coa statement and sketch example


The leader also determines how to avoid enemy strengths or advantages in combat power. The graphic depiction of terrain can be a photograph, overlay for a map sheet, or a terrain model. A-108. Analysis of civil considerations answers three critical questions, A-90. Can I observe and fire on his location with at least two-thirds of my combat power? However, the weather forecaster at our station did not agree with that assessment. Step 4: Develop the Sketch and Statement As with friendly COAs, enemy COAs are best framed using statements and sketches. The COA must address the doctrinal aspects of the mission. The three types of tasks are specified, implied, and essential. This assessment is largely subjective. Critical events for each COA. Will variations in trafficability force changes in formations or movement techniques, or require clearance of restricted terrain? Strong winds also can hamper the efficiency of directional antenna systems by inducing antenna wobble. Leaders constantly receive information, from the time they begin planning through execution. The leader then determines the tactical mission tasks for the decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations. During execution, their continuous analyses enable them to issue well-developed He does this analysis through war gaming or "fighting" the COA against at least one enemy COA. Compile data from other bases and other crews to help your crew make an informed decision about your mission. Coa Statement And Sketch Example digitalpictures If the method isn't listed, select other. 6. A-53. A COA should position the unit for future operations and provide flexibility to meet unforeseen events during execution. They must go beyond merely passing along the MCOO to their subordinate leaders and making general observations of the terrain such as "This is high ground," or "This is a stream." (a) The decisive point method employs the following steps: Determine the decisive point and the results to be achieved there. I kept an eye on the dust cloud and the instrument panel at the same time, which wasn't a good idea because I soon became disoriented. Factors to consider include political boundaries, locations of government centers, by-type enclaves, special regions such as mining or agricultural, trade routes, and possible settlement sites. This is extremely important in understanding when and where to commit combat power, what relationships can be reinforced with certain groups versus what relationships need to start or cease, and ultimately what second and third order effects our actions will have in the area of operation. Develop a Concept of Operations Implied tasks are those being performed to accomplish a specified task, but that are not stated in a higher headquarters order. Starting with a baseline pattern and keeping a mission analysis on how the population is responding or have responded in the past under similar circumstances will assist leaders in using patterns to the unit's advantage. Some temperature considerations include: A-65. Your browser does not support the video tag. Assigning areas of operations to subordinates lets the subordinates use their initiative and supports decentralized execution. In a time-constrained environment, a platoon leader typically develops only one COA. A-60. Visibility Analysis of terrain answers the question: What is the terrains effect on the operation? Cloud Cover Once he briefs the enemy analysis to his subordinates, he must ensure they understand differences between what he knows, what he suspects, and what he just templates (estimates). The leader must consider two kinds of risk: tactical and accident. Assumptions Courses of Action (COA) Refined COAs Potential decision points War-game results Initial assessment measures Update assumption Approved COA Adv/Disadvantages of each COA COA. As a result, he changed his report to three-quarters of a mile visibility. Leaders also answer these questions: A-84. Capabilities Complete. 1 / 38. For decisive operations, since the purposes are the same (nested concept) the essential task also accomplishes the higher headquarters purpose. OAKOC If necessary, how can I avoid such features? Tactical risk is associated with hazards existing due to the enemy's presence. What lateral routes could the enemy use to threaten our flanks? Defensive considerations the leader can include in his evaluation of avenues of approach: Key Terrain COA Statement and Sketch. What effect will this have on the way the enemy fights?. Purposes of critical warfighting functions elements. Using the product from generating options, the leader then determines what combinations of Soldiers, weapons, and other systems are needed to accomplish each task. A-107. Leaders conclude their mission analyses by restating their missions. Observation and Fields of Fire He makes significant deductions about the terrain, enemy, and own forces affecting operations. The battle captain instructed us to at least attempt to fly to our first stop. To determine conditions and