- 7. Mai 2023
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- Category: Allgemein
What if George Cooper Sr's death affected Sheldon Cooper more than he let on so much that he leaves science, altogether? Leonard muddles it up. The So Explicit Comic Con Convention Flyer, The Solar Energized Battery Malfunction Solution, The Tech Crunch Disrupt Start Up Battlefield, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. We see Penny, Bernadette and Amy doing more things together that we didn't see them doing, like for example: Going for massages, playing sports, going to the gym etc. Sheldon doesn't realize then, that he has fell vulnerable to flaterson's powers and starts engaging in series of prayers, chants, and rituals. Even if it meant suppressing their romantic feelings for each other. Sheldon and Penny had some of the best friendship moments in each season ofTBBT because of their sibling-like bond. Sheldon vs. Leonard. The focus of The Big Bang Theory was initially the friendship between Leonard and Sheldon, who worked and lived together. Will it be worth it for everyone to know? Sheldon has gone away for a sci fi convention, and Penny finds herself thinking about him more and more. Sheldon learns the truth about the North Pole. She will always be there regardlessuntil that one fatal Christmas changes everything and Tremerton will learn even heroes have limits. Title: The Sexual Assumption by emerald_jessRating: NC-17Word Count: 1,523Summary: Leonard is sick of his friends attitude towards sex, and decides to change it. Title: Of aprons and zucchiniby clumsyghostRating: NC-17Word Count: 995Warnings: Unbetd. Title:Graphs, Tropes, and Other Things That are Never Wrongby callmejudeRating: PGWarnings: Flirting disguised as nerdiness? Title: Shortest Distance by moonlingRating: PG/PG-13Word Count: 479Summary: Sheldon gives a direct answer. Introduced by author Isaac Asimov in 1942, The three laws of robotics are an essential defense for humanity against its own metallic creations. Naturally he doesnt behave as a normal person should, Title: The Touch Paradigm Phenomenon by Jack Solo BlackRating: NC-17Word Count: 2,410Summary: Sheldon has a problem and he wants Leonards help. Will Sheldon cope while she is gone? Leonard has to take drastic measures. It serves to catalogue all the fics that were posted on other sites. She cared about how she looked and the clothes she wore and didn't know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek and frankly, didn't care. Title: Protective by callmejudeRating: PGWord Count: 2,448Summary: Written for the prompt Sheldon/Leonard: I want Sheldon being protective of Leonard. Mature content in later chapters. Title: Cloudburstby clumsyghostRating: PG / PG-13Word Count: 1,501Warnings: Fluff, established relationshipSummary: Sheldon reflects on past anniversaries. Title: The Science of Fellatio by moonlingRating: NC-17Word Count: 733Summary: Blowjobs and over-analyzation. Leonard deals with the aftermath. London, Paris, Cairo, Athens, Tokyo, Moscow, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Berlin, Johannesburg, somewhere), Sheldon pulls out his family engagement ring and proposes to Amy. 2. They now need to figure out how they got there and what happened the night before. Whether it was while Sheldon was sick in bed, in the laundry room, or on the staircase, Sheldon and Penny always seemed to have the best heart-to-heart conversations in the oddest of places, which is something only true friends could do. Title: Wonder Whats in his Wonderballs by moonlingRating: RWord Count: 1,453Summary: Late in the night, Sheldon Cooper is ever vigilant. Missing scene from S2E1. Title: The Covalent Bond Concealmentby clumsyghostRating: NC-17Word Count: 8,502Summary: Sheldon and Leonard hide their relationship from the Cooper family. Penny and Sheldon fought at times but it was exactly how brothers and sisters fought. Villains always develop better schemes and people around are as unforgiving as ever, because not every enemy is one-dimensional, and not every friend is free of faults.Or,With the return of her enemies, who had joined hands to bring her down, Jenny's past actions are caught up with her, and she is in a new challenge to set things straight again, all while learning to appreciate a certain friend she thought was burdening.Meanwhile, Sheldon is