- 7. Mai 2023
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This is Peter Hitchens's Mail on Sunday Column. On religion, as Peters late brother, Christopher, liked topoint out, there was quite a bit of collaboration between the Nazi regime and both the Catholic Church and major Protestant denominations. It is worth studying one of the major efforts of Nazi propaganda, the September 1933 film 'Hitler Youth Quex', released. That, fundamentally, is Americas problem. Several Communist countries did hold anti-Jewish purges in the early 1950s. But no, I am not the sort of cyclist who squeezes himself into Lycra shorts. , Orthodoxy How bizarre that the keystone of a supposedly conservative budget is a plan to help women abandon their children and go out to work. If you say so. So far, nothing. Both the KPD and the NSDAP were often more hostile to the Weimar Republic than they were to each other a position echoed later by the 1939-1941 alliance of the USSR and Nazi Germany against the democracies. The fascinating essence of this is that the quality of education can be and is sacrificed to follow the official ideology. We like to delude ourselves that sunnier countries, the ones where we go on holiday, are somehow spared the grimmer aspects of life here at home. I expect that all she did to deserve this was to get him to tidy his bedroom. Heinrich Heine's great prophecy of 1834 saw the Nazis coming a long way off: 'Christianity, and this is its greatest merit, has occasionally calmed the brutal German lust for battle, but it cannot destroy that savage joy. With increasing force since the 1970s, the Left have managed to associate the Hitler period with the political and moral right. Everyone in pictures from the prisoner swap looks happy. It is worth studying one of the major efforts of Nazi propaganda, the September 1933 film 'Hitler Youth Quex', released after the Nazi seizure of power, with its at least partly sympathetic portrayals of two Communist supporters, as it describes the recruitment to the Hitler Youth of a teenage boy whose father is a disabled Communist war veteran. WHAT a grim political choice this country now faces. Utopianism breeds ruthlessness. Well, I shall never be a Royal adviser. Comments Share Share Peter Hitchens No screens, shared bathwater and ugly food: my life in . Oddly, he doesnt apply this methodology in the other direction. Article 110, as we have seen, has a specific and limited application. How Christian will the Coronation be? , First World War Impeachment overturns the democratic verdict of the people, a very major step, and so must be hard. I doubt this will have much effect, alas, and, here, as usual, we shall have many years to regret another stupid, irreversible mistake. Will Professor Burgis be shocked to know that I am not an admirer of Margaret Thatcher and that I campaign for the destruction of the British Conservative Party? Well, they dont. There was always a temptation to defend it ultimately against its Western conservative enemies, while simultaneously acknowledging that it was a disastrous, homicidal police state. Under their rule, workers who tried to organize for better conditions on the job were brutally repressed while politically connected capitalists grew fabulously wealthy from state contracts. Even so, I could grant Hitchens that imposing ideological indoctrination would be evidence of leftism ifthe ideology students were being indoctrinated into was left-wing. Karl Marx, himself a Jew, was famously anti-Semitic. They were not necessarily referring to the Christian God. The most important word that a child will ever hear - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog". , Culture The KPD was, As I have discussed elsewhere, drawing on Konrad Heiden, many former Communist who remained in Germany became actual Nazis. And they were far from unique in the world. It was as if I had said The left-wing are Nazis, which I did not say, rather than that The Nazis were left-wing, which I did say. , Railways Comments (28) I think this pretty much accords with Professor Sakwas description as quoted by me. *German* soldiers had Gott mit uns on their belt buckles, in both World Wars. Professor Burgis: Its true the Nazis feared both Catholic and major Protestant churches as one of the only alternative centres of power remaining in an increasingly Nazified society, that they often sought to assert greater control over the churches, and that officially sanctioned versions of Christian theology were often Nazified to the point where any standard-issue Christian abroad would see them as heretical. I myself condemn the oppressions and injustices practised by Israel, which are manifold, but I am equally severe on the oppression practised by Arab and other Muslim states, and indeed by any state. Bookings to Utopia From the October 2020 Print Edition Until surprisingly recently, most left-wing and liberal people were hesitant and equivocal about acknowledging