A Very Special Special That's Quite Special, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Green Courtney blushed at Cody with a smile, and the two of them shared a moment that none of their friends would ever forget. Angered that her prized possession is ruined, Gwen screams so loud that she started an earthquake and a hurricane. When Duncan spots Cameron trying to fire at Gwen, Duncan uses himself as a shield to protect Gwen. Both wear a choker and dye their hair partially (and both use a shade of green dye). The final four hide inside a tree house. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Released theatrically with a short film based on Skatoony titled. Suddenly, Duncan walks in on Gwen's confessional. When a killer cyborg turkey appears, Gwen is scared and tries to hide. Afterward, Chris mentions the kiss "as a great way to start a drama" and implies that he was the one who busted the lock on the confessional while a freeze frame of them kissing is still displayed on a small TV in the cockpit. However, they do end up on the same team, the Villains. Then, all of a sudden, six kids were sent into New York City by a blue moon floating into the waterfall's vertex. Fans can expect an exciting and innovative viewing experience from the talented team behind it. Duncan and Jude see Courtney making pizza, so they interfere to make it as gross as possible. Gwen, yet again, sneaks into the elimination ceremony when Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot loses yet again, to see who goes home. Later while Gwen is stressing over Trent's sudden odd behavior and blames herself, Duncan tells her that she is giving herself too much credit. Duncan and Gwen after the two wrestle to the ground, in a hidden scene from The Aftermath: II. She decides to test it on her friends first. Gwen's leggings and boots are now blue instead of green like her older self. In a subsequent confessional scene, Gwen angrily states that Duncan's obvious obsession about Courtney is very uncool. Inside these pint-sized bodies well find the hilariously familiar characters we know and love spending the day together at Happy Tots Daycare Centre. . Friends She complains about the handcuffs, which means Duncan won the bet. When the screen goes back to them, Duncan finds out that he had crashed into Gwen standing in an inflatable raft. He brings Gwen to a happy world where she wears pink and stuffed animals hug her. They warn Chef and he locks the doors. Total Drama Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Geoff and Bridgette showed a never-before-seen clip of Gwen and Duncan stargazing. Cody however, ignores this and wins the challenge. Jerry's story made Courtney feel a little bit better, and she began to explain the situation to Cody. Jude is her first victim, and later Duncan, Cody and Courtney. She fills a bucket with everything that make people sneeze, and Beth is able to get the couch out of her nose. In their respective finale, they are the tough contestant, competing against a. They all end up ditching the toy to play dodgeball. Jerry is eager to work, and Dave is happy to have a new employee. After breaking up with Courtney, Duncan starts a proper relationship with Gwen after sharing their second kiss. Afraid of what others would think, she tries to hide the doll, putting it in a trash can. Gwen is finally rewarded with her ice cream only to realize that chocolate tastes better. Duncan is notably seen commenting on the scene and seems very satisfied with what he sees, with Chris agreeing with him. Gwen talks about the good side of being a big sister, and convinces Beth to come back to the school and meet her baby sibling. Day 3: Fussen & Neuschwanstein Castle. Duncan, with a concerned look on his face, immediately leans over to help pull her out of the water, only to stop when he realizes that Courtney is glaring at him from behind. Gwen's Friendly Ghost | Total Dramarama | Cartoon Network Cartoon Network 11.1M subscribers Subscribe 1.9M views 2 years ago Gwen rejects the friendship of a friendly ghost. But thunder was being created by Circle Girl, and she prepared to destroy the kids. Despite the daycare's strict no toys from home without permission policy, Gwen is seen holding a doll with her, indicating that she either has been able to hide it from Chef for a long time or Chef allows her to bring it. Hofbrau Brewery Tour. She then joins the other kids in an adventure trough the city to find the ice-cream truck so Owen can buy a cone. In The Liar, the evil Circle Girl, aka Future Courtney, defeats Future Courtney, returns to her time, and shares the candy with all of her friends. She manages to save it from Izzy, who was about to flush it down the toilet. While she starts to sink into the water, she looks up at Duncan sadly. When Bruno scared the contestants away from their seats, Duncan appears to