trying to correct his mistakes and prove his worth, even if he can't come to appreciate it himself. Title: July Fourthby clumsyghostRating: PG / PG-13Word Count: 1,000Warnings: Established relationship, fluffSummary: Sheldon and Leonard spend the Fourth of July in Texas. Three beautiful girls arrive at CalTech claiming to have special abilities and needing the four boys' help with something. Title:Villainby clumsyghostWord Count: 5,507Rating: PG-13Prompt: Leonard realizes hes more jealous than frustrated when Ramona Nowitzki moves in on Sheldon; Leonard gets in a physical confrontation and Sheldon stands up for him. Title: Buoyancyby clumsyghostRating: PG / PG-13 for slight innuendoWord Count: 3, 092 + song lyricsWarnings: Unbetd. Sheldon and Penny couldn't be more different from one another. A girl who had more in common with the nerds than they could ever know. With a long history writing in the field of consumer tech, she now also writes on topics from entertainment to parenting, lifestyle, marketing, and business. Meet Amelia Wilkins - a scientist who has spent her life looking up at the stars. But above allhe must SECURE. First, in the doctor's office in Houston, secondly at a lecture her friend had taken her to. Shameless smut. Title:The Synesthesia Revelation byNausicaa SmithRating: PG-13 for languageWord Count: 2,685Summary: Howard drugs Sheldon, and Leonard accidentally discovers the secret of why Sheldon is the way he is. Sheldon and Penny grew from each other, learned from each other, and were there for one another when they needed it. May the Sopran be with you.New character: Leonard's long-lost brother. Leonard travels to other universes where everything didn't turn out the same. Meanwhile, Penny and Sheldon are enjoying New York life to the fullest. However, there's no denying the tightknit bond between these sitcom characters. And he eventually does and she accepts! Fluff and sap with a side of hurt-comfort.Summary: Leonard confronts Sheldon about his fear of swimming. There are no snakes on a plane, but there is sex on a train. Or maybe not disprovendont make him a kung fu expert or anything. She opened it to find his friends all standing in the doorway to 4A waiting. After so much attention on Sheldon, this is a story full of all the adventures and drama that meets Missy Cooper as she grows up. When will this war between fans, cast, and a beloved Immortal figure cease? Title: The Boyfriend Agreement by Doctor Sexy. Leonard and Penny find out that Sheldon ruined their wedding through the TV and what he did that ruined it and get really mad at him, but Penny also finds out that Howard and Bernadette knew all along about Leonard's accidental indiscretion. Raj comforts her but Penny is thinking about Raj as more than a friend Not Leonard friendly, Junior Rodeo is a Killer (100 Ways To Kill a Doctor), The Sad and Mournful Tale of Leonard Leakey Hofstader, The Cooper Hofstadter Replacement Theorem, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor Halloween Challenge: It's murrrderrrrrr, Revenge of the Primates (100 Ways to Kill a Doctor), 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: The Staircase Implementation, 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: Problem Solved, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: The Far, Far Better Thing, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: Halloween Challenge, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: A Simple Mistake, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: The Real Criminal Mastermind, 100 Ways to kill a Doctor Halloween Challenge: Vengence, 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: The Flames Burn Brighter, 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Making a Clean Slate, 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: It's Always the Quiet Ones, 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Hazardous Hormones, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: Of Can Openers and Gardens, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: The Coronary Complication, 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: The Weird Thing Is, 100 ways to kill a Doctor Halloween Challenge: Monster in the Closet, 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Neanderthal Solution, 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Archimedes' Revenge, 