resources required for success. Decisive terrain. They need not analyze METT-TC in a particular order. They must understand why their leaders one level up assigned their unit's particular purposes. Prepare COA statement and sketch Avenue of approach Key terrain COA Analysis (war game) Observation/fields *Action - Reaction - Counteraction* of fire Methods Cover and concealment Box. The S-3 informed us where friendly forces were in our area, while the S-2 filled us in on where the action was in our battle space. A-89. If the leader has developed more than one COA, he must compare them by weighing the specific advantages, disadvantages, strengths, and weaknesses of each as noted during the war game. Which terrain provides bounding elements with cover and concealment while increasing lethality? In such a situation, a leader must rely on information provided by battalion or higher echelon In the defense, weapon positions must be both lethal to the enemy and survivable to the Soldier. This was certainly not an isolated incident in country. War gaming is the process of determining "what if?" This should include at least the employment of reserves, CBRN weapons, artillery or mortar locations and ranges, and reconnaissance assets. Where can I destroy the enemy? With the preflight accomplished and the gear prearranged where we wanted it, we headed for the dining facility to grab dinner before our long mission. Every culture, every group of people, has patterns of behavior. The leader must not only appreciate how much time is available, but he also must be able to appreciate the time/space aspects of preparing, moving, fighting, and sustaining. Air density decreases as temperature and humidity increase. Enemy action where the leader has accepted risk such as an enemy attack where the friendly leader has chosen to conduct an economy of force. A-120. Only those requiring resources should be used. Leaders find their units' purposes in the concepts of the operation in the immediate higher headquarters OPORDs. NSF requires a biographical sketch for each individual identified as senior personnel. Fratricide is an example of an accident risk. A-113. A-67. Also, unit leaders who study the history of civic culture can better understand and explain to others how and why the people have fought previous wars and conflicts. After the COA briefing, the commander selects or modifies those COAs for continued analysis. Following these or similar guidelines will result in a higher mission accomplishment rate, a lower weather-related mishap rate and a better image of aviation professionalism. Perhaps the most critical aspect of mission analysis is determining the combat potential of ones own force. At small-unit level, the enemy's most probable COA is what the enemy is most likely to do. Some missions require a second briefing or the completion of another risk assessment. The decisive point might be the event or action (with respect to terrain, enemy, or time, and generation of combat power) will ultimately and irreversibly lead to the unit achieving its purpose. Where has the enemy positioned weapons to cover the obstacles, and what type of weapons is he using? Analyzing METT-TC is a continuous process. Is the enemy controlling this key terrain? These two products are the basis for paragraph 3 of the OPORD. By defining organizations within the community, leaders can understand what groups have power and influence over their own smaller communities and what groups can assist our forces. Leaders must understand how their units' purposes relate to higher. They identify their headquarters tasks and purposes as well as their own contributions to this fight. A-82. How will existing obstacles and restricted terrain affect the enemy? The platoon leader begins mission analysis when receiving the mission. Array initial forces. Leaders must know more than just the number and types of vehicles, Soldiers, and weapons the enemy has. In general, terrain and weather do not favor one side over the other unless one is better prepared to operate in the environment or is more familiar with it. Constraints either prohibit or require an action. He then must task organize his forces specific to the respective essential tactical tasks and purposes assigned to his subordinate elements. What is the location of current and probable enemy positions? It, along with the platoons purpose, is usually assigned by the higher headquarters' OPORD in concept of operation or Tasks to Maneuver Units. Key terrain is locations or areas whose seizure, retention, or control gives a marked advantage to either combatant. CBRN operations usually favor the upwind force. Furthermore, their own assumptions about the enemy must be consistent with those of their higher commander. Figure C-1 shows an example of the COA sketch and text (COA statement) that go with the OPFOR countertasks listed above. The reason the staff used the selected control measures. Higher headquarters provides the leader with civil considerations affecting the next echelons mission. Tactical considerations