- 7. Mai 2023
- Posted by:
- Category: Allgemein
| | |fire +10%, ice -10% |230 | | | |5.00 | | ||Dark Whispers |paladins|Lion Shield ||Glowing Mushroom | | | ||Ripper Lance ||Leather Harness |22.00 | | |45 |3 |9.00 |20.00 | | |knights|Shield of Destiny | |80 |95 |35.00 | |55 |180 | ||Firewalker Boots |250 | | |4 ||Swamplair Armor |85 |25 ||Sulphur Blossom Lamp (Unlit) | | | UPDATE: EK spell damage has been updated. |40 | |4.90 | | ||Shimmer Wand | |12 |100 |earth +8%, fire -8% |10 |68.00 |27 | |1 Private dummy. |0 |65 ||Necrotic Rod |speed +30, faster regeneration |paladins|Soulcrusher |45.00 |magic level +1 |0 |50 |35.00 ||Naga Axe | |axe fighting +5 |400 |axe fighting +4 | | |4.00 | |7 |2.50 |knights|The Avenger |145.00 |distance fighting +1 | |4.80 |3 |5.00 |29.50 ||Ring of Blue Plasma | |ice +7%, fire -3% | | |80 |21 | | | | | ||Golden Helmet | | This website is a work in progress. |2 |6.00 | | |0 |distance fighting +3 | |27.00 ||Guardian Boots |energy +8%, physical +3%, ice -2% |66.00 | | |physical +3% |250 |knights and paladins|Lavos Armor | | |15.00 | |100 | |32.00 |ice +6%, energy -6% What is the optimal setup of damage-charms in Issavi West for team hunts as a mage? | |300 | |2 | | | |knights|Living Armor |club fighting +2 |4.50 | |6 ||Shield of Corruption | | | | |100 | | | |180.00 | |17 | |distance fighting +3 | | | |225 | TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. | |sorcerers and druids|Magma Boots | | |physical +3%, fire +8% | | |sorcerers|War Axe |paladins|Sandals | |fire +6% | | | |18 |180 |8.00 |61.00 | |42.00 |50 |sword fighting +4 | | | There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. |29 | Damage is the result of some kind of attack. | | | |22 1 to 100, 100 to 101), Featherweight calculator (amount of loot required per hour to make up for imbuement cost). |64.00 | |knights and paladins|Crystalline Armor | |24.00 | ||Lion Axe | | | |magic level +4 |4.55 | |69.00 ||Energy Orcish Maul | | | ||Burnt Down Torch | | | | | |31.00 | | |sorcerers and druids|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Sword) | | |7.00 |55.00 | | |knights|Muck Rod | | | | | | |16 | |59.00 | |48.00 | | | | | ||Rift Lamp | |physical +6% |earth +8%, fire -8% |120 | |20.00 |10 |125.00 ||Chain Armor |12 |fire +8%, ice -8% Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | | |58.00 |druids|Obsidian Lance | ||Sun Catcher | | | | |33.00 |5 | |30 |18.50 |7 |knights|Old Cape | |knights|Glacial Rod |paladins|Bast Skirt |knights|Crest of the Deep Seas |11 |physical +4% |11 Activate counters to know when you can kill a certain boss again. |life drain +5% | | |5.00 |20 |knights|Triple Bolt Crossbow | | ||Helmet of the Ancients (Enchanted) | |paladins|Golden Armor |270 | | | |69.00 | |druids|Unliving Demonbone ||Sorcerer Test Weapon Test |26 |180 | |knights|Firemind Raiment |physical +4%, earth +5% |13.00 | |magic level +2 | | | Damage is the result of some kind of attack. | |knights|Lion Longbow | |sorcerers and druids|Deepling Fork | | | for example a lvl 100 with ML 50 deals more dmg than a lvl 80 with the same ML? |28.00 The primary drawback to magic damage is that many creatures are immune to different types of magic damage, and therefore are not affected by it. | ||Leather Legs |8 | |ice +2% | | The color for physical damage might vary depending on the creature that receives it. | |61.50 |paladins|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Axe) ||The Lion's Heart | | | |31 |27 | |180 | |126.00 |10 |30 ||Broken Wedding Ring | | |5.10 |22 |0.70 | | | | | |21 |65 | |0 |0 | |paladins and without|Rainbow Shield |knights|Energy Headchopper |41.00 | | |0 | |25 |270 | |130.00 |41.00 Contact an administrator if you want to suggest changes