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Vegas Epiphany, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: Nightmare on Los Robles Avenue, 100 Ways to Kill a Doctor: The Bazinga Augmentation, 100 Ways to kill a Doctor - Devilish Revenge, 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: The Beta-2 Receptor Test, 100 Ways To Kill A Doctor: Petty Vengence, 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: The Mistletoe Solution, 100 Ways To Kill a Doctor: Finding Closure. However, he did not see Penny. Or will Penny be the only one to read between the lines? Thank you so much! I just want to see him fight for LeonardsIDK, honor? Sheldon has always been a bit odd. Leonard and Penny have a re-wedding with their friends and families (except Beverly maybe) present, Bernadette, Stuart, Emily and Alex eventually meet Sheldon's mother, Emily and Alex meet Leonard's mother and Leslie Winkle (since both were absent from Sheldon's birthday party in "The Celebration Experimentation"), Meemaw meets Howard, Bernadette, Raj, Stuart, Emily and Alex, Sheldon's mother is remarried meaning Sheldon now has a stepfather, Bernadette's mother meets the rest of the gang, Amy's mother meets the rest of the gang and Sheldon's mother, Penny finds out that Howard and Bernadette knew about Leonard's accidental indiscretion and Leonard and Penny find out that Sheldon ruined their wedding ceremony via the TV, Leonard and Penny are named Howard and Bernadette's baby's godparents, Penny, Amy, Emily and Alex become pregnant by their significant others (Penny=Leonard, Amy=Sheldon, Emily=Raj & Alex=Stuart), Emily turns over a new leaf and is now a new and better person: Sweet, kind, loving, no-more creepy, no-more mean and no-more sinister, Raj and Emily find out they have some things in common (e.g. In a universe where Sheldon is more caring and affectionate towards his friends and family, we explore different scenarios and how they may have turned out. Rated M for a reason; one-shot. Harley is reckless and wild, dangerous with a mean streak when she doesn't get her way. Charlotte Hofstadter is the younger sister of Leonard, she isn't a scientist, she's a waitress at the cheesecake factory with Penny, they become friends and end up hanging out outside of work. Just as Sheldon cared about Penny, she too cared deeply about him, even if she sometimes seemed cold at times. After a great calamity, many worlds are merged. Sheldon, however, is more than ready. Sheldon plans to propose to Amy. Prompt: Sheldon and Leonard get into a physical fightthat turns sexual. While Sheldon didn't always care about Penny's mundane problems, he did help her when she needed it in a roundabout way, making them one of the best friendships onTBBT. Will he get home? She ends up getting close to Sheldon and soon romance blossoms in the only way Carly and Sheldon know how. Summary: Sheldon and Leonard decide to spruce up their apartment. Sheldon wants to be a child. Well then, I WANT A DIVORCE! Or so he thinks. Title: The Scientific Methodby Pumpkin Head JonesRating: NC-17Word Count: 4,899Warnings: INCOMPLETE (but the masturbation in the first part is worth it)Summary: Maybe the reason you dont find women sexually stimulating is because you prefer men. Leonard, is that supposed to be some kind of joke that Im not picking up on? Sheldon tests his sexuality, with surprising results. Young Sheldon Cooper's arrogance and male chauvinism proves to be his undoing, when he transfers to an all Women's College, and the student body in an isolated location, starved for male attention and company, turn the boy genius into their sex slave plaything boytoy. Title: The Spock Supposition by silverfoxflowerRating: PG-13Word Count: ~1,000Summary: Sheldon must study in order to be a convincing Spock for this years Star Trek Convention. Young Sheldom makes a nasty (although prescient) comment about Blossom. Your favourite TV series characters are in High School: Figure out what happens by reading! He cleared his throat and stood. Jenny gets a new role in this new world I've created around them and their friends. Part Two: How Long 'Till I Hit Bottom, Five Times Sheldon Lost And One Time He Really, Really Didn't, Deep in the Heart of the Mushroom Kingdom, You are a runner and i am my father's son. - Movie Facts Any