the wickedness of the Soviet regime. Instead, an amoral, nihilistic individualism, saturated with degrading images of both men and women, prevails. There is little doubt that this coup had Western backing. By the 1930s, Stalin had enacted criminal penalties for absenteeism., ****PH: Indeed. Stalins Communists turned out, in many ways, to have distinct similarities to the Nazis in their view of the nation state and of hierarchies, and of the proletariat. Secondly, Extreme is generally a subjective word we use about those whose politics we greatly dislike. It involved high-level diplomatic, military and secret-police contacts between the two states, the stationing of German officers (in uniform) on Soviet soil to track down ethnic Germans and offer them repatriation to the Fatherland, Nazi-Soviet Naval co-operation against Britain, and a joint Nazi-Soviet conquest of Poland. Peter Hitchens joins Mike Graham for his reaction to this week's biggest stories.#talktv #talkradio So why should the Americans be any keener? Which side were the Nazis on in practice? Once again, German conservatives had mistaken the Nazis for old-style, nationalist reactionaries like themselves, failing to comprehend the essential revolutionary nature of Nazism. The Nazis likewise had no principled opposition to abortion, specifically permitting abortion among German Jews after 1938, while punishing it seerely among Aryans So I think we can guess that their main aim in banning it (like Stalins) was to ensure a sufficiency of recruits for future wars. More pornography has meant more misery. And then I was astonished at how few protested during the Covid panic, when the government abandoned all restraints on spending. Be. He seems to have sneaked in while she was not looking. ***. The Jacobins were explicitly and fiercely anti-Christian . , Russia I shall repeat this. They were using far-right slogans, fighting with the police, leading occupations of administrative buildings and dismantling monuments. It was under Thatcher's reign passed the bill which unleashed the ambulance-chasing solicitors and killed-off legal aid. Ms Popova's summation is The solution that took place within the Rada was more legitimate than any strictly legal solution that could have come from the Constitutional Court. Provocation does not of course justify any such invasion, but admitting that it took place might make our own policy less wildly militant and risky. Yet neither the incidents of torture, lynching and public humiliation of alleged thieves in the protest camp, nor the beatings of homeless and drunk people nearby, have made it into the international media. Article 109 is just as specific about resignation. I do not know. More significant is the sort of song the Third Reichs soldiers sang, despite their belt buckles, for example Wir wollen keinen Christen sein, weil Christus war ein Judenschwein, as recorded by Olivia Manning when watching official German government propaganda films in Bucharest in 1940. Below is my reply to a letter sent to me by Lord Hague after I suggested that his account of the removal of President Yanukovych of Ukraine, given to the House of Commons in February 2014, was, er, inadequate. On the contrary, on the last days of February 2014, armed thugs many, if not most, heavily armed far-right and neo-Nazi activists from western Ukraine stormed Maidan square, killing and capturing police officers and forcing the hand of a government that, as well as being unpopular, was bankrupt and diplomatically isolated. I do not insinuate. Here again we see how Utopianism, the belief in human perfectibility, is a key division in thought, perhaps the key division. I used to think I would probably be killed while riding my bicycle, and it is still a risk, but you can take precautions against that. , Marriage But the term has no objective meaning. The Left cares deeply about racial equality, but he argues that the Nazis fanatical embrace of an ideology of racial superiority and indeed, the Third Reichs outright extermination of Jewish and Roma people doesnt count as evidence that the Nazis werent left-wing. , History A powerful faction in Washington DC, with supporters in the West Wing of the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA,have long wanted a proxy war with Russia. In the same spirit, hes argued in exchanges with historians who objected to his, If you use the argument that Hitler was right-wing, Professor Burgis: and he insinuates that leftists who speak out against Israels, Professor Burgis: One obvious point is that killing Communists who were accused (often falsely) of opposition to Stalin is a far cry from Hitler killing people. There were no police officers to be seen, as usual. I prefer not to quote it here.