to the page. |69.00 |magic level +1 | |0.40 |0.40 |14 | |5.00 |10.00 |50 |magic level +3 | | | |60 |33 | |18 | | ||Ring of Souls | | | |250 | |50 | |45.00 | |150 | | This page is protected to prevent harmful edits. | | |10 | |20 | | |24.00 | | Also note the distance hit % used is the max you can get with a high distance skill, I will adjust it to properly calculate the miss chance for low distance skills according to TibiaWiki formula. | |75 |speed +10 Speed calculator. |200 |100 |26 | | |0 |31 | | | ||Fire Sword | |sorcerers|Gilded Eldritch Warmace | | | |6 | Step 2: Enter your level: Step 3: Enter your magic level: ||Glass of Goo | | | | | |fire magic level +1, ice magic level +1, earth magic level +1, energy magic level +1 |knights|Frostmind Raiment | | | |knights|Souleater (Axe) | |8 |32 |15 | | | |38.00 | | | |54.00 | | |37 | | |5 | | | |18 | |65.00 |2 |27.00 | |10.00 | | |sorcerers|Soulshell | |400 |10 |60 |magic level +1 | | | |25.00 |14 |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Distance) | | |150 |59.00 |15 |120 | ||Enchanted Pendulet |magic level +3 | |druids|Elite Draken Helmet | |59.00 | | | |18 ||Fur Cap | |distance fighting +2 |90.00 | |0 | Stamina calculator. |45 | |0 |10 | | |250 |paladins|The Epiphany | | |knights|Hammer of Prophecy | | | | |34 |24 | |80.00 | | | | |physical +5% | | | ||Jungle Quiver ||Prismatic Shield |0 |100 | | | | |ice +11%, energy -3% |2 | | | |66.00 | | | |220 ||Moonlight Rod | |28.00 |95.00 | |100 |20 | |120 |5.60 | ||Tagralt Blade |knights|Twin Axe | | | | |druids|Arcanomancer Sigil |24.50 | |80 | | |11.00 |magic level +2 ||Fish Tail (Equipped) | |50.00 | |300 |55.00 | Party Shared Calculator, enter your LVL and discover. | | |65 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Rusty Winged Helmet |12 | ||Brass Button . | |sorcerers and druids|Lion Spangenhelm | | |magic level +1 | | |9 |paladins|Eldritch Claymore | | | | | |48.00 |9 ||Calopteryx Cape ||Protection Amulet |sorcerers|Metal Spats | |7 |45 |75.00 |15 |knights|Frostheart Hauberk | | |15 ||Glooth Whip |0 |6 | | TibiaPal.com - Training Calculator. |51.00 | |123.00 |85 |16 |5 |58.00 | | | |1.20 | ||Damaged Helmet | | ||Shield of Care | | | |37.00 | | |8 | | |200 |150.00 | | |120 | | | | | |35 | |3 |knights|Crystal Necklace | ||Velvet Mantle | |earth +11%, fire -2% |0 | |59.00 |magic level +4 |earth +8% ||Green Light | |100 | Check if you get cheaper imbuing Strike with items or buying Gold Tokens. | Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | |2 |20 |28 |9.80 | | |magic level +2 |37 | |45 | ||Bright Sword |8 | |3 |club fighting +3 ||The Epic Wisdom | Note that while Magic Shield or Energy Ring are active, all damage taken by manapoints will show the same color. |23 | | |invisibility | |75 | | |15 |20.00 | | |42.00 ||Lamp | |sorcerers|Shiny Blade |28.00 | | Percentage Reduction This formula have to be applied for every single item that has percentage reduction. |61.00 | |paladins|Longsword | | ||Winged Boots | Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. | |30 |physical +5% |, |0 |145.00 |80 | |None|Emerald Sword | |270 | | | All values have to be looked at as tons of changes were made since the last version of the app. | |0 | |10 |52.50 |75 | |90.00 |31.00 | | | | | | | | |49.00 |156.00 ||Dark Wizard's Crown (Activated) |46.00 | |40.00 |200 | |24.00 | |50.00 |20.00 |85.00 | |25.00 | | |axe fighting +4 |48 | | |physical +10%, energy +15% | | |48.00 |27.00 ||Haunted Blade | | | |0 | | Tibiastats spell damage was last updated in 2009, wiki formulas were last updated in 2012. |0 | | | | | ||Morshabaal's Mask ||Executioner | | | |28 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Enlightenment |270 Albo ktra jest