stories that have descriptive sex in it will be marked (M), If you think any of these Fics belong in one of the other category threads, please let me know by PM, or by email at, There are no scenes more fun to do, I feel like, than the ones between Sheldon and Penny. Penny's care for Sheldon came from a protective place. I hope you all enjoy the rewrite. This is a time for heros!..but also villains. I dont think my love for him will ever change and Im not sure if thats good or bad. It's soon discovered that they previously visited frequently (including helping Leonard get settled in when he first move in), and the reason why they no longer visit is due to Michael's busy schedule and the major animosity between Sheldon and Daniel. Eventually. Title: The Love Hypothesis by jimparsonsisgawdRating: PG-13Word Count: 14,282Warnings: INCOMPLETESummary: Leonard has been friends with Sheldon for eight years. And what is she going to do about it? 3. A fanfiction book of the life of Missy. Penny never had to worry if Sheldon had a hidden agenda. Contraceptive Contradiction by matuisgman (Story removed), Mistakes by PotterNutter93 (Story removed), Her nights can be such a nightmare. As they sat on the tub, Penny and Sheldon had some of the best quotes in their friendship asthey opened up to each other. She watched over him, kept him safe, and called for backup when he was out of control. Sheldon would never admit that he admired Penny for her ability to live so freely, without anxiety, and without caring about things like he did. He walked further into the room to see a barely clad buttocks in tight jean short shorts slowly working backward toward him near the floor. Title: Logic vs. This is a Work in ProgressSheldon Cooper; Child Prodigy, Physicist, all around genius. Eventually, Dennis Kim also wins it, leading Sheldon to accept that now it's the next generation's time to shine and that his time as a famous prodigy are finally over, but eventually Dennis Kim's breakthrough is proven wrong and Sheldon wins the Nobel Prize eventually, returning to his old self again, having finally gotten his revenge against Dennis Kim. What happens when events eventually cause the canonical Original Five to meet under very different circumstances? Title: Silence and Screaming by callmejudeRating: RWord Count: 8,852Warnings: Rape and lots of angst.Summary: Written for the prompt Sheldon has been brutally raped. XD. What Sheldon doesn't realize, is that he has completely lost his mind, and his clothes and then surprising gropes Penny into a voluptuous, passionate romance, as a chain of the mind numbing powers it was taken by. He wasn't comfortable with the interest he had in this woman, or her child. It took Sheldon much too long to recognize the symptoms, the patterns, the similarities between their seemingly divergent characters. "You know, dad, you can be happy for me, for us, or not, but either way, this is going to happen. Of to write the best one-shots I can, so enjoy! Bradley Carbunkle and Sheldon Oswald Lee were the best of friends. A big moment that showed Sheldon's care was when Penny was short on money and was stressed over what to do. She could read on his face that no one had ever chosen him over anyone else, not when something as simple and important as friendship was concerned. An alternate take on Season 4/5 and onwards. Title: It All Started With a Turn of the Head by tanakahalRating: PG-13Word Count: 9,708Warnings: INCOMPLETESummary: Something happened that night. Updated on May 2nd, 2022, by Lynn Gibbs: Sheldon Cooper and Penny Hofstadter are the thickest friends in The Big Bang Theory . Penny decides sher wants to throw a better birthday party for Leonard since he never had one in his childhood and to make up for the failed one. Title: Give Me Love by WhoserLoserPairing: unrequited Leonard/SheldonRating: PG-13Word Count: 1,187Summary: **spoilers for the season seven finale. However, the taller scientist approached the Time Machine closer, I have come up with a solution to your dilemma.. As Sheldon Cooper stood surveying his clothes for non-plaid pants for his date with Penny, he reflected again on how she had outwitted Leonard. Title: The Pyrex Dish Separation by mo personRating: PG-13Word Count: 1,600Summary: In which Sheldon is an oblivious mate and Leonard loves him anyways. If anything, theyve only grown. His friends even joke that he's a robot. Although the focus of the show was on Sheldon and Leonard's life with their friends, science experiments, and relationships, the bond between Sheldon and his neighbor Penny stole the show. He looked down at the coffee table. AsThe Big Bang Theory's seasons went on, episodes between these three got better. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Sheldon says that it was nice to see her again where as Penny is confused.I was under the influence of alcohol while writing some of this, so I hope it isn't that bad writing. Title: Untitledby clumsyghostRating: PG-13 for some sexual talkWord Count: 604Prompt from ANON: Tickling in Bed. One of the more important scenes was during Sheldon's birthday party. PRE-SLASH Title: Operation Normalby adoraberry THE TITLE OF THIS FANFIC LOVER EPISODE IS CALLED, "The Sopranaflaterson Reaction Conundrum", written by Golden Globe Winning Internet pioneer Sopranaflaterson. She chooses to come visit her family back in Texas to see her siblings. Wherein Leonard almost gets his ass kicked, but Sheldon saves the day. Penny, Bernadette and Amy go wedding dress shopping for Amy and Sheldon's wedding. lol. at The Big Bang Theory Kink Meme. Without hesitation, Sheldon offered her money and told her to pay him back when he could. Title:Prank Wars Author:Eternal Contradiction Sort of. Both have fathers who were working all the time when they were kids, both are big fans of Harry Potter), Penny's parents come to Pasadena and Wyatt bonds with Leonard while Penny's mother goes shopping with the girls. Knowing this, when they did get together it was totally for selfless reasons, even if it didn't always seem that way. What did she do wrong? Sheldon doesn't mind.Set after the Christmas episode. In a pre-series alternate reality, Leonard and the guys wonder if Penny has a costumed secret identity. or if her name is even Penny Parker. But the college girls were constantly giving him very hard wedgies, that cleaved his buttocks apart. They start to get very flirty because she has no clue about this mystery man's past, nor does she know that SOprana has the capability to switch between Man, Woman, Gay, and any form or figure, could split through mitosis, clone thyself, or the fact they could create legendary internet sensations about themselves creating a mix of love, and disheartened cruelty by fans. RELATED:10 Quotes That Prove Sheldon And Penny Have The Best Big Bang Theory Friendship. OMEGAVERSE, ALPHA!SHELDON OMEGA!LEONARD, MPREG, FLUFF AND BROKEN PYREX. Leonard disappears, and Howard and Raj get the idea Penny murdered him. Without Nora at the helm, Sheldon works to set himself straight without a hero. There is a pain in his chest that won't go away, but it's okay. I took detectives names from NCIS, but I don't watch that series regularly. It is also revealed that they stopped visiting due to Michael being too busy, and Daniel and Sheldon becoming each other's mortal enemies, Kurt, Dennis Kim, Dennis's girlfriend Emma, Eric Gablehauser, Mrs. Fowler, Priya Koothrappali, Missy Cooper, Mrs. Rostenkowski, Jeanie, Eric from "The Locomotive Manipulation" (S7E15), Zack Johnson, Alex Jensen, Josh Wolowitz, Dr. Hofstadter (Leonard's father), Dr. Gallo, Dave Gibbs, Leslie Winkle, Meemaw, Leonard's brother and sister, Leonard's brother's fiance or now-wife (The NJ judge mentioned in "The Maternal Congruence"), Leonard's sister's husband, Sheldon's brother, Missy's husband and son, Sheldon's father (in a flashback since he died before the show started), Sheldon's brother's "whore" girlfriend (Mentioned in "The Matrimonial Momentum"), Bernadette's 5 siblings and her nephews/nieces, Penny's mother, sister, brother, Penny's sister's shot husband (I hope he's not dead), Penny's nephew, Sam Wolowitz, Raj's other sister and 3 brothers, Josh's mother/Howard's stepmother/Sam's second wife, Leonard's other brother (new character introduction). Story is better than summary we swear! Work Search: Leonard's father visits and pisses his son off with the not-so-affectionate attitude Leonard went through with him in the past. In the end, theyll get to where they need to be. Penny, Amy, Emily and Alex throw a baby shower for Bernadette. Sheldon/Leonard. Sheldon has been doing research on friendship and explains to Leonard where he falls in a certain