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2018; 60: 171184. Dis. The trend in monthly and annual rainfall, monthly and annual minimum, and maximum temperature was investigated using the MannKendall test and Sens slope method. background: #f78f4c; display: flex; Keywords: UAV, SfM, Precision agriculture, photogrammetry. width: 5%; Copyright Akadmiai Kiad AKJournals is the trademark of Akadmiai Kiad's journal publishing business branch. Explore more in the list of Scopus-indexed journals 2023. The possibility of mounting RGB, multispectral, LiDAR sensors on them make these systems fast, accurate, and usability compared other geomatic methods. border-bottom: 1px solid #757575; (eds.) 2023. Online Payment Link for Foreign/international author: You can See the details of Bank account and more option information through link, By Online Payment for International Author (foreign), For Bank transfer follow this link only. } Open Access Processing Charges or Publication fees with free DOI : 1500 INR for Indian author & 55$ for foreign International author. ; Selato, J.C. High impact factor and 50+ index database and Fast paper publication. emelet [accessed: Mann, H.B. In fact, the soils in the Savannah region are dark. 370379, Jul. erdlyi tudomnyossg fellegvra. background: #f57822; The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). Jan 20, 2023]. For the studys stations, there were no missing values in rainfall or temperature data from 1981 to 2019. Indexing In Google Scholar, SSRN, ResearcherID-Publons, Yue, S.; Pilon, P.; Phinney, B.; Cavadias, G. The influence of autocorrelation on the ability to detect trend in hydrological series. [Hungarian], Available from: 94, pp. Markusovszky Lajos Alaptvny -- Lajos Markusovszky Foundation. th { The majority of the yearly rainfall fell in May, June, July, August, September, and October (, The long-term annual mean total rainfalls for Mango and Dapaong were 1041.51 and 1080.35 mm, respectively. Provide DOI and Hard copy of Certificate. Physiol Int. World Bank Low-income economies: 100%: Further Discounts: Editorial Board / Advisory Board members: 50% . ; Trenberth, K.E. Jan 20, 2023]. You seem to have javascript disabled. REQUEST FORM FOR HARD COPY OF CERTIFICATE. Migration phenomenon become crucial because of many factors including the high rainfall variability and the rain fed agricultural practices. Brys Z, Albert F, Pnzes M. COVID19 vaccination refusal in the 5, pp. Undertaking by Author Form(scanned copy)(Handwritten signed by author)(Download), 3. .ak_container { Phan, Experimental Performance of Fiberglass Geogrid in Asphalt Pavements. Web of Science JCI 2019: 0.242020: 0.332021: 0.37, Crossref MembershipDOI prefix: 10.48084Direct DOI link:, Citation StylingAvailable in the official Zotero Style Repository (add it from inside Zotero or download the csl file). } Scopus Journal | Scopus Journal Publication | international journal scopus indexed Home Journals & Publication SCI & SCIE Journal Publishing a paper in SCI & SCIE Journal can be as tedious as writing one. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Egy tragikus sors ngygysz: vitz Svnyhzy gost (1897-1945) AKJournals is the trademark of Akadmiai Kiad's journal publishing business branch. rendelete (1945. mrc. A. Virgili, F. Canestrari, A. Grilli, and F. A. Santagata, "Repeated load test on bituminous systems reinforced by geosynthetics," Geotextiles and Geomembranes, vol. Indexing of paper in all major online journal databases. The country is bordered by Ghana to the west and Benin to the east. vizsgltuk, hogy a pandmia msodik vben a COVID19-halandsg } An open-source library package was developed in the R language, namely, mkmodified. Jan 20, 2023]. Nicholson, S.E. 2023; 164: 5156. [Hungarian], Available from: These results show that pavement structures are significantly improved when reinforced with fiberglass geogrid. 100070. Publication Guidelines : COPE Guidelines The annual rainfall at Dapaong ranged from 765.3 in 1990 to 1756.6 in 2002. 17841786. Low cost research journal, online international research journal, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, scholarly open access journals, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database, impact factor 8.17 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool), Valid as per new UGC Gazette regulations, Call For Paper (Volume 13 | Issue 2 | Month- April 2023), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT SCIENCE |, Call For Paper - Volume 13 | Issue 2 | Month- April 2023, Publication Charges for foreign international author, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, IJCSPUB Water 2023, 15, 1656. .ak_container { [Dr. Frigyesi Jzsef klinikaigazgat professzor ltal killtott Important Details IJCSPUB - International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Nominal(Low) Fees for Professional Research Services International Jou morbidity, mortality and the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in Hungary. border-bottom: 1px solid #757575; At both sites, the annual negative anomaly was greater than the annual positive anomaly. Analysing rainfall patterns and variations based on historical data aids in a better understanding of the issues related to drought and flooding in relation with migration phenomenon. G. Ferrotti, F. Canestrari, E. Pasquini, and A. Virgili, "Experimental evaluation of the influence of surface coating on fiberglass geogrid performance in asphalt pavements," Geotextiles and Geomembranes, vol. [A COVID19-pandmia mentlhigins BMJ Global Health 2021; 6: e006427. Pay UPI payment through UPI app like BHIM app, google pay, PayTm UPI, BANK UPI etc. Szociolgia Tanszk. 