be holding Gwen. In Snack to the Future, Gwen, Harold and Izzy join Owen in a journey to travel trough time. Courtney sat down on a bench in Central Park and began crying because she felt helpless and guilty. Duncan, seeing an opportunity to get help escaping the daycare, leads an away team into the vents to recover Owen's ball./When Chef is happy he orders pizza for the kids. Gwen and Duncan's first kiss, with Tyler as the sole witness. In An Egg-stremely Bad Idea, Owen and Izzy decorated Gwen's egg chair to brighten up her day. Once they escape and meet up with Heather and Owen, a snake falls out of nowhere, and as they run up into the treehouse, Duncan is seen with his arm behind Gwen's back. In Look Who's Clocking, Gwen does not care when Duncan moves the school clock ahead. In Ghoul Spirit, Gwen is super angry after she bought a really expensive ghost. Gwen later mentions her break up to Courtney in order to gain her trust and to amend their friendship. Chronology Gwen ends up being eliminated, and is left with a bad impression about Duncan. She responds by saying she is simply concerned about Lightning, who is at Boney Island searching for the McLean-Brand Chris Head. Gwen then states in a confessional scene that she couldn't believe that their relationship would end like this, and that even though she felt "fireworks" after their kiss in I See London, his kisses now felt like she was being "kissed by a shoe", and that the thrill in their romance is "so gone.". In Stink. Both Duncan and Gwen (along with Izzy) are the only campers to enjoy the gory movie that the other campers seem horrified to watch. Interactions They have a hard time after Chef tries to do everything on his "bucket list". Cody uses the ray on Gwen, turning her into a happy and friendly girl. An infuriated Courtney breaks up with Duncan in The EX-Files and becomes obsessed with getting Gwen eliminated from the competition. Jerry finally noticed Cody was missing and was about to pick up the box and go through his house. The other kids try to make her make a sound only for Gwen to turn the tables on them. Neither girl takes his warning about Mike seriously and laugh it off, as Gwen calls Duncan's warning "a million on the lame scale." And then Jerry puts the kids in charge at the bookstore, and they're doing well. In Too Much of a Good Thing, Gwen is impressed with Beth's slime. Gwen and Duncan, along with Courtney in the opening sequence. This is the first Sony Pictures Animation film to have a post credits scene. The historical town of Dinkelsbhl is located in Central Franconia on the northern stretch of the Romantic Road. In Sharing is Caring, Duncan tries to steal Courtney's Extreme-a-Saurus, since she doesn't want to share. Duncan takes his egg back as he runs off from Gwen and the bird, but is soon attacked by the monstrous mother bird (somewhat resembling a Canadian Goose) that wants the egg. When the old cast appears on a yacht, Duncan and Gwen are making out passionately while they hold each other. Species Everyone except Courtney was sad because the kids had to save him. Duncan tries to "interfere" after Gwen is eliminated, but it almost backfires on him. When the final four are trapped on an island, Duncan states in the confessional that it was great to be stuck on an island with two hot girls (referring to Gwen and Heather), before adding they're both "completely insane". Duncan smiles while he watches her leave. They pour soup on MacArthur the dentist so she doesn't get in. While in the ball pit, Courtney pins Duncan down and Duncan fears that their relationship would end up being like Trent and Gwen's. In From Badge to Worse, Courtney wants to befriend Gwen, but she is not too happy about it. The old lady is revealed to be Gwen's grandma. He attempts trying to escape but fails. The daycare explodes and Duncan and Courtney get arrested. In Baby Brother Blues, Gwen tells Beth that there are good things about being a big sister. She serves as the deuteragonist-later-tritagonist of Total Drama Island, a main character in Total Drama Action, and a minor character in Total Drama World Tour. But while The Ripper wasn't found, the duo both found Duncan with his punk band, Der Schnitzel Kickers, performing at a club in the neighborhood, whom they capture and bring back to the show. However, he suddenly asks if Courtney was watching, making it clear that he was simply trying to get her jealous. Before the tiebreaker challenge begins, Gwen starts to worry about Duncan when Chris implies he may not be alive, which makes Courtney feel suspicious. 