- 7. Mai 2023
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Sources: R, D, SFLM On 26 April, she intercepted a convoy of four ships steaming along the Mindanao coast. The Soviets sailors associated with the lost YANKEE and the MIKE may have found themselves in not too different a set of circumstances than what we found on BONEFISH. The. A Fireball: This U.S. Navy Submarine Was On Fire Underwater and only when I was ready to make them. Lost US Submarines & Crews Home The Bonefishs captain, Cmdr. Sources: R, D, Ros, SFLM, WDR I-52 sunk June 24, 1944 roughly 1,200 miles west of the Cape Verde islands I-55 (I-155) scuttled May 8, 1946 I-55 missing after July 13, 1944 I-58 scuttled April 1, 1945 off Goto Island I-60 sunk January 17, 1942 I-70 sunk December 10, 1944 north of Hawaii I-121-class submarine I-121 scuttled April 30, 1946 wreckage found July 2018 WDR date On 10 October, in her last action of the patrol, Bonefish fired a spread of four torpedoes at two ships of a convoy off Indochina, sending both the 4,212ton cargo ship Isuzugawa and the 10,086ton transport Teibi Maru to the bottom. She resumed active service in the western Atlantic and West Indian operating areas on 5 April 1984 and remained so engaged through the end of the year. the loss of 76 crew when it was sunk in or near Tablas Strait, PI. On 11 August the submarine put to sea to participate in NATO exercises in the North Atlantic. Conditions on BONEFISH were absolutely temble, the air in the submarine was totally contaminated, having been filled with the residue from various laminated formica installations, burned cables, various fluids, hydraulic oil, and battery chlorine. April 1968 saw her back at Oabu resuming local operations. USS Escolar (SS-294) was lost on or after Following a week of training out of that port, she again got underway for more days of drills in Moreton Bay. asphyxiation. Others were lost when the sea None of the drills they do could have prepared them for what happened, said Mrs. Causey, who is from Jacksonville, Fla. Causey, 30, was one of 89 of the Bonefishs 92 crewmen evacuated Sunday after explosions and fire filled the vessel with smoke and toxic gases. Even though the emergency lights were on, he couldnt see them. Remarks: Possibly diveable water. made after leaving Darwin around 17 Novemeber 1943. Ros and She was launched on 22 November 1958, sponsored by Mrs. Lawrence L. Edge, widow of Commander Lawrence Edge, who was lost with his ship, the first Bonefish, in 1945. Pacific Wrecks - Submarines in the Pacific Reportely the wreck has been located and dived. be put to sea. The crippled USS Bonefish, an attack submarine rocked by a series of explosions that left three sailors dead, arrived at Charleston Harbor Friday behind a Navy salvage ship. It was an auspicious beginning. It was necessary to enter this hellish situation, stepping over dead shipmates, finding the right valves, getting the valves shut, pumps established, and securing the submarine on the surface before we could tow her back to port. : Mikamisan Maru Japan World War II: The coaster was torpedoed and sunk in the Pacific Ocean off Hokkaido by USS Tench ( United States Navy) with the loss of 24 lives. Following the normal post-deployment leave and upkeep period, she resumed operations along the west coast of North America. On 8 July, she used her guns to touch off a blazing fire in a small, inter-island steamer and, two days later, sank a sampan with gunfire. No declared lost date found. Phillipines Basin. Power cables in Bonefishs forward battery well were sparking and glowing cherry red, small flames and electrical arcs licking across the battery bus. She spent the first 20 weeks of 1978 conducting various training exercises out of San Diego. 18N - 137 25E; loss of 84 crew when it was sunk 2 miles off west coast of Palawan. with the loss of 81 crew when it was sunk in southern entrance to Palawan BONEFISH, in accordance with the operation order, was to rendezvous with the other eight submarines of the three groups, at 46 50'N, 140 00'E at sunset on 23 June 1945, in preparation for the transit on 24 June of La Perouse Strait. When her pursuers left the area, so did Bonefish. Remarks: Hull raised and scrapped. The target, Kokuyo Maru, immediately settled by the stern, and Bonefish headed for the traffic lanes north of Sibutu and Tawitawi. Any person or company interested in promoting the importance of submarines to the national defense is eligible to apply for membership. Remarks: Hull raised, studied and scrapped. On 18 October, the submarine rescued two naval aviators. USS Capelin (SS-289) was lost on or after 1-Dec-1943 She cleared the area and arrived at Fremantle on 19 December. She transited the Panama Canal on 4 August and arrived at Brisbane, Australia, on the 30th. But the fire onboard the Bonefish remains arguably the most important asterisk to the Navys impressive submarine safety record. Sources: R, D, Ros, SFLM, WDR loss of 56 crew when it was sunk on 5th patrol off Paramushiru, Kuriles Twenty-two sailors were injured and three were killed. Sources: R, D, Ros, SFLM, WDR Unknown to Bonefish, Suez Maru was carrying 414 British and 133 Dutch POWs. Remarks: Location not known, cause not known, date of loss not known. Feb 42 N of Kendari 21 Feb 42 E of Kendari (Ros). The wreck was the U.S. Navy's largest-ever single loss of life at sea: an event that left hundreds of sailors dead, hundreds more ambushed by sharks and the American public reeling at the. 152 37E (Nine of the crew were taken prisoner and survived the war). She never did. The heat was so intense that it melted the soles of the shoes of the crewmembers in the space above. All of us were dead tired, but the need to get back on board BONEFISH for yet a final effort of damage control was mandatory. The submarine departed there on 16 September for her first war patrol. The vessel sank, but its five escorts mounted a vicious counterattack that soon covered the oceans surface with oil and debris. Remarks: In diveable water in PRC territory While in the Far East, the warship participated in various 7th Fleet exercises and visited ports in Japan, the Philippines, the Marianas, and at Hong Kong. for complete and accurate listing of men lost on USS I have never been more impressed with basic submarining than I was with those young fellows. Japanese records of anti-submarine attacks mention an attack made on 19 June 1945 [Editor's Note: Date corrected from 18 June 1945], at 3718'N, 137 25'E in Toyama Wan. USS Sculpin (SS-191) was lost on 19-Nov-1943 with Four days later, while patrolling off Mindoro, the submarine sighted a large, heavily laden tanker escorted by two destroyers. No reports from boat Three Men Found Dead In Drifting Submarine | AP News The Navy decommissioned Bonefish on 28 September 1988, struck her from the Naval Vessel Registry on 28 February 1989, and disposed of her by scrapping on 17 August 1989. Northrop Grumman later bought the hull for marine-concept testing. Bonefish encountered another convoy on 27 September and launched four torpedoes at the lead ship, the largest of the five, and sank the 9,908ton transport Kashima Maru and damaged the Chihaya Maru. Sea state was still 4 or 5, and the boat crews, having performed marvelously for the previous two days, were so tired that they were no longer functional. No declared lost date found. That employment continued until 8 June 1982, when Bonefish departed San Diego on her way to the east coast. On 1 December, the boat sighted a convoy of three ships with two escorts hugging the Celebes coast. R: Roberts, Stephen, et al, Registry of US Warships Equipped with a new mine-detecting device, the submarines were ordered to penetrate the Sea of Japan to sever the last of the Japanese overseas supply lines. The Navy anticipates towing the vessel to its homeport of Charleston, S.C., said Chief Petty Officer Joseph C. Mowery, another fleet spokesman. Remarks: Reportedly dived, no published report seen yet. The Navy gave no further details, said Williams, of Naoma. loss of 82 crew when it was sunk near 41 04N - 14 13E Bonefish tracked the target whose rapidly falling speed indicated her distress until the crippled tanker's escorts forced the boat to retire. [8] The submarine escaped damage from both the destroyer's depth charges and from aerial bombs which enemy aircraft dropped, but they prevented her from observing the results of her attack. He received minor chemical burns on his body from the diesel fuel spilled in the ocean. the loss of 86 crew when it was sunk in Toyama Wan; Near Suzu Misaki; 37 There can be little doubt that Bonefish was sunk in this action. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. But even as damage control crews struggled to comply, there was an explosion and a fireball coursed across the compartment, blasting sailors against the wall. The U.S. Navy has not lost a single submarine to an accident at sea in over fifty years despite operating one of the largest underwater fleets on the planetnot since implementing safety reforms after losing Thresher in 1963 and the Scorpion in 1968. loss of 80 crew when it was sunk in Balabac Strait near Mantangule Island. On 17 May 1978, Bonefish put to sea for the western Pacific. Sources: R, D, Ros, SFLM, WDR At roughly 3:40 PM on April 24, however, Bonefish had just completed recharging her batteries when her engineers noticed one of her batteries had groundedbut couldnt determine which due to an operator error. Tuesday: Closed, Use Of The Museum For Reunion Or Memorial Services, At the end of May, BONEFISH set out on her eighth war patrol alongside USS TUNNY (SS-282) and USS SKATE (SS-305). After a four-week standdown and a brief period of operations, Bonefish entered the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard on 26 July. She remained in port for three weeks to allow crewmen to settle into the new home port. USS Herring (SS-233) was lost on 1-Jun-1944 with the U-boat, a patrolling B-24 or by accident. All the crew were rescued by USS Dace. In a second rendezvous two days later, she requested and received permission to conduct a daylight submerged patrol of Toyama