najstarsza? | | |0 | | ||Metal Wall Lamp |22 ||Anglerfish Lamp (Unlit) | ||Daramian Mace | Best answer Based on this TibiaWiki page the formula to melee damage is: Minimum damage: level/5 Maximum damage: 0.085*d*atk*skill + level/5 In which: d is the battle stance: 1 for full attack, 0.75 for balanced and 0.5 for full defense; atk is the weapon attack and skill is your skill level. | | | | | |8 |axe fighting +1 |35.00 |paladins|Dark Wizard's Crown |knights|Cobra Wand |sorcerers and druids|Frostsoul Tabard |sorcerers|Eldritch Quiver |40 | |66.00 |magic level +2 |7.00 | |fire +5% |85.00 | |0 | ||Lightning Pendant | |2 Exercise Weapons Calculator. | | |15 |26.00 |4.10 | | | | |energy +4% | |paladins|Charged Arboreal Ring |sorcerers and druids|Energy Barbarian Axe | | |100 |10 | | |8 | |43.00 | |paladins|Shimmer Rod |physical +5% |0 |paladins|Rift Crossbow | | | |3.50 |paladins|Soulshroud | ||Boots of Homecoming | | |death +5% | ||Shamanic Mask ||Ornate Crossbow | |paladins|Filthy Bunnyslippers |60 | | | ||Icy Crystal Mace |paladins|Cowtana | |death +10%, holy -10% | | | | | |knights|Glutton's Mace | | | |0.80 | | | | |45 | ||Energy Spike Sword | | ||Demonbone Amulet |0.80 bombs? |14 | | |24 | |4.90 |120 | |12 | |29.50 |39 | |21 | | |8.30 | | ||Energy Ring |70.00 ||Dwarven Shield |26.00 |140 | | |paladins|Enchanted Theurgic Amulet |25 | |35 |42 ||The Crown of the Percht Queen (Ice) |sorcerers and druids|Spike Shield | - Magic level training for mages (Druids & Sorcerers) | | |7.50 | ||Studded Shield ||Hammer of Destruction |34 |32.00 ||Green Demon Armor You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. | |20 |60 |paladins|Lion Longsword |10.00 |400 ||Cobra Axe |earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%, energy +5% |5.00 |24 | | | |magic level +2 | |60 |earth +3%, fire -3% | | |physical +7% , ice +15% |3 |physical +3%, fire +10% | |earth +8%, fire -8% | | | |25.00 | | |12.00 | | | |25.50 | | | | |1 | | | |52.00 | |magic level +1, perfect shot +20 at range 3 | | |earth +4%, fire -5% | | |2 |35.00 | | | |34.00 ||Lit Rainbow Torch | |knights and paladins|Leaf Legs | |paladins|Zaoan Halberd Privacy Policy. |200 | | | | | |68.00 | |25 | | | |15 | | |5.00 |death +8%, holy -50% Question Revival IV contestMarch 12, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as an EXPERT!January 06, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER!June 09, 2019. |magic level +4 ||Norse Shield |90 | Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. | |20 | |knights|The Chiller |80.00 | |20 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Mind Control |druids|Snowball | | | |75 |0 |120.00 | ||Poison Dagger | |speed +10 | ||Energy Relic Sword |earth +3% |110.00 |50.00 | | | |33.00 |sorcerers and druids|Vampire Shield |35.00 | ||Crossbow |knights and paladins|Feverbloom Boots |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, perfect shot +65 at range 4 | |knights|Fireheart Platemail |20 |26 | ||Lion Amulet |10.00 |90.00 | | | | | |50 |5.00 ||Prismatic Boots |paladins|Zaoan Legs | | Age calculator. | |150 | ||Tiara of Power |18 |0 |65 |0.50 ||Mace of Destruction | |speed +10 | | | | | | | | | | |150 |knights|Quiver |270 | | | | |7.00 | | | ||Zaoan Wall Lamps (Lit) | | | |35 |400 | |paladins|Crude Umbral Chopper ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Lit) |distance fighting +2 |distance fighting +2, shielding +2 | | | |39.00 | | |20 |35.00 | |19.50 | |85 |distance fighting +3, magic level +1, holy magic level +1 | | ||Sleep Shawl | |sorcerer|Ferumbras' Staff (Failed) | | |9 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Golden Boots | |physical +2%, earth +6% ||Rainbow Necklace | | |sword fighting +1 |magic level +1 ||Steel Axe | | | | |28.00 |300 ||Plate Armor | |earth +20%, fire -10% | |2 |20 ||Jade Zaoan Knight |5.00 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Lost Souls |knights|Crude Umbral Slayer |70.00 |sword fighting +1 |120.00 |knights|Studded Legs | |sorcerers and druids|Soulbastion | |15 | | | |0 |40 |39.00 ||Shield of Honour |death +5% |24.50 |60 |100 | ||Green Demon Legs | | | |79.00 | | | | |97.00 ||Fish Tail (Unequipped) | |0 |300 | |300 | | |68.00 |50 |48.00 |29 |270 Unjustified kills. | |death +5% |80 | |knights|Taurus Mace | |23 |300 | | | | | | | |54.00 |sword fighting +2 EDIT:: It's been brought to my attention that this doesn't match tibiastats at higher levels. ||Bloody Edge |knights|Terra Hood ||Obsidian Zaoan Bishop |22.00 ||Carapace Shield |knights|Gilded Eldritch Greataxe |physical +6% | | |distance fighting +4, magic level +2 | | |1 |70 |54.00 | | ||Mystic Turban | | |knights|Zaoan Armor | |75 | |energy +4%, earth -5% ||The Ironworker |2.00 |100 | |0 | |6 | | | | ||Glorious Axe |19.00 |70.00 | | | | |1 | | |knights|Umbral Axe | | | | |knights|Twin Hooks | | | | | |65 ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Unlit) |65 | |0 ||Scythe of the Reaper | |16 | | | |44.00 | | |0 |65.00 |sorcerers|Wand of Decay | | | |0.70 |ice +4%, energy -5% |24 |death +5% |38.00 |25 | |50.00 |paladins|Ring of Ending | | | |magic level +2 | | | | |21 |4 |28.00 | | |15 |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 |19 | | | ||Tentacle Lamp | |55 |12 |38.00 |60 |25 |sorcerers and druids|Wood Cape | |18 | Current skill % to next. | | | |270 | | |60 | | | | | ||Shapeshifter Ring It will enable you to talk to each of them to learn all sorts of interesting tidbits about the Tibian world and to get to know them on a more personal level. | ||Pirate Hat | | |faster regeneration, speed +20 |22 |sword fighting +1 |fire +5%, ice -5% |25 |38 | |1.00 |magic level +1 | |120.00 | | | | | | | |knights|Soulbleeder | | | |energy +6%, earth -6% |0 | | | | | |23 | | |knights|Arboreal Crown | | | | |150 |knights|Broken Iks Spear | |4.50 |magic level +2 |7 |sorcerers|Living Vine Bow |40 | | | |82.00 |21.00 ||Modified Crossbow ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Unlit) | |29 |25.00 ||Purple Flower Lamp (Lit) |, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. |2 | | | ||Silver Amulet |32.00 ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Lit) | ||Treader of Torment | |earth +10% |180.00 |110.00 |sorcerers and druids|Spiritthorn Armor |38.00 ||Rainbow Torch | | | |59.00 |29.00 |0.90 |knights|Blade of Corruption |knights and paladins|Swan Feather Cloak | | |46.00 | | ||Flower Wreath | ||Grandiose Lamp | |33 | | | |2 | | | |0.80 | |physical +4%, fire +2% | |0 |5.00 |36 |4.50 | | ||Horn (Ring) |1 |18 |knights|Energy Clerical Mace |75 |31 | |60 |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 |9 | | ||Earthborn Titan Armor |0 | | | | | | |35.00 | |200 |paladins|Amazon Helmet | ||Grandiose Lamp (Lit) | |12 |48.00 | | | |physical +4% |ice +3%, energy -3% | |400 |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% | |paladins|Rift Lance |druids|Gilded Eldritch Wand ||Visage of the End Days | ||Cranial Basher | | | | |energy +5%, earth -5% ||Rod of Destruction | |220 ||Plate Shield ||Fiery Blacksteel Sword | | |6 |paladins|Bow of Destruction ||Shield of Endless Search (Replica) | | | | | | |club fighting +4 ||Prismatic Necklace | | |physical +6%, fire +10% ||Depth Scutum | |9 | ||Fiery Dragon Slayer ||Terra Rod |paladins|Umbral Master Hammer |56.00 | |distance fighting +2 | |knights|The Shield Nevermourn | | |8.70 | | |31 | |1 |200 |0 |58.00 ||Amulet of Loss |35 | |20 | | |faster regeneration |0 | |knights|Wailing Widow's Necklace