- 7. Mai 2023
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- Category: Allgemein
In follow-up studies, the same authors examined the effect of isolated fractions on the above markers and concluded that the juice fraction itself was more effective than individual components of juice, including polyphenolic-rich extracts (18). Exposure to apples and apple products has been associated with beneficial effects on risk, markers, and etiology of cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and Alzheimer's disease. filtered tea. The potential of AP phytochemicals to reduce disease risk and improve health has caught the attention of scientists, practitioners, and the lay public. This review summarizes current clinical, in vitro, and in vivo data and builds upon earlier published reports that apple may reduce the risk of chronic disease by various mechanisms, including antioxidant, antiproliferative, and cell signaling effects. Future studies, including well-conducted clinical trials using whole apple preparations and juice, are clearly warranted. Based on this premise, a study was conducted in Brazil on 49 overweight women with high blood cholesterol levels to determine the effect of fruit intake on blood lipids and body weight (70). A sub-discipline of both chemistry and biology, biochemistry may be divided into three fields: structural biology, enzymology and metabolism.Over the last decades of the 20th century, biochemistry has become successful at explaining living processes through these three disciplines. (23) recently reported that PKC activity was reduced by 50% in HT29 cells after 24-h exposure to apple extracts at a relatively high concentration (403 g/mL). Several ranking studies have been completed and the pros and cons of chemical methods used to assess in vitro antioxidant activity of fruits and vegetables have been debated and will not be reviewed here. As summarized by Boyer and Liu (1), early reports showed an inverse association between AP and AP-flavonoid intake and coronary mortality. (11) in Germany used apple extracts fermented in vitro with human fecal flora to examine effects of the fermentation products on cultured HT29 and LT97 cells (the latter, a colon adenoma cell line representing early premalignant tumor development). It has been shown that the estrogen decline associated with menopause is linked to increased production of inflammatory mediators within the bone microenvironment. Additional work from this laboratory using mice with genetically induced oxidative stress (an ApoE-deficient strain) showed that 1 mo of apple juice concentrate intake reduced the accumulation of ROS in brain tissue and attenuated cognitive impairment (60, 61). Fresh apples contain about 15% total carbohydrate. In a combined investigation using cell and animal models to mimic nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug injury, cultured gastric epithelial cells (MKN 28 from a human gastric tubular adenocarcinoma) were exposed to oxidative stress via 2- to 3-h exposure to xanthine oxidase and live rats were subjected to indomethacin, each with or without treatment with phenolic-rich extracts of freeze-dried apple (flesh only). Although data relating AP intake to reduced risk of asthma are provocative, there are some inconsistent reports. Another study examining oxidation in humans involved providing 150 mL of apple juice, prepared from homogenized apple flesh, to 10 healthy young male participants in Japan and testing their blood at periodic intervals using a fluorescent probe (2,7-dichlorofluorescin) as an indicator of ROS formation and oxidative stress (37). The idea that there is a difference between "natural . The women were randomized to 1 of 3 diet groups for 10 wk including a daily intake of 300 g of apple (~1.5 large size), daily intake of a similar quantity of pear, or 60 g of oat cookies. There are ongoing attempts to elucidate other bioactive compounds, beyond flavonoids, that might account for the observed effects of AP on cancer risk. The physical and chemical characteristics determined were, fruit length and diameter, single fruit weight, juice percentage, total soluble solids (TSS), acidity. In conclusion, the data related to AP and disease risk reduction are provocative and varied. It has been proposed that assessment of total oxidant scavenging activity might overcome the inconsistencies observed in other assays. A new report using data from the French branch of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition trial provided evidence of a link between apple intake and reduced asthma prevalence in a sample of 68,535 adult women, mostly teachers, enrolled in a national health insurance plan (52). It is estimated that over 80 million American adults (1 in 3 and particularly adults older than 60 y) have one or more types of cardiovascular disease. A 2016 analysis from the PDP found that 80% of 531 apple samples contained residues of this chemical at 0.002-3.8 ppm, which is below the EPA's tolerance level of 10 ppm. selenium. There have also been several studies that examined the potential of AP to reduce breast cancer risk. The influence of farming systems on the harvest of apple tree orchards and the chemical composition of apples S. Nominaitis1, V. M. Rutkoviene1, P. Vikelis 2 Key words: genus, scab, skin toughness, picking maturity, fruit quality Summary: Research of apple productivity and quality was carried out in organic and intensive Incubation of these cells with the apple juice extract for 24, 48, and 72 h reduced their growth. In the living rats, drinking the apple extract in water for 10 d or 1 h prior to indomethacin-induced injury prevented macroscopic injury and partial microscopic damage by 4045% (75). Several recent intervention studies have