***. Has someone perhaps mistaken him for a symbol of the Green movement? Professor Burgis: and he insinuates that leftists who speak out against Israels brutal oppressionof the Palestinians are antisemitic. How does Britain benefit from war between Russia and Ukraine? I am afraid I do still think that your statement was seriously inaccurate. The diseases,by contrast, remain an undeniable problem. (Remember this is just after German and Soviet armies had together erased Poland from the map in a co-ordinated pre-arranged operation.) Pornography was a despised perversion and those who pursued it were pitiable. Categories: Human Wrongs Columnist Peter Hitchens predicts that the handling of the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit will lead to a "political crisis" in the "not too distant future".. Whenever I look at the outcome of the sexual revolution so far, it looks to me to have been a charter for unpleasant, selfish men. Yet Hitlers eugenics schemes were conducted in public at the beginning, and even endorsed by noisy propaganda campaigns in the German media. The Nazis had no special objection to the word god. Attempts were made to end this war, but the Soviet-German peace overtures were rejected by Britain. Even after the Fall of France, the CPGB line was that any support for the war was conditional on revolutionary change, which would of course not take place. | Permalink, Thank you for your letter of 11 April (reproduced below, in, I will remind you that you stated to the House of Commons, Former President Yanukovych left his post and then left the country, and the decisions on replacing him with an acting President were made by the Rada, the Ukrainian Parliament, by the very large majorities required under the constitution, including with the support of members of former President Yanukovychs party, the Party of Regions, so it is wrong to question the legitimacy of the new authorities., Professor Sakwas account, quoted in my article, challenges more than one of the assertions made here. Professor Burgis :But heres a complete list of the facts he uses to bolster his case: Professor Burgis wrote (allegedly summing up my case), that I had said: They hated Christianity and deliberately set children against their parents. This is the *only* point I made about the Nazis and tax, quoting Rougemont. PH: ***It certainly had those elements, most of which were also present in Soviet schooling, though I would say in both cases that it was nationalism and not patriotism. , World War Two Submit to taxes, embrace political correctness, wear a mask and sit alone at your own spouses low-key funeral, cut back on the pomp, sideline your embarrassing relatives. Oh, honestly, so what? The outcome in Sweden, where these mad things were not done, shows clearly that this was an inexcusable panic. But, like many modern heresies, it is the truth. This was a calculated snub. Has he read R. Palme Dutts November 1939 pamphlet Why This War? published by the Communist Party of Great Britain? Most people would describe the very different politics I adopted in my late teens and early 20s, as a member of the International Socialists (NB Prof, not the mythical 'International Marxist Tendency to which you assigned me during a recent podcast) , as extremist. In 1922, during the Rand Rebellion of miners in Johannesburg, supported by the young South African Communist Party, a banner was famously displayed urging Workers of the world, Fight and Unite for a White South Africa. But it does so largely because the enthusiastic adoption of Eugenics by the Nazis discredited what had until then been a favourite progressive cause. ***PH: I am glad to see Professor Burgis acknowledge my point about Stalins undoubted anti-Semitism. Yet the Professor imagines that such a diabolical pact can be forged over several months, signed, celebrated with many toasts, reinforced by an officila vjsit by Molotov to nazi Berlin, guards of honour and all, and then maintained for nearly two years, without in any way affecting our judgement of the permanent inner natures of the two parties involved. KPD militants commonly referred to the SPD as social fascists (they called the Nazis 'national fascists') and seriously believed that a Nazi takeover would only be the preliminary to a KPD-led revolution. And, I might add, the nurses leader Pat Cullen is definitely not Florence Nightingale. On the contrary, on the last days of February 2014, armed thugs many, if not most, heavily armed far-right and neo-Nazi activists from western Ukraine stormed Maidan square, killing and capturing police officers and forcing the hand of a government that, as well as being unpopular, was bankrupt and diplomatically isolated. Hitler and Joseph Stalin were allies during the period between the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the 1941 Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. When Churchill turned up in a battleship, HMS Prince of Wales, to meet FDR at Placentia Bay in Newfoundland, US Navy warships intercepted him to tell him to come back later - as FDR was still asleep. How can things go well when the official food for the