This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while offline or online training. | | |energy +6% | | |9 |47.00 |100 | | The result is that the target loses Hitpoints (or Mana if using Magic Shield spell or an Energy Ring). | |14 | |33 | |40.00 |18 | |magic level +1 | | | |250 |2 |35 | | ||Enchanted Blister Ring | |knights|Gilded Eldritch Rod | | | | |43.00 | ||Ghostsilver Lantern This kind of damage can be sometimes blocked by the target's Shielding . Like the other Melee skills, Sword Fighting advances more quickly for Knights than any other vocation . | | | |1.00 if you have problems with them update your browser or try another browser, This calculator was created for creature products but it works with all npc sellable items, so keep in mind prices here is what NPCs pay for the items, also you may need to have completed quests to be able to trade with some NPCs | |25 | | |38 | | |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 ||Jade Amulet (Replica) | | | | | | |18 | | |70 |8 | | | | agree to their use. |210.00 | |1 |27.00 |0 |axe fighting +2 |20 |13 | |5.50 Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. |60 | |distance fighting +3, sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 make sure your answer is complete - even if other posts already contain partial answers, when possible, confirm your answer with other trusted sources, like the official website, if you use any materials from other websites, always, take your time to research the problem or question and feel free to ask for clarification in a comment when needed, once your answer is posted, you can still edit it later if you learn more on the topic. | | |holy +2% | | |0.90 |400 | | | | | |30.00 | | |35 | ||Maimer | |35 |2 | | ||Lit Candelabrum | |physical +3% | | |axe fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | | | |66.00 ||Tower Shield | |7 | |12.50 | | |knights|Studded Armor |0 |7.00 | | |58.00 ||Pumpkinhead (Lit) ||Wooden Spellbook ||Noble Armor |38.00 |120.00 | | | |55.00 ||Werewolf Helmet agree to their use. |sorcerers and druids|Scale Armor |knights|Machete | |6 | |18 | |5.50 |26.00 | |knights|Elethriel's Elemental Bow | | | | |2.90 |4.30 | | |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Helmet |150 |physical +3%, ice +7% |20.00 |4 | |sorcerers and druids|Brass Shield ||Witch Hat |120 |21 ||Dark Lord's Cape |5.00 |sorcerers and druids|Cape |27.60 | |50.00 |29 | | |15.00 | | | ||Guardian Shield |60 | ||Ring of Red Plasma | | | |shielding +3 |9 |knights|Arbalest |energy +3% |26 |shielding +3 | ||Shield of the White Knight | |68.00 |magic level +4 ||Furry Club | |0 |250 |37 | | No Team? |45 |21 |knights and paladins|Falcon Greaves | |16.00 | | ||Umbral Master Spellbook | ||Ogre Klubba | ||Bear Skin | | |3 | | | |150 |6 | |200 |sorcerers and druids|Glowing Rubbish Amulet | | |65 | |6.00 | |1 ||Ring of Souls (Depleted) | | | |sword fighting +5 | | ||Kitchen Lamp | |150.00 |230 |magic level +2 | | | |shielding +2 | | | | |20 |knights|Crude Umbral Mace |paladins|Ornate Mace |30 |physical +2% | |400 |0 |paladins and without|Rift Shield |fire +2%, earth +2%, energy +2%, ice +2% | | | | Are you sure you want to create this branch? | | | | | |120 | |60.00 | | | ||Filled Receptacle ||Springsprout Rod |magic level +2 |60 |knights|Witchhunter's Coat ||Brass Armor | |18.00 |75.00 | Tools for video game 'Tibia', TibiaLootSplit, Imbue calculator, Stamina calculator, Boss Timers, Exercise Weapons calculator and more. |150 |19.00 |28 | | | | | | |38.00 | | |1 ||Frozen Starlight |120 | | | |magic level +4 |death +6% | |38.00 | | Tibia Damage Calculator Missing spells values: All values have to be looked at as tons of changes were made since the last version of the app. | |knights|Epee |23.00 |180 Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! | | | | | |1.00 | | |8.40 |35.00 |60.00 | | |sorcerers|Alicorn Quiver |magic level +1 |21 | | |3.90 |18 ||Sea-devil Wall Lamp ||Runic Ice Shield | |4.50 | |145.00 ||Snake God's Sceptre |41.00 | | | | ||Chain Bolter Hits calculator. |sword fighting +3 For more information, please see our ||Bone Sword | | |knights|Energy Heroic Axe |250 |earth +5% ||Terran Rainbow Shield |0.80 |sorcerers and druids|Thundersoul Tabard |sorcerers|Soulstrider |paladins|Eldritch Cuirass ||Death Gaze |shielding +2 |11 | | |145.00 Find out how many exercise weapons, time and money would cost to achieve your desired skill |10.00 | | |knights|Phantasmal Axe | |physical +5% | |22 | |59.00 |magic level +1 |42.00 | |0 | | |10 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |energy +10% |knights|Ornate Testtplate |50.00 | ||Lucky Clover Amulet | ||Magma Amulet |41.00 Thanks to Tibia.fandom.com and Tibiawiki.com.br for some images and information we use to create our content. |21.00 | |0 | |0 How does armor of creatures affect damage taken by players? |knights|Eerie Song Book ||Ring of Wishes | |0 |8.50 ||Reaper's Axe | |10 | |0 ||Tatty Dragon Scale Legs |sword fighting +3 |250 | |9 | | | Here is the link: https://www.mityz.com/tibia/character/calculators. |0 ||Glowing Sulphur Fungi (Unlit) | |magic level +4 |32 |70 |26.00 |speed +15 |50.00 | |65 | | |25 |32.00 |220 | ||Shoulder Plate |knights and paladins|Dawnfire Pantaloons |82.00 ||Rose Shield |17.00 | |knights|Banana Staff ||Table Lamp |25.00 | | | |300 |0.80 |82.00 | |11 |ice +5%, energy -5% | ||Brass Legs ||Obsidian Zaoan King | | | | | | |0 | ||Assassin Dagger | ||Broken Wooden Shield | | | | |7 | | |24 ||Magma Monocle ||Stonecutter Axe |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% |50 |41.00 |22 | | |2 |energy +8% | |18 |80 |50.00 | ||Beetle Necklace | | ||Soulforged Lantern | | | | ||Icy Orcish Maul | | | |distance fighting +4 | | | |35 |without|Mean Paladin Spear ||Magic Light Wand (Lit) | |41.00 | | |250 | | |55.00 | |55 | |15.00 | | |38.00 |34 ||Scythe |20.00 |25 | | | |death +5% |sword fighting +4 ||Rubbish Amulet | | |29.00 ||Torch (Medium) | |220 | | | |34.00 | |magic level +3 |fire +6%, ice -6% ||Crystalline Sword |35 | | | | |35.00 | | |earth +3%, energy +3%, fire +3%, ice +3% |230 |130.00 |65.00 | |magic level +1 |56.00 |22.00 |energy +10% |magic level +5, healing magic level +1, ice magic level +1 |0 Physical Damage is inflicted by melee attacks and Distance Weapons, as well as some runes and spells. | | |32 |knights|Umbral Blade ||Heart Lamp (Small) |5.00 ||Magical Torch |9 | | ||Silver Necklace |40 | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% and our |47.00 |distance fighting +4 | | |0 ||Earth Blacksteel Sword | | ||Plate Legs |200 ||Ring of Secret Thoughts (Charged) |fire +3%, ice -3% | | |20 |paladins|Crowbar How much (constant) damage is dealt by field runes, e.g. | | |3 |230 | | |5.00 | | |sorcerers and druids|Glacier Mask |0 | ||Zaoan Sword |18.00 |6 |knights|Dark Trinity Mace |28 Tibia is copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. ||Strange Mallet |speed +10 | Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. | | |70.00 |18 | | | | | | |50.00 | ||Pumpkinhead | | | | | ||Winged Helmet | | | | |75 |6.50 | |59.00 |club fighting +1 |8.00 |fire +7%, ice -7% | | |270 | | | | | |2 |sorcerers and druids|Dwarven Axe | |0 |100 |79.00 |9 |15.00 | |50 | | | ||Iron Hammer | | |50.00 |sorcerers and druids|Mage's Cap |28 | |knights|Glooth Spear | | |90.00 |22.00 | | |78.00 | |19.00 |88.00 | | |earth +5% | | ||Greenwood Coat | | |5.00 |68.00 |12 | |120.00 | Not real values, but the methodology is correct -Skill 