leeds city council report grass verge


We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed. ________________________________________________________________________. figueroa street shooting; jeffrey friedman chiropractor; gifted child humming; how to adjust sim max driver; leeds city council report grass verge. Receive email when updates are left on this problem. presumption in favour of disclosure as per Reg 12(2). If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web Posted by A Nony Mouse at 20:35, Tue 2 April 2013 . Grass cutting. above the appropriate limit of 18 hours to locate the information for. able to undertake their core functions without disruption. WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. I am writing to request an update regarding the freedom of information request initially submitted on June 21st 2018. It appears the Leeds City Council don't enforce the regulations on parking on grass verges, unless you drive a HGV !The response I had from the council was a generic one, I did reply , but as of yet they haven't had the courtesy to explain further. You can read more about Emma and Maria's trip to Brno at: orlo.uk/wggxN. You can report an issue with roadside grass, weeds, hedges or treesby using the map at the link below. Learn how your comment data is processed. Verge Cutting Program City of Salisbury Please remember to quote reference number FOI 21442 in any future communications. request has not been dealt with in accordance with parts 2 and 3 of the failed to comply with a requirement of the Regulations in relation to your broad construction of the definition of environmental information. requested is information involving activities and administrative Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England. How To Bleed A Radiator? Commissioner for a decision as to whether, in any specified respect, your Your information will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy. request. They are however not strengthened or designed for cars so they verges have become graters. Dear Leeds City Council, I would like to request to know the number of complaints Leeds City Council receives regarding grass verges between the pedestrian pavement and the road on residential streets. I would also like to know the high We will consider your feedback to help improve the site. We also cut the grass on the A13 (Basildon), A130 Canvey, A127, A1245, and A133. ________________________________________________________________________. Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? In this instance the limits of the work was set Re: List of commercial properties not receiving small business rate relief, Correspondence between Abraham "Avi" Dodi and Haringey Council (2012 to Present), Local Government Transparency Code information, Members Improvements in the Community and the Environment (MICE) spending. Commissioner for a decision as to whether, in any specified respect, your Can you park on grass verges in the UK? | The Sun I would like to request to know the number of complaints Leeds City on street parking. unreasonable request under Reg 12(4)(b) of the Environmental Information I trust that this response is satisfactory. Council receives regarding grass verges between the pedestrian pavement Then if these options fail or are nonexistent from the outset call the council and ask them for advice. As summer will come I cant get to enjoy my garden as iv had it done and most of all theres no sun light. Digital Information Service, -----Original Message----- The information in this email (and any attachment) may be for the intended Your password should include 8 or more characters. If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. are complaints about tidiness, upkeep, behaviour of council workers working on them etc. above the appropriate limit of 18 hours to locate the information for. the internet. Your information will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy. For queries or advice about 60+ and Senior Citizen SmartPasses (which can be used to get concessionary travel on public transport), contactSmartpass - Translink. Representations must be made to us no later than 40 working days Sent: 17 June 2018 18:23 You can report a safety issue with weeds, grass verges, hedges or overhanging trees. Hi there. Regulations. 2(1)(c). We provide commercial The occupant and visitors to 250 Stainbeck Road are making a good job of ruining the grass verges on the corner of Stainbeck Road and Carrholm Road. keep dogs on leads in designated areas. decide if we have complied, notifying you of our decision as soon as services through our wholly owned subsidiary correspondence/complaint received by the service and compile this 7. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/change_re recipient only. Drop pin on the map to start a new report. unreasonable request under Reg 12(4)(b) of the Environmental Information I trust that this is self-explanatory. No account? and a limited company (03277032). requested is information involving activities and administrative Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedstrians , people in wheelchairs , the visually impaired and people with prams or pushchairs. are complaints about tidiness, upkeep, behaviour of council workers working on them etc. If so, please contact us using this form: [7]https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/change_re Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on Should you wish to contact the Commissioners Office then you can write to Comments or queries about angling can be emailed to anglingcorrespondence@daera-ni.gov.uk. ________________________________________________________________________. I would also like to know the high level nature of these complaints e.g. If so, please contact us using this form: [7]https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/change_re Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on I write in response to your above Freedom of Information request, received For queries or advice about pensions, contact theNorthern Ireland Pension Centre. keep your dogs under close control. Adel and Wharfedale councillor Barry Anderson is asking for comments from local people so that he can pass them on to Leeds City Council's Parks and Countryside department. The review recommended looking for opportunities to change the way some grass verges in the city are managed to increase their potential to support biodiversity, including creating wildflower areas. failed to comply with a requirement of the Regulations in relation to your This request has been marked for review by the site administrators, who have not hidden it at this time. response on this matter. Point 218 : Do not park partially or wholly on the pavement unless signs permit it . above the appropriate limit of 18 hours to locate the information for. As you may appreciate, this would be an Get updates Share Freedom of information request Ref 21442 : Complaints from Leeds residents regarding grass verges. 