8 Top Things to Do in Bamberg, Germany. She tries to help them using lightning but fails as the statue just breaks instead. Both considered tough by the other contestants, and both have proven this on several occasions. Gwen's appearance in this series is drastically different than her original counterpart, more so than any of the other children: Gwen in the main series has black eyes, but here they are a dark almost navy blue. They saw Jerry and Grace having a conversation about the new employee, Cody, who had recently disappeared without a trace after going to Grace's room. While Duncan is shocked by their sudden break up, he isn't upset or heartbroken. In the end, her wish is about to come true. After a moment of silence, Duncan pulls Gwen in and they end up kissing. This is the first couple to be formed in a, This is the third couple to consist of a female member of the Screaming Gophers and a male member of the Killer Bass, the others being, Despite their relationship, both indirectly caused each other's eliminations in, Duncan is technically responsible for Gwen's elimination in, Gwen and Courtney's fights were one of the reasons why Duncan had, Christian Potenza, Chris' voice actor, also seems to prefer this relationship, as stated in an. Munich's Frauenkirche. He also loves to make mischief, either by teasing other students or encouraging them to do naughty things. Cody rose to the occasion, and with courage and determination, he prepared to face Circle Girl, who had fallen into the river and vanished. Duncan uses himself as a human shield to protect Gwen. They are saved by Owen. Gwen making fun of Duncan for gushing over Courtney. When they try to scare her, they relize that there is a real mummy out there. Later, Gwen tells Duncan that Courtney keeps glaring at her. He keeps teasing Courtney until he comes up with the most dangerous idea. A new Total Drama season has started airing in a foreign country. After Duncan returns to the competition, he begins hugging Courtney, but smiles romantically at Gwen, who is behind them, as he says "Every time I ran from the cops, I thought of you." Duncan is initially pleased that his two former love interests appear to be fighting over him but is disappointed when they reveal that they only came back to the show to restart their friendship. Rule Breaker In the confessional, Gwen admits that the kiss was great, but now she and Duncan are at the risk of being eliminated. Then, Duncan cuts her off by kissing her with his lips overlapping her's and popping his leg up romantically. Courtney is beside them, still rambling on about her hatred towards them. Later, when Chris rings the bell, Duncan is angry, saying that he was tired of listening to Gwen and Courtney's fighting and, after refusing to sing, quits the season, much to Courtney and Gwen's discontent. Alejandro and Heather eventually use Duncan's guilt to get him eliminated. Gwen is happy when the ray seems to work, but it's effects don't last too long. She also most likely voted for him to win, despite saying that she refuses to be predictable. Except for Cody, who had to stay behind because he was worried about Courtney, the kids had to follow her. He joins everyone else in rushing to warn her of the danger. This causes her team to lose the boat race. When they walk off the bus, Gwen makes a snide remark about Heather's "pony hair" hair extensions, which causes Heather to snap back at Gwen that her extensions are made from human hair. During the rock climbing challenge, Heather pulls a prank on Gwen that causes her to lose her skirt while climbing the mountain, leaving Gwen with her underwear fully exposed to everyone watching the challenge. Duncan succeeds in getting his confidence back but also ends up getting arrested and automatically eliminated from the show. Gwen is frustrated and tells Chef about it. The 3 kids try by calling them, and hacking into the city's traffic light system, but none of them work. She decides to help out Beth and keep the dental hygienist away. In Not for the Paint of Heart, Gwen enjoys her art class, until Izzy ruins her painting thanks to her magic paint. He voices his concern when her face turns green before she pukes on him and knocks them both off the logs. Rallying the other kids to his cause, Duncan's plan involves licking any contaminated surfaces in order to catch germs. Male Thanks to Harold's dream machine, Gwen and Duncan go inside Cody's dream. In I Dream of Meanie, Gwen wakes up from her nap thanks to Cody's screams. Duncan comes closer, grabbing her hand, and responds that he is too. Breaking that rule will result in appropriate consequences as outlined in our policies. When Gwen is introduced, she is called a "boyfriend stealer" by Chris, referencing Gwen and Duncan's controversial relationship in Total Drama World Tour. At night, Courtney sits in the tall building, sad, and Jerry approaches her. Total Dramarama goes back in time to re-introduce our favorite Total Drama Island cast members as four-year-olds in a daycare center. When Chef shows up with his new scuba suit, Gwen and the rest mistaken him for the monster, and attack him. Meanwhile, a