- 7. Mai 2023
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a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate. No! R. Hatchett published the Avis until the 1860s, under the authority of the Danish West Indian Government. Newspaper +1 340-718-2300 stxavis@hotmail.com Not yet rated (1 Review) Photos Christiansted, St. Croix [V.I.] VI CONSORTIUM Whats the delay on restoration of Whim Museum? Reports of natural disasters extended beyond the Virgin Islands and often included coverage of their impact throughout the Caribbean. The first . Every week we will feature a dog or cat from the hardworking rescue organizations and hope someone will find their fur-ever friend on this site. Newspapers.com makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. CHARLOTTE AMALIE, St Thomas, USVI Former boxing star John A. Jackson is seeking leave to appeal his conviction on rape and child pornography charges, and the return of his property. The St. Croix Source is a local online newspaper. FREDERIKSTED, St Croix, USVI- Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, signed into law the Virgin Islands Cannabis Use Act (Act 8680), which allows for the legal use by adults of marijuana for recreational, medicinal and other purposes. Newspapers.com makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. I don't think much of the St. Croix Avis. Latest issue consulted: 157th year, no. Saint Croix (United States Virgin Islands)--Newspapers, - [2] The county was created in 1840 (then in the . The St. Croix Avis was published in Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands and with 22,264 searchable pages from . Your Danish ancestor(s) may be among those mentioned. Virgin Islanders living at home and away converged on St. Thomas Monday night for the grand opening of the 71st Carnival Village, named Pupa Kellys Musical Arena in honor of Kelly Charleswell Sr., better known as Pupa Kelly.. United States Virgin Islands--Christiansted, - des Croisiens recommandent Croix un ami. Sen. Ray Fonseca took aim at Geraldine Pitt, chief executive officer of Viya, when it came to internet speed vs. price. Required fields are indicated with an * asterisk. Canute A. Brodhurst, Sr. was the editor and manager, his wife, Anna C. Brodhurst associate editor, and his teenage son, Canute A. Brodhurst Jr. assistant business manager. The ability of students to view, analyze, compare and contrast Virgin Islands history as reflected in historical newspapers can also assist with the development of students critical thinking skills. Five Questions with Arlene Balkansky, Reference Specialist, Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room. ST. THOMAS Calypso lovers clenched umbrellas and sat through buckets of rain Saturday night as 12 contenders vied for the St. Thomas Carnival 2023 Calypso Monarch title at Virgins Haven along the West Indian Company Limited dock. You may want to rekey certain words to get a better translation. If you need more help with your research, please send us a message through our Ask A Librarian service! Fires at two British Virgin Islands marinas claimed at least eight boats overnight Tuesday and early Wednesday, prompting investigations from police, firefighters, insurance agencies, and the marinas officers, officials said midday Wednesday. Gov. The West Indian Company acknowledged Tuesday that it voted last week for a new chairman, which ended the reign of longtime chairman and Tourism Commissioner Joseph Boschulte. Watch: Our weekly weather forecast with Jesse Daley, covering Sunday, April 30, through Saturday, May 8. It is a successor of the Royal Danish American Gazette (sn84037521), the first known newspaper published in the Virgin Islands. . Reply Quote Journo (@Journo) New Member Joined: 12 years ago Posts: 3 July 22, 2011 10:48 am I can do that! Also issued on microfilm from Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service. More than that, necessity compels us at present to paste two sheets of paper together, in order to have one large enough to print on as the usual paper supplies could not be obtained from St. Thomas. Two men of three have been arrested on St. Croix for the rape of a 13-year-old girl, the V.I. If you see an interesting notice but cant read the Danish, keep reading down the column. The content of the St. Croix Avis offers a critical regional view as the first newspaper of the United States Virgin Islands. rumors of the impending sale of the islands to the U.S. accounts of the hurricane sent in by survivors, encouraged charity for its Sister-Island of St. Thomas. ST. THOMAS Groups of young adults met up on Main Street in downtown Charlotte Amalie on Tuesday evening to size up the music and get a little party on at the Steel Pan and Teen Tramp, one of many Carnival activities. During a two-day meeting earlier this week, Banco Popular, Bank of St. Croix, Firstbank, Merchants Commercial Bank, Oriental Bank and the Economic Development Bank reported financial growth and increased profitability to the U.S. Virgin Islands banking board. CHARLOTTE AMALIE The Virgin Islands Bureau of Corrections (BOC) said it . volumes : illustrations (some color) ; 36-40 cm. TIP 1: Public notices were often published in both languages. LC Luso-Hispanic World, 980 "Tilegned deres hy grevelige excellence her Adam 1 photograph : safety negative ; film width 35mm (roll format), Dansk Vestindisk Regierings Avis (Christiansted, St. Croix [V.I.]) 1844-Current. Water and Power Authoritys $145 million buyout deal with propane supplier Vitol is still on, and the first $45 million payment is now due on May 1, WAPA CEO and Executive Director Andrew Smith told