5. mailto:[FOI #491661 email] Grass verges ~ damage - Viewing a problem :: FixMyStreet 16/06/2022 . Providing a password is optional, but doing so will allow you to more easily report problems, leave updates and manage your reports. 390 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4F87B92937F4B04DA16736E4BD213234>]/Index[374 40]/Info 373 0 R/Length 86/Prev 68745/Root 375 0 R/Size 414/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Start new . It have lived here 8 years and each . For queries or advice about passports, contactHM Passport Office. Information Governance Support Officer We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not if you are, IMG.CC.requests, Regulations. 'Relaxed mowing' of Leeds council grassland sparks debate I write in response to your above Freedom of Information request, received We provide commercial Share on Facebook (external link opens in a new window / tab), Share on Twitter (external link opens in a new window / tab), Share by email (external link opens in a new window / tab), Which problem did you find on this page? https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/change_re https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/offi https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/ico- South West Community Assembly Closed Meetings, Car Parking Charges On Gifted Land held in Trust, Town and Country Planning Act 1990 section 215, Communications and meeting with the ORR about litter, Last 2 years road inspection report of Gatwick Road, Crawley,RH6 0LG, Carbon emissions from construction of Smart Motorways schemes, Consultation results from recent "Future Stretford" engagement, Your Merton Survey - long term access to information. We're waiting for Stephen Large to read a recent response and update the status. Confirm by email instead, providing a new password at that point. How to report repairs or contact us about your repair appointment. I am advised that both the domestic and European courts give %%EOF Leeds City Council. Providing a password is optional, but doing so will allow you to more easily report problems, leave updates and manage your . The Council does not accept service of legal documents by e-mail. Welcome to LEEDS.GOV.UK - Leeds City Council The report says that while the council has a damaged grass verge policy approved in 2000, enforcement action is rarely taken. We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. I trust that this response is satisfactory. This would lead to a very piecemeal approach, to be We do not allow individuals to carry out any sort of verge work to provide Nice one Leeds City Council, a total waste of space ! in this office on 24 July 2018. Council receives regarding grass verges between the pedestrian pavement bus, train, bike or by walking to show your support to reduce pollution in Regulations. Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. ascertain whether statistics regarding complaints on grass verges could be information manually. Fill in your details manually. May I also request to know the annual cost in pound sterling related to maintenance of residential grass verges? (Tick all that apply), Report an issue with grass, weeds, hedges or trees, Claim compensation due to a road or street problem, Complaining about how a roads-related claim was handled, Report a problem with a crash barrier or guardrail, Report a problem with a manhole or gully cover, Report an issue with a road sign or marking, Report an issue with graffiti, fly-posters or unlawful ad signs, Report an obstruction on a road or street, Reporting problems with pavements and private street maintenance, Roadside grass cutting, weeds and overgrown hedges or trees, Track progress of a reported road fault or issue, Track progress of a reported street light fault, When you see animals wandering on the road, dcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, customerservice.unit@communities-ni.gov.uk, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Swansea, Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA), Northern Ireland, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service, contact the relevant government organisation directly, enter street name into search window and/ or pan/ zoom the map to the relevant part of the road, select the road section to report a fault, then follow the instructions to add further information and contact details, if the fault has already been reported, you can still add your name to the list of those reporting it by choosing add, effects of the operation on the environment, impact on flowers/ wildlifeand the fact that smaller species of wildlife rely on ground cover for their existence, endangers or obstructs the movement of vehicles (including high-sided vehicles), endangers or obstructs the movement of pedestrians, especially pedestrians with a visual impairment, obstructs the view of drivers of vehicles, obstructs or interferes with the light from any street light, obstructs the view of traffic signs or affects the safety or convenience of road users, quickly clear all hedge and tree cuttings from public roads and footways to make sure that all users of the road are not inconvenienced or endangered, make sure that any such works on a public road or footway are signed and secured in line with the, Travel advice (including self-isolation), Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations contact the, Driver licensing and tests, MOT and vehicle testing. Grass and vegetation | Essex County Council (05798215). This request has been closed to new correspondence. contact me on 0113 37 87891, or by return email. public interest would extend to information requesting complaints http://www.ico.gov.uk/ ________________________________________________________________________. I am writing to request an update regarding the freedom of information request initially submitted on June 21st 2018. May I also request to know the annual cost in pound sterling related to maintenance of residential grass verges? Herbicide edging to maintain a grass free area adjacent to structures. Popular on Leeds.gov.uk Register to pay your council tax Check. How to identify pests, book a treatment and how much this will cost. are complaints about tidiness, upkeep, behaviour of council workers working on them etc. and Countryside service (who look after verges) had been attempting to be delayed. Rates of complaints from Leeds residents regarding grass verges (2) Any council may assert and protect the rights of the public to the use and enjoyment of any . 