occasion is a sort of vegetarian flan? It is that all ideas must be argued on their merits, and that all attempts to establish guilt by association should be regarded with suspicion. Thrift will have been betrayed, debt and irresponsibility encouraged. As Hitler said, sneering gently: When an opponent declares I will not come over to your side, I say calmly, Your child belongs to us already What are you? Did this idea, or this lack, separate them from all civilised and merciful people? The majority required was not attained. Lord Shaftesbury, an undoubted Tory, is a good example of this. Very left-wing governments have no monopoly on the grotesque tactic of encouraging children to inform on anti-regime parents. Germanys famous wild inflation in the 1920s came after Berlin borrowed to pay for its aggressive war in 1914, hoping that conquest would pay the bills. But the mob rejected it, preferring a violent overthrow to democracy. This gathering, taking place in a country by now obviously in the grip of a homicidal, racialist tyranny, sent a telegram of 'respectful greetings' to Hitler, declaring that his 'far-seeing population policy based on racial hygiene and principles of heredity' would safeguard the future of the German nation. And that you yourself will be giving the verdict. , History , Propaganda Thus the operative article is not and cannot have been, as you state, Article 110. But I dont suppose it will happen. The parade was not, as Professor Burgis mistakenly says, held when the pact was signed but almost exactly a month later when Poland had been finished off by both Soviet and German armies in alliance. Another left-winger, Ian Hernon, has written at length about anti-Semitism on Britains left , accusing, Sidney Webb, H.M. Hyndman and Ramsay MacDonald ( as well as Keir Hardie) of bigotry, along with two major figures in the 1945 government, Ernest Bevin and Hugh Dalton. Will our new King be dedicating his life to God, as his mother did, or to Net Zero, as he seems to want to do? ****PH . It is where and on whom the taxes fell most heavily that is important in Rougemonts description, not that there were taxes, or that they were high. I am a cyclist. I have tried repeatedly to reach Mr Hague through his published addresses and also via the House of Lords. . I have said I told you so so many times that I get no pleasure from it. Instead, MPs were simply instructed to sack Yanukovych. Mick Lynch is not Arthur Scargill. If the two movements were as rigidly separated in thought and practice as claimed, how could this strike, requiring detailed collaboration between the two parties, have taken place at all? by george r. r. martin. It was clear from the start that the Hitler Youth (whose activities were timed to coincide with church services and who were sneeringly hostile to Christianity) were an anti-Christian body. ***This is point-missing, on a prize-winning level. The constitution says that impeachment must be conducted under stated rules. In normal times dozens of heavy, fast passenger and goods trains rumble across it every day. He portrays the two men, not wholly misleadingly, as laughing and smirking at their former insults to each other. This is admittedly the most severe form this policy has ever taken. In that case he must stay in office, or those who wish him out of it, and will not rely on elections, must choose between two things. Hitlers eugenics squads began in ways that the rest of the world (at the time) could not easily object to - because they were doing the same thing. I think it does illuminate something important. , Culture Charles long ago decided I was unacceptable and cancelled a meeting he had originally wanted to have with me, because his politically correct advisers warned him against it. This is Peter Hitchens's Mail on Sunday column. And Lord Hagues words in the Commons have contributed to this. I am not sure it is accurate to say that the German Left was exterminated. On the murders of Communists, I was simply employing logic: If you use the argument that Hitler was right-wing because he killed Communists, which is exactly what my opponents contended, then you are in a difficulty unless you are also prepared to state that Stalin was right-wing because he killed Communists. I am myself sometimes described by my critics as an extremist. Most especially, it demolished . (Though perhaps Churchill was a closet leftist, too after all, he also entered an alliance with Stalin in 1941!). , France I think that I shall meet my fate somewhere upon a London street, splatted on a pavement or a pedestrian crossing by an electric bike or an electric scooter. Most have heard of the SS Lebensborn programme, which was much more concerned with the bearing and raising of children for the service of the state than with whether their mothers were married. ****PH : Christian churches say prayers for temporal rulers wherever they are.
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