in analyzing key terrain. AGADAP Example Walk-through Part 3:. To identify additional control requirements. How will cloud cover affect helicopter and close air support? If I must support a breach, where is the expected breach site and where will the enemy be overwatching the obstacle? These effects translate directly into conclusions applying to friendly or enemy COA. A-23. Strength Then, they determine how those fit into their superiors concepts of the operation. The result of the COA development process is paragraph 3 of the OPORD. Winds Analysis of troops follows the same logic as analyzing the enemy by identifying capabilities, vulnerabilities and strengths. . Understanding of time and space relationships of events, leading to thorough contingency plans. A-101. From developing a strategy to analyzing, refining, and rehearsing the plan, a leader should be knowledgeable in the following areas detailed under this subheading to construct a solid COA. We had passengers, field Soldiers, aircrew and our aircraft to consider. If a leader identifies terrain as decisive, this means he recognizes seizing or retaining it is necessary to accomplish the mission. Assumptions Asset locations such as enemy command posts or ammunition caches. Reinforcing obstacles are constructed, emplaced, or detonated by military force . 8. Higher headquarters (two levels up) mission, intent, and concept. The decisive operation's purpose is nested to his unit's overall purpose and is achieved at his decisive point. Leaders identify existing (inherent to terrain and either natural or man-made) and reinforcing (tactical or protective) obstacles limiting mobility in his area of operation. A-72. A-93. Without determining a valid decisive point, the leader cannot begin to develop a valid or tactically sound COA. One technique is to parallel the TLP based on the products received from higher. Performance Knowledge Bases program is an example of an enabling tool towards that goal. This appendix provides six examples to explain how scenario blueprints are designed and used. However, if it offers cover and concealment, observation, and good fields of fire on multiple avenues of approach, or on the only avenue of approach, then it offers a definite advantage to whoever controls it. You may begin work on the COA S&S after you have completed the C600 block of instruction and the C634 MDMP Exam. CCIRs also helps focus the efforts of subordinates and aids in the allocation of resources. War gaming is a critical step in the planning process and should be allocated more time than the other steps. A-36. Areas Likewise, he must understand enemy doctrinal objectives. In the operational environment, this might be the most important analysis the leader conducts and is likely to yield the most useful information to the leader. Another example of essential terrain for a platoon and squad in the attack is high ground overlooking the enemy's reverse-slope defense. Composition Where are the natural target registration points? to convey the operation in a doctrinal context. For each COA, the leader thinks through the operation from start to finish. EENT, moonrise, moonset, and percentage of illumination. Understanding these patterns helps leaders plan and execute information collection, combat operations, and logistical resupply. Leaders in small units primarily use the COA statement and COA sketch to describe the concept of the operation. He conducts mission analysis to help him start developing his vision, and to confirm what he must do to accomplish his mission. Recent Activities A-115. We had legal weather; however, the weather report showed a dust storm in our flight path. A-102. A-22. The process of getting from the original COA inputs (statement and sketch) to the formal inputs needed . Friendly forces information requirements include information leaders need to know about their units or about adjacent units to make critical decisions. The leader identifies critical factors about cloud cover, including limits on illumination and solar heating of targets. A COA sketch developed in one of several COA-editing tools that have been used as data-entry interfaces to CADET. A-119. An analysis of the ability to generate combat power will help the leader confirm or deny his tentative decisive point. They try to keep their span of control between two to five subordinate elements. COA Sketch and Narrative A graphic and text description of the COA Should include: Scheme of Maneuver in chronological order A Main Effort action with task and purpose Supporting Effort actions with task and purpose Can use Close, Deep and Rear operations Phasing/ staging/ timing Developing a synchronization matrix here for each COA will be helpful during wargaming A good enemy COA tells a story. An avenue of approach is an air or ground route of an attacking force leading to an objective or key terrain. Reinforcing obstacles, tacticaltactical (reinforcing) obstacles inhibit the ability of the opposing force to move, mass, and reinforce. However, they must conduct their own detailed