new employee named Jerry is looking for work at the bookstore, as is his new boss, Dave. I see these three as the main powerhouses of the show. Meanwhile, in New York City, the other kids had to find those kids because they got lost in the big city. Courtney, Cody, Izzy, Duncan, Gwen, and Lightning, on the other hand, took the wrong path into the cave's waterfall to escape from her. Jerry and the kids were discussing their new plan; Jerry had to go to work at the bookstore, and the kids, with the exception of Cody, had to stay with Grace. Duncan glared at Heather and then got tripped by Alejandro. Meanwhile, Circle Girl walked by herself to find a new castle, and she saw Belvedere Castle. Gwen was placed on the villainous team, called the Villainous Vultures, but this was a controversial move because although she is not a villain, she was purposely placed there by show host Chris McLean to stir things up. Gwen doesn't seem to show any remorse for Duncan's imprisonment. Total DramaRama Movie Duncan and Gwen, each get magically sucked into one of the toys and need to find a way to get back into their own bodies. Appearences and Absences Then he volunteers to leave the daycare to buy another cup of Chef's Rainbow Juice. We advise you to NOT post any spoilers. Gwen states that she hates sweet-offs. Duncan and Gwen smile at Courtney's plight and smile at each other before sharing a kiss. Chef's ancestor gets angry at Gwen and her friends for disrespecting his mayor, and shoots the kids out of a catapult. After Chris offers a bathroom break, Duncan assures Gwen that he can hold it all day and calls her "sweetheart" (though this may not mean much, as he uses terms of endearment such as this on most girls). Leshawna, labeled The Sister With 'Tude, is a major character in the Total Drama series, prominently in the first three seasons. In Mother of All Cards, Gwen talks about her weird habits during Mother's Day, which scares the other kids. They become even closer friends in Total Drama Action, which slowly develops into an attraction, despite Gwen denying it at the beginning of the season. to further irritate Courtney. Courtney, Owen, Gwen, Jude, Leshawna, Noah When Duncan disappears, she believes magic is real. None of this works. He terrorizes the kids while Gwen enjoys it. The class goes to a castle, where an old creepy lady welcomes them. The kids compete in a paintball game. She initially believes something supernatural is at work but concludes that Chef simply replaces the dead fish with another one. The series is produced by Wren Errington and Sonia Santarelli, but in live-action, Total DramaRama characters will be CGI animation. It happens to suit Gwen's preference and she thank the duo for their wonderful gift. Her outfit now consists of a blue dress (with no green) with a black vest that doesn't show her midriff and cleavage like her older self. In Camping is In Tents, the class go to a camping trip. Owen and Izzy try to help, but they end up damaging the chair. What seems like an easy job, soon turns into a nightmare, as Izzy makes them play harsh and scary games. She states that they did all of this as a form of thanking him for his past pranks. Later on, Duncan destroys Chris' private mansion (which the host refers to as a "cottage") with a stick of dynamite in an attempt to restore his lost "bad boy" confidence. Fearing Duncan's fate, Gwen sneaks into the elimination ceremony to see who is getting voted off. The kids were kicked out of the bookstore by Circle Girl, and they're rushing into Jerry's house. Later, Gwen and Courtney have to fight each other in the challenge but refuse to do so due to their reigniting friendship. In Gum and Gummer, Gwen listens to Chef's warning about no gum in school. Gwen finds the last page of the book, but states she likes her version better. She made it farther than Gwen in TDA and TDWT, and farther than Heather in TDA and TDAS. After spending the duration of their time on the island arguing, Gwen makes a raft to get herself off the island. She suggests some games so they can be friends. While Courtney remains oblivious, Sierra states in the confessional that "Gwen has had a crush on Duncan since season one, and that Duncan has always had some feelings for her too. She also mentioned that there is a whole fanbase dedicated to "Gwuncan. They both volunteer for the first part of the challenge, but then try to pull themselves out when they realize who they are competing against. Duncan turns out to be right when Gwen accidentally paddles back to the same island they just left, only in a different area. Gwen and Duncan are the two remaining campers out of the twenty-one who took part in the Awake-a-Thon. When a dragon comes to life and attacks the school, the kids and the teacher are able to defeat him using water guns.
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