governing board members Thursday. -Current. Port Hamilton Refining and Transportation said it may abandon plans to restart the St. Croix refinery if required to obtain a new permit under the federal Clean Air Act a process it says could take three years and threatens its very existence according to a brief filed with the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. The acquisition of the Virgin Islands was part of a larger process of the U.S. becoming a global power. No photo description available. In 1867, the islands were on the cusp of being sold to the United States when a hurricane, earthquake, and tsunami struck within a month. The premier was under arrest, accused of planning a brazen drug smuggling and money laundering scheme that would have turned Tortola into a major cocaine shipping port. CHRISTIANSTED A St. Croix man was arrested for allegedly throwing hot coffee into a person's face, causing injuries last month, authorities said. After three years, Jouvert came roaring back to St. Thomas. The board also voted, during a meeting on Friday, to retroactively pay members for attending meetings since 2022, acc. The shift to a primarily English-language publication began after the US purchased the Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917. V.I. High around 85F. The Brodhurst family owned, published, and wrote for the St. Croix Avis in the 1940s and 1950s. Bureau of Corrections Response To St. Croix AVIS Newspaper's Weekend Edition. St Thomas, Vi, Virgin Islands (U.S.) Managing Editor St. Croix Avis Jun 2014 - Present8 years 11 months Public Relations Director Virgin Islands Department of Health Mar 2005 - Aug 20138. The Avis journalists often compared what was happening in the European governed territories in regard to slavery on the island and its management. Two people were shot and injured after leaving the Corner Pocket on St. Croix shortly after midnight Sunday, and police are asking for anyone with information about the crime to share it with. If you are researching an ancestor or community but are not fluent in that language, the translation tips for Danish above might be helpful as well. * TheChronicling Americahistoric newspapers online collection is a product of theNational Digital Newspaper Programand jointly sponsored by the Library and theNational Endowment for the Humanities. - Clarence Nisbett, 50, was arrested at 2:07 p.m. Friday Man Arrested For Stealing Cell Phone In Concordia Posted on April 28, 2023 by John McCarthy A man arrested on domestic violence charges on St. Thomas caused serious injuries to a family member, including a skull fracture, according to a probable cause fact sheet filed by V.I. The Port Authority Board of Governors authorized staff to negotiate a new lease with the latest airline to offer travel between St. Thomas and St. Croix during its regular meeting on Wednesday. More about Copyright and other Restrictions. VI CONSORTIUM On Friday police arrested a man in connection with a robbery that occurred earlier this year in Frederiksted, according to VIPD. Revelers were supposed to get out of bed and head for the streets to jump up in their night clothes. St. Croix County is a county in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. Police have confirmed that a pedestrian died on St. Thomas Friday after being struck by a vehicle. Questions were raised about adjourning at that point. 1:60,000. Water and Power Authority. FREDERIKSTED, St Croix, USVI- Drought on St Croix is a growing concern for farmers on the island and for the [US] VI Department of Agriculture (DoA), according to department officials, DoA Commissioner Positive Nelson said during a St Croix Coastal Zone Management (CZM) committee meeting Tuesday evening, March 21, 2023. 1844-current Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. The position, by its very nature, requires someone with character and competence. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. FREDERIKSTED, St Croix, USVI- The [US] Virgin Islands Department of Health 9DoH) on Friday, January 20, 2023, urged residents to take steps aimed at protecting their health as cases of COVID-19 continue to surge on St Croix, with the department registering 247 cases on the island as of Friday. Police have charged two men with pulling guns on each other during an argument on St. Thomas earlier this month. The St. Croix Avis (sn84037526) began publication in 1844 under the direction of editor and publisher Richard Hatchett in Christiansted, St. Croix (VI). Residents were encouraged to properly ventilate their homes, practice cleanliness, and even to sweat to discourage contagion. The paper provides a rich diversity of reporting picked up from national and international correspondents and the Avis' own contacts in Cuba, Latin America, and Europe. From the onset of [], MAKING FRIENDS: Marla Matthew, Principal of St. Joseph High School on St. Croix, congratulates the schools English teacher, Wayne James, upon his election as a Senator in the Virgin Islands Legislature in November 2008. The only thing sweeter than a cool morning breeze over Charlotte Amalie harbor is the sight of JOuvert Morning on the waterfront. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Since 1999 the Virgin Islands Source the only online newspaper of general circulation in the U.S. Virgin Islands has been providing the community with reliable, accurate and balanced local journalism. Public notices were often published in both English and Danish. From its inception until 1917, the Avis published a considerable amount of its content in Danish, indicative of the island's Danish-speaking population of the time.