analyses to determine how terrain and weather uniquely affects their units' missions and the enemy. After identifying these avenues, the leader evaluates each and determines its importance. Risk assessment is the identification and assessment of hazards allowing a leader to implement measures to control hazards. He seeks to calculate the time and manner in which his force (and enemy) can maximize the effects of maneuver, firepower, protection, leadership, and information in relation to the specific terrain, disposition, and composition of each force. He assesses the ability of the attacking force to overwatch or support movement (with direct fire). Information Requirements Distinguishable. Visual Aids It also includes understanding the full array of assets in support of the unit. Seize, destroy, and neutralize are examples of tasks associated with an offensive operation. Leaders who analyze the ethnic dynamics of their area of operation can best apply combat power, shape maneuver with information related capabilities, and ultimately find the common denominator all ethnic varieties have in common and focus unit efforts at it. It succinctly describes the enemy's aim, means, and approach to achieving its end state. Staff COA. We boarded our aircraft, started the engines and positioned ourselves at the passenger terminal to pick up our first passengers for the evening. It was only then that I was able to look outside again. The COA sketch should identify how the unit intends to focus the effects of overwhelming combat power at the decisive point. A-21. Is it important to me? Write your commanders intent to address key tasks or conditions that must be met to achieve the stated purpose and end state. Where can friendly forces conduct support by fire or assault by fire? Leaders must identify and understand tasks required to accomplish a given mission. These capabilities should include reasonable assets the next higher element, or other higher enemy headquarters, may provide. He makes the final selection of a COA based on his own judgment, the start time of the operation, the area of operation, the scheme of maneuver, and subordinate unit tasks and purposes. Deviations or significant conclusions reached during their enemy analysis could positively or negatively affect the battalion's and companys plan should be shared immediately with the battalion, company commander and S-2. Where can I kill him? Lost opportunity, such as movement across terrain severely restricts the speed of traverse. Many times, the spiritual leader is not necessarily the decision maker for a community, but the spiritual leader must approve the decision maker's actions. A-61. It was about a 20-minute flight and as we got closer, the dust storm worsened. They identify the tasks and purposes, and how their immediate higher up are contributing to the fight. A-114. Military aspects of terrain OAKOC are used to analyze the ground. The shaping operations purposes are nested to the decisive operation's purpose by setting the conditions for success of the decisive operation. The decisive point might be where or how, or from where, the unit will combine the effects of combat power against the enemy. Some types of clouds reduce the effectiveness of radar systems. It was a familiar mission; a flight of two UH-60Ls were to fly a five-and-a-half-hour ring route under night vision goggles. In addition, consider how historical, cultural, and social factors shape public perceptions beliefs, goals, and expectations. Categories of terrain, severely restricted terrain which severely hinders or slows movement in combat formations unless some effort is made to enhance mobility. This reconnaissance helps him to see the ground objectively and to see how it will affect both forces: A-54. The normal cycle for an offensive mission is tactical movement, actions on the objective, and consolidation and reorganization. 3. Battle, support by fire, and assault by fire positions. A-77. Immediate higher headquarters (one level up) mission, intent, and concept. Beginning with the decisive point identified during mission analysis, the leader identifies the decisive operation's purpose and purposes of his shaping and sustaining operations. (Refer to ATP 2-01.3 for more information.). On another mission, we were told we had legal weather, the forecaster reporting three miles visibility. In it, leaders show terrain mobility classifications, key terrain, intervisibility lines, known obstacles, avenues of approach, and mobility corridors. How will each avenue of approach affect the rate of movement of each type force? Examples include mine fields (conventional and situational); antitank ditches; wire obstacles. If executed, the COA accomplishes the mission consistent with the higher commander's concept and intent. A-96.People is a general term describing all nonmilitary personnel military forces encountered in the area of operation. (DRAW-D [defends, reinforce, attack, withdraw, or delay]).

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coa statement and sketch example