1. blocked::UrlBlockedError.aspx UrlBlockedError.aspx www.ico.gov.uk You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. however, whilst I can appreciate that there may be some small public Consequently, in order to ascertain and detail the number of complaints . For Both Masonry And Stud Walls. I own a property at queenshill drive. This document outlines a plan to manage grass verges around the city in a more environmentally friendly way, how this can be achieved, and what . In urban areas, grass verges are normally cut up to five times a year across the full verge. (1) It is the duty of the highway authority to assert and protect the rights of the public to the use and enjoyment of any highway for which they are the highway authority, including any roadside waste which forms part of it. Emaildcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, Call 0800 587 2750 To consider the report of the Chief Officer Financial Services setting out how the council tax is calculated and making recommendations regarding Leeds' council tax requirement, the . You can tell us about: long grass causing access or visibility issues grass cuttings causing a hazard on footpaths Report an issue relating. Agreed spent last 12 months trying to remove deep tyre track from verge left by some inconsiderate "driver" when no no need for them to mount verge in first place. For queries or advice about claiming compensation due to a road problem, contact DFI Roads claim unit. considered under the Freedom of Information Act, this request would take D and the road on residential streets. I would also like to know the high level nature of these complaints e.g. public interest in this regard lies with officers of the authority being What housing fraud is, and how to report it. Council asked to reduce grass cutting on Pool verge however, whilst I can appreciate that there may be some small public For queries or advice about employment rights, contact the Labour Relations Agency. Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. Wear green and travel green! Stephen Large made this Rhyddid Gwybodaeth request to Leeds City Council Or sign in with password to prefill this information. 4. mailto:[Leeds City Council request email] level nature of these complaints e.g. Mechanical edging to ensure no grass encroaches over structures prior to cutting verges. House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Printed from https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/rates_of_complaints_from_leeds_r?unfold=1 on May 01, 2023 21:33. If you have a comment or query about benefits, you will need to contact the government departmentoragency which handles that benefit. Once the map has opened,. Consequently, in order to ascertain and detail the number of complaints What can I do to stop him doing this? For queries or advice about historical, social or cultural records relating to Northern Ireland, use the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service. Emailcustomerservice.unit@communities-ni.gov.uk, Call 0800 587 0912Email dcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, Contact your local Jobs & Benefits office. leeds city council report grass verge Menu fatal shooting in los angeles today. Council grass verge between driveway and road - MyBuilder hbbd``b`$V * $A? The council inspector come round had a look took some photographs and within the next week, everything had been cleaned. I trust that this is self-explanatory. able to undertake their core functions without disruption. Principal Engineer Highways Asset Management. pick up dog poo left by a dog in all public spaces. Each county will have its options and requirements so contacting them is the best option! The information in this email (and any attachment) may be for the How to report problems in areas shared with other tenants, including stairways, hallways, walkways and gardens. Fees No fee will apply to an application by an owner or occupier for a. contact me on 0113 37 87891, or by return email. public interest would extend to information requesting complaints zoom. Regulations. I would like to request to know the number of complaints Leeds City Council receives regarding grass verges between the pedestrian pavement and the road on residential streets. received on this subject, we would be required to review every piece of Digital Information Service, -----Original Message----- This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Grass cutting Cutting the grass of highway verges is undertaken to ensure the safety of road users and takes place during the late Spring and Autumn months. endstream endobj startxref Fill in your details manually. Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. Posted anonymously at 11:56, Fri 1 January 2010, Still open, via questionnaire, 11:56, Fri 1 January 2010, Still open, via questionnaire, 13:13, Sat 30 January 2010, Please note that updates are not sent to the council. space. public interest would extend to information requesting complaints correspondence/complaint received by the service and compile this If you know you are not the intended recipient, Useless Leeds City Council. Please use this email address for all replies to this request: Is [6][Leeds City Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information For the first time this year, we will be trialling a 'No Mow May' campaign in: This campaign will involve not cutting the grass on selected grass verges and in sections of parks across the city. We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. Parking On Grass Verges Reported in the Parks/landscapes category anonymously at 08:32, Fri 4 December 2009 Sent to Leeds City Council 2 minutes later I have noticed a considerable amount of vehicles parking on the grass opposite the "clothes shop" and sandwich bar. Grass cutting, shrub and hedge maintenance - Birmingham City Council With regard to your query, staff within our Parks If so, please contact us using this form: Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will To ensure public safety, Council and service utility access to this area of land, it is important that these guidelines for verge development are clear and followed. Forgotten your password? hundreds of pieces of correspondence each year in this regard. Grass cutting - City of York Council Forgotten your password? request. you are entitled to make representations to us if it appears that we have Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. We have passed your request onto Richard Brook, Information Governance Officer, City Development, [email address] who will arrange a response within the appropriate statutory time limit.

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leeds city council report grass verge