110: minimum damge 40 - maximum damage 100 - average damage 70 -Skill 111: minimum damage 40 - maximum damage 102 - average damage 71 - One skill increases 2 attack value, but only 1 average, as it only increases maximum damage. | | |sorcerers|Eldritch Warmace | | |speed +10 |9 | |distance fighting +3, magic level +1 | |10.00 | | |18 ||Pointed Rabbitslayer | |sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2 | | | | |17 | | | ||Sword Ring |35.00 |knights|Soulpiercer ||Earth Relic Sword |200 | |paladins|Flower Dress | |70 | |60 | | |90 | |100.00 |23 |physical +3% |1 |185 | |80.00 The only rune that does not cause magical damage is the Explosion rune, several instant spells are available for knights but the only non-knight spell that doesn't cause magical damage is Physical Strike. | | |knights|Fiery Headchopper | |7 | |150 | |22 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Dark Mysteries |400 |300 | | | | |fire +8% | |41.00 |200 | | |paladins|Blue Robe |40 | |30 | | Calculate how many Exercice Weapons you need to raise skill or Magic Level. |25 | |20 | | |50 | ||Amazon Armor | | |130.00 |5.00 |0 Transfer checker. |70 |72.00 |magic level +2 |knights|Royal Scale Robe |13 | | |8 | | | | |energy +7% | |4.00 | |38 |10 |28 |9 - the Tibian Heuristic Artificial Intelligence System T.H.A.I.S. | | | | |13.00 |earth +4% | |22.50 | | |16 |35 Blacklist. ||Great Axe |17 |33 | | | | |10.00 |70 |16 | |sorcerers and druids|Cobra Hood | | | | |60 | ||Bridal Wreath | |distance fighting +4 | |7 | |89.00 |0 This is official post from the balance: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5836. | | ||Chain Legs | | | | | | | |65.00 |18 |paladins|Umbral Hammer | ||Yalahari Armor | Instead going to use a custom formula based on TibiaStats results that seems more accurate than TibiaWiki for now, it is going to be an ongoing project to make it closer and closer to what we see in game. |3 | ||Collar of Blue Plasma ||Spirit Guide | Damage types are represented by different colors on the game window so you might identify them. | |knights|Lion Hammer |healing magic level +2 | |150 |death +4% | |0 |physical +60%, ice +40% | | |0 | | ||Energy Crystal Mace | | |16 |29 | | | | Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. | | ||Viper Star | |400 |12.00 | |400 | | | ||Jungle Bow Both are really old, so not sure which one is "really" true, but this chart is based on wiki formulas so there will be differences between the two. |fire +6% | | | | | | |5.00 | |knights|Soulmantle |16 | |0.90 | ||Skull Staff | | | | |11 |40 | ||Ornamented Axe |energy +5%, earth -5% ||Crystal Lamp (Store) | |120 |magic level +5 ||Mace |33 |400 ||Depth Ocrea You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. |sorcerers|Wand of Voodoo |earth +3% |energy +8% | |41.00 |knights|Earthmind Raiment | |25 |99.00 | |40 |0 |50 | |0 |31 | |3 |2 |100 |druids|Glooth Axe |earth +7% | |20 ||Knife | | |20 ||Resizer | ||Jade Hat | | | | | |120 |89.00 |0.20 |sorcerers|Katana | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spirit Cloak | | | |8 | |37.00 | | | ||Energized Demonbone | |14.50 | | |31.00 | ||Mammoth Whopper | |4 | | | | | | |32 | |1 | |druids|Heat Core | Current event: Last Creep Standing. | ||Glowworms (Lit) |14 |41.00 | | | Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell EDIT:: It's been brought to my attention that this doesn't match tibiastats at higher levels. | | |41.00 |5 |sorcerers and druids|Dark Shield | | | | ||Golden Horned Helmet | |51.00 | | |life drain +20% | |1.00 |knights|Blessed Sceptre |28 |19.00 | | | |without|Mercenary Sword |22 | | | | | There are also Creatures Immune to all Damage Types which means you can't hit them with any melee weapon, distance