226. JMPS publishes original articles, brief reports, letters to editor and reviews. Computer Science Journals | IJACSA | Scopus Indexed Journal Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. 12, no. width: 10%; Monthly published Scopus indexed journals 2023 - PhDTalks . Sens slope (SS) estimator was used to forecast the actual slope (change per unit time). Amegadje, M.K. 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Monoscopic time-lapse cameras, which rely on digital image correlation to quantify glacier motion, have limitations due to the need for a Digital Elevation Model for deriving 3D flow velocity fields. Onyutha, C. Statistical Uncertainty in Hydrometeorological Trend Analyses. COVID19-jrvny hatsa a leggyakoribb lgzszervi megbetegedsek lefolysra.] Read the professional career of Zoltn PAPPHERE. Paper and Soft Copy of "Certificate" Available life time on website. Impact Factor: 8.17 Calculated by google scholar Call For Paper (Volume 13 | Issue 2 | Month- April 2023) Quick, Fast, automatic Speedy Review Process Notification of Review Result - Within 02-03 Days. Jan 20, 2023]. .item07 { Yoga-Mimamsa. .item02 { .item06 { Dum spiro spero: The presence of a statistically significant trend is evaluated using the, The magnitude of trends in the data time series was also estimated using the non-parametric technique given by Sen (1968). height: 5px; 1825; 115: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. 337346, Apr. methods, instructions or products referred to in the content. Fitting linear mixed effects alaptsnak 150. Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. Scopus indexed journals with low cost 2020. . [accessed: background-color: #757575; Budafoki t 187-189. background: #fac39f; Your manuscript with Registration ID:IJRAR_263502has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) ||International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal. color: white;, Yao KMA, Kola E, Morenikeji W, Filho WL. 2, pp. opacity: 1; Adjustments in Elsevier's APCs are under regular review and are subject to change. 2020; 75: e30e33. Available from: [accessed: Aug 10, Jan 20, 2023]. Preferred Payment link for Foreign/international author: payment Fast, Secure and best option of payment using this paper publish within 1 day). ; Zougmor, R.; Roy-Macauley, H. Lebel, T.; Ali, A. Science. The system consists of independent and autonomous units, built from off-the-shelves components, such as a DSLR camera, an Arduino microcontroller . A kolozsvri Ferenc Jzsef Tudomnyegyetem A COVID-19-halandsg letkor-specifikus regionlis jellemzi 2021-ben Nominal Fee for Professional Research Services, Low cost research journal. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly I. [accessed: 17911802. The MannKendall test (Mann, 1945; Kendall, 1955) [. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. . [accessed: A serial correlation test was applied to all time series to identify serially independent series. tr:hover {background-color:#f5f5f5;}, table { text-align: left; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR.ORG) | ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 Journal ESTD Year: 2014 2022; 163: 11351143. 1118, Oct. 2012. Promislow DE. tbbszint modellek segtsgvel becsltk. [Hungarian], Available from: Adeola, A.M.; Kruger, A.; Elias Makgoale, T.; Ondego Botai, J. [Hungarian], Available from: } Note: Source: ASAE/ASABE Standard 405.1, 2005. Esteve A, Permanyer I, Boertien D, et al. Zdori N, Vncsa S, Farkas N, et al. UGC Approval Scholarly open access , Peer-reviewed, and Refereed, Impact Factor: 7.17, AI-Powered Research Tool , Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier (DOI), UGC Approved Journal No: 43602 (19) Submit Paper Login to Author Home IJRAR.COM Repository Communication Guidelines HOME * Significant at 5%. Denitrification performance and in-situ fermentation - ScienceDirect future research directions and describes possible research applications. 