- 7. Mai 2023
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Sometimes, its in your best interests to not know the future, especially if youre the type of person who reads things negatively and then worries about them. Typically, the answer to the High Priestess yes or no question is ayes if it benefits the greater good. In front of her, there is a crescent moon. The High Priestess card as feelings can also indicate a soul connection with someone. Because of this, when applied to love readings, it can mean that your intuition is correct. When a tarot card appears in reversed position during a reading, it indicates a powerful shift in energy and can provide valuable insights into how best to approach certain aspects of life. There is no way forward but through, however, you can learn from your mistakes for the future. That person probably has a high knowledge and likes to be intellectually stimulated. 23 Apr 2023 00:46:41 They are very compassionate and caring and they always seem to be there when people around them need them. The answers you need are within, not without. She can easily weed out the tepid and half-hearted, making sure that no one's time is wasted on anything less than what she finds fulfilling. The High Priestess unifies both aspects of femininity and masculinity in one. The High Priestess tarot card suggests that someone is very much in touch with their intuition and feelings and is able to read people and situations extremely well. The High Priestess is the card of psychic ability. If this person offers you advice and support on a regular basis, then it is likely that they care for you a great deal. This card is a sign to listen to the messages of the Universe. If you are interested in the feelings of a specific person for you, this is not a particularly good sign. Whenever you happen to pull the High Priestess in a tarot reading, make sure to also pay attention to the other cards that surround the High Priestess. The meaning of The High Priestess Tarot card is secrets. The Tarot card of intuition and mystery, The High Priestess is loved by diviners. Make sure you have positive intentions behind your actions. The Fool is an archetype of a careless wanderer, optimistic and charismatic. This card may be a sign to take space from this person and create emotional boundaries. There is a sense of connection, but the nature of it is blurry, even disturbing. When it comes to relationships, Ive had love readings that turned up badly with The High Priestess in the future, but Ive also had the same outcome with a relationship thats going very smoothly. Listen to your intuition and try to figure out what is going on. Sometimes, the High Priestess is instead your own subconscious mind. Spin my tarot wheel to find out. If you would like to know if someone else has feelings for you, the High Priestess will not allow you to know. When the High Priestess is reversed, if often represents someone feeling out of touch with their true self. Drawing her as feelings is indeed a powerful ally to turn to a High Priestess for guidance on your journey. High Priestess - Description and Symbolism, High Priestess Reversed - General Meaning. This card is a sign that you need to go inward instead of looking outward. She is illuminated through the reflection of the moon. In career, this card can indicate that you dont have all of the information you need. The High Priestess tells you that its time to tap into your inner voice. Listen to your intuition, The High Priestess card says. Maybe you see things that are not there, or your conclusions about a matter are wrong. Sometimes there is more to a situation than what can be seen on the surface. Maybe you feel the same. This bond is strengthened on The High Priestess sits between two columns, just in front of a veil decorated with pomegranates. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Auntyflo.com is for Entertainment Purposes ONLY and is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. This depiction could be associated with the balance between the feminine and masculine. Her feelings for you are strong and profound, but she may not express them freely. In general, you may be facing some backlash because you didnt follow your intuition in the past. The Seeker doesnt know what he or she is feeling, and/or the feelings seem to be inaccessible. The High Priestess reversed is an indicator that youshould question things in order to figure out the truth. You dont have all of the information yet. This card is about the natural cycles, earthly life, and treasures of the earth. WebStrength - As Feelings If you ask ask how someone feels for you, Strength can indicate different things. However, this relationship needs cooperation and mutual willingness to work on it. In fact, the High Priestess can also be a sign to integrate your intuition with your career. The High Priestess reversed in a love reading can indicate that deep mutual understanding between a couple is missing. You need to actively look for ways to enhance your psychic abilities, hear your inner voice, and manifest the life you want. Try to go with the flow and look for signs along the way, but dont get hung up on how things will turn out. At other times, The High Priestess represents strong suspicions. The High Priestess is holding a scroll with the word TORA on it. There are powerful lessons in each card. Other people may be deceiving you, or you are keeping secrets from others. The Empress Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More, The Magician Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings and More, High Priestess Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More. The individual you ask about cannot tell how they feel about you. It can also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions. They symbolize fertility, the divine feminine, and spiritual abundance. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. Most times, the cards want to give you both the upright and reversed meaning. Besides teaching you how to access your own inner wisdom, she will also show you how to never settle for anything less than what ignites your passions. The High Priestess reversed can alternatively indicate that youre decieving yourself. A lot of Tarot readers would interpret the High Priestess as a yes. Coming back to a place of self-love and balance is recommended. The High Priestess can offer even better insights when combined with other tarot cards. Tarot's High Priestess teaches us not only how to access our own inner power, but also how to strive for something greater, no matter what. Trusting intuition is very important when it comes to feelings and relationships. However, you should again wait for all of the facts to come to light. Alternatively, there is information locked in your unconscious mind that youre not admitting to yourself. Where do your passions lie? It would be much better to deal with your emotions now, before they come out sideways. The High Priestess meaning as an obstacle card can also be that things are moving too fast. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. A lover or business partner may be keeping a secret from you. This card can also represent the women in question. For feelings, it often refers to karmic balance and fate - where we must accept what is rather than shrink away from it or feel compelled to strongly disagree. If you believe in past lives, there could be connections there - but whatever the connections are, they are behind the veil, and hence the reason for the attraction is profound and mysterious. I recommend looking closely at the pictures on your cards if youre not using the Rider-Waite deck. Make sure to check it out right here! It may be helpful to look into the archetype that most resonates with you. The person you ask about feels as if they have known you their whole life; you likely feel the same. The High Priestess card may come up in regards to past relationships. Intuition is rarely wrong when it comes to relationships and love. In her lap sits a scroll with the word TORA on it. You might need to walk on eggshells because they play the victim or get upset at the smallest things. Advertise with us. The high priestess connects you to his or her secret feelings and often. The High Priestess + The Emperor As Feelings. Symbolic of listening to one's inner voice, trusting instinct, and believing in one's abilities, the High Priestess signifies that they find you a closed book, unable to communicate your own feelings. Lastly, there may be something that youre unsure about. It is not a yes or a no for questions involving whether your ex is going to come back. This represents the conscious and subconscious realms, or the layer between our realm and the realm beyond. Ultimately, the High Priestess meaning is that you dont need anything fancy to reach the spirit realm. There are ways to prove when intuition is real and when its all in your head; the difference is apparent, once you know what to look for. When this card represents a relationship, it can mean that there is a soul connection between two people. The High Priestess tells you to stop worrying about the outcome. Dont think so rationally about the future. In astrology, only the Moon and Venus represent the feminine principle. When the Fool and the High Priestess show up together during a tarot reading, it indicates someone feels excited about a new beginning. My book reveals incredible dream secrets that have previously only been known to initiates of the esoteric groups. They are most likely in a cosy and tight-knit family unit at the moment. Learn to tune into these realms through trance, meditation, or astral travel. However, this is actually pretty relevant. Historically (pre-Rider-Waite), The High Priestess was a card of science, education, and wisdom. This is important concerning love feelings, and relationships. You need to slow down and look at the signs. The man you are interested in feels as if the connection he has with you is deep, spiritual, blissful, and divine. The High Priestess (Reversed) as Feelings. This is no exception when you pull the High Priestess as feelings. Welcome to Calming Cosmos! Trust in the feminine energy within you, even if the masculine energy around you seems impossible to get through. A cross sits on the High Priestess robe. Focus on yourself for the time being and let your intuition guide you to your next step. If the card was reversed, he might try to hide his true feelings, for one reason or another. There is no better companion than the High Priestess to help you tap into the true power of her archetype. You know that feeling when you are incredibly attracted by someone but you have no idea why? Am I going to reconcile with my ex? It is also possible that the feelings they harbor (maybe angriness) for you still remain, but are hidden away, if the High Priestess card is drawn I do feel they still think about you. Sometimes, its a combination of both. It is unknown whether they like you. However, the High Priestess can also mean that there are hidden factors involved in a situation. Does the future of this look promising? The High Priestess states that what is for you will not pass you by. There is nothing fearful or anxiety-drive about your gut instinct. High Priestess Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and She represents the subconscious, intuitive thoughts. At times you probably do not feel at peace with yourself, but your aura tells otherwise. It tells about a person who is excited to experience new things in life, particularly, one who heads on a spiritual journey. This is a card of karmic relationships and soul mate connection. Illustration: The beginner meaning of the High Priestess Tarot card from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. As advice, the High Priestess means that the answers you seek come from within. She represents the dualism of existence and its unity. If this is the case, it is important to find a sense of balance and make sure to not let emotions get the best of the situation. The High Priestess card could be particularly indicative when it comes to broken relationships because it tells about hidden feelings and intuition. However, I interpret The High Priestess as an unknown for conception. The High Priestess tarot card embodies the woman in question or reveals the feminine aspect of the questioner. Her divination book, The Modern Oracle, was published in 2021. WebThe High Priestess is sensitive to the moods and quirks of The Empress and knows how to work with, instead of against, these moods. People admire your attitude towards life. It is not only the number of the card itself, but is represented through symbolize. Jennie Mira. Lastly, if you would like to learn more about tarot, be sure to check out my other articles as well! She generally symbolizes intuition, inner knowledge and inner balance. The High Priestess isnt typically a money card, but as always, the recommendation is to follow your intuition. I am really not surewhat kind of feelings are these? All this information will surely give you a better understanding of how to interpret the High Priestess when it comes to feelings, and how this card can provide guidance when it comes to your love life. Be careful that you dont let your logical mind take over completely. The High Priestess is an amazing card to use to amplify any spells based around growing your intuition or any of the clairs; clairvoyance (to receive an intuitive Therefore, it is neither a yes nor no from this card for most types of questions. Another interpretation is that at the time you are not listening to or even ignoring your intuition. The principles they embody are different, even competitive. Accept that this is part of life, and focus on what youdo know right now. One of the persons involved might not share their thoughts and feelings at all and this might have a negative effect on the relationship. Illustrations from the Radiant Rider-Waite 2015 reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems Inc., Stanford, CT 06902. c. 2015 by U.S. Games Systems Inc. All rights reserved. The High Priestess signifies academia work, history, libraries, and psychism. I hope that by reading this article, you now have a better understanding of what the High Priestess tarot card means when it appears in a reading and youre trying to explore what it is trying to tell you when it comes to feelings. WebThe High Priestess represents someone who is intuitive and in touch with their feelings. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the High Priestess is a sign that this person feels that you are significant. The High Priestess represents the feeling of having met someone who is going to change your life. Sometimes, you just know because you have a gut feeling. They know. The High Priestess has a crescent moon at her feet. 2 of cups: if someone feels two of cups, is this also about different emotions or is it about meeting the other? Its very toxic but I bet you know one. In terms of feelings it could also mean that they don't feel like they have to take any action at the time. It has a cross on her chest, but on her head she wears a horned crown. Now that youve suddenly crossed their path, they feel confused and overwhelmed as theyre desperately thinking of ways to fit you into their life. Its time to withdraw from the world and go within.
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