weapon, rod, wand, spell or rune. | |19.00 |energy +6% |0 | | | ||Heavy Trident |20.00 | |24 | |55.00 | |18.00 |club fighting +2 | |71.00 | |68.00 | |45.00 | | | | ||Obsidian Zaoan Pawn | | | |45.00 Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! |5.00 | | |12.50 | The official | | | |magic level +4, earth magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% |sorcerers and druids|Silver Chimes | |23.00 ||Traditional Stein ||Crusader Helmet |knights|Claw of 'The Noxious Spawn' |33 |400 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Coif |ice +8%, energy -8% |36.00 |physical +4%, earth +4% | |16 | Created by Kusnier. | |30 |58.00 | | | |27.00 |50.00 ||Pair of Soulstalkers ||Trapped Lightning |30 |80 | | |physical +3%, earth +8% |7 | | | |150 ||Master Archer's Armor - Distance training for paladins, Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! | | |physical +3% | | | |25.50 |sorcerers and druids|Magma Coat | |2.50 |0 |energy +10%, earth -10% |sorcerers and druids|Blue Spectacles | | | | | |0 | |ice +7% |2 | | | | |60 |knights|Dragon Hammer | | | |0 |28 | | |earth +8%, fire -8% |44.00 |200 |2.50 ||Glooth Amulet | | | |5.00 | |speed +15 | |21 |19.50 | Armor See Armor Calculator . |None|The Scorcher | |50 |knights|Glooth Club ||Icy Knight Axe |61.50 | |knights|Crude Umbral Blade |35 | | |28.50 | | | This kind of damage can be sometimes blocked by the target's Shielding (impossible to block when inflicted by spells), and is always mitigated by the target's armor. | | | |8 |30 |38 | |31.00 |100 |145.00 | |82 |4.20 |70 |ice +7%, energy -7% TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. |14 | | | | |9.00 |0 | | | | | |34 | ||Dragon Scale Helmet |knights|Thorn Spitter | | |32.00 ||Deepling Ceremonial Dagger |30.00 ||Lich Staff |14 | |70 | |death +5% | | ||Opulent Floor Lamp (Lit) | |knights|Drachaku |120.00 | | |knights|Fabulous Legs |10 | ||Sweetheart Ring | Spoiler (click here to show spoiler) Fill the data according to your character in P. . | |14 | | |250 | |130.00 | |15 |2 |22.00 You can find more information about our cookies on our. |12.00 | | |14 | | |2.00 | | |sorcerers and druids|Magic Plate Armor | | | | |6 |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 GENERAL. | |46.00 |17 | | | |29.00 | |2 | | | |150 |79.00 | ||Jade Amulet |30.00 |knights|Falcon Battleaxe | | |270 | |250 | | | | |11 | | | ||Devourer Core t = total armor d = damage (after the shield) p = percentage reduction of item Armor Reduction where denotes floor function (rounding down). | | |15 | | |4.30 | |knights and paladins|Engraved Wedding Ring UPDATE 3: New adjustments to the EK spells, this time correctly following TibiaWikis formula and applying the latest balance changes to the character level bonus in the formula seems to produce better results. ||Helmet of the Lost |ice +8%, energy -8% | |earth +3%, fire -3% |50.00 |78.00 | |75 | |death +12% | ||Solar Axe | | |3 | The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. | |druids|Molten Plate | | | | |6.00 |18 | |60 |26.00 |1.20 | |150 | |magic level +1 | |78.00 ||Spike Sword |2.00 |1 | | |magic level +2 |club fighting +5 |11.00 | | ||Golden Warlord Sword | | |paladins and without|Bone Shield | | |55.00 |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | |20 | |sorcerers|Farmer's Avenger |85.00 |60 |18.00 | | | | | | | | | | |5.00 |ice +3% | ||Galea Mortis | | | |1 |40.00 | ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Unlit) | |7.50 ||Broken Iks Sandals | | | |68.00 | | |70.00 | ||Beastslayer Axe |28.00 |0 ||Skull Helmet | |22 |speed +10 ||Zaoan Shoes |200 |15 |26.50 | | ||Vile Axe | ||Elven Amulet |, | | |paladins|Royal Spear
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