- 7. Mai 2023
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It is made up of a Minister from the Commonwealth and each State and Territory. Get your own monitor and help fill the gaps in air pollution data. Its prompted Yah Canul to limit her sons time playing outdoors. To how little would we pollute if we wanted to provide healthier environments.. Some farmers markets, state parks, Bureau of Land Management recreational areas, state forests, national forests and Crater Lake National Park are closed. This is to ensure that people are equally protected from air, water soil and noise pollution, no matter where they live in Australia. These Regulations have been saved until 30 June 2023 by the Environment Protection Transitional Regulations 2021 (see above), with certain changes to make them work under the new environmental protection framework. prescribing other matters necessary to give effect to the Act. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. In addition, a new permit activity (L09 - Disposing of tunnel boring machine spoil) has been added to the Environment Protection Regulations 2021. EPA acknowledges Aboriginal people as the first peoples and Traditional custodians of the land and water on which we live, work and depend. The Owens-Brockway glass plant, owned by Owens-Illinois, Inc., melts down used beer and wine bottles in furnaces to create new glass containers. And then theres the Owens-Brockway glass recycling plant, which was recently fined by state environmental regulators and, according to an advocacy groups recent air modeling study, is releasing harmful amounts of pollutants and threatening the health of nearby neighborhoods, including Cully. Type a minimum of three characters then press UP or DOWN on the keyboard to navigate the autocompleted search results. PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN 6) The Willamette River is contaminated with toxic chemicals and metals, and in a new study the Department of Environmental Quality said it poses a threat for human health . If there were any faint hopes that future generations might reduce plastic waste, the reverse is true. EPA acknowledges Aboriginal people as the first peoples and Traditional custodians of the land and water on which we live, work and depend. Its a condition no one in her family has ever had before. Light pollution map. Both Bangor and Portland metro areas were named among the cleanest cities for short-term particle pollution, while Portland reported a . We acknowledge the unique spiritual and cultural significance of land, water and all that is in the environment to Traditional Owners, and recognise their continuing connection to, and aspirations for Country. 51 -100. The department predicts that global plastic use will double by 2040. Is an air pollutant that is a concern for people's health when levels are high. These tiny smoke particles can embed themselves into the lungs, even entering the bloodstream where they can do further harm. The agency said air quality could significantly improve on Monday. For example, smoke from bushfires and wind-blown dust impact Victorias air quality. Last update at 16:00, May 1 (local time), *IQAirs AQI data modeled using satellite data. The precise levels fluctuate throughout the day, but at various points Friday: Lincoln City registered at 251, Ashland at 305, Medford at 319, Roseburg at 347, Eugene at 437, Salem at 456, Bend at 515 and Sisters at 582. The community groups working to reduce pollution from the Owens-Brockway plant have teamed up with Earthjustice, a public-interest environmental law organization. In previous enforcement actions from DEQ the agency fined the glass plant more than $1 million, citing the company for multiple air-quality violations for particulate matter. "I sent that bottle off a pier in Portland, Victoria, exactly 10 years ago," Ms Zepcan said. It includes the general environmental duty(GED). Portland Lookout, Australia EPA Victoria State Government of Victoria. Alternatively, type a search term and press the Search button. Portland, Oregon AQI: Portland, Oregon Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI). These are pretty high. Portland suffers from some of the highest levels of diesel pollution in the United States, and local diesel particulate matter concentrations can be ten to twenty times higher than Oregon's health-based air quality benchmarks. Dropped in mainly to see the whale skeleton and there is whole lot more of interesting stuff dealing with history of. Subordinate legislation aims to protect air, water and land. Forecast updated: Wind: 5 hours ago, fine particulate matter: 11 hours ago, ozone: 11 hours ago. Its a community group that builds environmental leaders and supports people like Yah Canul with training to help make positive changes in the community. Or visit the EPAs air quality website, airnow.gov, and type in your city or ZIP code. Ports Victoria manages commercial navigation of the channels in port waters of Melbourne, Port of Geelong and the Port of Hastings and oversees channel management for the Port of Portland. It would be good for them to shut down so we can become a better community.. Earthjustices