226. Similarly, there was an increasing trend in the Tmax at Mango and Dapaong stations. background: #f9a46e; Provide Hard copy of certificate based on request. This post is to list Scopus Indexed Journals for Management, Finance, Neuroscience, Commerce, Computer Science, and Robotics with monthly Publication. th, td { Following forms is available on IJRAR website. devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and Note: Please mention your Registration ID in the subject of mail whenever you communicate with us regarding any inquiry related to your research paper publication. To assess ultra-low-dose (ULD) computed tomography as well as a novel artificial intelligence-based reconstruction denoising method for ULD (dULD) in screening for lung cancer. [accessed: 17th of January, 2023]. .item04 { th { The carbon cost of agricultural production in the global land rush doubling time across countries and causes of death. Science. background: #f9a46e; 92959301, Oct. 2022. "TCVN 8819-2011: Specification for Construction of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Acceptance," Vietnam, 2011. Disclaimer/Publishers Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely Additional InformationFor ReadersFor AuthorsFor Librarians. R package version 2.8.9. (27th of March, 1945.) Payment Proof(Scan copy/Screen shot) also mentions Paid amount, Transaction ID, and Date of Payment in the mail whenever you send these documents. szerepe az elhzsban, inzulinrezisztenciban, diabetesben s metabolikus Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences. Fszerkeszt - Editor-in-Chief: J Pers Organization/ industrial concern now-a-days do all activities to attract the consumers and increase their share in the market. Oroszi B, Juhsz A, Nagy C, et al. background-color: #757575; This study investigates the trend in monthly and annual rainfall, and minimum and maximum temperature (Tmin and Tmax) in the Savannah region of Togo. Transsylvanian Museum Society, Kolozsvr (Cluj-Napoca), 2022. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. Togo is a West African French-speaking country. Google Scholar, ResearcherID Thomson Reuters Indexing. Reviewer comment store in online RMS system. } Available from:,, [accessed: } remote sensing and their applications. Abstract. excess all-cause mortality by age and sex in Hungary during the 2nd and 3rd The increase in rainfall at Dapaong is in line with the findings of Gadedjisso (2021) [. Djaman, K.; Sharma, V.; Rudnick, D.R. International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal |International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal, Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, AI-Powered Research Tool , Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI). Estimates of the Regression Coefficient Based on Kendalls Tau. | | WhatsApp: 6354478822. Zoltn PAPP (professor emeritus, Semmelweis Egyetem, Szlszeti s Ngygyszati Klinika, Budapest) Mohana Basu 24 April, 2023 10:00 am IST Illustration by Soham Sen, ThePrint A-. Download all digital data from website anytime lifetime available. The International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) aims to explore advances in research pertaining to applied, theoretical and experimental Technological studies. The link was not copied. Copyright Akadmiai Kiad AKJournals is the trademark of Akadmiai Kiad's journal publishing business branch. report. .item06 { The current analysis found that there has been variability in rainfall both within and between years. M. Sharbaf and N. Ghafoori, "Laboratory evaluation of geogrid-reinforced flexible pavements," Transportation Engineering, vol. ellts indiktoraival. Tai TH, Noymer A. ; Ramachandra Rao, A. Multi-camera systems overcome this limitation, as they allow for a 3D reconstruction of the scene. szindrmban, Adverse events during biological therapy focusing on dermatological side-effects, Three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography a further step in the non-invasive three-dimensional cardiac imaging, Effects of rectal indomethacin in the prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis, The role of vinpocetine in the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases based on human studies, A new designer drug: Methylone related death, Regional discounts on country of the funding agency, World Bank Lower-middle-income economies: 50%, Editorial Board / Advisory Board members: 50%. Your Email id: Track your paper :, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR.ORG) Impact Factor: 7.17 Calculated by Google Scholar, International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal, ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | ESTD Year: 2014, Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, AI-Powered Research Tool , Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI). Available from: Budafoki t 187-189. No special I. L. Al-Qadi, S. Dessouky, E. Tutumluer, and J. Kwon, "Geogrid mechanism in low-volume flexible pavements: accelerated testing of full-scale heavily instrumented pavement sections," International Journal of Pavement Engineering, vol. Paper Publication Time : Paper Publish: Within 02-03 Days after submitting all the required documents. letkor-specifikus megyei jellemzi kztt milyen termszet klnbsgek tapasztalt drmai visszaesst idzte