john myers rentokil salary


It does take a few good listening skills as you might imagine. He sent me a letter. Anytime. Paul Giannamore: They come over to learn the right way to do things. He had some subject matter experts that he pulled on. Let's say 1% of your population at any one time decides to do something goofy. Pre-COVID, I used to spend a lot of time in the field. Visit PayScale to research Rentokil salaries, bonuses, reviews, benefits, and more! Patrick Baldwin: She's on the other side of the ocean. Its a little bit different and 100% commercial. You've got HomeTeam, Crane, and Northwest. Education: B.S. Last updated: 1 January 2023 at 11:00am EST. Good companies probably ask the second question and really good companies ask this third question, which is, Are we resourced to successfully deliver this solution at this moment in time? Ive been thinking these were the steps to a career path to do X. I always like to look at cause and effect in the impact on the bottom line. He said, You got to find 1 of your 70s and jam them into the 10 so we're rigid to that. I'm not sure that he ever thought it should be that rigid. The average salary for Rentokil employees is $61,779 per year. You're going to the best spot and ride with the best specialist. Do you ever play more of the undercover boss and show up? Its no biggie. Rentokil, from a cultural perspective, is interesting in North America because it is an amalgamation of a lot of different businesses., If you think about it, years ago, that business was doing less than $100 million in revenue prior to buying Ehrlich. Wir entschuldigen uns fr die Umstnde. Patrick Baldwin: You could have made it happen. They were in Philly. Working at Rentokil North America | Glassdoor Talk about Rick Bilderback, maybe ten people at the firm know that guy. Why didnt this customer take our price increase when we're providing world-class service?, I will tell you that I sleep well at night. Let's say 23 years when I showed up. Patrick, we are going to have to parachute into this interview. If there's a problem, I'm in that zip code. He put the card on the ground and stepped on it so his footprint was there. If I'm saying that managers should only manage 9 people and a guy's got 16, how's that likely to turn out?, I'm giving you maybe not the level of detail you want on KPIs but the point is we then decide if this is the solution, how do we measure success? The thought of being able to come in the early days with Rentokil and take something that was roughly $200 million and do something with it was appealing. Rollins, for example, has always been reasonable. It was a perfect setup for me to understand that I wasn't selling a thing. If you're on the north side of Atlanta, you have to get down to the southeast side of Atlanta. We now have a set of rules. That's not what happened. Patrick, I saw you taking notes over there. Inside, he said, Day one, we started with my boot up your butt. verdade. You say, I noticed you're not using the handheld. That doesn't work. They'll tell you that. You deal with this stuff too as all acquirers do.. There wasn't a strategy. hE joined Rentokil Initial in 2008 as President and Chief Executive of the Pest Control division in North America. Let's see if a Connecticut kid can live in New Orleans and sell to Southerners. I was kicked out of my first customer on day two on the job. John Myers: I meant to tell you the story. Bruce has been around longer than that. Sometimes he doesn't take my call anymore on the first ring because he's got grandchildren and other stuff to do., Paul Giannamore: When I think about Rentokil North America, in general, it is an extremely important part of Rentokil Initial, the entire organization. Going back to safety, is there something you could give to our readers as they're running their businesses on a much smaller budget. Its 2020 now and everyone's remote working. a monthly gross average salary for a full-time employee in Germany was 4,100 in 2022. It's okay that you talk to the guy that owns the white house before he's ready to sell. I didn't mean it to come off in any way.. I take criticism pretty well. At that point in time, you do what you learned from Scott Stevenson. We're all using Termidor or whatever. I don't know if John said it in this interview, but we've talked about it quite a bit. Im managing a sales organization over there. They were a nimble, fast-moving, competitor of American Can.. Maybe the technology's moved on since we did that last. There are lots and lots of examples. She said, How much are you getting paid? I said, I'm not exactly sure either. As clunky as this might have been, the people that took a large amount of money from the sale of their business don't have to work for me if they could find another place to work. Some other acquirers are continuing to learn how to do that but that is an effective capability that Rentokil North America has built now. Maybe I shouldn't., Paul Giannamore: One of their most important jobs for these CEOs is to get out in the field and talk to customers. There's a separation that has to occur. If you get hiring, training, and development right, you're going to be amazingly successful. All of a sudden, they're going to turn this thing into some European nightmare. This was supposed to be succumbing to understanding manufacturing and sales so I could be a general manager. What makes Rentokil attractive compared to some of the others out there? They had an