- 7. Mai 2023
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- Category: Allgemein
endobj 18 0 obj 160 0 obj<> m}@3rV)Jt_]o3QHlYS@S=.yq!\qs3.P+# PDF 71474700 60 bath/shower wall set STORE+ For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Delivering a sleek, ergonomic design, the Ensemble bath by STERLING provides maximum soaking comfort, with built-in armrests and a contour back that perfectly fits the body's natural curve. %PDF-1.4 stream 157 0 obj <> Take measurements off of the back wall to the center of the valve, and off of the tub or shower base to the center of the valve. If it is properly embedded, and assuming you don't use an abrasive cleaner, it should last a very long time. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> The hand-held shower spray must be mounted on a wall bracket no higher than 48 (121.9 cm) above the bath oor. 15 0 obj DzY.Thql]]trDJM'# hP=v3`!#J E*=Sqt$5y,P*'`Jt.i%0'q$@gRNgNFog9dfb4tRpvGaLN6iii
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<>/Border[0 0 0[0]]/Type/Annot>> STERLING Ensemble 5 ft. Left Hand Above Floor Drain Rectangular Alcove The pilot bit will help keep the hole bit in place while the hole is drilled. startxref (See below for a shopping list and tools. As with many things in the building trades, the prep work can take a lot of time, and when n0t down well, lead to frustrations and less than ideal situations later on. endobj EO46j#cxWD8wy#b}+&X}&RO5+hCLiFO-O. Install furring . 0000006890 00000 n
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My Sterling Saga. If you'd like to support the site, please allow ads. endobj *$*H2U:jl_5L endstream 0 xref PDF Installation Guide Guide d'installation Gua de instalacin Bath and Shower Kit with Right-Hand Drain in White Add to Cart Compare More Options Available $94357 ( 71) Model# 71370120-0 STERLING Ensemble Medley 60 in. /Group <> Thanks. If you'd like to support the site, please allow ads. endobj Essentially, you need to use moisture-resistant drywall with the papered-edge towards the unit on all sides. Ensemble de paroi murale STERLING: Poser la paroi arrire. Install this product according to the installation instructions. 0000008849 00000 n
! l Most fiberglass and/or acrylic tubs can flex if they are not fully supported underneath. 30 in. Hello, I have a few basic questions. He started his own residential service and repair plumbing business. If so, install the remaining panel before . endobj That was before I realized I shold . x 74.25 in. 0000002929 00000 n
This type of kit ischeaper and easier to install than ceramic tile wall enclosures and is remarkably easy to maintain. /Contents 12 0 R>> We get it, but (1) terrylove.com can't live without ads, and (2) ad blockers can cause issues with videos and comments. stream Finish by completing any wall patching that is necessary, then install and caulk the plumbing handles, escutcheons, and trim. <>>><>>>] endobj We get it, but (1) terrylove.com can't live without ads, and (2) ad blockers can cause issues with videos and comments. /Group <> endobj endobj <>stream
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STERLING Warranty Install this product according to the installation instructions. endobj xref The final panel is the one containing the plumbing fixtures; this is usually the front wall of the shower. 28 0 obj $ZM P82)ZeM~pN=5>DIZ26P_SD ,]Po?] #l#
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<> Otherwise, the flex will eventually cause the thing to fail and maybe leak prior to that because a seam opens up. Make sure the installation is done according to the manufacturer's instructions. 0000000816 00000 n