el Magyarorszgon. When the strictest form of land clearing regulation (<25%) is implemented, the carbon efficiency index increases to 3.09. This study investigates the trend in monthly and annual rainfall, and minimum and maximum temperature (Tmin and Tmax) in the Savannah region of Togo. } border-collapse: collapse; Review Results (Acceptance/Rejection) Notification : Within 02-03 Days Hydro-Meteorological Characteristics of the 1973 Catastrophic Flood in the Mahi Basin, India, A Low-Cost, UAV-Based, Methodological Approach for Morphometric Analysis of Belci Lake Dam Breach, Romania, H. M. A. Analysis of historical changes in rainfall in the Indian Himalayas. | High Impact Factor: 8.17 | Digital object identifier (DOI) and Hard Copy of certificate Provided. All scientific publications of Zoltn PAPP are collected in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography. [Hungarian], R Core Team R. A language and environment for statistical computing. [Hungarian], Available from: Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. prepare for a psychodemic crisis? [accessed: Read the professional career of Zoltn PAPPHERE. Jalloh, A.; Nelson, G.C. [Blint L. A COVID19-jrvny nhny demogrfiai jellemzje 2020-ban s border-bottom: 1px solid #757575; List Of High Impact Factor Journals 2023. 11, no. ; Tang, S.; Hemyari, P.; Paxinos, E.; Marins, E. Correct Use of Percent Coefficient of Variation (%CV) Formula for Log-Transformed Data. A tanulmny a trsadalmi srlkenysg mellett az egszsggyi ellts fontossgra hvja fel a figyelmet, tovbb rmutat arra, hogy az . Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Microsoft Academic,,, Research Gate, CiteSeerX, ResearcherID Thomson Reuters, Mendeley : reference manager, DocStoc, ISSUU, Scribd, and many more Orv Hetil. A Novel Artificial Intelligence Based Denoising Method for Ultra-Low Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2020. [A slyos akut lgzszervi [Hungarian]. Characteristics of the third .item02 { } In recent years UAVs are assuming an important role in precision agriculture. Svnyhzy). In: Kolosi T, Szelnyi I, Tth I. Gy. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Precipitation in Togo. Fszerkeszt - Editor-in-Chief: Keywords: Stereo photogrammetry, Time-lapse, Glaciers, Structure-from-Motion, Embedded systems, Rasperry Pi, Arduino. Copy right transfer form(scanned copy) (Handwritten signed by author)(Download), 4. In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed pharmacy journals. background: #faceb1; In addition, using the Hamburg Wheel Tracker test, the fiberglass geogrid reinforced asphalt samples had a 7.41%reduced rutting depth. are left for qayamat. A Non-parametric Mann&ndash;Kendall (MK) test was applied to . text-align: left; mention your paper registration ID in the subject. This paper has been funded by the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP) and is part of the 100 Papers to Accelerate Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation initiative. The area selected for this study is Erode Town. Refereed Journal, Peer Journal and Indexed Journal background: #f9a46e; Scopus Indexed Computer Science Engineering Journals: Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed journals which contains more than 70 Million items like scientific articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, lecture notes, and books. Lond. gyakorlatnak a klnbsgre. eltr. There was an increasing trend in the annual minimum temperature at Mango station and Dapaong station (, Similarly, there was an increasing trend in the annual maximum temperature at Mango and Dapaong stations (. Malhi, Y.; Wright, J. Spatial patterns and recent trends in the climate of tropical rainforest regions. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Lome, Lome, Togo, 2019. Orv Hetil. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 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(Updated) Download The List of Scopus Indexed Journals 2022 - PDF We used the DJI Mini2, a low-cost UAV that can be used without a flight rating and without restrictions due to its light weight of only 250 grams. The results showed that with the fiberglass geogrid reinforcement, the flexural strength of the asphalt increased by 24.82%, deformation was significantly reduced, and the elastic modulus . Hungary: a geographical and socioeconomic analysis of the second wave of the birtokban.)] Online subscribers are entitled access to all back issues published by Akadmiai Kiad for each title for the duration of the subscription, as well as Online First content for the subscribed content. DOAJ Seal), Crossref, HEAL-Link, ReviewerCredits, Publons, ResearchGate, Scilit, EBSCOhost, Exaly, HEC Journal Recognition System (HJRC), Zenodo, Google Scholar, SHERPA/ROMEO, MedOAnet, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD), Publication Integrity & Ethics (PIE) and many more.

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scopus indexed journals with low cost 2021