500 words every college student should know


The word innate is an essential addition to every college vocabulary list. a cleansing of emotions like pity and fear. Rehearse with flashcards Flashcards are an incredibly effective way of studying and memorizing vocabulary. Used in a sentence: If you want the same movie over and over again, even if its your favorite it will turn banal. become a student at a college or university. No one in their right mind would call Aristotle a simpleton. Sample of 500 Word Essay on Respect Boxers who renege on their deal to show up and fight can get sued by the event promoters. A 500-word essay is basically an essay with three sections that give clear depictions of an occasion or any item. If you see some words repeated in these lists, dont forget that many Paperback. Once youre in college, you may think your days of learning vocabulary words are over. In fact, its official definition, according to Merriam-Webster is shortness of duration, especially shortness or conciseness of expression. Synonyms for brevity include: To illustrate the meaning of brevity, recall a professor whose class always ran over because he or she lacked brevity. You can handle a disingenuous salesman, but you dont want anything to do with a disingenuous doctor. action that is done by or affects only one side. Used in a sentence: The government of Papua New Guinea agreed to pay for the student to study overseas if he signed an indenture document to come back to work for the government for two years. WebThis list was created to help teachers know which spelling words should be taught to kids in grades 15. In doing the latter, you may, ironically, make your own essay less hackneyed. One of the vocabulary words youll need to know for your classes, especially in History or Political Science, is the term zealot. When you consider the meaning of the term didactic, youll understand immediately why weve listed it among the words every college student should know. A traumatic experience of losing a loved one or going to jail can create an existential crisis of where one questions why theyre on earth. Synonyms for the term conundrum include: The word conundrum is often used hyperbolically when exaggerating the difficulty of something. Eating McDonalds every day will not help you achieve the sublime figure youre looking to have by this summer. negative language that is used to belittle or criticize. Used in a sentence: A pragmatic president would seek the counsel of his cabinet before making key decisions. If so, you already comprehend the meaning of the word implicit to some extent. bourgeois. Used in a sentence: New DNA evidence vindicated the 40-year-old man who was previously serving time for a crime he didnt commit. Not only does this method make it easy to keep the material organized, but its also a convenient way to Merriam-Webster defines juxtaposition as the act or instance of placing two or more things side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect. While there are few, if any, exact synonyms for the word, some closely related terms include: The term has a wide range of uses, but in academia, it is often used to describe the effects of an artists or authors media or stylistic choices. Even if you dont have a lot of space, you still have to make your point. Some synonyms for the word include: The word superfluous tends to have a negative connotation, especially when used in reference to its secondary definition: obsolete; marked by wastefulness; extravagant.. Heres an example of what a 500 word essay looks like. Used in a sentence: Many alcoholics know that they would be happier if they would eschew from drinking, but they dont have the self-will to do that. carefully thinking about all the possible consequences and effects before doing something. And thats much different from the goal you have when writing an academic paper for a high school or college class. 50. indolent wanting to avoid activity or work. The word meticulous should be on every students college vocabulary list. Palm readers claim to prognosticate your major life events based on the lines in your palm. 18. circumspect carefully thinking about all the possible consequences and effects before doing something. You would have to be nefarious to join the mob and commit crimes on innocent people. a person who accepts established behavior. 7 Time Management Strategies For College Students, Why GPA Is Queen For Grad School Admissions, How To Figure Out Your GPA On A Weighted 4.0 Scale, How To Raise Your GPA: Three Unusual Ways. According to Merriam-Webster, pedantic means narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned or unimaginative; dull. Synonyms for the word include: The term has a particularly negative connotation and is often used to describe a person who is a stickler for the rules or minute and unimportant details. Learn Assign Merriam-Webster defines proverbial as of, relating to, or resembling a proverb. Synonyms include: The term proverbial comes in handy when a writer or speaker wants to make a connection between a topic and a relevant proverb or adage. 