examined the effect of fresh apple consumption on oxidative markers in humans. Many recent studies demonstrate a beneficial effect of AP on critical processes in the etiology of disease at the metabolic and cellular level. A laboratory Experiment was carried out to determine the physic-chemical composition of Red Delicious and Amri apple varieties under fresh and stored condition, which were determined on October 30, November 30, and December 30. The most effective compounds on all antioxidative parameters included quercetin and phloretin. In a follow-up study, the above investigators developed reconstituted mixtures including 5 major apple-derived compounds to determine the relative antioxidant contribution of selected polyphenolics (20). The test meals were adjusted to provide comparable macronutrients. It was found that high concentrations of the extract (2002000 nmol/L) for longer incubation periods with TNF (36 h) resulted in reduced NF-B activity, likely mediated via inhibited phosphorylation of IB. There are current data suggesting that AP might be linked to reduced risk of several forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. Chemical Properties of Anthocyanins in Black Foods The basic C6-C3-C6 anthocyanin structure is the combination of anthocyanidins (aglycones) linking with sugars, which can be separated into anthocyanidin sugar-free aglycones and anthocyanin glycosides depending on structure [10]. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Although further work is needed to extrapolate these findings to clinical outcomes, it is promising that there are multiple plausible mechanisms by which AP intake might reduce the risk of cancer in humans. The composition of cider as determined by dominant fermentation with pure yeasts : Alwood, William Bradford, 1859-1946 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The chemical composition of apples and cider. (48) studied the potential of 2 doses of procyanidin-rich apple polyphenol extract to attenuate disruptions in lipid membranes and lipid metabolism resulting from exposure to dietary cholesterol oxidation products. Apple fruit sweetness is given by the sugar content (Aprea et al., 2017), and it is considered that weather conditions, culture technology, position, and exposition of the fruits in the crown influences this content (Campeanu et al., 2009).Apple fruits present high sugar content, which varies from 9.53 to 12.3% (Campeanu et al., 2009), 7.41 . Another study of AP was conducted in ovariectomized rats subjected to inflammation as a physiologic model of the postmenopausal state in humans (74). In particular, apple juice concentrate prevents the characteristic decline in acetylcholine associated with aging and oxidative stress (62). Although further work is needed to extrapolate these findings to clinical outcomes, it is promising that there are multiple plausible mechanisms by which AP intake might reduce the risk of cancer in humans. However, there are provocative data suggesting that mechanisms beyond antioxidant effects are important, including suppression of neurotoxic mediators in Alzheimer's disease. 36081 points 635 comments. These are described in the following section in the context of cardiovascular disease, although it is recognized that antioxidant effects are likely important in chemoprevention as well. These data support prior observations that complete mixtures of phytochemicals in AP are more effective than individual components tested alone. Fructose and glucose were identified as the principal monosaccharides ( Table 2 ). In the United States, twenty-two percent of the phenolics consumed from fruits are from apples making them the largest source of phenolics [13]. The chemical composition of an apple includes: water - over 85% of the total mass; proteins and fats - about 1%; carbohydrate compounds - almost 10%; organic acids; alimentary fiber; vitamins: PP, A in the form of beta-carotene, group B, C, E, H, K; Studies are presented below, grouped by disease states and/or disease processes when applicable. An updated analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption and lung cancer risk from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition was published in 2007 (15). I. There has been a growing appreciation and understanding of the link between fruit and vegetable consumption and improved health. The sole author had responsibility for all parts of the manuscript. Feeding the extract to rats for 3 wk resulted in significant dose-dependent reductions in several markers of lipid metabolism including reduced lipoperoxides (measured by TBARS) in serum and liver, lowered SOD activity in RBC, lower hepatic 6 desaturase activity, altered fecal excretion patterns, and reduced levels of oxidized cholesterol products in serum and liver. We can found it in plant cell wall. A crossover study of ex vivo data examined the effect of a bolus of apple (600 g of homogenized unpeeled apples) in a small group of young healthy males in Italy (n = 6) (38). Commercial apple juice in Germany was tested among other fruit juices. The potential of AP phytochemicals to reduce disease risk and improve health has caught the attention of scientists, practitioners, and the lay public. Overproduction and/or overexposure to oxidants in the body can result in an imbalance leading to cellular damage. In a cross-over study, 15 healthy female participants 1950 y (mean 24.6 y) old each consumed a 500-kcal test meal on 3 different occasions consisting of either fresh peeled apples, unsweetened canned apple sauce, or candy. James Kennedy. Investigations with this model have provided important clues that mechanisms of neuroprotection may extend beyond antioxidant effects.
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