incredibly good hygiene services business.. As an outsider looking in, how would you describe Rentokil culture? An ops manager would work for a week on district managers but like a branch manager. You build this knowledge of a service history with that customer., One of the things that we didn't know, and we didn't know until we tested it was I had the hypothesis that newer customers are more of a pain in the butt than older customers. You will be redirected once the validation is complete. Is this the problem I need to solve today? I look at it and I say, Its an important problem but not today. Did we get them trained up to our standards within a reasonable amount of time? Rentokil Initial plc, together with its subsidiaries, provides route-based services in North America, the United Kingdom, rest of Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and internationally. You and I talked about some of the acquisitions that we've all wanted to make. Some other day.. Not only do you folks publish a lot but you have a lot of presentations. Shifting away from Rentokil specifically but in some of the takeaways that I heard John said was,1% in customer retention is 1% in organic growth. I have not personally thought about customer retention that way. A sales guy, I wouldn't have hired them if I hadn't seen that they can sell. Currency in USD, Chief Marketing, Innovation & Strategy Officer, Managing Director of UK & Sub-Saharan Africa, Rentokil Initial plcs ISS Governance QualityScore as of. That's an entirely separate episode on customer retention measurements. Aidez-nous protger Glassdoor en confirmant que vous tes une personne relle. I'm going to win the job because Im the best in that role. The feedback we were getting was they wanted to move faster. How do you do it? message, contactez-nous l'adresse More revenue per hour helps you to be able to support some of the other spendings you want to make on marketing and the like. Its an important aspect of it. That is a reminder and a great tip.. I've got this big dashboard here of metrics that go up and down the P&L. He's fundamentally important to your organization. Paul Giannamore: Thank you, Patrick. Around the edges, it's helpful but that's not something that you would use to choose Rentokil versus any other acquirer necessarily. JP McHale. Don't worry. in marketing, University of Vermont; MBA, Mercer University, Atlanta campus. I think about that all the time. For the most part, it was him doing everything from the front-end valuation submitting the approval memo, the Investment Committee to going out conducting DD and executing the deal. In the south, there's the polite no. Patrick Baldwin: With Rentokil, I don't know if you can speak to this, but you talked about how they spend their time. Had you known that before that?, John Myers: It was the latter. Alliance News 24 March . Youve got a business like Modern doing about $20 million in revenue. Vic and I would argue about whether that's the right thing or whether every truck should have a local telephone number on the side of the trucks so they knew you were from Shamokin, Wilkes-Barre, or Allentown. That's why early in his career he decided it was important to head back to school to earn his MBA. They're not trying to hurt me. There are good people there. That's why it gets harder for the 5-guy to go to 10, 10 to go to 15, and 20. To me, pest control is a local business. When we go to meetings and John shows up, and Mex is like, I want to sit on his lap and drink hot chocolate and listen to his story. He's a fierce leader for sure. Afterward, they don't know what's behind them. John did on uncovering things during due diligence. StackPath - They have a bias towards action. John Myers: Five minutes before we land at LAX the guy said, What are you in town for? I was like, I work with a company called Western. He said, The little man with the hammer. Its the logo on the vehicle getting ready to hit the rat with the hammer. We had a tremendous amount of debates about strategy and tactics. Similarities between pest control and janitorial cleaning? When I graduated, I had one job offer so I said yes to that one.. He's not looking for them to be done in 15 months even, let alone 15 minutes., When I was brand new in my job, I thought an assignment was you had to fix this right away. John Myers: I'd probably be the, I'll sell it and you do the work, guy. A decile score of 1 indicates lower governance risk, while a 10 indicates higher governance risk. Going back to my factory, I could walk out on the production floor and I would say, Bob, why is that guard not on that machine? You feel like you're chasing your tail. The list goes on. I joked in the interview that the last time I saw him he and I were talking about the fact that I was surprised that he's still around because it's not uncommon for chief executives to head off to other businesses.. Features; Our data; Clients; . I'm happy that he spent hours and hours with us. I'm not so sure it's that big a leap. I appreciate you coming out and talking to us. Se continui a visualizzare Youre going at my attempt to buy Rentokil North America.. John Myers: Every once in a while, we'll be in a long discussion about something. I want to see the top twenty. The first thing is I love working for Andy Ransom. Today, I will miss you., They then came to me and said, We'd like you to run a manufacturing facility. I'm a sales guy going to run a manufacturing facility in Atlanta 