8. apathetic having no emotion, feeling, or concern. WebThis list was created to help teachers know which spelling words should be taught to kids in grades 15. A 500-word essay is a common format assignment that students have to deal with. According to Merriam-Webster, eschew means to avoid habitually, especially on moral or practical grounds. College students are advised to eschew late-night parties during finals, for example, though not all of them do. Youd be remiss not to add fortuitous to your list of key vocabulary words to learn. Web125 Words Every 7th Grader Should Know Vocabulary You Need to Succeed By analyzing student data and commonly taught texts, Vocabulary.com has compiled this collection of essential vocabulary for students in 7th grade. bourgeois. Making friends is challenging, Ill be honest. Mother Theresa is the paragon of virtue and kindness. Used in a sentence: Little boys like to emulate their fathers words and actions, which is why its crucial that the father is a good role model. One of the college vocabulary words on our list with the most negative of connotations, the term supercilious is an adjective that means coolly and patronizingly haughty, according to Merriam-Webster. Theres a big dichotomy of nature or nurture being more influential in human development. protection granted by a country for a political refugee who has left their native country, or a place of safety. 30. digress to go off on a tangent, leave the main subject. A pragmatic president would seek the counsel of his cabinet before making key decisions. 11. audacious willing to take bold risks. According to Merriam-Webster, tenuous means having little substance or strength: flimsy, weak. Some synonyms include: To illustrate the definition of the word in context, imagine witnessing a classmate who is constantly checking her phone during an important lecture. Among the college-level words students should be familiar with is the term obfuscate. The best way to write an essay in this format is by using specific words and making your ideas flow well. Synonyms for the word include: As the final synonym in the above list implies, didactic can sometimes have a negative connotation, especially when describing something boring or condescending. aesthetic (adjective): of or relating to art or beauty; alternatively, pleasing in appearance or attractive, aesthetic (noun): a particular theory or conception of beauty or art; alternatively, a pleasing appearance or effect. Used in a sentence: In the 17th century, groups had disparate ideas about the earth being flat or round. The idea of coloring over something with a dark crayon comes to mind, which is quite similar to todays dictionary definitions: to throw into shadow, to make obscure, and to confuse. Synonyms for obfuscate include: To give an example of how this word might be used in a real-life scenario, think about a particular professor whose lectures you find complicated and mind-numbing. Instead of using high-level vocabulary, use simple and easy to understand words. Youll find all rebels on the road less travelled and the conformists in the crowd. Make every word count. elements from a diverse range of sources. Paperback. Many employees would make a diatribe against their boss if there was no risk of getting fired because of it. Disparate things are distinctly dissimilar. someone who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions. Master high-frequency, high-utility words that you'll encounter across the curriculum. 42. extrapolate to predict or estimate something based on known information. This term comes from the Latin word ubique, which means everywhere. Synonyms for ubiquitous include: In terms of connotation, ubiquitous is relatively neutral and can refer to both good and bad things that have become widespread. Used in a sentence: Many political refugees seek asylum when they believe they will be killed in their native country if theyre forced to return. While the term has a literal meaning that refers to the highest point reached in the sky, the meaning youll find more useful as a student is the formal definition: the strongest or most successful period of time. In this sense, the word is associated with synonyms such as: It is not uncommon for professionals to reference a particularly successful moment as the zenith of their careers, for instance. Used in a sentence: The couple set up camp in the desert, laid down, and then stared at the myriad of stars across the sky. Normally a stoic, Malachi wept in emotion after hearing the bad news about his hometown. In no way is this above list of vocabulary words meant to be an exhaustive one. Used in a sentence: Self-adulation is one of the worst traits of good leaders because it leads them to corruption. Based on the unique wounds of each victim, the detective extrapolated that the murders in March and September are connected. an opening statement that prepares whats to come. Merriam-Webster defines acquiesce as to accept, agree, or allow something to happen by staying silent or by not arguing. Synonyms for the word include: The origins of the word can be found in Latin, specifically from the Latin word quiescere, meaning to be quiet. If on the first day of class, your professor demands that you silence your phone for his or her lecture, its best to acquiesce. There arent any workbooks of college vocabulary words, and thats a shame. 