Bay, a bay farther up the Honsh coast. The escort increased speed and headed for Bonefish, but the sub went deep and escaped the barrage of depth charges. No reports from boat made after leaving Darwin around 17 Novemeber 1943. Remarks: Loss declared after 14 May 44. (The Tonan Maru was hit but quickly repaired. During that two..day time at sea with BONEFISH there were several realizations that convinced me of the irrefutable wisdom of the way we run todays submarine force. USS Trout (SS-202) was lost on or after 29-Feb-1944 In two separate attacks, the submarine scored a hit on a large passenger/cargo ship Nichiryo Maru which later sank and another on a destroyer escort which apparently survived. She concluded 7th Fleet assignments on 25 April 1976 when she stood out of Subic Bay on her way home. Remarks: Ship not found and demise is speculated as either being caused by an unknown WDR gives date spread as 5-28 to 7-4-43 On 8 December 1980, Bonefish stood out of San Diego on her way to duty with the 7th Fleet. Explosions and fire tore through the diesel-power submarine Sunday, spewing toxic fumes and smoke and forcing the 92-member crew to flee. Remarks: Japanese records indicate 26 Feb, US records state 27 Feb. Dateline the loss of 99 crew when it was sunk while in transit from Med, West of Sources: R, D, Ros, SFLM, WDR USS Bonefish (SS 582) - A crewmembers recollection of the fire in 1988 USS S-4 (SS-109) was lost on 17-Dec-1927 with the . A pararescueman named Larry Grossman also jumped down and remained in the water for hours assisting with the rescue despite enduring personal harm from spilled fuel and chemicals. The vessel reached the USS Johnston, which lies 6.5km (4 miles) beneath the waves in the Philippine Sea in the Pacific Ocean.. On 30 July, Bonefish was presumed lost. She was launched 7 May 1943 (sponsored by Mrs. Elizabeth S. Daubin, wife of Rear Admiral Freeland A. Daubin), and commissioned on 31 May 1943, Lieutenant Commander Thomas W. Hogan in command. The loss devastated Vice Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet's Submarine Force. USS BONEFISH (SS-582) Deployments & History - Hull Number Waickiwicz extracted more than twenty crewmembers over three hours using a rescue hoist despite dangerous flying conditions, at one point refusing an order to withdraw. USS R-12 (SS-89) was lost on 12-Jun-1943 with the USS Bonefish (SS-223) - Navy Unit Directory - Together We Served Hokkaido. Ros states an attack was made by IJN on 23 Nov After three days there without encountering any enemy ships, she departed those waters on 24 September. USS Swordfish (SS-193) was lost on or after 12-Jan-1945 with the loss of 89 crew when it was sunk near Yaku Island off Okinawa. Remarks: WDR gives date spread as 9-9 to 9-12-43 That structure in the final analysis gave me the room to do what was necessary to oversee the salvage of the ship with the knowledge that every effort would be made to send help if I needed it. Water <700' deep near island; ( 27 00 N; 128 40 E). Shipwrecked Remains of U.S.S. Juneau Found, Famous for Sullivan Brothers She was commissioned on 9 July 1959 with Lieutenant Commander Elmer H. Kiehl in command. Sources: The vessel sank, but its five escorts mounted a vicious counterattack that soon covered the ocean's surface with oil and debris. The world's deepest known shipwreck, a World War II US Navy destroyer, has been fully mapped and filmed by a US-based crew. She again sighted and reported the same task force on the 17th, this time anchored in Tawitawi Bay. spread as 10-17-44 to 11-3-44 She also damaged two medium freighters. Bonefish did not make the scheduled pre-transit rendezvous. loss of 78 crew when it was sunk in Western Atlantic, possibly near Cuba She gained fame as an aggressive and highly successful submarine after Lieutenant Commander Dudley Walker "Mush" Morton became her skipper. On 23 May, the submarine reported for duty with Submarine Division 33 (SubDiv33) at Naval Station San Diego, California. On 24 April 1988, a fire on board USS Bonefish (SS-582) off the coast of Florida killed three crewmen. In July of 1951, Congress authorized construction of the worlds first nuclear powered submarine. Thereafter, Bonefish stopped in Ecuador, Peru, and Chile. Remarks: Possibly diveable water. On 14 October the Bonefish sank a Japanese sailing vessel in the Makassar Strait. Sources: R, D, Ros, SFLM, WDR This undoubtedly was the attack which sank BONEFISH. 17-Oct-1944 with the loss of 82 crew when it was sunk somewhere east of 33 loss of 80 crew when it was sunk off Caiman Point, Luzon, RPI Three crewmembers Lieutenant Ray Everts, Radioman First Class (RM1) (SS) Bob Bordelon, and Yeoman Third Class (YN3) (SS) Marshal Lindgren died due to the fire. loss of 50 crew when it foundered off Hawaii , while operating with USCGC For exceptional performance during the 19691970 WestPac, Bonefish was awarded a Meritorious Unit Citation for readiness. was sunk in Norwegian Sea after fire, one man from Cochino and 6 men from USS Tusk were That tour of duty ended with her return to Oahu in July.