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 3 different unions, unprepared to be a great production guy. Thank goodness, I had a good boss who made a couple of phone calls to that customer and said, There's more to this kid than you give him a chance to be. Because of that, you learn that there's a different style of communicating and a different style of decision-making. They bought more Ford vehicles than any other entity on the planet. Paul, this might be the most selfish thing I've ever said to you on the show. One last thing on route density. If that was our example, we would then be looking at metrics to measure whether we're having an influence on those metrics., Where are we in core tiles against pay, the zip codes, and the markets that we're working against? They were competing with Crown Cork & Seal. These are businesses that have been around for a long time and have a lot of brand equity in the market and are of a size. All I can tell you is learn and grow type mode with us. If you set that up, right on the front end, in a lot of ways, you can almost set it and forget it and I know that's not right but it covers all sorts of manners of sins if you have that stuff set upright. As a result, I did well there. I thought we had good specialists. Is it him being the sales guy and wanting to get out there and kind of get his sales on? He reset the expectations and said, You can do more outside of our company than you can do inside of our company. It was a great piece of recommendation for me. When I look at companies Rentokil and Anticimex, I start to think about the fact that both of them provide a lot of upward mobility for sellers people., Patrick Baldwin: That makes sense. Theres some stuff that keeps the wheels going. On one hand, this business is super hard to run because it's a decentralized service model. Ci Paul, we talk about marketing, sector focus, and things. They typically quit their boss., Lets say were going to work on specialist retention, we would start looking at why they are leaving us in the first place? Other OTC - Other OTC Delayed Price. Vic would stay on for three years and make sure the transition went well. Paul Giannamore: Especially the way that Rentokil North America has grown. View John Myers's business profile as President and CEO, Rentokil North America. para informarnos de que tienes problemas. Let's have these discussions about it now as opposed to when the deal is done and everyone's pissed off., John, your team has done a fantastic job over the years. If he's not ready, if it terrifies him, if he goes home and he thinks, My career is over because I was a doofus, I don't want any of those things. You're explaining to the potential seller, Why choose Rentokil? What are those differentiated capabilities? Embedded in there is an obligation that they are going to return home safely to their families. As a result, I'm always worried about whether we're doing it the legal way with 9,000 employees. One of my previous colleagues, a guy named Scott Cook, who was head of HR and a real helper to make me better as a manager said, We got to work on your ability to compartmentalize things and put them into boxes. It sounds like a little thing and we require all of our acquired companies to back into space. I have been trained in and people understand why we're doing this, not because I'm the boss and I told you to do the thing and all the other elements associated with being successful in the space. At my going away party, that same customer gave me a card. There can be a variety of things that go wrong. You came on board slightly less than $200 million in revenue. How does John talk about their relationship between flagship Rentokil NA and HQ in London? Let's debate the heck out of it. My limitations for Presto-X is we had a couple of clients that needed some commodity fume and they developed a relationship where we could call them and send out some commodity fume. John Myers: One of the things is that we are dedicated to doing it the right way, the legal way. For example, Rollins is not a company that is interested in having a $20 million business in Illinois and the CFO of that business lives in Wyoming. Disculpa Patrick Baldwin: That is interesting. envie um e-mail para Yellow pages are moving this way. John doesn't shy away from responding to what wasn't all good with "Allgood" as well as room for improvement with regard to mosquito and tick opportunities. Finally, the one that we all know but we sometimes forget is 1% improvement in customer retention is 1% organic growth. You were hearing some things for the first time., Patrick Baldwin: I learned a lot and I had a great time. He wanted to make incremental improvements in the base business. We also tied the customers' phone numbers, emails, texts, and all that stuff to the phone system which allowed us to track how many incoming calls for each unique, discrete customer and the duration of those calls., The question was, Where does this pest control company spend most of its service time, as far as calling. It turned out that approximately 70% to 80% of phone time with the office was spent on the phone with new customers because, with new customers, there's a lot they don't understand. If you're all expecting every 9,000 employees to hear my voice and act on it and not be dependent on hearing your voice on the same strategy, were in big trouble.

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john myers rentokil salary