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:m> H.I 4HI91}# ~={;n{H}Zz\XihuFg}937@-[:+m#)8&_KGehs/uKR[agKp5el+}i.oN :E9nDfThx6FKe@gP9;j5)L*UA5:: CU/3H6uR)$" (RLhbL^@C&Gk}|}wzJw5@-b8B'VSSUuPT(2qYf~;/GBz ]#IiaDF;OY[>*&(dvxrpxjc.2%loT( When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Has anyone installed a Sterling/Kohler ensemble tub? Sterling Bath and Wall Surrounds 6103 Series Installation And Care Manual 1-800-STERLING (1-800-783-7546) Kohler Co. reserves the right to make revisions without notice to product specifications. Usually all that is required is that there be studs somewhere behind it to anchor to. endobj #6. These tub and shower surrounds have top, bottom, and side flanges that are screwed or nailed to the wall studs. endstream 24 0 obj USA/Canada: 1-800-STERLING (1-800-783-7546) basement bath remodel, need some under slab and vent help, Plumbing Forum, Professional & DIY Advice. %PDF-1.4
endobj Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the nailing interval and caulking requirements. Some surround kits are designed for a specific shower base or tub, while others can be retrofit to any existing tub of appropriate size. 22hsRk5cW.&^u%vrPE*X4S$:Ld PDF Ensemble Medley - pdf.lowes.com Measure very carefully, as there is no fix if you drill the holes incorrectly. Traverse 60-in L x 33.25-in W x 58.25-in H 4-Piece White Fiberglass/Plastic Composite Bathtub Wall Panel Kit. endobj x 60 in. <> Tiling around a Sterling tub? | Contractor Talk - Professional Kits designs for direct-to-stud scenarios(described here) are most often used for new construction or major remodeling jobs, where studs are already exposed. When drilling the holes, it helps to set the drill to rotate in reverse, since this prevents the teeth of the hole saw from ripping the acrylic panel. {Qu9rv3qQTkjZ&b J]'lcl.{3{MMqv}4M6Yz?X%dTY[M>i>1/qyEj##yxQ./!c_T+1lGL3Z~mF s=y^!*U7bB/\9{:/@ stream This is demolition work that may require a pry bar and reciprocating saw, depending on what type of wall surface is present. endobj That being said I went with a sterling ensemble tub/surround. Includes: shower area prep, dry-fitting the shower, making plumbing holes, installing the base, installing the panels, caulking and sealing, and finishing exposed walls. For the faucet valve hole,select a hole saw bit that is large enough to accommodate the trim screws as well as the shower valve(the faucet escutcheon plate will cover the slightly larger hole). Something on a sterling bathtub installation instructions where to go into the pad, as far as a little relaxation time. <>>><>>><>>>] 23 26 STERLING - Bathtubs - Bath - The Home Depot x 74 in. Q#md!g/Mcm3@xH$3)llti'OX=\vU#nP$ng],dTHqybXDJk,QhUQX7RR$(0Ol:p4>G='p&{U6[|$XV,kE}B'D~+ 0 Tub and shower surround kits can come as a single complete unit, but these are usually used for new construction. endobj 0000004613 00000 n
x3R235W(r All product dimensions are nominal. Have someone help hold it in place while you check to see how it fits against the walls and the edge of the tub or shower base. W bathtub or smaller, this kit has everything to provide a beautiful bath retreat. 0000001551 00000 n
For most any tub except CI ones, it really helps the longevity and 'feel' if you properly support the bottom with mortar or a similar compound. How to Install a Direct-to-Stud Tub or Shower Surround - The Spruce ( If any particular ad is your REASON for blocking ads, please let us know. 3 0 obj STERLING Ensemble Tile 33-1/4 in. x 60 in. x 55-1/4 in. 3-Piece Direct 1/8" (3 mm) Silicone Sealant Mastic la silicone Sellador de silicona Tab Languette Lengeta 12Custom Walls: Saw off the front tabs. Thanks for the response. H 3-Piece Direct-to-Stud Alcove Wall Surround in White 1.2k (168) Questions & Answers (164) + Hover Image to Zoom share Share print Print $ 369 00 $31.00 /mo* suggested payments with 12 months* financing Apply Now Durable, easy-to-clean Vikrell material The side and back wall panels have a smooth matte finish available in a variety . endobj Page 31 Secure the Wall Surrounds (cont.) 0000001657 00000 n
Juego de paredes STERLING: Instale la pared posterior. xr EwT%X0znm].-ED 0000011619 00000 n
It is imperative that you check the fit before your final install. 166 0 obj<>stream
All Items (26)Alcove Bathtubs (4)Shower Stalls & Kits (6)Shower Walls & Surrounds (7)Tub Surrounds (1)Tub & Shower Combos (6)Shower Pans (2) STERLING Ensemble 5 ft. TCR7kg)#i[D <<538AC668D21DB2110A00B402DC878900>]>> 0000000016 00000 n
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