15. carpe diem the idea of living in the moment and not worrying about the future (translates to seize the day), Used in a sentence: I didnt want to go out, but my housemate said, Its senior year and we wont get to do this after we graduate, carpe diem.. Among the college words, youll need to know to hold your own in the world of academia is garish. 78. quibble a minor objection or criticism. The word digress is also a term that is doubly qualified to appear on our list of college words since its something professors have a tendency to do during lectures. Used in a sentence: The defense lawyers appeal for mercy on his clients 5-year prison sentence didnt sway the apathetic judge. This term has various definitions, according to Merriam-Webster, including: causing amazement or wonder, extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree, and befitting or resembling a prodigy. In the 15th century, the term translates to the phrase literally denoting the idea of being an omen: portentous, but this definition has gone out of usage. Any online business that promises to make you rich quick should make you leery. $16.99 7 Used from $6.25 2 New from $16.84 1 Collectible from $50.33. The word is derived from two Latin words, ob and fuscus, meaning over and dark-colored, respectively. Used in a sentence: The best newspaper editors have a pedantic approach to their work, because if they didnt theyd be out of a job. The roots of college vocabulary words often have intriguing stories to tell, and recalcitrant is no exception. Used in a sentence: Youll find all rebels on the road less travelled and the conformists in the crowd. The term comes from the Latin word superfluus, which means running over as a cup that has been overfilled with liquid. Used in a sentence: Parents with a new-born baby face the onerous task of taking care of a helpless human life while they get almost zero sleep during the process. Exact synonyms for caveat are sparse, but there are some close matches such as: To illustrate the modern definition of the word, consider how you might feel upon discovering the one caveat of taking Fridays off from school: an 8 am Monday morning class. abusive and bitter attack through speech or writing. 70. piety respect and devotion to a religion or higher power. Ambitious business people could speed up their career achievement by finding a sage in their field to mentor them. 59. myriad an extremely large, uncountable number of things. Tips for writing a 500 word essay. No matter how eloquent the lecturer is, youll most likely come to appreciate the quality of brevity over the course of your academic career. Dont get involved with the wrong crowd. The student may protest that the absences arent excessive, but the professor will retort that they are continuous enough to have a significant impact on the students grade. If youre going to be a maverick and do something different, you better be right or the kickback will be hard to swallow. Today, the word auspicious can be used to describe anything that portends success or good fortune. 51. juxtaposition the fact of placing two things side by side, usually in contrast. The term emphatic is one of those words that make you sound smarter the moment it leaves your lips. Remember those vocabulary workbooks you had to go through in grade school? Merriam-Webster defines this whimsical-sounding adjective as perfectly typical or representative of a particular kind of person or thing. For reference, here are a few synonyms for the word: To further illustrate the meaning of the word quintessential, consider a student who opts to attend classes traditionally rather than online because they desire the quintessential college experience. 55. matriculate become a student at a college or university. Tips for writing a 500 word essay. Synonyms for innate include: The modern word innate comes from the Latin term innatus, meaning to be born in.. WebWords Every College Student Should Know book. Used in a sentence: Teachers who implement didactic and engaging lessons are the ones who help students get the most out of class each day. Making friends is challenging, Ill be honest. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. 80. relegate dismiss to a lower rank or less important position. 89. stoic someone who can persevere through pain or struggle without complaining. Rather, panacea can refer to a perfect solution to a wide range of problems. During the 1920s and early 1930s, the US government placed a prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages. Used in a sentence: The binary compound, which contains two rare chemicals, needs to be investigated further before a comment is made. 51 Sophisticated College Words Every Student Should Know #2: aesthetic. ranking of people or things in order of importance. Contemporary synonyms for prodigious include: Challenges and accomplishments are often described as prodigious. 48. iconoclast someone who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions. The word acquiesce is an intransitive verb that makes our list of vocabulary words every student should know. One of the college words on our list that highlights the importance of usage, aesthetic can be used as an #5: banal.

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500 words every college student should know