own modeling showed the glass plant emissions exceeded allowable standards for some of these pollutants even after Owens-Brockways Portland plant reduced operations in June to run just one of its four furnaces. Portland Powerhouse Motor and Car Museum. Closer to home, the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water'sNational Plastics Plan Summarycontains some gut-wrenching estimates. Browse for your location and find more local ABC News and information. We acknowledge the unique spiritual and cultural significance of land, water and all that is in the environment to Traditional Owners, and recognise their continuing connection to, and aspirations for Country. Those pollutants include carbon monoxide, lead, ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Also in the Cully neighborhoods midst: three brownfields previously developed industrial lands that are no longer in use and could be contaminated. Wendi Suni Yah Canul's son Mario Valle Yah, 6, looks at the family's abundance of habanero peppers in their community garden plot located in Northeast Portland's Cully Park, on Oct. 7, 2021. The National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) Act 1995 is complementary legislation to the other states and the Commonwealth. Air quality is acceptable; however, for some pollutants there may be a moderate health concern for a very small number of people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution. DEQ Air Quality Administrator Ali Mirzakhalili said Owens-Brockway was able to renew its air-quality permit in part because source testing, like that required under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, is not required for the renewal process. Learn how poor air quality impacts human health, how EPA measures air quality and how you can help. pic.twitter.com/U7ADxX4smw. The Environment Protection Act 2017, as significantly amended by the Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 and other Acts, came into effect on 1 July 2021. Bad air prompted Portland and Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation to close all of their parks and other outdoor spaces. You can improve indoor air quality by not smoking inside, using extractor fans when cooking, and ensuring your gas and wood heaters have the correct type of flues. We will review the data in question. Many are worried about homeless individuals in particular. The Victorian Government created the Environment Protection (Management of Tunnel Boring Machine Spoil) Regulations 2020 (TBMS Regulations) to provide a way for the management and disposal of tunnel boring machine (TBM) spoil. It also covers noise, waste and serious chemical hazards. The purpose of the Pollution of Waters by Oils and Noxious Substances Act 1986 (POWBONS Act) is to protect the sea and other waters from pollution by oil and noxious substances and to implement the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (the Marpol Convention). Location: Portland, Victoria, Australia Elevation: 14ft Nearby Weather Stations Today Hourly 10-Day Calendar History Wundermap Air Quality Index info Today: No Data There is currently no data. By JohnO4352. When it comes to the air that Cully residents breathe, Lopez said, DEQ has an opportunity to make things right. "It's incredibly concerning that bulk-buy plastic drink bottles are on the rise in our supermarkets and petrol stations, normalising them rather than inviting people to refill reusable drink bottles," Ms Hughson said. The laws protecting the environment and public health. But, a big problem is literally hanging over Yah Canuls beloved park, her vegetable garden and her community: Air pollution drifting in from the Owens-Brockway glass-recycling facility about a mile away. 34. We pay respect to Aboriginal Elders, past and present. Ms Hughson did a current stocktake of the origins of beach bottle rubbish and revealed that the most highly litteredbrands could onlybe purchased overseas. Wendi Suni Yah Canuls small garden is bursting with the vegetables she loves: tomatoes, cilantro and habanero peppers. If youre living with poor air quality, you certainly would have increased risk for becoming very sick and possibly dying.. Anything thats going to undermine respiratory health, like air pollution, is going to put people at increased risk for mortality from a virus thats going to attack peoples lungs, she said. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys website listed Portlands measurement as even higher, at 349. Its important to understand and manage stormwater and the stormwater drainage system. Where can Portland go from here?'". Todd Cloud, an air quality consultant with 22 years of experience, conducted the air modeling emissions research for the Earthjustice report. to save the Environment Protection (Management of Tunnel Boring Machine Spoil) Regulations 2020, with certain amendments, for two years. The nearby Port of Portland has a naturally deep channel thatmakes it a gateway to international markets in China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan. Dont wait. The letter was inside a plastic drink bottle andcontained the sweet notions of a child, written in the careful handwriting of someone who had just got their pen licence. Friday, the dangerous air prompted many new closures of outdoor spaces and even some indoor spaces across parts of the state. She's also campaigning for Australian and world leaders to take action to prevent ships from illegally dumping garbage at sea. The Environment Protection Transitional Regulations 2021 will cease to operate on 30 June 2023. "In the past few years, we've collected 1529 branded bottles from countries in the region of Asia, compared to 260 bottles sold in Australia," she said. The US-based Alcoa, which operates aluminium smelters around the world, said in a statement that the assessment of the population at Portland was prompted by a count in May 2020 that identified 170 koalas in the area and raised concerns about the density of the population. PurpleAir's industry-leading sensors measure particle pollution (PM2.5) and are priced at a fraction of what you pay for a commercial sensor. The fight for clean air. These are the same populations that live with greater levels of exposure to poor air quality, she said. They looked athistorically redlined neighborhoods on Home Owners Loan Corporation maps and used 2010 Census datato determine who lives near the facilities that put out the most pollution. EPA and the Department of Transport jointly administer this Act. Regulations support the Act by providing clarity and further detail for duty holders on how to fulfil their obligations. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Portland (/ p r t l n d / PORT-lnd) is a city in Victoria, Australia, and is the oldest European settlement in the state.It is also the main urban centre in the Shire of Glenelg and is located on Portland Bay.As of the 2021 census the population was 10,016, increasing from a population of 9,712 taken at the 2016 census. PM2.5 concentration in Portland air currently meets the WHO annual air quality guideline value, Interested in hourly forecast? I think the state agency is following the rules and Owens-Brockway is replying to them because they are following the rules, but nothing is happening, he said. The World Wildlife Foundation estimates that plastic bottles take 450 years to break down, disintegrating into toxic chemical parts. Laws to protect the environment and human health, Environment Protection Act and communities, Environment Protection Act and businesses, Reduce your household greenhouse gas emissions, Dispose of building, renovation or home demolition waste, Air quality monitoring data across Victoria, Beach Report and Yarra Watch season 2020-2021 summary, Beach Report and Yarra Watch season 2021-2022 summary, Prevent water pollution from your business, Energy, petroleum and extractive industries, How to apply the environment protection principles to the approvals process, Check your tanker truck meets safety standards - photo guides, Application for amendment or revocation of a site management order, How to pay or nominate a vehicle littering fine, Hydrogeological assessment guidelines - 668.1, Better Environment Plans Guideline - 2053, Resource Recovery Facilities Audit Taskforce, Community-led action for smoke: Yarra Ranges pilot, Underground petroleum storage systems at service stations, How EPA manages our greenhouse gas emissions, Pollution of Waters by Oils and Noxious Substances Act 1986, National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) Act 1995, Environment Protection Transitional Regulations 2021, Environment Protection (Management of Tunnel Boring Machine Spoil) Regulations 2020, providing for the EPA and its governance structure, specifying that EPAs objective is to protect human health and the environment by reducing the harmful effects of pollution and waste, setting out 11 principles of environment protection, setting out the legislative framework for the protection of human health and the environment from pollution and waste, providing for a GED to minimise risks of harm to human health and the environment from pollution or waste, establishing a permissions scheme that enables EPA to issue or grant development licences, operating licences, pilot project licences, permits (including in relation to tunnel boring machine spoil) and registrations, providing a framework for the management of waste, enabling EPA and authorised officers to ensure compliance with the Act and require action to manage risks of harm to human health and the environment from pollution or waste, providing for a system of criminal and civil penalties. Its a consequence of the plants long history. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Speciality Museums. Environmental message as plastic bottle survives for decade after being dropped in ocean off Portland, Evidence is mounting to suggest that international ships throw garbage overboard. Color blind. PM2.5 concentration in Portland air currently meets the WHO annual air quality guideline value Health Recommendations How to protect from air pollution in Portland? The objectives of the Regulations are to further the purposes of, and give effect to, the Act by: The Environment Protection Regulations 2021 are available at Victorian Legislation. Take action today! Over the summer, DEQ made what it considers significant changes to those requirements because of Earthjustices air modeling emissions. Victorian Governments Air Quality Strategy, set for release in 2019. Ms Evans managed to track down Ms Zapcanand discoveredthat she was now 18 years old and living in Melbourne north-west. This kind of air-modeling analysis detects outdoor pollutants considered harmful to public health and the environment. Most masks that are worn to ward off COVID-19 do little to filter out the smallest smoke particles. PM2.5 concentration in Portland air currently meets the WHO annual air quality guideline value, Interested in hourly forecast? Open your windows to bring clean, fresh air indoors Enjoy outdoor activities Forecast Portland air quality index (AQI) forecast Interested in hourly forecast? The air quality monitoring website IQAir.com, which ranks air pollution across nearly 100 cities internationally, elevated Portland Friday morning to its No. It's. I would like to have a town hall with our community to educate them and build more support to shut them down, because its too close to our community, she said. EPA Victoria State Government of Victoria. The Cully neighborhood is whats known as a fenceline community given their close proximity to pollution sources. "Labor Day morning things were kind . Open your windows to bring clean, fresh air indoors GET A MONITOR Enjoy outdoor activities Forecast Portland air quality index (AQI) forecast Interested in hourly forecast? Mirzakhalili said the agency is also looking into whether this facility is an anomaly or if there are similar situations around the state, in which facilities are being allowed to pollute more than is allowed under modern-day air-quality standards because nothing has come up to prompt DEQ to do more rigorous testing. Air quality regulators charged with enforcing these standards, including the Oregon DEQ, only require new facilities or facilities undergoing major modifications to be evaluated for potential air-quality impacts. Be the first to measure and contribute air quality data to your community. For the last two decades, Portland has achieved air pollution standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for all six criteria pollutants measured in real-time: PM2.5, PM10, ozone, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), and sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ). Track air pollution now to help plan your day and make healthier lifestyle decisions. "When we see it punctuated in an event like this, we're really able to then see that air pollution in our backyard is not just a big deal because of us living next to it for a period of time, but it increases our likelihood of fatality when events like this come through," he said. Be a part of it! "Probably not the most environmentally friendly choice made by my eight-year-old self," Ms Zepcan said. In the face of criticism from Cully residents and their allies, DEQ says its doing what it can to navigate a complex set of requirements. "I think I might have some cleaning up to do.". One result of Owens-Brockways special status is that it is exempt from submitting air-modeling analysis required under certain rules like the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Support the news and programs youll rely on in 2023 and beyond! The Environment Protection Regulations 2021 (Regulations) support the objectives of the legislation to prevent or minimise risks of harm to human health or the environment from pollution or waste. To check the air quality in your area, visit IQair.com. The summary also states that 84 per centof Australia's annual plastic consumption is single-use plasticand only 13 per cent of that is recycled. The neighborhood also has almost twice the percentage of households living in poverty than does Portland as a whole. The air quality index shows the amount of microscopic particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter per cubic meter of air. Portland, Victoria, Australia Air Quality & Pollen, Learn more about air pollution and your health. Sign up to get important news and culture from around the Northwest, delivered to your inbox six days a week. Portland and Multnomah County started opening up additional shelter space Thursday night to give respite from outside air. "Our oceans are full of plastic drink bottles.". It contains pollutants such as chemicals, leaves and litter. It was built in 1956 to manufacture and recycle glass bottles which means it predates the 1970 Clean Air Act, the cornerstone law from which many air-quality regulations flow. Health experts are advising all residents to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary. EPA AirWatchshows air quality information from our monitoring network across the state. We operate under the Environment Protection Act 2017 (the Act) and regulations and other instruments made under the Act. Glenelg, Victoria, Australia. Prevent water pollution from your business, Reduce your household greenhouse gas emissions, Dispose of building, renovation or home demolition waste, Air quality monitoring