category. Title:Without Fail by Eve DavidsonRating: PG-13Word Count: 7,570Warnings: INCOMPLETESummary: Something bad happens to Sheldon, and Leonard tries to pick up the pieces. His mother used to sing it to him when he was a little boy and it was one of those things that comforted him when he needed it most. Sheldon gets angry, selfishly ignoring his friends' concerns about their children. "Well, I better be going. Elizabeth has met Sheldon Cooper twice before. Y/N, an alien, ends up on Earth and meets a human named Sheldon. Bernadette and Howard go to the hospital so she can have a sonogram. When Penny bursts into Sheldon's life, he can admit she's quite beautiful. Being a skinny boy, the stronger girls could even lift him up off the ground by his own briefs. He has no idea that Soprana is the one changing from Man to Woman with its powers. Sheldon is in big trouble for what he did and there's only one person who's willing to help her friend. Sheldon returns the favour. Something totally unexpected, shocking, and confusing. If anyone has first- or second-hand expertise on the subject and have any nitpicks, PLEASE tell me! Penny was confused when Sheldon first asked her to sing the song to him, but over time, it was one of those moments that bonded them. Even though she could be a bully to them, in many ways, she was both of their best friends and a person they trusted. How has this happened? Both Howard and Bernadette, and Leonard, who is mad at Sheldon for how he reacted to the pregnancy news,. Title: Water & Airby clumsyghostPairing: Leonard/Penny, unrequited Sheldon/Leonard pre-slashRating: PGWord Count: 1,325Warnings/Notes: Unbetd hurt/comfort fluffiness. A librarian moves into the apartments on Los Robles, hoping for a new start. Howard's half-brother Josh comes back to Pasadena to give a presentation on the ocean. Title: The Sexual Favour by emerald_jessRating: NC-17Word Count: 815Summary: Sequel to The Sexual Assumption. Some episodes don't have to be original and can be theories based released episode titles. Brit and Tiff are finally done being Jennys slaves, but they just cant let their loss go. Sheldon has been doing research on friendship and explains to Leonard where he falls in a certain category. He looked to Penny for support but Penny saw no issue with having a meeting to discuss living accommodations. Lost and confused, Jenny must pick up the pieces if she and Vega are to reclaim Cluster Prime from the Cluster, all the while reconciling with her past and future mistakes. Harley and Penny have been friends since childhood. It's Like a Million Little Stars Spelling Out Your Name. Jim works as a veteran urologist while Mayim works as a well known gynecologist in the same hospital. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Charlotte Hofstadter is the younger sister of Leonard, she isn't a scientist, she's a waitress at the cheesecake factory with Penny, they become friends and end up hanging out outside of work. If you know of any fics that I missed, please feel free to let me know and Ill add them! Title: Untitledby clumsyghostRating: NC-17Word Count: 3,168Prompt from ANON: Sheldons sick and Leonard ends up having to take care of him, one thing leads to another and ;D. Title: Untitled drabbleby clumsyghostRating: PG/PG-13 for mild language.Word Count: 1,039Warnings/Notes: Unbetd fluff. On The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon and Penny are polar opposites. Title: Thiefby clumsyghostPairing: Leonard/Sheldon, pre-slashRating: NC-17Word Count: 3,406Warnings: Rape, angst, hurt-comfortPrompt from ANON: Sheldon has been brutally raped. But when a pretty aspiring actress moved in across the hall, she became part of the clique as well. Mandy Chao. No one is absolved of fault, not even heroes. For Additional Lore not shared in the story itself check out the discord where I share interesting extra information found in the link below. .or psychopath. (M), The News Article Significance: The Jubilation Continuum, Am I Happy Now? Ultimately a slash between Sheldon and Leonard but the first chapter is just Sheldon and Beverly. She went to him for advice on her career, relationship problems with Leonard, and tricky situations she got herself into with Amy and Bernadette. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). This masterlist is a compilation of every Shelnard fic that exists outside AO3. Jenny's metallic body gets cold in the winter. Penny overhears something she shouldn't have, which leads to more than just her curiosity being peaked. Sheldon/Penny: Junior Rodeo (Revenge Stories), This thread contains fan created stories where Leonard, Amy, and occasionally Bernadetteget their "Just Desserts". They are such a wonderful odd couple. - Jim Parsons, NowAboutThatby Inozender (account deleted), After a bad break up, Penny turns to a friend for comfort. Title: The Midnight Coalescence by hitbyadeathcabRating: PGWarnings: PreslashWord Count: 493Summary: Sheldon has a nightmare. sheldonfanfiction fanfiction missycooperfanfiction +22 more # 5 . The Professor struggled to make money at children's birthday parties and was looking for a way back into the science community. Title: Perfect Mate by emmaspirateRating: NC-17Word Count: 1,467Summary: Sheldon and Leonard is the last two in the group of friends that isnt married. Hes come out of his shell - making new friends and living his best life. During Vexus last stand, it cost her and Britt Crust their lives, until they were recovered from the rubble, where their lives changed exponentially. And my feelings still havent changed for him. This page is for any The Big Bang Theory Fan-Made Episodes. Spoilers: Through Season 4. Title: Appendicitisby PhelpsgirlxxxRating: PG-13Word Count:1,816Summary: When Sheldon comes home from work and finds Leonard passed out on the floor, he realises he really would miss Leonard if something was to happen. After running into Sheldon and then Penny in the laundry room one night, she gets invited to meet the gang. And the two of them figure out, that the person they are met to be with, is right in front of them. Title: The Ball Pit Juxtaposition by hitbyadeathcabRating: PG-13Word Count: 840Summary: Hes really getting sick of these two-in-the-morning calls from Playland security every time Sheldon has some kind of mental turmoil. A fanfiction book of the life of Missy. Even Sheldon has kept her distance from her. She not only served as a middleman between them during disputes, but her apartment was arespitefor Leonard to go to when he was fed up with Sheldon, or for Sheldon when he needed to get away from Leonard. They eventually strip down and she is shocked to find that Soprana is missing genitalia of any kind. Title: Untitled by inoukenRating: PGWord Count: 554Summary: Well, that doesnt make any sense. Sheldon sounded deeply aggrieved. What if Penny had lived in 4A with Sheldon when Leonard moved into 4B. He moved to get a better view of what was going on in the kitchen. And is the cat dead or alive? It all started with a big bang (Sheldon Cooper) Sometimes all a person needs is for someone to be straight with them and tell it like it is. Cliches abound. Smut-free prompt (unless you want to MAKE it smutty) Wherein Leonard catches sight of what Sheldon tries so hard to hide. PROTECT. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (247), Bernadette Rostenkowski/Howard Wolowitz (33), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (35), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, My Little Pony Generation 4: Equestria Girls (Cartoon 2013), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police (Cartoon), | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Dipper Pines & Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Rajesh Koothrappali/Original Female Character, Leonard Hofstadter & Bernadette Rostenkowski. Dont take your scientific advice from a Bus. Sheldon drops by. Work Search: He does show a lot of robot traits. And Rajesh and Kripke share a complicated relationship. They also didn't take each other's insults too seriously, which is commendable, because they knew the other wasn't coming from a bad place. Sure, Sheldon might have bugged Penny to drive him somewhere or Penny mightmooch off of Sheldon's Wi-Fi, but for the most part, any time they actually hung out, they wanted to help each other, even if it sometimes came across as though Penny and Sheldon weren't friends. Take said ten (or so) quotes and write drabbles based on them. Major.Summary: Sheldon wont stop talking. by kiri_no_yamiRating: GWord Count: 1,315Summary: Leonard decides to practice confessing to a wall.
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Articles S