data across Victoria, Beach Report and Yarra Watch season 2020-2021 summary, Beach Report and Yarra Watch season 2021-2022 summary, Energy, petroleum and extractive industries, How to apply the environment protection principles to the approvals process, Check your tanker truck meets safety standards - photo guides, Application for amendment or revocation of a site management order, How to pay or nominate a vehicle littering fine, Hydrogeological assessment guidelines - 668.1, Better Environment Plans Guideline - 2053, Laws to protect the environment and human health, Resource Recovery Facilities Audit Taskforce, Community-led action for smoke: Yarra Ranges pilot, Underground petroleum storage systems at service stations, How EPA manages our greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more. So far, the program has only brought a handful of facilities into its new permitting process. Dr. Lynne Messer, an associate professor and epidemiologist at Oregon Health & Science University, said because air pollution is harmful to the lungs, it makes people more vulnerable to all kinds of respiratory diseases including COVID-19. A summary of the Regulations is also available. Wildfires are destroying homes and communities on the West Coast and they are also creating some of the world's worst air pollution in a region usually known for its clean living and stunning. If Cully resident Wendi Suni Yah Canul had her way, that action would take the more immediate form of a complete shutdown of the Owens-Brockway plant. Localized Air Quality Index and forecast for Portland, Victoria, Australia. She started buying a special laundry soap to get the odor out of her familys clothing. According to a recent air modeling study, the Owens-Brockway glass-recycling plant is releasing harmful amounts of pollutants, and threatening the health of nearby Northeast Portland neighborhoods of Cully, Sumner and Maywood Park. For more information, please see our Stormwater is surface run-off from rain and storms that enters our drains. Subordinate legislation is the group of tools that sit under the Act. We recognize our responsibility to use data and technology for good. Clean-air advocates say they face an especially difficult challenge in getting tougher air-quality enforcement for Owens-Brockway because of its status as a grandfathered polluter. We acknowledge the unique spiritual and cultural significance of land, water and all that is in the environment to Traditional Owners, and recognise their continuing connection to, and aspirations for Country. You can just look out your car window. Get the app, Reduce your air pollution exposure in Portland, the WHO annual air quality guideline value, Find out more about contributors and data sources, Open your windows to bring clean, fresh air indoors. imposing obligations in relation to environmental protection, pollution incidents, contaminated land and waste, including in relation to on-site wastewater management systems, providing for activities and other matters for the purposes of permissions under the Act, specifying matters in relation to litter, water, the atmosphere, land, noise and vehicle emissions, encouraging retailers and consumers to reduce the overall use of plastic bags that often enter the environment as litter, by banning thin, single-use plastic shopping bags, setting out additional matters in relation to the environmental audit system, prescribing activities in respect of which the environment protection levy or the waste levy is payable, or when EPA may require a financial assurance, prescribing the form and manner of certain applications, prescribing infringement offences and infringement penalties, providing for exemptions from certain provisions of the Act and the Regulations, prescribing the fees payable under the Act. PM2.5 concentration in Portland air currently meets the WHO annual air quality guideline value Health Recommendations How to protect from air pollution in Portland? Youre not alone. Thank you for reporting this station. Shandas has already published studies showing neighborhoods that were subject to racist redlining practices starting in the 1930s now see hotter temperatures and lower air quality. pic.twitter.com/8uU8cWo8Mz. To make matters worse, a new study out of Italy found the virus itself can travel long distances on tiny particles of air pollution, possibly helping to spread infection. The Owens-Brockway glass plant, owned by Owens-Illinois, Inc., melts down used beer and wine bottles in furnaces to create new glass containers. and our The National Weather Service has issued an air quality advisory for most of the western, central and southern parts of Oregon and Southwest Washington. Ms Hughson not only orchestrates community rubbish clean-up crews, she documentsevery microplastic and fishnet they've ever collected and records product information and likely origin if she can find it. For example, smoke from bushfires and wind-blown dust impact Victoria's air quality. They are exposed to transportation pollution, thanks to nearby Portland International Airport, U.S. 30 and a rail line.
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